It’s the 10-year anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman and needless to say the airwaves are jammed with stories about “the trial of the century.”
I watched all the usual suspects on Larry King last night — Goldman’s father and sister, Lt. Vanatter, LA detective Lange, Nicole’s sister — telling all the usual stories about what a circus the trial was and how poorly Judge Ito and Marcia Clark handled things, what a theatrical grandstander Johnny Cochrane was, how Clark didn’t let the jurors see the most damning evidence, how Cochrane shamelessly played the race card, etc., etc., etc., etc.
Let me say right up front that I tend to believe all of these things. We all do. It is simply a matter of fact that OJ Simpson murdered Ron and Nicole — or at least it is a matter of fact that this is what we all believe. There was no one on King’s cozy little panel, or on any of the other rehash shows on TV I’ve seen, who stand up for OJ and say he was innocent.
This is exactly why you should take a look at Joseph Bosco’s article on this subject. His conclusions are diametrically opposed to those we’ve been fed by the media and the victims’ families. It’s a long piece with lots of names you’ve never heard before, and it isn’t always easy reading. But Joseph does have unique credentials to tell this story: he was one of the tiny handful of journalists selected to sit in the courthouse and cover the story every day. He has met and interviewed all of the characters. And he has a long history of forensic journalism.
I admit, I am not convinced by Joseph’s argument becuase I don’t yet understand it well enough. After “knowing” that OJ did it for 10 years, it is very hard to re-adjust your thought patterns even to entertain the possibility that this might not be so. And I haven’t done it yet. But if what Joseph is saying is true, we may be forced to do exactly that, because this case may not be over yet.
Joseph has a lot of courage to come out with a story that flies in the face of everything we know and believe. Some critics have slammed his book on the trial (A Problem of Evidence), claiming the Cochrane crowd hijacked him and managed to convince him their BS story was true. (Knowing Joseph personally, I find this just about impossible to swallow.)
[UPDATE: See Joseph’s comment below for clarification of his book’s conclusions.]
Not having read Joseph’s book yet, I have to say I’m in a holding pattern right now, still believing that OJ did it, but willing to listen if new evidence surfaces to show otherwise. But before you start insisting that everything the Larry King panelists say is true (as I tend to do), keep an open mind and see what Joseph has to say in his article. I was definitely surprised.
By imron
After reading the article, I didn’t necessarily come to the conclusion that OJ didn’t do it – just that people were consipiring to kill his ex-wife long before the event actually happened. This possibly includes OJ himself, and if not, then definately people he seemed closely associated with. And even if he didn’t personally commit the murder, if he “merely” hired someone else to do it, it still leaves him pretty guilty.
Even more interesting (and possibly taking first steps down a slippery slope), is that if the case were ever to be taken further with possibly another trial against OJ, double jeopardy *wouldn’t* apply as it would be on charges like conspiring to commit murder etc, and double jeopardy only prevents him being retried for the actual murders themselves.
A very interesting read nonetheless.
June 21, 2004 @ 5:36 am | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Dear Richard,
I truly appreciate your kind words directing readers to my post “The Man Who Didn’t Kill Nicole Brown Simpson,” however, I need to offer a slight adjustment: Neither in my book A PROBLEM OF EVIDENCE, nor in the article (which was written on assignment to Time Magazine) have I ever said that O.J. Simpson was “innocent” of murder. In my book, I tried to do what all of my other colleagues in the Simpson press corps during those years refused to do: Explain WHY the criminal jury came back with the “Not Guilty Verdict” that so shocked white America. Hearing THAT presentation of the case, no other honest jury could have come back with a “Guilty” verdict: The only suspense for those of us who truly understood the case was between a “Not Guilty” verdict or a hung jury.
Aside from that, in my book and in all of my work on the case since then, I have simply explained the virtual impossibility of there being only one “knife man.” The forensic evidence strongly supports O. J. being on the scene at Bundy, BUT HE DID NOT STAB ANYONE.
What the article demonstrates is that there was a criminal enterprise which O.J. and Kardashian had long been involved with that decided Nicole had to go because she had become very loose of lip. An attempt to do this was the “Wasz Story.” This happened; Tom Lange and Phil Vannatter knew it and wanted to follow up on it but Marcia shot it down. Tom Lange made certain that I would follow up on it and I did so for several years with the help of the LAPD and The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.
The reason the LAPD is still saying the case is open is because of my work with Bill Wasz.
Also, the commenter, inron, is dead on the money: O.J. CAN be tried for conspiracy to commit murder without a double jeopardy problem, as can others, and there were definitely others on scene during the murders.
This is getting way too long. Perhaps I should take it back to my site, if I can get it working properly again!
Thanks, again, my friend.
June 21, 2004 @ 6:35 am | Comment
By hk
I agree with Bosco and Inron.
The article definitely shows that it’s not an open and shut case, and hopefully Mr. Bosco can keep it open a bit longer.
June 21, 2004 @ 7:28 am | Comment
By richard
Thanks for the comments, and my apologies for not clarifying the key point — that Joseph’s assertion is that OJ did not wield the knife and that there could not have been, as Joseph say, “only one ‘knife man.'”
Joseph, I hope you can keep us all posted on this, and if you are still having problems with Blogger you can guest-post here anytime.
June 21, 2004 @ 8:48 am | Comment
By imron
well personally, I agree with what iMron had to say 😉 Don’t care much for this iNron guy at all.
June 21, 2004 @ 5:30 pm | Comment
By hk
What about Gephard?
June 21, 2004 @ 7:56 pm | Comment
By David Mercer
I’ll buy that for a dollar. I have no trouble believing he’s “Charlie Manson guilty” and not ‘held the shiv himself’ guilty.
June 21, 2004 @ 9:05 pm | Comment
By Angry Chinese Blogger
forget OJ, what about MJ.
His trial will be twice the circus OJ’s was simply because he’s wierd and we simultantaniouly believe that he’s capable of anything, and yet believe that is the most innocent figure on television.
Would you let OJ sleep in the same bed as your children?
June 21, 2004 @ 11:04 pm | Comment
By Simon World
Setting modesty aside, this week’s biggest blogosphere news was my own: the establishment of the New Blog Showcase blog. The entries are already rolling in and the support has been great. In particular Dean, Harvey, Madfish, Kevin, Misha, Dagoddess, Il…
June 25, 2004 @ 12:36 am | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Please forgive my mangling of your handle. It was an error, not a statement of any kind.
June 27, 2004 @ 10:02 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
I spent countless hours with Joseph Bosco and led toward the road of truth. The truth, however, remained/remains buried in a pit of political/financial agendas, something all the parties involved in that case had; finding the truth was about as sublime as they made me out to be.
I spent over ten years in a concrete box; I beld on many occasssions; I struglled with how mankind can treat their own worse than animals.
So when people came to me for the truth, I relayed it. But it proved to be futile, for no one is ever held accountable. Especially if they held any type of authority. So the truth will forever be buried.
Me? Well, after all those years in a box, I can finally breathe the air as a free man. And the truth will always remain with me. Problem is; no matter how many times the authorities are caught lying and covering-up, people still are eager to believe whatever they say. And they will probably forever say I’m “not to be believed”. But keep in mind: I gave them accurate, factual information… never one lie.
And they repaid me how????
They called me names, tarnished my integrity, and place me in situations where I was almost killed.
But…. I will live on.
And the truth???
It lives within me.
-Bill Wasz
September 6, 2004 @ 2:00 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Oh, by the way…. “hello” Joe.
September 6, 2004 @ 2:01 pm | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Thanks, Bill also e-mailed me. How can I explain that this is one of a handful of truly great days and moments in a life now 56 years long. Simply put: Bill is alive! He is safe! And he is FREE!
Very few people on this Earth know me as well as William Benson Wasz–perhaps only my first wife.
From 1997 until shortly before arriving in China on August 21, 2002, most of my life and work went towards two paramount tasks: 1) Keeping Bill alive in the maximum security “Gulags” that are the California Prison system; and 2) Getting his truth told to a world that does not want truth if it is contrary to what they have already decided must be “true.”
At this moment all I can feel is overwhelming joy that he is FREE and alive! Vindication can wait. My weekly four-hour (one way) drives deep into the desert to visit him was helpful towards keeping him alive. It is somewhat problematic for prison guards to kill an inmate that is receiving so much personal attention from a journalist they recognize from TV.
But the real praise is for Bill himself: in the end he won because he was smarter, stronger, and physically tougher than anything or anyone they sent against him.
Bill Wasz, in short, became one of the closest friends I have in this world. Now that he is free and working with major media folks, the world will come to know why a mainstream journalist such as myself risked his career and reputation for someone they believed was just a coked-up armed robber. Bill Wasz has more integrity and honesty in one of his huge fists (he is 6’5″) than most of his detractors have combined in their small brains. Did it hurt my career and my financial security? Absolutely. Would I do it all over again? Absolutely!
Bill is FREE! I have not been this happy in more years than I can count. Forgive me for rambling. I will post this story very soon. Right now I am simply savoring the rush that comes with knowing he is finally free and safe!
All the best,
September 6, 2004 @ 11:41 pm | Comment
If OJ didn’t do it, who did.
I’ve heard gossip that said he was putting himself in the picture to draw fire from somebody else, I can’t remember who though, possibly his son/step son.
I have know Idea if he did it or not but I would like to know why there are no big name invesgative journalists trying to find out ‘if no OJ, then who’.
This trial has either shown that the American justice system is capable of protecting a black man from a white lynch mob, or it has shown that money and status can sway the courts.
September 8, 2004 @ 3:17 am | Comment
By born to bring justice to hang OJ
I can’t believe that this son of a bitch OJ is out there after doing that inhuman insane act of murdering his ex girl friend and another man.
Why is America idle to it? If you ask me i’ll first order the defense team the so called “dream team” to be prosecuted for turning the case as a case for racism.
I am sick to my stomach to know that there’s clear cut evidence leading OJ to this murder and this good for nothing prosecution team let him go. It is like a video of OJ murdering the two.
We must organise a protest against this . Think of Nicole and the innocent man who were killed. How could America let that Criminal OJ free!!!!
Let Justice be done
I hope to see this SOB dead!!!!
October 3, 2004 @ 7:47 pm | Comment
By William Wasz
Dear Joseph Bosco,
I really appreciate the flattering (sometimes unwarranted) comments you’ve posted about me.
We all paid a price for a violent act which probably lasted less than five minutes. You gave a part of your soul…. and I…. gave a chunk of my life for eternity.
People learn of my past and are afraid of me. Women don’t like me walking behind them. Why? I’ve never hurt an innocnet person in my life. But yet, I have to live with this stigma forever.
I’ve only been out for two months… and I’m tired. I love life. I love people. But I think people don’t love me because of this.
I don’t know where my life is going to take me, but I can say I sort of know I won’t be around for much longer. I’m at peace with that. I just want to be liked.
Everyone pretends to like me because they fear me. Ironically, I’m one of nicest, faithful people anyone will meet.
I don’t want trouble. I want to be happy.
Just like all of you.
I don’t know what to do.
Bill Wasz
October 7, 2004 @ 1:14 am | Comment
By bill wasz
What I meant by my last posting is that I don’t believe my freedom is my own. That’s all I meant.
When you have to live under the dark cloud of O.J., you’ll always feel like certain people don’t want to see you free. So it is my freedom that I believe is forever in jeopardy. And it’s not a good feeling, I assure you.
All else is fine. People will be people, if they can’t accept me for who I am, than I shall look for other people who will. No big deal.
Please don’t take my prior posting out of context.
Thank you.
Bill Wasz
October 7, 2004 @ 11:07 am | Comment
By richard
Thanks for clarifying, Bill. You sound like a special guy. Hang in there, and don’t forget that a lot of people love you. And ultimately, that’s all that matters.
October 7, 2004 @ 11:33 am | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
Thank you for introducing me to this board. I’ve been using Joe Bosco’s A Problem of Evidence as a reference source since I bought it in 1997. I’ve tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with him in regard to two key issues.
My first question has to do with his statement in A Problem of Evidence that Denise Brown said she saw O.J. wearing Bruno Magli Lorenzos. I’ve done a considerable amount of research on the killer’s shoes and the photos supposedly “proving” that O.J. lied when he said he never owned them. If you follow all of the available evidence I’m certain you will discover that O.J. told the truth. The photos were faked. Which means Denise was either mistaken about seeing them on O.J.’s feet or she lied. I need to know where and when she said she saw O.J. wearing them.
Secondly, I followed every scrap of information I could get my hands on regarding William Wasz, including Joe Bosco’s article about him, Nicole, Kardashian and O.J. I did not come to the same conclusion that Mr. Bosco did, based on the evidence and statements that Mr. Wasz showed him. Yes, Wasz and Kardashian were in the same bar at the same time but I see no evidence that they spoke to each other and no reason for Kardashian to do so in a public place. I also found one source for Kardashian’s private phone number other than Kardashian that bears investigation. I’m talking about his former wife Kris. If she had the number, anyone could have had it. Furthermore, we know that Wasz called Kardashian’s home but we don’t know who picked up the phone.
Wasz’s story about O.J. going out to the street to complain about the price of cocaine sounds too much like the story that Mark Fuhrman told about O.J. and the baseball bat incident of ’84 (not ’85) to stand on its own. It’s difficult to find that picture of O.J. anywhere that doesn’t have a strong link to Faye Resnick or Mark Fuhrman. It also sounds a lot like the story Nicole’s cousin Rolf told DA investigators about an incident that happened inside of O.J.’s house when Rolf worked on the estate as a groundskeeper in the mid ’80s. Both stories were public record by the time Wasz told his story.
Obviously, there is much more to my take on William Wasz and a conspiracy between O.J. and Kardashian to kill Nicole than I can relate here. The bottom line is, I don’t believe it, nor do I believe that there was any valid forensic evidence placing O.J. on the scene. I was surprised to see in A Problem of Evidence that Joe Bosco (whom I admire greatly) missed it. But he did. – Jasper
October 15, 2004 @ 11:34 am | Comment
By richard
I’m not an authority on the case, but hopefully Joseph or someone else with greater knowledge will comment on it here. I appreciate your comment.
October 15, 2004 @ 11:49 am | Comment
By Junot
If OJ didn’t do it, then who?
Kaelin, that’s who.
One man could have done the murders if each victim was taken by surprise one at a time. Joe Bosco is wrong.
Also, the only evidence that OJ was present t the crime scene were the five blood droplets with OJ;sa DNA in htem.
BUTG….all these prove is that OJ’s blood was there, not that OJ was.
Now, if you want to use those blood drops aas eivdence against OJ, then you are obligated to explain ALL the qualities of the blood drops, which include:
*dropped from a stationary source
*from less than two feet above the walk
Are diluted in their concentration of DNA by a factor of 100 compared the the a ount of DNA one would expect to find in drops of that type.
October 15, 2004 @ 1:51 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
OK. My name is Mario g. Nitrini 111, I met with Joseph Bosco twice…..Hi Joe. Let”s get something straight right now, I FEAR NOTHING…..Some of the people in “iago in brentwood called me scared to death …..Again, I FEAR NOTHING and I am not incoherent…….William Wasz, You are 100 per cent correct, you gotta hang in there……My ex-in-law ROCKY BATEMAN with whom I ran with in the early 1990’s, was OJ SIMPSON,S regular LIMO DRIVER from Aug of 1993 to June of 1994…Rocky BATEMAN unloaded the MISSING BAG OF OJ’S and that’s not the only thing HE UNLOADED in the O.J. Simpson case…… I gave SCUM CORRUPT CRIMINAL detective RONALD Y. ITO of the Robbery Homicide division at Parker Center an incredible amount of information, both pro and con for OJ Simpson, and he illegally supressed all of it from the defense
in the case. Many Many other peole know about the supressed information I gave to SCUM detective RONALD Y. ITO. Later On, on Oct. 4 1995 he was the
ringleader in a Murder for Hire plot on my life along with many other people in a major conspiracy because of the not guilty verdict…..and they kept trying to ILLEGALLY destroy me anyway they could in many illegal ways and they keep trying even to this day….I’m Still Here…….Also SCUM Detective Ronald Y. Ito is the LEAD detective in the ROBERT BLAKE case, and I gaurentee you, the STATE of CALIF. is holding it’s breath concerning me,GAURENTEED. I will tell everyone who wants to listen…I, Mario G. Nitrini am the most Hated and LEGALLY feared man in the OJ Simpson case….Richard of the Peking Duck, I like your demeanor….All people in the Peking Duck, Keep up the good work…. Jasper Garrison, I have read a lot of the posts on your website, you and your people have come up with some pretty INCREDIBLE good evidence…..again Let us get this straight…I FEAR NOTHING, and no need to talk bad about me…..Joseph bosco, I don’t like the way you played me. I would like to know why? No hard feelings, Call me, you have my phone #, and I will call you back in China….Anyone wants to meet me face to face in a legal dicussion , Anytime,Anywhere. Most people are afraid to…. There are situations with people and gov’t agencies in the Michael Jackson case which I have with people connected to the OJ Simpson case…..That will come at another time, Mr Bath Bear,very sick Racist pig people and situations and several other situations and people connected to the OJ Simpson case. It has been an INCREDIBLE ILLEGAL CRIMINAL COVER-UP….. I live in Reseda, Calif. in the San Fernando Valley You want my address and Phone # I will give it to you although MOST people in the OJ Simpson case already have it..I had an article in the LA TIMES in Bill Boyarsky’s column on June 23, 1995 just for anyones information…. I Will get LEGAL JUSTICE for myself, GAURENTEED. good-bye for now ……… Mario G. Nitrini 111……. Your a good man William Wasz
October 15, 2004 @ 9:18 pm | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
I am quite easy to find. The link below is my weblog, The LongBow Papers. There is an e-mail address on the site. Also, just a few weeks ago I sent you an e-mail to the address on your website and received no reply. It was the frst time I had done so over the years, although I have been reading your work with interest from the beginning: it is a peculiar bemusement to read people talking about me and my work as if I am an entity not a human being.
There is one very big issue upon which we agree, albeit for different reasons: Mark Fuhrman.
Why don’t you contact me and if people really want to talk about the case again–there is much more to my work over these years than I have made public–then perhaps we should. However, my understanding is that most folks really don’t care any longer.
The same goes for you; I am not “wrong” we just disagree on some matters. The difficulty in any exchange with you that I have observed–from a distance–is that unlike Jasper, you do not want to discuss the case, you want to make pronouncements and then shout everyone else down.
Let the passion go, the case has moved on to its rightful place in history. It can be discussed with the detachment that is necessary for all historical thinking and writing.
All the best,
October 15, 2004 @ 9:20 pm | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
It’s nice to know you’re still around and still so passionate. However, what on earth are you talking about when you write that you didn’t like the way I “played” you? I remember treating you and what you had to say with nothing but respect. I remember some very interesting conversations we had when I was still living on Beachwood Dr. in the Hollywood Hills.
As I pointed out to Jasper and Junot, I am very easy to find and contact at my weblog linked below, The LongBow Papers.
All the best,
October 15, 2004 @ 11:11 pm | Comment
By Mario Nitrini
Thanks Joe for responding. Remember one of the things we talked about was the night LAPD tried to kill me in the murder for hire plot against me by many scum people including the Ringleader SCUM detective Ronald Y. Ito who is now the Lead Detective in the Robert Blake case. Like I said in my other post, The state of Calif. is holding it’s breath concerning me…… and beleive me so is ron ito,……..Joe you know how I physically felt and was doing back when we got together twice as I remember…..I had to have major
surgeory in may of 1998….But now I’m very, very strong and ready. I will probabaly say because of my situation in the OJ Simpson case and every thing else that went with it, I probably took words out of context and thought the worst of some things and I want to say I’ am sorry and apolgize for my thinking the worst of some of the things we talked about and me always defensive in the OJ case…..Joe you DID treat me with the greatest respect and courtesy….But because of my situation in this case and several other cases and situations, You know how I am, extremely careful and cautious…NO one but ME knows how much info and other materials I have concerning OJ Simpson and several other cases and situations right now…I hope you are doing good Joe ………Congradulations on your marriage….I also have an incredibly great wife now, that is from the Phillipines. WE have been married dfor 2 and 1 half years We are extremely close to each other….Joe I told you this before, I AM GOING TO GET LEGAL JUSTICE FOR MYSELF IN THIS CASE AND MANY OTHER CASES AND SITUATIONS….Thanks Joe Mario G. Nitrini 111
October 15, 2004 @ 11:48 pm | Comment
By Rovaan
Hello to Joe, Mario, Jasper and Junot! Mr. Wasz, it is nice to know you are out and safe. On the web site wagnerand, you will find some articles about yourself. Dick Wagner had an interesting experience with a former employee of Kardashian. He really hoped to be able to talk with you before he died. With some many people coming together here, know that Dick is right here with us and will help. It is time to set the record straight and we can only do that by sharing what information we have gathered. Mr. Wasz, do you have any recollection of the size of Kardashian’s feet?
October 18, 2004 @ 11:41 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
All due respect, I hardly remember Kardasian’s shoe size. It definitely wasn’t a twelve or thirteen, if that helps.
Mr. Wagner sent me two very beautiful Christmas cards, when no one else did, so even though I never met the man, he has all my respect and love.
I really appreciate the positive comment towards me. I’m sure that everything will work out in the end. But try to calm down a little, nothing is that important. I spent ten and a half years in a box, while people lied about me and tried to kill me, so I know the feelings you’re experiencing. However, I learned to just “go with it” and try to make the best out of the shitty hand we’ve been dealt.
I’m always there for you.
I understand your skeptical standpoint. In a lot of other areas, we’re pretty much the same.
However, without going inot the drastically long complexities, factual information regarding my involvement in that case, you have to look at it objectively; the totality of verifiable, validated circumstances which I relyed to LAPD and Joe are nearly irrefutable. The odds of thses events happening in my life, in direct correlation with what happened, are incalcuable. But, as I said, if we don’t thoroughly questions things, then we are basically social drone and the government would really have a field day with us.
I could refute, challenge each and every one of your statements, but in the long run… what would it matter to me… I did what I did and spent many years paying the price. A price that I still have to bear and may forever will.
Keep challenging though, because if no one did then no one would be interested in the truth.
I wish you well.
Well, what can I say? All the best.
That you for words of encouragement. They honestly mean quite a bit to me.
I read a lot of your stuff, you’re quite good.
All the best to everyone!!
-Bill Wasz
October 18, 2004 @ 6:57 pm | Comment
By Rovaan
You answered my question about the shoe size. Thanks. Dick Wagner was not one to do Christmas, holidays or birthdays. The fact he sent you two Christmas cards supports the belief he had that you were telling the truth. Maybe from the other world, he will watch your back.
October 18, 2004 @ 7:29 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi BillWasz, .Mario Nitrini here…..Hard for me to calm down Bill when so many people have tried to take me out anyway they could when I’m holding all the cards per say. Bill, you and me are a lot a like. I to was in Prison, Federal and State in the early 1980’s……Definately not as long as you. How you survived is incredibly amazing…I know Joe Bosco had a lot to do with your survival and with your determination and GUTS, what can I say……….Bill, I have so much here’s some more. Joseph Bosco, People ask me ” Who have you hd contact with in the OJ Simpson case. The question should be Who haven’t I had contact with directly or indirectly….On is JAMES WILLWORTH of Time Magazine. Joe. I do my work in sections and that way you can catch poeple lying when you have to. James Willworth told me face to face to face in the Time Magazine office in West L.A. that Your investigation concerning Bill Wasz had taken a lot of time and money and hit a brick wall dead end and turned into a total nothing bust…James Willworth is a total lying SCUM…I also caught him in several lies about my work.. Time Magazine Killed the story because thier “miserable yellow belly cowards’ MY QUOTE………..SCUM Detective RONALD Y. ITO made the statement to me and I quite “I am never going to acknowledged I talked with you meaning me Mario Nitrini…Anyone wanna bet 10,000,000,000,000.trillion Dollars. I want to see the SCUM Detective Pull this LIE off..For those of you who missed it, Detective Ron Ito is the lead investigator in the ROBERT BLAKE CASE…Joe tomorrow Miles
Corwin has to testfy about his ride along with ITO and his observance of evidence collections and other things.. The Judge in the case says he cannot take the Shield Law like someone else I know in the OJ Simpson case and and I’m not talking about Tracie Savage….Think the State of Calif is sweating, you better believe….Gil Garcetti, you conniving criminal no-good pig Trying to take me out anyway he could
, you and many other people are going on the witness stand concerning me. I want to see you and all your buddies lie your way out of what I have……..Anyway, Had to say this….I have so much, much more…People in the Peking Duck, Keep up the good work… Hello ROSE(aka)ROVAAN… Bill Wasz, Dick Wagner was a good man, and one of the very few persons who treated me with respect a dn dignity. He wrote an article on me titled Mario Nitrini and Rocky Bateman……Talk to everyone later Thanks Mario G. Nitrini 111
October 18, 2004 @ 8:31 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Thank you for letting me know that tidbit about Dick Wagner. It actually does mean a lot to me, to know he offered something he rarely did to anyone else.
I understand your pain.
Jim Willwerth…
Well, you may find it interesting to know that he interviewed me in prison, never once letting me know that he was the ghost writer of Kardashian’s book. He acted like he had no knowledge of the man. So yes Mario, I totally agree with you; the man is a bold-faced liar. Also, when I called him on it… he “choked” and would never accept my calls again.
I feel bad for you Mario. I hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forget what these people have done to you. Remember, they did the same to me, maybe worse, but I found that if I spend any amount of time dwelling on it… they win. Because that’s what they want, for us to suffer the rest of our lives over their actions.
Fight back, yes. And fight hard. Just fight in other ways besides their way.
Look up or try bwasz@patriotsmovie,com
There are plenty of ways… just gotta find them and make it happen.
I wish you all the best.
I’ll answer those questions by Friday, I promise.
-Bill WAsz
October 20, 2004 @ 2:08 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Thank you for letting me know that tidbit about Dick Wagner. It actually does mean a lot to me, to know he offered something he rarely did to anyone else.
I understand your pain.
Jim Willwerth…
Well, you may find it interesting to know that he interviewed me in prison, never once letting me know that he was the ghost writer of Kardashian’s book. He acted like he had no knowledge of the man. So yes Mario, I totally agree with you; the man is a bold-faced liar. Also, when I called him on it… he “choked” and would never accept my calls again.
I feel bad for you Mario. I hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forget what these people have done to you. Remember, they did the same to me, maybe worse, but I found that if I spend any amount of time dwelling on it… they win. Because that’s what they want, for us to suffer the rest of our lives over their actions.
Fight back, yes. And fight hard. Just fight in other ways besides their way.
Look up or try bwasz@patriotsmovie,com
There are plenty of ways… just gotta find them and make it happen.
I wish you all the best.
I’ll answer those questions by Friday, I promise.
-Bill Wasz
October 20, 2004 @ 2:09 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello BILL WASZ……Mario here..Bill, I am a musician and make my living playing for the Great Senior Citizen Community. Iwill respond to your post later when I get finished.. I have 4 shows today…Incredibly interesting ABOUT James Willworth. Now things he said to me are starting to make sense.. What a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…I will talk to you later on this afternoon Mario Nitrini Bye Bill…
October 20, 2004 @ 9:34 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Bill Wasz….Mario Nitrini ……….We’ll start with James Willworth…….I was actually waiting at the time for Joe Bosco’s article to come out in Time Magazine concerning you because it would have helped me in my pursuit of Legal Justice for myself involving my involvement in the OJ Simpson case. I thought for sure it was comong out just like I thought many, many other situations would come out but they never did, either because there have been so many LAWS broken by Gov’t and State employees and civilian people, or their Yellow Belly Criminal Cowards and so on and so on, ECT,ECT,RCT, and many more things. I gave Jim Willworth several names to check me out and I caught him in several lies. He is one of many examples I do my work in sections.. Bill, Lots of other stuff about James Willworth that if it ever gets down to it I will legally nail him on the witness stand…I am going to start giving facts on this Website about the OJ Simpson case and oher situations. I have SO MANY….One thing on James Willworth….In the book American Tradgedy which I did not KNOW that you met with James Willworth, look on page 323…It says Should they call Dale St. John the Limo driver who usually took OJ to the airport( He wasn’t drivng OJ Simpson any more Rocky was, I will get into WHY at another post……….Dale St. John LIED on the witness stand in the civil case. He was a witness for the no good SELL OUT King FRED GOLDMAN and His Criminal Conniving Daughter Kim Goldman..Wait until I get those 2 on the witness stand…Bill, I was in Daniel Petrocelli’s office in 1996, Will see if I can ever get Daniel Petrocelli and his LEGAL SELLOUT SCUM on the witness stand someday I’ll bet you I can and BOY people are going to be AMAZED,AMAZED,AMAZED, They along with many other people will have to take th 5th amendment when I start asking questions Gaurenteed. They can’t lie, I got them… Yes Bill, Fred Goldman and his daughter are one of many, many people who have tried to have me destroyed throughout the years, WHY I will get them on the witness stand…I’m still here and ready…….. Back to Dale St. John. Dale St. john was forced to go on the Witness stand in the civil cases against OJ because i legally forced him to….Go to Walravens Civil case against OJ and look at the witness list for the Plaintiffs… There is no No Dale St. John…..Of course no one will ever admit it but he had no choice to go on the witness stand because of my legal jockying. Dale St. John from Aug of 1993 to june 1994 drove ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER and Rocky Bateman drove OJ SIMPSON, Later why on that… Of course Rocky drove all around the Los Angeles area with OJ in THE limo without Dale ST. John not even Knowing doing who knows what…I know some CRIMINAL things they were doing and I will also save that for the WITNESS STAND. Bill, go to players at CNN. and look up Rocky Bateman…It says He drove OJ for 3 and one half years.. A blantant lie. And of course if CNN is wrong about that, what else are they wrong about..Back to James Willworth and lawance Shiller. They are wrong about Dale ST. John, WHAT ELSE ARE THEY WRONG ABOUT..Look on page 42 of American Tradgedy…It says Cathy RandA SENT DALE sT. JOHNS LIMOUSINE SERVICE TO PICK UP Paula up at the airport. Kardashian was amazed to hear that Allan Park drove her in. You Know why Kardashian was amazed….Because He knew Rocky always drove OJ Simpson and Kardashian knew something was Odd later on that topic…What was Rocky doing at that time in the very early part of the OJ SIMPSON case, Unloading several items of OJ’s and several other thing…You see, I have Rocky backed tracked and had several conversations with after the June 12, 1994 Killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, shall we I have ROCKY say (( documented)) BIG TIME.. Rocky boy, you better Never, Ever hope I get you on the witness stand , and that goes for so MANY,MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CASE AND OTHER CASES AND SITUATION….sO MUCH, MUCH MORE TO COME BILL….I have some interesting questions for Joe Bosco about a couple of other people in this case. I will post it Later…..Bill I was on David Bresnahan’s National Radio show in march of 2001 and will have you know on the air nationally I said YOU Were 100% RIGHT IN WHAT YOU HAD TO SAY, SO YOU CAN SEE it’s just not now I knew you were on the money, actually it was from a long time ago… I will go for now and I want RICHARD to know The Peking Duck is my home now for OJ Simpson Information and I guess my Challenges to anyone that wants to discuss this case and several other cases and situations Hope you don’t mind Richard… I LEGALLY will back down from no one..Bill, Right now I’m am going to look up that patriot game website you wanted me to look at…….Talk to you later Mario Nitrini 111………
October 20, 2004 @ 7:45 pm | Comment
By richard
Mario, I’m honored. Please post your comments here anytime.
October 20, 2004 @ 7:47 pm | Comment
By marionitrini
Thank you RICHARD for your great support……………Mario G. Nitrini 111 here. Joe Bosco, How are you? …When are you going to post articles on your website. Last one was Oct. 7, 2004?…..Joe If you can answer and are not bind by confidentiality, First question….Were you in the middle of writing a tell all book about the OJ Simpson case with Robbery Homicide Detective Bert Luper, One of my sources told me you were back in the year 2000-2001..That would have been pretty incredible and good…….Second. This is pretty Bizairre…Did Bill Pavelic, One of OJ Simpsons main investigators approach you to to a tell all book? It is hard for me to accept that, BUT. Of course, up in Hollywood where you used to live we both discussed my several conversations with Bill Pavelic on the phone. Pavelic had forgotton who I was and went on his usual punk ass deceptive fishing expedition but this time hooked me, MGN, A STREET WISE SHARK…Legally, for OJ Simpson it was a Bad, Bad move on Bill Pavelic’s part. Also, you have the 4 pages of Fax sheets I sent him concerning what he asked for about SCUM Detective Ronald Y. Ito….I gave those to you along with many other documents at the time… But Joe, You wouldn’t believe the documents and shall we say other LEGAL materials I have now , Unbelievable, The Best LEGAL security money can’t buy. Joe, I believe you are in Contact with Retiered DET. Tom Lange. I, Mario G. Nitrini will grant you Det. Tom Lange IMMUNITY from Prosecution concerning your conspiracy to have me MURDERED, and other crimes you committed concerning me and will give you Immunity for you LYING on the witness stand in the OJ Simpson Civil case regarding ME, Mario G. Nitrini. Det Lange and all others, Do you know HOW many times MY FEDERAL AND STATE CIVIL rights were VIOLTED. TOO MANY TO COUNT..And dof course DET. Lange, you know that by people covering up what happened to me iss also a CRIME.. You violate your own laws…DISPICABLE, DET> LANGE ……..You once made a statement on National TV you were up for any CHALLENGE regarding the OJ Simpson case….I’ll tell you what again DET LANGE. I Legally CHALLENGE you AGAIN for the who knows how many times I have Challenged you,. And don’t worry, OJ SIMPSON won’t be able to use your words to his Legal Benefit. Remember Rocky Bateman. You know Rocky Bateman don’t you Det. Lange………………….You cannot lie your way out of that one Det. Tom Lange…..Joseph Bosco, see if you can get the BRAVE DET. TOM LANGE to read this post on my Home for OJ SIMPSON information, THE PEKING DUCK………… Thanks Joe, and Your scenario is oooooooohhhhhhhhh, so incredibly close with just a few missing links with which I I can connect but probably only by putting a lot of people on the witness stand. But I can do it…Joe I have had contact with so many people in this case, it will even amaze you. YOUR incredibly close.. I said it again…………………Bill Wasz, Your dignity is a great GREAT thing Talk to everyone later Mario G. Nitrini
October 20, 2004 @ 10:07 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Here’s a bit of news that is extremely confidential….
Bill Pavelic, an attorney, and two “mercenaries” are under secret Federal Grand Jury hearings, potentially to be indicted…. very soon.
Anyone care to know why???
Bill Wasz
October 21, 2004 @ 10:38 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi Bill……..Mario nitrini………..Are you trying to tease me into insanity, Of course I want to know as much as you probably can tell me…………..You know that Pavelic was one the investigators for Mark Geragos in the Michael Jackson case and Bill I believe I posted it earlier in general my many conections in the Michael Jackson cases……Bill Pavelic, you are going to get absolutely NO help from me, Mario Nitrini. Bill you got to let us know NOW Bill Pavelic is definately A real snake. He tried to Sucker me NO WAY could he do me. Mario Nitrini Thanks Bill WASZ
October 21, 2004 @ 7:32 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Pavelic, an attorney and two “mercenaries” were the ones responsible for Andrew Luster fleeing the country. The “Max Factor” kid.
They, the Feds, have wire transfer record, and many other intriguing items. Pavelic must face the wrath that I faced when I wronged society.
I know all this because I’m very much involved in the “Max Factor” case. So much so that it troubles me at times.
Don’t fret, Pavelic will be eating that crap I ate for many years, real soon.
Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Bill Wasz
October 21, 2004 @ 9:39 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Bill Wasz…….Mario Nitrini here..That is unbelievable….Bill, you said you are very much involved in the Andrew Luster case. I hope you are all right. If I’m reading into this right, might you have to testify about something? You gotta be O.K……….Bill ANY information you have concerning any player in the OJ Simpson saga that you can share with me and not put yourself in any kind of awkward position, I would really like to know…..I will tell you this Bill, You don’t know how much this information on Bill Pavelic has helped me in my continuing quest for MY legal justice>>>>>>>keep it comin BABY..Bill, the same goes for me, You tell me what you need. I am the best Back Watcher and loyal friend
you could ever have. If I can help you, PLEASE let me know….Everything we do MUST be LEGALand Fair…We are holding all the CARDS…I mean it, you gotta let me know what I can do for you. Some day we WILL get together and what an incredible day that will be. Joseph Bosco, Your NOT invited…Just kidding Joe. You can come to. Bill, I gaurentee you there are several people starting to peer in on the PEKING Duck concerning the OJ SIMPSON case…We are to be slow and cautious and Legal. That reminds me, JOSEPH BOSCO, Are you going to give me an answer to one of my posts above asking you questions about Bert Luper, Bill Pavelic and Tom Lange? If you can’t, that’s ok, but let me know Thank you Richard for letting us continue our Legal quest for the truth regarding th OJ Simpson case, which by the way, I gaurentee everybody as you can see with the INCREDIBLE Bill Wasz, IS going to lead in many other situations………………………………Bye for now Mario G. Nitrini111
October 21, 2004 @ 10:03 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Bill I forgot to ask Joe, Where in his book problem of evidence does Patrick Mckenna talk to Dale St. John? If at all… Joe is it in your book about that? Anyway,BILL, I got to get to bed. I have 4 more shows tomorrow and I am playing baseketball after… Talk to you tomorrow night Mario
October 21, 2004 @ 10:32 pm | Comment
By Rovaan
Question for Bill, Mario and Joe- What do you think is behind the Bundy murders- drugs, sports betting, pornography, jealousy or what?
October 23, 2004 @ 12:23 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Rovaan(aka)Rose..Again today, I have another 4 shows to do…..I will respond to your post above later this evening…I don’t have enough time right now….Talk to you this evening…………….Mario Nitrini
October 23, 2004 @ 10:32 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Rose (AKA)Rovaan…Mario here…. On David Bresnahan’s National Radio Show that I was on in March of 2001, I gave the general scenario, (Actually very little at that) of What Rocky asked me to do and it is also in Dick Wagners column on me in…….Without going over it again I will give you some FACTS of what I have. Drugs, Rocky and OJ Simpson, a definate yes. Rose, the only way I’m going down that road is to put several people on the witness stand because it is BIG time..Jealousy, a definate yes. I have several times first hand that jealousy was involved with OJ and Nicole. Sports betting I no NOTHING about…Pornography, BIG BIG TIME. I am Not going down that road unless it is ONLY on the WITNESS stand GAURENTEED…..Christopher Darden, You WERE on the right track. But you needed ME mario G. Nitrini 111. That’s all I’m going to say about that. Rovaan, Many of your IAGO associates bad talked me real bad. Not that it bothers me a lot but for Some very intelligent people and they really have come up with some extroadinary evidence and situations, I CHALLENGE them to talk to me on the PEKING DUCK about the OJ Simpson case.. NO ONE can beat me at anything in this case. A few examples. Rocky Bateman, SCUM Detective Ron Ito, Bill Pavelic, Gloria Allred, Marcia Clark, the Miserable BITCH. Ms. Clark, I was not coming out of he woodwork and I do know an INCREDIBLE amount of information about the case. GAURENTEED. Detective Tom Lange. Good Lord, I can go on and on and on. In fact, I challenge anybody and everybody about the OJ Simpson case. And still I can go on and on and on,ECT,ECT,ECT…. In peson, on the phone or on the Peking Duck Whatever…Come On, Where’s all the brave people. …………… Jasper Garrison, you say you have all this evidence of the REAL KILLERS but you can’t dispute anything I have, In fact, YOU posted on IAGO “why is anyone paying attention to this” me, Mario Nitrini.. now I know your not stupid, in fact your a very intelligent man, SO let’s talk……ROSE, I cannot get in to details on MANY, MANY things because I would have to put people on the winess stand to Protect myself from ALL the lying SCUM in this case…………………..I am going to start posting some facts about different people in the case everytime I make a post on the Peking DUCK>>>……John JUNOT. Heres ( Kato Kaelin, the LITTLE BITCH) He’s scared to death about the world of OJ SIMPSON.. He’s seen some things. Scares him to death and yet he delved into some of it cowardly…. Connected to ROCKY BATEMAN, you Bet…Kato Kaelin you cowardly scab, Your another person that better hope I never get on the wilness stand. Rose any information always helps me in my goal getting Leagal Justice for myself …Talk to you latter…. Mario G. Nitrini 111
October 23, 2004 @ 6:37 pm | Comment
By Rovaan
Sorry it took so long for me to answer. Things have been busy. Four shows a day! It must be busy for you also. I appreciate your time in responding to my question. My information on the case is limited mostly to what information Dick has already shared with you. There have been few if any new discoveries since his death. Most of the people who post at the IAGO board are convinced of Jasper’s scenario so it would be difficult to convince them of anything else. I am not, but find their discussion of the case great for stimulating ideas for further research. There is information that you have that they do not have. I continue to wonder why Dale St. John called Allen Park to drive before Rocky called him to cancel driving? I think we have talked about this on the phone. I hope you have copies of your information safely placed with someone in case anything would happen to you. Any information you can safely provide could help those of us still looking for the truth.
October 25, 2004 @ 9:06 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Rovaan…Rose, that is many, many, many, one of SO many LIES I caught Rocky Bateman in..He couldn’t go on the witness stand in a MILLION years with me, Just like so many more people in the case they can’t go for many reasons. Also remember, A lot of my early INFORMATION was according to ROCKY and I have proven how much we can believe ROCKY.. Rose, we will use the word materials for various reasons, but don’t worry Rose, I have my MATERIALS safely hidden in several different places… I started my investigation on June 14, 1994 and have never stopped and I have details and info and many other we’ll call them so called items that nobobdy has, I had already thought about securing my info and materials from early on because I know how corrupt and criminal the GOV’T. is and other people are. Everything is safe and ready to go….NO ONE is going to cheat me out of what I have unless they kill me and that has already been tried more than once in many, many ways. Also, several people have tried to SUCKER me in giving them certain, shall we say items concerning the case,,,,, NO WAY….Concerning the people in IAGO. I am very interested in what they have to say and the Information they uncover… I am used to being bad talked so it’s OK…I still would like to discuss many, many items and situations with them so Where are they…….. I really hate to give my infor mation away because I want it for the witness stand but I did say I would POST something new every time I POST…………….Listen to this coincidence. Do you know what the name of Bill Pavelic’s daughter is…. NICOLE…Pretty unreal….Like I said. Pavelic went fishing for what something he thought I knew and came up with a LEGAL SHARK ATTACK.. Getting pretty late for me Rovaan, Talk to you soon Mario G. Nitrini 111 ROSE, Please keep up the great work, Like Dick say’s WE ARE GOING TO FIGURE THIS OUT and I WILL get MY LEGAL JUSTICE, GAURENTEED………………….
October 26, 2004 @ 12:56 am | Comment
By Rovaan
It looks like it is just you and me talking here and we could do that in email. As always, it is good to hear from you. Email me if you hear new information or if I could do some research on something for you.
October 27, 2004 @ 2:01 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
hello Rovaan(AKA)Rose…..It’s OK that were the only ones posting……I am very comfortable with Richard as the administrator…I truly believe he is a loyal man and that’s extremely hard to find, SO, I for one will answer anyone who Posts here. This is MY home for the OJ SIMPSON case. Here’s Kato again. Now this is according to ROCKY. You know of course Rocky and OJ would fide around Los Angeles in THE LIMO owned by Dale ST. John without St. John even knowing it Doing there BUSINESS ventures, shall we say in several area’s. One time they saw a homeless looking DOG and OJ said that they were going to name the dog after KATO because KATO was so pathetic. Now that’s according to ROCKY BATEMAN….. I will talk to you latter Rose, I am going to go play baseketball now Mario
October 27, 2004 @ 5:35 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Rose(AKA)Rovaan Go to court TV and you will see an article about OJ. One of his Business associates and shall we say he has many, has to testify about OJ’s finances…Actually, they are just hitting the TIP OF THE ICEBERG when it comes to his money and shall we say BUSINESS DEALINGS. The trouble is that that CREEP, FRED(the sellout)GOLDMAN and his attorney’s just don’t know where to look……………..HERE WE GO
October 27, 2004 @ 5:52 pm | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
I am sorry that I have been out of touch for so long; I have just been swamped with work for weeks. I should have a bit of discretionary time coming up, so I thought I would put up a post on The LongBow Papers where we all might gather. It is now up.
I look forward to seeing you there. Although please continue reading The Peking Duck daily, it is good for the soul.
All the best,
October 30, 2004 @ 11:54 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Joseph Bosco….I Posted on your LONGBOW website…Of course, I have many more questions for you, will do them from time to time………….I know there are many people in the world looking at the PEKING DUCK website under the OJ SIMPSON POST of June 20, 2004. Where are you all? Thanks agian Richard for the use of your Website…Like I said before, I will get my LEGAL JUSTICE for myself in TIME………Mario G. Nitrini 111…….
October 31, 2004 @ 11:10 am | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
Forgive me for taking so long to get back to you but I never got your e-mail ( ) and I don’t know why your message didn’t bounce back to you undelivered. I also didn’t know about your response to my October 15 post. I expected to hear from Richard on the Iago Discussion Board at so I could put a link to his site on mine if he was interested. I didn’t hear from him and neither John Junot nor Rose told me that they visited the Peking Duck. Then I got eyebrow-deep in trying to restore my site from a late September server crash. Only when I got a post from Lollie a few hours ago asking me whether I had been back to the Peking Duck did I know that anything came of my Peking Duck post.
I DO know what you mean about people speaking of you as though you were something other than a human being. I get it all the time. The problem for all of us is that a name is only an abstraction until we form a personal connection to “it.” All we have to go on are impersonal things we have read, seen or heard in the media or personal things people have said or written about us (that’s for you Bill and Mario). Without feedback to tell us how close our picture of the “entity” comes to the person we can’t adjust the picture.
Until Richard put me on to the Peking Duck (thanks Richard!) the only interactive forums I knew about for discussing the O.J. case other than the Iago Discussion Board were useless. That was one reason I put up the board in the first place – to find people who knew more than I did or wanted to know more than any of us could independently discover through the resources at our disposal and the biases leading us astray.
Another reason for putting up the Iago board was to create a dynamic extension of Iago in Brentwood for testing theories and finding and correcting factual errors. That’s why I needed to know what you could tell me about Denise Brown saying that she saw O.J. wearing the killer’s shoes. You are the only source I have for this information and I’m sure you won’t take offence at me telling you that your good name is not enough. Everybody makes mistakes. Did you write “Denise” when you intended to write “Dominique”? Does your source for that particular bit of information meet your usual standards of reliability? Can you document the assertion?
I’m not picking on you. I’m picking on the Iago hypotheses. I went though this process with every major element that comprises it and this is a major element.
I never liked the Iago hypotheses because too much of it rested on speculation like Denise Brown’s part in a small conspiracy, her use of a cell phone, her connection to Faye Resnick, her ability to steal her mother’s glasses, etc. Iago was only supposed to be a logic exercise to test O.J.’s absurd claim that he didn’t do it and to see who could account for anomalies like the ones you pointed out in A Problem of Evidence. I still don’t like it. Yours sounds better (the police framed a guilty man) but as soon as I made my first animation (Marcia’s Story 1) I saw that O.J. couldn’t have done it. No way. That leaves Iago and questions that only Bill Wasz and you can answer to see if it stands up.
Please drop a line on the Iago discussion board when you get the chance (you, too, Bill and Mario). I don’t trust my e-mail. –Jasper
November 5, 2004 @ 2:39 pm | Comment
By richard
Jasper, I just put up a brief reference to this thread over on Iago. I didn’t realize you were expecting me to put a link there; sorry it took me so long! Thanks for joining the discussion.
November 5, 2004 @ 2:50 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
You are right about me writing, “Why is anyone paying attention to this?” I remember doing it but it was a long time ago and I don’t recall who you are or why I said it.
Courage is not at issue here. I do not doubt that you had the courage to respond to my unforgivably brutish statement about you. My question is, why didn’t you? I don’t understand the problem.
I do not censor what anyone says on my discussion boards. I do not insist that anyone agree with me and I actively encourage honest dissent. I have a permanent link to Junot’s web page and Wagner’s and I put a link to the Pecking Duck in the first post I made after Richard e-mailed it to me. All I need is his permission to make it permanent.
If you want to, you can list the reasons on the Iago Discussion Board why EVERYONE should be paying attention to what you wrote. Unfortunately, I can’t recall what it was or why I dismissed it out of hand. If you follow my posts you will see that I rarely do that, which is why I remember doing it out of the thousands of Iago posts I’ve responded to since 1998. I don’t think I even responded that harshly to any of the death treats I used to get following some radio talk show interviews I did in ’99 and 2000 to promote Iago in Brentwood. Either something was VERY wrong in you message or something was VERY wrong with the way I read it. Shouldn’t be hard to figure that one out
Point by point refutations of anything I say are always welcome. Please feel free to post yours anytime. –Jasper
November 5, 2004 @ 4:01 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
This is what l I knew about you until a month ago: What I read in the O.J. trial transcripts, Donald Freed’s Killing Time, Paula Barbieri’s The Other Woman, Jeffrey Toobin’s The Run of his Life, Joe Bosco’s article about you and Kardashian, a few Iago posts and what I heard on radio and TV. Obviously, this leaves a lot of room for error on my part.
You know more about me than I know about you. Please tell me how we are the same and why the documentation you have to dispute the speculation I have about you is not worth bothering to post here or on the Iago Discussion Board. Isn’t everyone the same in some ways and isn’t documented evidence ALWAYS better than speculation? This is the sort of thing that makes my “con game” antenna twitch. Is that what you meant when you said you understood why I came to some of my conclusions about you?
I know how smart you are and you know how smart I am. Looking objectively at what I have to work, how can I buy your story? It fits too well with the pattern of things Joe missed in A Problem of Evidence. If you had contacted me, I got the feeling that you would have told a story that fits with the pattern of things I missed in Ingo in Brentwood.
Here’s what I mean by “patterns”:
Joe concluded from blood evidence collected, stored and disseminated by the LAPD lab that O.J. must have been on the murder scene. He concluded from the statements of Stewart Tanner (among other things, I presume) that Ron Goldman stopped by Nicole’s condo to drop off Juditha Brown’s glasses. He got the sequence of events following Robert Heidstra’s “Hey!, Hey! Hey!” wrong (check the transcripts). I don’t think Joe sees what’s wrong with his analysis of the blood evidence, his conclusion about Tanner and Goldman hooking up to go to the Baja Cantina or the significance of the sequence of events Heidstra described after he heard the “Hey! Hey! Hey!” I think you do. I think you see the pattern.
Everything Joe quoted you on in his article and the references he gave to back it up follow the same pattern. It all makes sense as far as it goes but it doesn’t go far enough to exclude other possibilities. The farther you go into those other possibilities and the harder you try to knock them down the more probable some of them become.
The mistakes I made in Iago in Brentwood are more numerous than the ones Joe made in A Problem of Evidence. I didn’t even have Heidstra in the right alley. I had the three Rockingham foyer blood drops in the wrong place and my speculation that Elsie Tistaert’s dog saw a man enter the Bundy front gate was totally off the mark. There is a pattern to these errors, too and I think that you have the rare ability to see the pattern and fashion a story around the undisputed evidence in your case to fit it.
That’s were I am and that’s’ where I will be stuck until you or Joe unstick me with facts that aren’t subject to manipulation or multiple interpretations – like statements from people you don’t know who saw you talking to Kardashian at the bar. You are a hard guy to miss in any crowd. Robert Kardashian’s face was well known at the time of the murders. Joe Bosco is a seasoned reporter. Where are the witnesses? –Jasper
November 5, 2004 @ 5:55 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
I put up a link to your site in an Iago post when you sent me the e-mail suggesting that I would find it interesting. I did. That’s why I posted here the first time. Forgive me for not making that clear.
I didn’t’ hear from you or any of your regular posters so I thought I bombed with you and them and turned my attention to restoring the missing posts, broken links and lost pages in High Points, Animations and the Smoking Gun books. I still have a bug in the comments box that runs all the paragraph together. It looks as though I’m going to have to live with it for a while.
You did nothing to apologize for. I screwed up. I had no indication on the Iago board or in my e-mail that you ever went back to smartfellowspress or found anything I wrote in my Pecking Duck post of value so I never came back here. I should have. This is a great resource and, with your permission, I’d like to add it to my permanent links with the transcripts, Wagner, Junot, etc. on the home page, the discussion page and the monthly Iago Discussion Boards. Should be able to get to it before the weekend is out. –Jasper
November 5, 2004 @ 6:28 pm | Comment
By richard
Jasper, feel free to put up a link, as I said. I never meant for this post to become a magnet on this topic, and the collection of voices is truly fascinating.
November 5, 2004 @ 6:36 pm | Comment
Jasper Garrison…Thank you for responding to my Post of a few week ago…I will respond extensivly tomorrow on your post and the Peking duck. I AM PRETTY TIRED RIGHT NOW. I did 5 shows today….On the posts in IAGO of March 15-24 about my interview on David Bresnahans radio show,I did not post on IAGO..I only read what poeple said about me and my interview…It’s OK…..Jasper, I have so much in this case and I will tell you this, With the people who are involved with trying to assassinate me and take me out any way they could because of what I HAVE in the OJ SIMPSON cases and other cases and other situations and they still are, I WILL get them on the WITNESS stand one way or another and there are more illegal, criminal, people than what I just have on my filings….They have 3 options!!! 1. Tell the truth. They can’t because I will LEGALLY nail them and they will go to JAIL because they are corrupt criminal PIGS. 2.LIE, They can’t because of me and 3, Take the 5th amendment…I’ll bet the take the 5th….. Jasper, like I said before,YOU and your group have come up with some INCREDIBLE and truthful Information, I know because I have researched some of it…100% on the money..You talk about Faye resnick and her Illegal activity, and come to think of it, she could be part of the group who tried to assassinate me.. Wait until I legally pursue her.. you ain’t seen legally nothing…Jasper, if I may,,,Sometimes reading your POSTS about Mark Furhman, my feeling is you let your emotions overshadow your GREAT INTELLIGENCE…We KNOW FURHMAN is a FILTHY RASCIST PIG and a horrible liar. That’s just my feeling about you in just that situation….One thing NO ONE COULD or DO IN THE oj simpson CASES OR ANYTHING ELSE is call me a rascist..I have friends of all types of race, and religion. In my opinion a person is either GOOD OR BAD…I looked at Furhman and I myself caught him in LIES that nobody else has caught. Also I had contact with his radio show…Like always, and just about everyone else, he and his show wanted nothing to do with me. WHY Good QUESTION. Jasper, PLEASE ask your group to read the POSTS in the PEKING DUCK. You have some pretty intelligent people in that group ….I probably need to FAX YOU a lot of my information and LEGAL documents…You won’t believe your eyes…I FEAR NOTHING..I am getting pretty tired right now Jasper, Again thank you for responding..I WILL NEVER give up in my GOAL for myself getting Legal Justice for myself..And Legal Justice comes in all legal forms…Like I said before, I AM HOLDING ALL THE CARDS, I JUST HAVEN’T PLAYED OUT VERY MANY OPTIONS YET. I CHALLENGE ANYONE AND EVERYONE IN THE LEGAL QUEST IN THE OJ SIMPSON CASES AND OTHER CASES AND OTHER SITUATIONS. I will tell you this Jasper Garrison, I have a very open mind to any and all situations concerning anything……I will post tomorrow…Thanks again Mario G. Nitrini 111 You seem to be a good man Jasper. Good night
November 5, 2004 @ 8:33 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Jasper Garrison…..Mario Nitrini here…………….Thank you for responding to my post of a few weeks ago…I am pretty tired righ now because I did 5 shows today…..I do want to respond a llittle to you…I will respond A LOT tomorrow on your board “IAGO” and MY HOME for OJ SIMPSON material. THE PEKING DUCKl. I did not post on your board. I read the posts of MARCH 17, 2001 on your board about me and my Radio interview with David Bresnahan….I will tell you this: MOST of my life I have always been underestimated..WHY, I DON’T KNOW…But it has definatly worked to my advantage in a lot of legal and other situations. I really hope your group read ALL of the posts in the PEKING DUCK…You and your group really have come up with some incredible and (I have researched a lot of it and it is TRUE….Jasper) information…GOOD MOVE about not using your E-mail…Niether do I…….I am HATED by everyone on both sides, Plus the Media and a lot more because of who am and what I can prove AND should I ever get ANYONE WHO HAS TRIED TO KILL ME ON THE WITNESS STAND, or for that matter, Just about everyone in the case and other cases and situations, They have 1 of 3 options 1.Tell the truth, THEY CAN’T because they will go to jail because of all the criminal acts they have committed in the case and out of the case which goes into other cases and situations….2 LIE. They can’t because of me.3 Take the 5th Amendment…I’ll bet that’s what they are going to do…Jasper, With the PEOPLE close to the OJ SIMPSON cases and other situations that go along with it, only 3 people have done me RIGHT…Joseph Bosco, Bill Boyarsky and Dick Wagner…You mention Faye Resnick and Denise Brown…Like I said in my other posts in the PEKING DUCK, From me You ain’t seen nothing yet I HAVE SO, SO MUCH…And I challenge ANYONE and EVERYONE in this case and other situations and cases. Jasper, Sometimes I get a SENSE that you let your EMOTIONS top your GREAT INTELLIGENCE about Mark Furhman…We KNOW he is a RACSIST PIG A HORRIBLE Liar..I am going to post this and my other post. Thanks Jasper for responding…Richard, WHERE IS JOSEPH BOSCO…I responded to his TALKING OG on the Longbow papers…I hope he is OK Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 5, 2004 @ 8:52 pm | Comment
By Ludwig
Dont you let Mark Fuhrman get away as a MERELY racist cop, that retired, has a picture of Adolph Hitler on his wall, but WAS A GOOD COP, AND WE ALL FORGIVE HIM THE N-WORD – no more of that, please.
Just to remind everybody:
Mark Fuhrman has given a definitely false alibi to Marcia Clark, that he would have been at the protective league alibi, which was LONG OVER at the time (see the book Blood Oath, or SolvingTheSimpsonMurder by C.Springer)
what does M.Clark say about this – hm? stupid robot follower of Ron Hubbard
And then he CHANGED it: He says he was at a gas station, with the credit card transaction the alleged proof of his innocence (WITH HIS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SCOUT VEHICLE, THAT TOTALLY RESEMBLES A WHITE FORD BRONCO look at this please:
Did anyone ever bother to find out more about Caroline Fuhrman? She lied by telling MFs phony alibi in the first place. Where in the world was Mark Fuhrman? How can such an absolute suspect in the case get away without an alibi, while Fred Fraud Goldman is soon going to smash OJs Heisman trophy with a sledgehammer, as he promised to do???
November 6, 2004 @ 4:20 am | Comment
By Ludwig
Sorry Jasper for lowering the niveau of your discussion with Mr Bosco with my post.
But just like Mark Fuhrman used to say “the glove is everything”, and instilled all the deceiving evidence into our minds, i would suggest “Mark Fuhrman’s 94 car is everything”. There’s virtually no one in the world that doesn’t remember the Bronco. Show these people the IH Scout of Fuhrman and they’ll forever doubt Fuhrmans innocence.
Mario, i believe you got some good information on this case, and i believe you when you say you have to save it for the witness stand. If you have anything about Fuhrman’s whereabouts the night of the murders, it would be great – was he truly at a gas station as he said?
Some stupid posters at made it their habit defending Fuhrman, saying he had an extramarital affair the night of the murders. If that is true, it should eventually be made public not to mislead the investigation of those that are still researching the case.
November 6, 2004 @ 12:38 pm | Comment
By Lollie
Hello Mario,
Do you happen to know Mark Fuhrman’s blood type? If you do, are you at liberty to tell us? Thank you.
November 6, 2004 @ 1:38 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Lollie. Thank you for you Post.. Mario here……..That is a great Question….I do not know his bloodtype…Lollie, I need to go over some of my notes that I took about Furhman watching TV interview shows and also I have some other Material I need to go over about him. I have my materials in several different locations so if someone got a hold of one set of materials and destroyed it I will ALWAYS have a back up.. And don’t you think that there aren’t people and agencies who would LOVE to destroy me and my will call it materials…Lollie, Follow me CLOSE…ANYONE who doesn’t think THE PEKING DUCK and IAGO IN BENTWOOD is being tracked and followed by LAPD, THE Los angeles District Attorney’s office, the
State of Calif law Officers and people. the Plaintiffs in the OJ SIMPSON saga, The defense in the OJ Simpson saga, OJ Simpson HIMSELF and many, many other Government agencies and people, and The Cowardly MEDIA are only fooling themselves…We are being observed with everyone holding their Legal Breath….Gaurenteed. Lollie, Please feel free to ask me any question you want… If I can answer it, I will..But Understand Lollie, I have so much in this case, which goes into other cases and situations, SOME things I NEED to save for the WITNESS STAND so I CAN get Legal Justice for MYSELF….Thanks Lollie, Mario G. Nitrini
November 6, 2004 @ 6:38 pm | Comment
By richard
Interesting thought, Mario. Why would you say the LAPD and others are watching us? Isn’t most of this stuff things that have been said before?
November 6, 2004 @ 6:54 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi Ludwig,,,When I first read the Posts on IAGO on Mark Furhman About his alibis, I was intrigued..I researched it myself and SURE enough IAGO was 100% on the money…Ludwig, I am definately not Legally letting Furhman off as a LYING RASCIST PIG which he is and several other dispicable things to……My focus really wasn’t on Furhman…I did follow him because he was central in the case.. One of my Major focuses though was on the Slimey Bitch Faye Resnick…A lot of people underestimated me for a long time, BUT I Gaurentee you Not any more… I went into palces and situations that very few people can get into to gather Legal information and let’s call them Legal Materials. Read my Post in the Peking Duck to Lollie above. I need to research some of my notes on Mark Furhman………Ludwig CONSIDER THIS:::If someone or a group of people accused you of MURDER and you were innocent wouldn’t be LEGALLY in their FACE beyond belief…I know I would no matter what…But not Furhman, KAELIN, Ron Shipp, Denise Brown, Brad Roberts, Faye Resnick, OJ SIMPSON, and several more people. It does seem baffeling…I have posted before on the Peking Duck that I have been asked the Question whom have I spoken to in this case?…The question should be Whom HAVEN”t I spoken to Directly or Indirectly in this case….Ludwig, I am going to speak my mind no MATTER what….THIS is directed at ALL the people PEERING in on all the POSTS in The Peking Duck and IAGO in BRENTWOOD…..You don’t like what I do::Either SHUT UP of do Something about it…..Ludwig I met with Neil Schulman back in the Fall of 2000…We talked for about 2 hours….I told him SOMETHING about OJ’s Blood that I hadn’t told anyone and asked him please don’t tell anyone…He honored my request and It has never come out…GOOD for Neil Schulman..He told me he challenged Ron Shipp to Sue him But shipp didn’t…Also he tried to get OJ Simpson to look into his theory, but Simpson declined…If someone is not guilty of what someone is or a Gov”t Agency is accusing you of…WELL, Legally get in their faces ………That goes for both sides in the OJ Simpson cases and more cases and more situations…..I need to respond in IAGO, Luddwig…I will post more tonight……………Thanks Ludwig Mario Nitrini
November 6, 2004 @ 7:12 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard, I have been tracked for a long time by Government agencies..Remember, NOW we are talking cover-up and criminal conspiracy by many people…Whether anyone believes it or not, The bottom Line MONEY, MONEY, MONEY is at stake and also people’s freedom of staying out of Jail. Richard, TIME MAGAZINE KILLED Joseph Bosco’s article with Bill Wasz because, We”ll use the words, so many people have Money and their freedom to lose and everything that goes with it…..Joe and I shared a lot in our meetings..Some I cannot discuss unless i have his permission like we agreed and vice-versa. I got a little bent out of shape at him, but that was MY fault I believe in my apolgy to him I pointed that out.. Joe know’s what he’s talking about and other people don’t like it at all because they have so MUCH to lose…Like everything material wise and thier freedom…He’s just missing a few missing links like I am..I will tell you again, The people in IAGO have some pretty astonishing facts and evidence and all kinds of LIES by The Plaintiffs side in the OJ Simpson case, really remarkable…Mark my words Richard, People are reading our Posts….Thanks Richard…………..Mario g. nitrini 111
November 6, 2004 @ 8:50 pm | Comment
By Ludwig
About OJ or one of his lawyers (Yale Galanter) tracking this thread or the discussion at (which is quite an encyclopedia of the case when you search it with Google), we have basically the PROOF that he ISN’T:
In the 10year anniversary interviews of the case, he could have easily defended himself by “throwing the book” at everybody with “Iago”. But he didn’t! He spoke of an 11pm phone call that would have been removed from the GTE phone bill used in the case – a weak argument.
And now, we got Mike Gilbert (see enquirer article), a former sports manager of O.J., helping Fred Goldman and Denise Brown to get the millions of dollars they won in the civil trial from OJ. Plus, OJ is reportedly headed for 5 years in prison for tax evasion because of the hiding. If OJ goes to jail again, not saying a single word about Mr Fuhrman’s possible guilt in the case, then he’s
1. either never heard of the Iago scenario, or
2. checked it and decided to believe in something else, or
3. is partially guilty in the form of something like the Rocky Bateman-scenario.
November 6, 2004 @ 9:39 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Another Incredibly Great Observation..Ludwig, again you are 100% right. I said this a long time ago..It has to get REEEEEAAAALLLLLLYYYY bad for OJ before he make a Legal move… It appears the time has come…OJ is not to well liked in Government Circles..I know that “really”FIRST HAND… He HAS checked out all the websites. Yours in IAGO and THE PEKING DUCK and many, amany, others. Somewhere something is wrong…AND if you think that this is the only CASE against OJ, THERE WILL BE MANY, MANY, MORE…….I have offered him a Challenge Again On IAGO and I have offered FRED Goldman the same Challenge…I have what they both NEED depending on innocence or guilt of OJ SIMPSON being the Killer of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson….I will say it again, all of you in IAGO have INCREDIBLE informtion and facts and proof…Ludwig, Let’s keep going…I hope you check out my posts on IAGO. Incredibly, Great, Observations Ludwig. Thanks, MARIO G. NITRINI 111
November 6, 2004 @ 11:41 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard if I may. Mario G. Nitrini 111 to Gill Garcetti..Gil Garcetti: YOU ARE going to honor your Verbal agreements with me and your Written agreements with me……You KNOWINGLY made these agreements with me with the knowledge you were going to ILLEGALLY AND CRIMINALLY AMBUSH ME….. You are a dispicable Criminal PIG, GIL GARCETTI and you are one of many people that is a co-conspirator who is involved in the Murder For Assassination Plot on my life with Detective Ronald Y. ITO as the Ringleader due to my involvement in the OJ SIMPSON CASES and saga and other cases and other situations. Legal Justice is going to come to me, Mario G. Nitrini 111 GAUREENTEED
November 6, 2004 @ 11:50 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard I saw Joseph Bosco’s The Bad Lieutenant on Jaspers website and yours too. I think it is Great.. Richard, could you please Ask Joe If he is allowed to answer my Questios on his Longbow Website with the catagory TALKING OJ? Thanks Richard Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 7, 2004 @ 8:36 pm | Comment
By richard
Mario, Joseph set up that post specifically to take questions about OJ — so the answer to your question is Yes!
November 7, 2004 @ 8:42 pm | Comment
By Ludwig
For those unfamiliar with the Mark Fuhrman -theories, check out this excerpt from the book “Solving the Simpson Murder Mystery” from C.Springer:
Too bad he didn’t put more of it online for free. The book itself is hard to get.
For those still wondering about the BLOOD EVIDENCE: let it be said once more: It was all planted, since it was saturated with the preservative ETDA, and no human being was ever known to have ETDA flowing in his blood, only blood vials.
November 8, 2004 @ 5:34 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hello Ludwig.. Mario here…….I forgot to answer your question about on he night of June 11, 1994 about where Mark Furhman was. I have no idea..Because of the GREAT work done on Iago I only learned he was LYING AGAIN..This time about where he was at 10:40 P.M. on the night of June 11, 1994…That was INCREDIBLE work. I WANT TO ADDRESS Mark Furhman for my personnel feeling right NOW…I knew he was a Lying Rascist Pig at the end of the Criminal Trial…Everyone in the WORLD Knew that after the TRIAL…Incredibly and I mean INCREDIBLY to some people thought it was no big deal…Last night I punched up Jaspers Animation about Kato, Marcia Clark and all the rest. I tell you HE should WIN an OSCAR for his work. Incredibly GREAT..So while I was checking things out I punched uo the Furhman tapes with Laura Hart Mckinney….I started reading and got SICKER and SICKER the longer I read. Mark Furhman said he was only play acting for a screenplay…If anyone in the world believes that I have beach front property in the state of KANSAS for sale at $10.000,000 dollars an acre. I was actually getting physically sick to my stomach reading it and finally 3/4 of the was through it I had to stop…Like I told everyone before, Mark Furhman was not my focus in the case. I have gone back in my notes and I have even turned up more things about him PLUS the 2 I had in the first place…I will tell you Ludwig, You know what , I can’t even explain how digusted and mad I feel at him…Mark Furhman, I challenge you on the The Peking Duck, IAGO or any Media outlet you want to DICUSS your involvement in the OJ SIMPSON case. I want to see you LIE out of what I have and What IAGO has….YOU CAN’T you RASCIST LYING PIG….. Ludwig, I have said this before, I have friends of all RACE and RELIGION now. I have several Black friends and one day we were playing basketball and Furhman’s name came up and my friend could not talk about it the subject of Mark Furhman when it came up…After reading most of the Furhman tapes, now I understand why…..You know Ludwig I used to hate almost everyone in the world when I was young, White, Black, brown, and on and on…It didn’t matter. I would take all comers on….I finally realized there is good and bad in everything. Either your a good person or a bad person…In my early 30’s I became a civil right’s advocate and I have never changed..That makes me feel good……………Back to Furhman….Can you actually believe a lot of the Media embrace him as a news commentator, Disgusting, Dispicable and what ever else.UNBELIEVABLE….I am not telling Jasper Garrison how to run his Website, but Jasper the WORLD needs to read those tapes and see how HORRIBLY TERRIBLE Mark Furhman really is…..I am going back now to IAGO Ludwig, Talk to you in a while…..Mario
November 8, 2004 @ 6:34 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard, I haven’t seen Joe Bosco POST anything in almost a week. My first question is “IS he OK?” and if he is OK my GUT feeling he is ready to lay a LEGAL BOMBSHELL out in the OJ SIMPSON case. If he is OK, he’s gotta be up to something in the OJ SIMPSON case. Thanks Richard Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 9, 2004 @ 5:54 pm | Comment
By goatgirl
I just wanted to post that I also read; Joseph Bosco’s The Bad Lieutenant. I thought the story was great. I always knew that something wasnt right with the whole Simpson case & this just proves that that we all arent crazy (lol)
it just amazes me that all of this took place.
~Thanks Goatgirl~
November 9, 2004 @ 8:38 pm | Comment
By richard
I think Joe is fine, just very busy. He hasn’t posted to his own blog either; he is an amazingly hard worker who is always taking on new things. I’ll try to find out if everything’s okay with him
November 10, 2004 @ 6:51 am | Comment
By Ludwig
It would be important now to have Mr Bosco’s and
Mr Wasz’s take on Jasper’s questions to them above. The question is how would the Mark Fuhrman theory and the Wasz-Kardashian theory go together? They’re in conflict: Kardashian for example was the one that confirmed O.J.’s little cuts on his hands as being sth. normal&frequent. Mark Fuhrman however INVENTED and INSISTED ON the “bleeding killer”-theory, the “Bronco-parking”-theory, the “lost glove”-theory and much more. It doesn’t fit together! (If it doesn’t fit…)
Someone said Mr Bosco went into a wall with the
Wasz-Kardashian story, and that’s TRUE: Mr Kardashian
has passed away, not leaving any clues to us that he
would have been guilty or known something. His last statements just said he
believed O.J. “might” be guilty from THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED IN THE TRIAL.
Would Kardashian have
1.tried to frame O.J., he would have made a OJ-guilty statement in his will
2.tried to cover up O.J.’s guilt, he would have made a OJ-innocent statement.
November 10, 2004 @ 3:55 am | Comment
By richard
I think Joe is fine, just very busy. He hasn’t posted to his own blog either; he is an amazingly hard worker who is always taking on new things. I’ll try to find out if everything’s okay with him
November 10, 2004 @ 6:52 am | Comment
By mario Nitrini
Ludwig, Mario here. Joe Bosco has his website up at “The Longbow Papers” and has invited anyone to ask questions about the OJ Simpson case and he will answer them. I reread Jaspers response to Joe Bosco and Bill Wasz and read your Post above Richards about, Bosco, wasz and Kardashian and went over some of my notes and articles about it..I’m not so sure that there isn’t a connection between WHAT you said is a CONFLICT about the situation. My gut feeling based on what I have been through in the Case leads me to truly believe there is a connection in so many area’s it is very hard to separate them. One thing is collabarated by me is that, now this is according to Rocky Bateman, OJ and Rocky Snorted Cocaine and were , again according to Rocky, Taking care of BUSINESS, when they were drivng around Los Angeles in Dale St. Johns Limo many times from Aug of 1993 to June os 1994, Approximately. So for me, when Bill Wasz says he sold Cocaine to OJ, I, Mario G. Nitrini 111, believe 100% that Bill Wasz sold OJ cocaine….I haven’t said this in a long time, and IT IS DOCUMENTED my way and I have told some people about it, but on the day after The Bronco Chase Rocky was over my Apt. for about 7 hours and he talked and talked and talked. He will NEVER be able to refute ANYTHING he said to me. GAURENTEED. I also talked with Rocky Many more times after that on the phone. This is MY BALLGAME. I will say this. With what Rocky told me their are questions that need to be answered for OJ’s Guilt, and for OJ’s Innocence. This is one of the main reasons I am 50/50 on his guilt and 50/50 on his innocence. Whatever it is, Simpson side, The Defense, never, ever tried to take me out and destroy my LIFE and try to KILL me like the Plaintiffs side did. If we all keep up at the BREAKING of the OJ Simpson case, it WILL be solved, 100% and I will get my LEGAL JUSTICE served on the Conspirators who tried to Kill me and take me out any was they could because of my involement in the OJ Simpson case, other cases, and other situations Ludwig, anyone who says RACE did not have anything to do with the OJ Simpson case is an all out LIAR for whatever reasons especially now that I have read the Mark Furhman TAPES on IAGO. But I have it Documented in court papers, RACSISM is part of the reason in the OJ Simpson cases, and other cases, and other people and situations why the VICIOUS, HORRIBLE attack on me of OCT. 4, 1995 at approximately 1:00A.M. in the morning took place. But it is JUST part of the REASON. I Posted to Lollie in IAGO about the Co-conspirators I filed on and their are more people involved and I will find out who they are.. That was done IN EARLY DECEMBER, 2000. What a CRIMINAL, CORRUPT, COVER-UP on the part of The LAPD and the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office it was, and for Several Reasons. Ludwig I have their many LIES on thier Letters to me and it is in thier own voices and words. Just leave it at that. I WILL LEGALLY NAIL THEM ON THE WITNESS STAND..Their Papaerwork and their words are PURE LEGAL GOLD FOR ME. Both scenarios that I have, 1. for OJ Simpson Guilt and 2. for OJ Simpson’s Innocence MUST be continued to be INVESTIGATED by US on the PEKING DUCK, IAGO IN BRENTWOOD. and on THE LONGBOW PAPERS..WE will get to the whole TRUTH. Everything I have about His Guilt or Innocence of the double Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman is, According to me, IF THIS happened, and that means EVERYTHING I have in the CASE OJ SIMPSON is, Either GUILTY, OR NOT GUILTY. Thanks Ludwig, mario g. nitrini 111
November 10, 2004 @ 12:39 pm | Comment
By Mario Nitrini
This Post is for Bill Wasz…and everyone else. Hi Bill…When Bill Wasz on his Post in IAGO say’s OJ COME CLEAN, that mean’s OJ SHOULD come clean if he is innocent. OJ cannot come out and come clean if he is Guilty… also it will be very hard for OJ to come out with EVERYTHING else that is going on in his SAGA for whatever reasons. That’s going to come out eventually. NO DOUBT. I want to address Mark Furhman. I have had so much contact with the media in one way or another that I cannot believe for the life of me that anyone would embrace that LYING, YELLOWBELLY RASCIST PIG for their TV or Radio Show…Like I said before, I got Mark Furhman Lying in 2 situations and after reveiwing some of my notes, It definately goes into several other situations. If it ever comes down to me putting Mark Furhman on the witness stand, Furhman you PIG, you are legally History…In this situation, It’s my Ballgame. Congradulations To Bill Wasz on his New WEBSITE(got the spelling of website right) I will say this again: “Bill Wasz is 100% RIGHT in what he says.” That’s from Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 13, 2004 @ 10:54 pm | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
I am finally able to come up for some air; I have been absolutely jammed with work for months it seems!
Anyway, I have put up a new post over at The LongBow Papers where I can address your questions and comments (see that live link in the footer which is also my name, click it and you’re there).
I have answered your questions about the two “tell all” books on the site.
All the best,
November 14, 2004 @ 5:12 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Thanks for the answer’s Joe. Joe, I Posted 2 comments on your OJ section and 1 on your Bill Wasz section.. I haven’t seen them yet but I know it takes a while……..Richard could you please let Joe know about my Post here. Thanks, Mario Nitrini I also Posted on IAGO about your Longbow Papers website. Please forgive my spelling sometimes, I just miss it either whem I type or reread my Posts. Mario
November 14, 2004 @ 1:00 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
Thanks for your kind words about the animations. You have no idea how much work it is to find the relevant information, put it in order and synchronize the motion of the people and vehicles involved with the hands of the clock. Making the clock was a bear all by itself. But the key to making sense out all the evidence and testimony that went into the animations is getting the scale and proportion of the landscape right and the sequence of events described by various people to agree with them.
For instance, you can tell any story about a man dripping blood from his left hand walking through a gate and leaving a blood trail on a driveway and make it sound believable. However, when you know the width of the gate, the width of the man, the direction in which the gate opens, the precise location of the blood drops, etc., and put the man in motion coming and going you can SEE which of those stories has to be true. You can’t force it and you can’t fake it. Either it works or it doesn’t.
The same restrictions of time, space and motion apply to the parked cars. Once you know the length and width of the Bronco, the width of the gate, the ACUTE angle of the turn, the 2-dgree parking angle, etc. you know how the Bronco got there. The “mysterious disappearing bag” behind the Bentley that Marcia implied O.J. stuffed the missing evidence into could not have been where she said it was because no such place existed.
Ludwig was right about Bill’s Kardashian story and the Iago hypotheses being in conflict. We independently arrived at the same reasons for believing that Kardashian went to his death not knowing whether O.J. was innocent or guilty – because of the blood evidence he couldn’t explain. You and Joe seem to be in the same predicament. The only blood evidence “against” O.J. without EDTA in it actually works for him. If he knew anything about Iago he would have leaped all over it. The animations are his best defense.
The samples taken on the Bundy walkway and identified in the lab as O.J.’s were not tested for EDTA. They didn’t necessarily come from Bundy. Strong evidence suggests that they didn’t. All the killer had to do was plant the IDEA that the blood came from Bundy and switch the samples. That means the killer had to have access to the LAPD lab and that he believed in advance that he would be able to make the switch. Still, he had to cover himself in case he couldn’t. The interesting thing here about Fuhrman’s “bleeding killer” theory is that he left himself plenty of room in his notes to have it either way.
The instant one suggests that Fuhrman did more than plant evidence he or she is accused of letting emotions get ahead of reason. An overwhelming majority of people make this assumption regardless of the evidence that says otherwise. I think that O.J. fell into the same trap. He doesn’t want to be accused of “playing the race card” so he doesn’t even want to think of Fuhrman as the killer. The extent to which you see racial motives for Fuhrman or the people accusing him of murder the less you see the predictable fame, fortune and influence that comes from being “the man who found the glove” in the biggest trial of the 20th century.
Fuhrman’s racism has been his best protection against serious investigation for murder. That, too, was predictable. –Jasper
November 15, 2004 @ 6:35 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi Jasper, Again the animations are TRULY amazing. As far as OJ Simpson knowing about IAGO>>>HE KNOWS. Ludwig gave a fantastic scenario a little bit above your Post with 3 scenarios about this OJ not Knowing or KNOWING about IAGO and Other Websites. Again He KNOWS. Marcia Clark talked about the bag, but kato and Alan Park also saw it..There was a Bag there somewhere that did disappear……. Jasper again, just because there is conflict in different stories doesn’t mean that each can’t get to the same ending…I am talking about The WASZ/KARDASHIAN story and anything else………. It’s hard for me to tell that much about the Blood. That was not my main Focus…But I am Learning thanks to you and your group and Joe Bosco. I do have my own OJ Simpson BLOOD situation with Nicole and her HOOD GANG….I have to say yes, Once someone infurs to Mark Furhman as one of the Killers you do think emotions fun very High. Your last paragrapgh is as I see it truly NOW that I’ve studied a little on this subject, DEFINATELY 100% RIGHT. I want to do some more studying about the Placement of the bag in testimony and other things….Thanks Jasper……………..Mario
November 16, 2004 @ 10:18 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Hello everyone,
I know that when you closely analyze something that you will always find little discrepencies, which lead to more questions.
I will never vehemently defend my position on the events in 93 and 94 because I know what happened and the more I try to defend it, the more questions will arise out of the tiny cracks which probably can never be filled. However, I will try my best over time to possibly guide people to the answers they seek.
Mario seems quite impassioned, so I’m sure that he will look the hardest.
I really hope that everyone else will have the patience with me and let me try to explain what happened without letting me launch myself on some tangent that will possibly lead nowhere.
And of course, respect the skeptics. If it weren’t for people who challenge, then we’d all be a bunch of sheep grazing from the field of conformity.
-Bill Wasz
November 16, 2004 @ 11:47 am | Comment
By Helen
To Bill Wasz,
I need to ask you this, you may of answered elsewhere but I have not read it, I recently found out that Kardashian was the person that asked you to follow Nicole and then later murder her [I knew from watching the “OJ: The untold story” documentary what you claimed], my question is this, did OJ know of this arrangement between you and Kardashian? Did he know Kardashian had asked you to murder Nicole?
November 16, 2004 @ 5:16 pm | Comment
By Ludwig
Does anyone know if Kardashian had a connection to Ron Shipp?
November 17, 2004 @ 4:01 am | Comment
By Ludwig
when did you first learn of the news of the murder?
What was your immediate conclusion, that Kardashian had hired someone else, or that he had done it.
November 17, 2004 @ 4:39 am | Comment
By richard
There are more intresting comments on these topics over at Joseph Bosco’s site.
November 17, 2004 @ 9:52 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard, I think the reason nobody is posting on Joe Bosco’s website is because when you post, The post is not getting through. I posted about an hour ago and I have still not seen it. I will try again. Thanks, Mario
November 17, 2004 @ 1:46 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
To Bill Wasz. Hello Bill….I am incredibly impassioned with the 2 reasons that I have in the OJ Simpson case and other things. 1. is legal justice for myself and the other is 2.Breaking the OJ case and revealing the True Muderers and that is 50% on OJ Simpson’s guilt and 50% on OJ Simpson’s Innocence. Your right about the skeptics, and that doesn’t make the skeptics bad if they conduct themselves in a Professional way. I am NOT A GREAT Johnnie Cochran FAN only because 1. his side chased me away so many times, 2. let me go around L.A. and other cities Looking for the “TRUE KILLERS”, although that was my call and I wouldn’t give up my OJ adventure for Nothing with all the Info I have and other things that happened to me, and 3. Use me as a legal shield, but that goes for both sides. The Defense side and the Plaintiffs side used me as a Legal shield and both sifes still are. Cochran said, TEST THE EVIDENCE and he is 100% right. Great to see you Bill Wasz and again Congradulations on your New Website… Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 17, 2004 @ 2:54 pm | Comment
By Simon World
OJ Simpsons and all that
Back in June Richard noted the 10th anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. That post has assumed a life of its own, with some of the key players (such as Bill Wasz) constantly contributing to the comments stream and with plenty of …
November 18, 2004 @ 12:13 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard, I knew there was a problem in getting to Post and getting to Joe Bosco’s website the Longbow Papers..Jasper Garrison said he tried and had no luck whatsoever and gave up after a while. I have had a REALLY hard time getting Posted on his website, but I finally made it. It took me about an Hour. If you could please let Joe KNOW about the problem.. A lot of people have questions for him and He should let the people on IAGO know about it. Thanks Richard, Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 18, 2004 @ 3:47 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Jasper, I know your feeling on the, We’ll say your fake bag, and my Missing bag. I will tell you this. I have talked with a lot of people on this subject. Several people have a theory. One was Neil Schulman. He came to the conclusion on the missing bag as a drug deal. We went around and around on the subject and we finally got NOWHERE. Jasper, I know what I’ve got because, and we’ll call them conversations with a select few of people on the Missing bag subject. I will absolutely tell you this. When Alan Park got back to Torrance, someone got into the Limo, took SOMETHING out of the Limo and brought it to Rocky who was setting up a Campsite near a Lake. Rocky took the contents and Dumped it in the Lake. This is an undisputed occurance with the information, facts, and conversations with people I have. UNDISPUTED..I am very open-minded on any subject. Jasper, I am going to go back and read Alan Park’s testimony in the Criminal trial and Kato Kaelins. Jasper, can you please point out to me in The Smoking Gun where it has to do with Marcia Clark and the subject. Thanks Jasper, I hope you got my E-Mail. it is under my Wife’s name as administrator, Rachelle Bedia Nitrini Thanks, Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 18, 2004 @ 9:37 pm | Comment
By Susan Moore from Court tv website
My comments on Bill Wasz:
My question is why would anyone believe anything this guy has to say? He is a hardened criminal, ex-con con man that apparently is making a lot of money from his ill fated life. I did not see anything on his site about any contact with anyone concerning Nicole Brown.
November 20, 2004 @ 2:51 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
So I’m an “ex-con con man”? That’s a little extreme. And why wouldn’t anyone believe what I have to say? After all, everything I was “caught with” was in the possession of the police five months before the murders.
And why was I in custody?? Gee, let me think….. um… maybe because I was commiting crimes???
So… that would tend to lead people to believe that I just may know something about crimes. So… if I’m full of crap, then how is that everything I’ve related over the years is backed-up with material facts and evidence? Or did I orchestrate this elaborate fraud from inside a six foot by nine foot concrete box, with nothing more than a golf pencil and a roll of toilet paper.
I’ll tell you what, why don’t you call Tom Lang, Phil Vannater and Bert Luper, and ask them what they think about me?? Bert Luper was directly assigned to investigate me and my actions in 93 and 94. He now owns a PI firm in the San Fernando Valley. Call him up. Talk to him. Then you can write me back and sling some more insults.
I didn’t post anything on my site about the OJ debacle because I DO NOT PROFIT FROM IT!!!
Now, Marcia Clark made herself a multi-millionaire from those murders, as well as several other people.
So if I ever do make a lot of money from my “ill fated” life, then at least I’m using my own life to paid, not two dead bodies of people they never even met.
Think about it Susan. Also, I’m not “hardened”. I’m actually a pretty nice guy. Just did some stupid things when I was younger. And I spent FOUR THOUSAND DAYS in a concrete box for it!!!!!
I was led to believe by Kardashian that OJ was more than aware of what I was up to.
I first saw it on the news on 6/13/94. I went numb. Mainly because I was terrified the cops would somehow connect me to it, then I would have been facing more time than any human could do.
And yes, I thought they found someone else. However, I was to learn later that OJ and his son, Jason, were there at that murder scene.
Bill wasz
November 20, 2004 @ 3:41 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Well Susan Moore, That’s good. I hope your reading EVERYTHING. I hope you have read my Post On IAGO in BRENTWOOD to you about the LEGALCHALLENGE I put out to you, SUSAN MOORE and COURT TV…..I will make it HERE AGAIN on The PEKING DUCK..I Challenge you, SUSAN MOORE amd COURT TV to a LEGAL CHALLENGE in the OJ SIMPSON CASES, which goes into other CASES and other SITUATIONS ANY LEGAL way you want it. Let’s see how much LEGAL GUTS you, SUSAN MOORE, and the GUTLESS COWARDLY people at COURT TV really have………I hope you read ALL of my POSTS on the PEKING DUCK, IAGO in BRENTWOOD, BILL WASZ’S Website and JOSEPH Bosco’s The LONGBOW PAPERS. Again, and then you and COURT TV will KNOW what you all are LEGALLY UP AGAINST… How much LEGAL GUTS DO YOU AND COURT TV REALLY HAVE? WE’LL SEE…………….
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 20, 2004 @ 3:49 pm | Comment
By goatgirl
Hello everyone
I just wanted to respond to Bill Wasz’s posting, I often thought forsure that Jason & Simpson were both at Bundy that night, So I was shocked to hear you say that… there more to that story that you can share ?????
also pay no attention to people that dont believe you & believe in you, Many great things are happening to you & I personally think you deserve it, we all make mistakes in life, its what we do with them that makes the difference. I also e-mailed you since I am having problems logging into your site…..I guess I will try again later…..!
lov goatgirl
November 20, 2004 @ 4:31 pm | Comment
By bill wasz
Mario and Goat girl,
Thank you for the support.
bill wasz
November 20, 2004 @ 5:39 pm | Comment
By Mario nitrini
To BILL WASZ, Mario here.
Mario G. Nitrini 111.
November 20, 2004 @ 8:09 pm | Comment
By S moore
Who in the heck is Mario Nitrini? What possible business could you have with me? A friend of mine sent me a private message that you were challenging me and Court TV , which we are in no way connected except I go there and debate and have fun, to some legal something or other. Dude what is wrong with you? What made you pick me out of all of the thousands of members on the Court TV message boards? Did you go over there and get insulted by me , because according to you that is what you do best. I have been reading some of your posts, you really don’t like anyone very much do you? I still do not know what the challenge is and you may not even know with all of the rambling, but imo I think you need to lighten up.
November 20, 2004 @ 11:14 pm | Comment
By Helen
Thanks for answering my question Bill. Please, don’t pay any attention to Susan Moore. She doesn’t want to listen to anything that doesn’t fit in with what she believes. You keep telling your story and what you know and don’t pay any attention to her. Thanks again Bill.
November 21, 2004 @ 8:04 am | Comment
By Helen
wow! I know in the ‘OJ: The Untold Story’ they put out the theory that Jason may of done it. But this is the first time someone said they heard both were at the scene. Do you think OJ did do it Bill? Or hired someone to do it?
November 21, 2004 @ 8:09 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
This is for Susan moore. Many things Miss Moore, One thing is Miss Moore, I don’t like very many people in this case. I don’t like OJ SIMPSONS side and I ABSOLUTELY HATE THE pLAINTIFFS SIDE for many of them trying to destroy my life anyway they could. It’s good for you to read my Posts. That’s ONLY the tip of he ICEBERG.
You seem to be missing something. You came on The Peking Duck TRASHING Bill Wasz BECAUSE he is an EX=CON. I Posted another Post on Iago just for you. I hope you have read it. It’s OK to go on any website and give you view, but when you Trash people, most people probably will not LEGALLY
respond. Well Miss Moore, YOU trashed Bill Wasz because He is an EX-con. You say that you Post for FUN, It doesn’t seem to me that your having fun, or maybe tht’s the way you have fun TRASHING PEOPLE without even KNOWING what your talking about. YOUR just like Most of the Media, you can dish it out, but you can’t take even take an inch if someone LEGALLY dishs it out to you. DIGUSTING. This time, I will LEGALLY defend WHAT I KNOW is RIGHT. “Again, I am an ex-con. I want to see ANYBDOY dispute me”. In short, that’s the challenge. I have what I have and NOBODY can take it from me 100% GAURENTEED
Miss Moore, I welcome ANYONE to debate WHAT I HAVE. It should be done in a PROFESSIONAL way. But if you want to talk Trash, I will LEGALLY get to that LEVEL and LEGALLY defend what I KNOW is right….
I said this a long time ago, and I will say it again: “Bill Wasz is 100% right in what he says”
Susan Moore. I, Mario G. Nitrini 111 am the most Hated and LEGALLY feared man in the OJ Simpson cases and saga which goes into other cases and oher situations. If ANYONE doesn’t like what I say either, 1. SHUT YOUR MOUTH, or 2. LEGALLY DO SOMETHIG ABOUT IT. Miss Moore, you come on IAGO saying your from COURT TV. YOUR very misleading. I took it that you were a reporter. Keep reading about me Miss Moore and call people and ask questions about me. Tell them not to LIE. FOR MOST, That would be nice for the first time in thier LIFE concerning me.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 21, 2004 @ 9:13 am | Comment
By richard
Several comments in this and other threads were accidentally deleted last night when I was trying to delete spam comments. My apologies if any of you were among the casualties.
November 21, 2004 @ 11:19 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
In 1998, the LAPD interrogated me in prison. They were planning on charging OJ and Kardashian with “conspiracy to commit”. This would have been a separate charge, above and beyond the murder charges. However, Garcetti, at the last minute, refused to go public that they had covered-up evidence.
Meanwhile, OJ got wind of this and sent me a message. He said my “friends” killed them over 250k in drug debts. And that he and Jason (son) went there with 250k in cash to pay it off but it was “too late” – they were already dead and he “accidently” stepped in some blood and left that shoe print.
For one, nobody lets anybody run up a 250k dope bill. So…. it became clear to me then that he and JASON, by OJ’s own admission, were at the crime scene.
Once again, the dog didn’t do it.
If you’re not from Court TV and a journalist then why do you register as such?
Trashing me is fine. I’ve been trashed by some of the most famou8s journalists in the world, and I’m honored that they expend the energy to hate me. However, they hold the status to express their beliefs and have an impact.
Hell, I had Lawrence Schiller and Norman Mailer spending their own damn money to investigate me and try to debunk my credibility. They failed. However, I am still honored to this day that Norman Mailer spent more than two seconds thinking about me.
Your opinions are fine, you’re entitled to them. But ex-cons?? Well, the next time you go to a Disney movie featuring Tim Allen, you should boycott it. You do know he did five flat years in prison for two kilos of Coke right? And gee, what does he do now??? HE MAKES DISNEY MOVIES FOR OUR KIDS!!!!
November 21, 2004 @ 11:19 am | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Uh, Folks,
I’ve just put up a rather lengthy post which is an answer to some questions on this comment string; it’s also a post about this string, the Wasz story, and the Simpson case in general…at The LongBow Papers. Click the live link which is my name at the footer of this comment and you are there…
All the very best,
November 21, 2004 @ 11:26 am | Comment
By rovaan
Have you ever read the scenario for the Bundy crimes that Dick Wagner has posted on his site? He speculated that OJ was lured to the crime site after the murders. Before Dick died, we were working on the speculation that OJ went to his office before going to Bundy (time from leaving before Park arrived and arriving about at Bundy about 10:30-10:35pm). We were thinking he had gone to get some cash to pay someone who was threatening Nicole. He, of course, was too late and it was the reason he said “I’m sorry Nic” over the coffin. In Dick’s scenario, he speculated that that OJ was involved in sports betting. Earlier he had speculated drugs but changed it because he didn’t think that the amount owned could have been enough to warrant a kill. Just wondering if you have read it and what your take was on it?
November 21, 2004 @ 12:55 pm | Comment
By Susan Moore
I did not register or ever say that I was from Court Tv. What I said was that I came from the Court Tv message boards I post there alot . I was sent a private message to come to this site and see what this Mario was challengeing me and Court Tv about. There are people on the simpson board that do not have the same opinion as I do about this case so they brought a couple of my posts over here to start trouble. I am a poster and nothing more. This Mario character has jumped the gun , as I have seen him do of others, and said that I was from Court Tv and a reporter. This is totally ridiculious. If I was a Court Tv reporter I would not be wasting my time here or over on the messages boards there either. If this was a ploy by these other posters to intimidate me it did not work. I do not intimidate very easily. I have a right to my opinion about the simpson case as does anyone else. I believe he is guilty of the murders and no amount of anything is going to change my mind. There was just too much evidence. And there is one thing you guys should think of , If these posters will try to do these things to me because I don’t agree with them then if you don’t happen to agree with them then they may try and stab you in the back too. JMO
November 21, 2004 @ 1:08 pm | Comment
By goatgirl
enough with the drama please. why are you pointing your finger at others, but yet you dont mention nothing about your rude comments about bill. (that court tv has now removed at my request)
I mean you did say those things…thats what all of this is about isnt it. so stop creating drama no one is out to get you….
November 21, 2004 @ 1:30 pm | Comment
By richard
Goatgirl, I’m with you — Susan seems to have a chip on her shoulder. And yes, she should know that the name she gave herself would lead people to believe she was from Court TV.
November 21, 2004 @ 2:05 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Yes, that theory is feasible. In my opinion, however, since I knew OJ, was that if he had happened upon a scene like that he would have “flipped out” and became an emotional wreck, not the cool and collective guy that caught a plane shortly thereafter.
Also, you simply can’t withdraw 250k, in cash, from your local bank without raising flags. Cashier’s check maybe, but not cash. And he surely wasn’t involved in a large scale criminal enterprise where he had 250k laying around.
If I had happened upon that scene, and she was my ex-wife, I’d call the cops so fast it would your head spin. Reason is, the ex-husband is always the primary suspect. And no way in hell would I risk falling for a double homicide.
However, I’m entirely discounting that theory. Life most definitely stranger than fiction, anything is possible.
I’m not entirely sure what you got going on, but I doubt if anyone is out to get you. You’re most definitely entitled to your opinions, even on me. But I found in life that if I want to know how someone is, I’ll find out for myself and not rely on other people to guide my judgement. Why? Because I’ve found that people tend to lead you in the wrong direction about people.
Also, you would be surprised who actually reviews these sites. The BBC and Bill O’Reilly came to me from reviewing these similiar sites. They figured that rather than trash me automatically, they would come see for themselves how I was. And once they met me, neither of them trashed me.
Your opinions are definitely of value, for it were not for conflicting opinion, then we all would be patting each other on the back all the time and the truth will slip by.
Goat girl,
Thank you for standing beside me. It takes someone with a lot of integrity to do so.
And the pciture of me and Jon Voight on my website is a little comedy because Voight was about as drunk as I was.
Bill Wasz
November 21, 2004 @ 2:17 pm | Comment
By Susan Moore
All you have done is let me and everyone else know who has started all of this. The only thing that you may have requested to be taken off of the boards is where you and I had a very lively conversation, If I may call it that, a couple of days ago. You told me what you thought of me and I told you what I thought of you apparently it bothered you a whole lot more than it bothered me. We had had words before and I had asked you before just not to bother me and I would not bother you. I was not posting to you or if you were posting to someone else, I left it alone. And because we did not get along I asked you just not to post to me again, well you got real smart with me and said , just like a child, that you would post to who ever you wanted to, and I said that was ok as long as it was not me. And then this started. If what you say you had taken of was about Bill W. why would you not leave it on there for him or whomever to see for themselves? Because you know and I know that what was removed had nothing to do with him or anyone else but you and me.
The comments that I made are still there as far as I know. It had to do with the Bill wasz Proffer. I asked what that was, because I had never heard of him. He can go there and read what I said for himself.
November 21, 2004 @ 2:24 pm | Comment
By Lollie
Susan, I don’t think Richard intended for this board to be about personal attacks. You have a way of attacking someone and then saying you were joking or having “fun”. You also say nothing is going to change your mind about Mr. Simpson being guilty, so don’t try to change someone else’s mind with snide remarks, sarcasm and personal attacks because they believe in his innocence. If you think there is too much evidence against O J, then lay it out on the Iago board in a civil manner and let’s all talk about it intelligently.
You have said that your opinion is based on fact so as Sgt Friday said “Just the facts, maam, just the facts”. Let’s (hear) them.
November 21, 2004 @ 2:53 pm | Comment
By Helen
Thanks again for the reply Bill. So OJ admitted to you he was at the crime scene? Do you think OJ did this? Or do you think he’s covering up for someone – his son for example?
November 21, 2004 @ 3:10 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Hello everyone,
I just visited Court TV’s “Bill Wasz” message board and was a little surprised by some of the comments.
I’m here now, not locked in a concrete box. I have NO PROBLEM answering anyone’s questions. Ask away.
But please, let’s be civil. I’m suppose to be the “mean one” and I would never attack anyone in such a fashion as a few people are lashing out at me and each other.
There’s no need to be mean. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Bill Wasz
November 21, 2004 @ 3:14 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
I believe OJ was more than willing to do two consecutive life sentences, for the love of his son.
Just as most of us would do for our kids.
Bill Wasz
November 21, 2004 @ 3:22 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
Thank you for inviting me to your website. It was very kind and considerate of you and I appreciate it. Everyone here and on the Iago board has treated my well and I appreciate that, too. However I don’t see an active place for me here, at Joe’s site or on Iago so I will bow out and wish the rest of you the best. I will maintain my site, fix errors on High Points and The Smoking Gun books when I find them and everyone is welcome to post. I just can’t see the point in doing any more in the foreseeable future than I have already done.
Thanks again Richard. So long everybody. I have no regrets or hard feelings toward anyone. It was a long and fascinating ride for me and I have learned some valuable lessons. It’s all yours now. Good luck. — Jasper
November 21, 2004 @ 3:31 pm | Comment
By Helen
Thanks again Bill. The more I read about this case the more I do think maybe OJ knew a lot more than he’s ever said. Just one more question Bill if you don’t mind, Did Kardashian give you any reason as to why he wanted you to do this? I’m still sort of “why would he want Nicole killed?” I’m not doubting you but just want to get get a clear picture of events.
November 21, 2004 @ 4:01 pm | Comment
By richard
If any of you haven’t seen Joe Bosco’s great new article on this case, go to his site NOW!
Jasper, sorry to see you go, and thanks for contributing.
November 21, 2004 @ 4:06 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
In ’94 OJ AND Kardashian were very close friends, and had been for many years. Nicole was far from an angel. Not only did she sleep with most of his friends, but she flaunted it in his face. I know this first-hand.
On top of that, he paid her 30k a months in child support and alimony.
Kardashian relayed it to me as a matter of “respect”, of which, she had little for OJ. So if you see your closest friend being tormented by her actions, with his friends no less, it would tend to cross one’s mind on how to deal with the situation. Kardashian use to brag about being part of some “mafia”, which one, I don’t know or care.
OJ and Kardashian shared everything together. They were close.
Kardashian despised N. So…
It was more about money and respect than anything else.
The picture I took of her and another of OJ’s close friends pretty much launched them both into a frenzy. And apparently, it carried on long after I left the scene.
I hope this helps.
November 21, 2004 @ 5:18 pm | Comment
By goatgirl
Bill, Thanks for the nice comments, I think it is important for people to stand up for each other, especially when comments are completely uncalled for, you appear to be a good man making a difference with your life so don’t loose focus on your goals & don’t worry I got your back (lol 🙂
Your replies to Helen’s questions were very interesting & paint a completely different picture then the stories the media has feed to everyone, Do you think the truth will ever come out ? & if so will you have a part of it
And Susan….again enough with the drama & personal attacks please, like I said before
I am here to discuss the Simpson case. I didn’t do anything to you, you did it to yourself, you made those comments, not me. End of story (please)
November 21, 2004 @ 6:12 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
You are 100% right Goatgirl. We should be talking and investigating anything and everything about the OJ Simpson case.
If I can just ask one question about Susan Moore. Goatgirl, is susan moore saying that YOU brought over her comment on Bill Wasz? That’s my take on it.
She says she posted from court tv website. Go to IAGO and it says susan moore from court tv. She was trying to mislead us all.
When I see something wrong, you better believe I am going to call that person on it NO MATTER WHERE or What. Anyway ENOUGH OF SUSAN MOORE.
I want to ask Bill Wasz: Bill if you go to Schillers and Willworth’s book American Tradgedy, on page 42 at the top paragraph it says “Cathy Randa sent Dale St. Johns limousine service to pick Paula up at the airport. Kardashian was amazed to hear that Allan Park picked her up.” Bill, Rocky told me he went CAMPING for a week. I found out months later he came back into L. A. on June 14. and we’ll just say doing errands for O. J. My question is Kardashian KNEW that ROCKY was OJ’s REGULAR Limo driver. Do KNOW anything at all about this supposed saying by Kardashian? Thanks Bill And thanks to LOLLIE and GOATGIRL.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 21, 2004 @ 7:08 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard, I CANNOT get through again to Joseph Bosco’s post a comment on OJ AGAIN. If you could Please let him KNOW.
I will ask him here. Joe I really want to talk about evidence, and I am NOW going to FOCUS on MY Focus, Rocky Bateman and the LIMO company and everything that goes with it.
1st of many, many questions.
When we met for the first time in June of 1997 at your Apt. in Hollywood, I told you about The LIMO conspiracy, Dale St. John and Rocky Bateman, and we went over some of Det. Ron Ito’s conversations with me. I hope you still have the Paperwork I gave you. In your book, Problem of evidence, Patrick Mckenna tells you that Dale St. John is OJ’s REGULAR LIMO DRIVER. Now we both KNOW that that is an all out and out BLANTANT LIE. Rocky even went on CNN and said he was OJ’s REGULAR LIMO driver for over 3 and one half years. Gee I wonder WHY ROCKY went on CNN? Joe , How do you EXPLAIN Patrick Mckenna’s BIG LIE to you? Something is BIG TIME wrong here, wouldn’t you say? I’d like to hear your answer ONLY IF you are liberty to do so.
Thanks Joe
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Joe, you gotta do something about people Posting on your website, It’s just about impossible.
November 21, 2004 @ 8:10 pm | Comment
By Brian Murray
Hi all,
I am one of the posters on the Courttv board (wukong is my name over there) and just wanted to make clear the Susan situation. Apparantly the first post above, from her, which caused all this ruckus was actually cut and pasted from the Bill Wasz thread by someone other than Susan. Not sticking up for her, just wanted to set the record straight.
As people on the Courttv board know, I am knowledgable on the Simpson case mainly from the evidence side. I have read every bit of testimony, especially from the scientific side, more than once. I do not have a strong feeling either way when it comes to hanging OJ or bowing to him. I am merely interested in the facts of the case, which I find fascinating.
I have started reading the posts here and will continue to do so, reaching back into the archives a bit, before I post some questions. I am very interested in what you all have to say that was not brought out in court. There is always more to the story and some of you here seem very intimate with the underbelly of this beast.
November 22, 2004 @ 2:51 am | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
I could not post this message on Joe Bosco’s site (a response to what he wrote about my interest in the case). Will you please do it for me? –Jasper
Ancillary? I fear that you have underestimated Mark Fuhrman’s intelligence and mine.
I know that the crime scene was not as it appeared. I know that others tampered with evidence. I know that Fuhrman wasn’t the only one with a hidden agenda for doing it. I found that these machinations were ancillary.
I keyed on Fuhrman because he was the only one who appeared at every crucial point in O.J.’s life leading to the murders, the deconstruction of O.J.’s image and his celebrity-making murder trial. I keyed on Fuhrman because he had strong monetary and political motives and a phony, time-shifted alibi. I keyed on him because he was the only one who fit all of the characteristics necessary for the killer if the killer wasn’t who he appeared to be. I keyed on him because he stood 6’3,” wore size 12 shoes and walked with the toes of his feet oriented in the same direction as the killer’s (see Iago Animations).
The idea that O.J. and Kardashian were involved in pornography and illegal sports betting through dummy companies is not shocking. I don’t even question it. O.J.’s livelihood depended on his image. Hiding his involvement with anything of that sort is consistent with his need to protect his image. It has nothing to do with the way he conducted himself around other people in public or private. The Iago hypothesis does not require O.J. Simpson to be a saint. It says only that his personality was not consistent with the picture of him FIRST drawn by Fuhrman in his 1989 letter to the city attorney.
Fuhrman gives a fuzzy date of the incident in the “fall or winter” of 1985, which creates a false timeline for documenting O.J.’s “continuing abuse” from 1985 to 1994. All of the “documents” on that timeline have Fuhrman’s name on them somewhere, including the “diary” found in a safe deposit box in ’94 with photos of Nicole’s “battered” face. Lou Brown took one of those photos in 1979 when Nicole appeared as an extra in O.J.’s TV movie Detour to Terror. O.J. said the injuries to Nicole’s face in Lou’s photo where make-up. Lou said that he never saw evidence that O.J. abused Nicole. Denise said that she took the photo in 1989 (see Animation on Iago Discussion Board). The shelf life of the film was one year. The film was dated 1979. The movie was released in the month and year (1980) that Fuhrman’s second wife divorced him. That’s the ex he told his LAPD shrinks he would have killed along with her lover if he had caught them.
Fuhrman lied about the year he witnessed the baseball bat incident. It wasn’t in 1985. It was in 1984, the year you now tell us he purchased a home across the street from the house where O.J. and Kardashian set up their pornography and illegal sports gambling base of operations. The following year, Fuhrman struck up a friendship with Ron Shipp – a man with direct access to O.J. and Nicole, a spouse abuse instructor at the LA Police Academy whose last assignment before he left the LAPD in 1989 was in forgery. That year, Fuhrman also struck up a close relationship with Laura Hart, whose only screenplay writing credentials were in soft porn, like the features produced for cable and video by Playboy – which co-produced O.J.’s Detour to Terror.
Fuhrman name George Foreman, Michael Jordan and Larry Bird as his favorite athletes of all time. He said that basketball was his favorite sport. Yet, the predominate sports metaphors he uses are baseball metaphors, which would probably make Ty Cobb his favorite athlete. I followed up on the corollaries to these associations combined with Fuhrman’s thrill-seeking personality and found no reference to him participating in high-risk recreational activities. A guy like that had to get his adrenaline fix somehow. I came up with the things he said he did on the McKinney tapes and high stakes gambling.
Fuhrman looked to me like a man who bet heavily on sporting events, who won big with George Forman, the Bulls and the Celtics and lost big betting against the Tigers in the ’84 Word Series. Mark Thurmond was the star pitcher for the losing Padres. Tiger bats “murdered” him. If I was right, I expected to see more Fuhrman associations to fall, the “Fall Classic” and baseball bats. I saw them in TV-movie producer Mark Fuhrman’s Murder in Greenwich with baseball bats smashing pumpkins as a metaphor for murder.
Iago says that a man fitting Mark Fuhrman’s physical description, his talents, ambitions, military background and official role in the investigation of the Bundy murders had an obsession with O.J. and Nicole. No one else matched all of those characteristics. I guessed that the obsession started with O.J.’s role as the boxer in the 1978 television movie Goldie and the Boxer and motivated his successful efforts to be assigned to West LA in 1984 when he lost his appeal for early retirement. From there you can chart a line though all of the people, places times, time shifts, locations and circumstances necessary for him to plan the killings, carry them out and reshape the image of O.J. Simpson.
You get Fuhrman’s 1984 move to Redondo Beach, his version of the baseball bat incident time-sifted to 1985, the ’89 letter to the city attorney, the 1992 boasting of his affair with Nicole with her supposedly telling him of O.J.’s “continuing abuse.” You get Nicole’s 911 call in November ’93 where she makes a reference to O.J.’s “record” – a record that existed only because of Mark Fuhrman’s letter. Then you get the murders, with Mark Fuhrman as the first investigator on the scene and the investigation with all of Fuhrman’s observations, theories and discoveries leading to the Rockingham glove. You get the stories of O.J., the man Fuhrman described in his letter from others, chiefly Faye Resnick and Denise Brown. Now we can add William Wasz.
The unidentified woman’s 10:30 call to the police station, by the way, wasn’t to West LA where Fuhrman and Roberts were assigned. It was to the Wilshire station where a long time delay was built into the actions of whomever received it. The only thing it did was create the illusion that the murders had already occurred – a time shift. No matter who got the call, no one could respond without a reported crime at a specific location. The caller did not report a crime or give an address. There would be no investigation until the West LA coordinator called his lead detective – your “ancillary” Mark Fuhrman.
Dominique’s identification of the Bruno Magli Lorenzos (with O.J. wearing them) can be found in Lange and Vannatter’s Evidence Dismissed (pages 215 and 216). Your reference to Denise saying that she saw O.J. wearing them is on pages 75 and 76 of A Problem of Evidence. –Jasper
November 22, 2004 @ 4:07 am | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Do you smoke your socks? I will be very brief, I don’t want to do this on my dear friend Richard’s site, I’d rather do it at mine.
We agree! You ninny! I was on to Fuhrman as a principal murder suspect before we picked a jury. Believe me I never underestimate Mark Fuhrman’s capacity for evilness, I stared him down eyeball to eyeball, he blinked first.
I said “ancillary” because there is far more to this picture than anyone’s candidate for lone assassin-in-heat, also Marcia’s simplistic choice, the wrong choice.
What happened at Bundy was the work of a number of people, some of them very much working at cross-purposes with each other, at slightly different times. Everything you list about your boy can just as easily fit into his motivation to be part of something illegal and grandiose but also instrumental in a plot to dethrone the totem.
This just wasn’t a one man job, folks. That’s my problem with so many “theories.” Study the people, their relationships, and their secret paper trails and you’ll find your killers.
If I have more to write about this line of thought, I’ll do it on The LongBow Papers.
All the very best,
November 22, 2004 @ 5:22 am | Comment
By Tammy
I was wondering why no other media outlet has picked this up. Hard Copy, Enquirer, Dateline etc… I know that a lot of those shows love controversy and would never back down from the PD. What is it that has kept them away from this story? I don’t question that you definately have some inside knowledge. And, I remember when they were talking about the guy who stole Paula’s vehicle and had notes regarding Nicole. So, it was public. I just don’t understand if this was so close to being brought out anyways why they wouldn’t pick up on it. Have you ever contacted any other media outlet else besides the police?
November 22, 2004 @ 7:37 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
To Brian Murray. You have stated above that you are KNOWLEDGABLE of the OJ SIMPSON CASE. I have my evidence and corrupt criminal cover-up about the LIMO company, Rocky Bateman, and so on and so on, by the State of Calif and other Gov’t agencies and other people. I hope you read all of my Posts on the Peking Duck, IAGO in BRENTWOOD, The LONGBOW PAPERS and BILL WASZ’S website, and then ask me ANY question you want. If I can answer, I will. There are some issues and situations I will not answer. They are to be filed or have been filed in Court Papers or I am Saving for the Witness stand. I have stated this many, many times before.
I am looking forward to discuusing evidence with you. Most people want nothing to do with me.
Thanks for your Post,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 9:06 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
In 1994 I decided to do one brief interview with CNN. I basically said nothing because of the potential legal complications. However, after that interview I was banned, personally, by the Director of Corrections of California, and the Govenor, from being filmed again.
I met with “Hard Copy” in 95. They were denied the right to film me. I met with many others as well. All were denied the right to film me.
So, since these are “video media outlets”, they were at a loss. And as the years passed… so did the interest.
In 2000, however, the BBC managed to take snippets of my CNN interview and superimpose them with prison phone calls I made to interview.
So the answer to your question is “yes”, many programs did try to get me on film, the governmnent specificallly disallowed me to be filmed. Yes, they have that power.
Now, today, no one has enough interest to follow through with it.
However, it is forums like this one which may change all that.
Thank you for your message.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 10:33 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
In 1994 I decided to do one brief interview with CNN. I basically said nothing because of the potential legal complications. However, after that interview I was banned, personally, by the Director of Corrections of California, and the Govenor, from being filmed again.
I met with “Hard Copy” in 95. They were denied the right to film me. I met with many others as well. All were denied the right to film me.
So, since these are “video media outlets”, they were at a loss. And as the years passed… so did the interest.
In 2000, however, the BBC managed to take snippets of my CNN interview and superimpose them with prison phone calls I made to interview.
So the answer to your question is “yes”, many programs did try to get me on film, the governmnent specificallly disallowed me to be filmed. Yes, they have that power.
Now, today, no one has enough interest to follow through with it.
However, it is forums like this one which may change all that.
Thank you for your message.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 10:33 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Who are you????
You have called me a “liar” and a “con man” on different sites.
So…. I ask you…. who the hell are you????? I don’t remember seeing you or hearing your name in 93 or 94, or did I miss something?
Apparently you are so absorbed with your theory that you are going to lash out at people and call them names, just as a child would do.
Grow up man, you don’t have to lower yourself to name calling.
And, once again; WHO ARE YOU???
I don’t ever remember reading your name in connection with this case. But when you get a chance to talk to someone who has been connected with it from the very beginning…. you lash out at them.
I, personally, respect anyone’s opinion, because I firmly believe that they are entitled to it and I won’t try to refute them. But I also won’t call anyone names.
Have a nice day, Jasper.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 10:43 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
I apologize, for I am not doing my research properly. I just now found out who you are.
You’re Jim Garrison’s son??
Well then…. am honored that you call me names. Please feel free to call me whatever you want. Your achievements are so broad that you are most definitely entitled to express yourself about me.
I honestly thought you were just some generic bozo who was a little off tilt.
Have a “field day” at my expense,
I’m honored.
Your father was a good man.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 10:53 am | Comment
By Ludwig
Who is Jasper you ask?
He is one of the HANDFUL of investigators that kept researching
the O.J. case all through 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
while so many others closed the case firmly shut in their minds.
And about people doubting the involvement of Kardashian and your story:
With so many lies in the case why should they believe YOU more than anyone else?
Mark Fuhrman lied, Brad Roberts lied, Jill Shivley lied, Kato Kaelins friend lied to get a tabloid story, Denise Brown lied (about spouse abuse), Ron Shipp lied (about O.J. telling him of his dreams), thousands of MISLEADING, FALSE TIPS were received by the LAPD.
Statements saying “it was confirmed by private investigators” BUT “the sources cannot be revealed” have been misleading the case one too many times. The whole claims of “spouse abuse” are a perfect example: When examined in detail, the sources of this claim are precisely the most suspicious, alibi-less characters in the whole case.
November 22, 2004 @ 11:24 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Yes, I know that know. If you see above, I semi-retracted my original statement as to “who” he is.
And as far as my “story”… I was so sloppy in my activities in 93/94 that I left trails of material evidence, all of which was verified by LAPD in 1998.
The detectives names Pietrantonia and Marlow. They are still on the force.
I away so long that I just never had the opportunity to discuss the situation as I can now.
And yes, I agree with you on the Spousal abuse crap. It was a fraudulent theory that Clark instilled the world’s mind.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 12:05 pm | Comment
By Tammy
Hi Bill,
Thanks for replying! I researched and found a small article at the BBC regarding the story you were talking about. But, I could not find anything on CNN. Do you have any copies or know where I could read a copy of it? It is amazing that they could ban anyone from showing you on TV. That is a direct violation of free speech. Do you know what reason they give for not allowing you to be shown on TV? I am still truly amazed that someone didn’t just do the story anyways. That would have been big.
Also, are you saying that you don’t think OJ committed the murders? I understand that he had RK soliciting (or at least was OK with it). But, it sounds like he just couldn’t take it any more and took it into his own hands. And, why would you say that OJ was not an abusive spouse? I do agree that she knew how to push his buttons and she wasn’t an angel. But, there were witnesses and pictures to back this up. We heard her voice on the phone. And, not to mention they shredded OJ’s admission of all the abuse he did commit on Nicole. Obviously it was not good for OJ if they had to shred it. Since you were associated with Robert K, Paula B and OJ how would you know except for second hand information regarding the abuse? Or were you around OJ and Nicole?
I am also a poster from CourtTV. (tazzybaby) I firmly believe in OJ’s guilt but try to keep an open mind. I leaned more towards innocent until I looked at all the evidence. I think his lies pretty much took away any doubt I had regarding his guilt. So, mentioning the other people who lied in this case, let’s please don’t forget OJ’s lies also : )
November 22, 2004 @ 1:16 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Actually, I wasn’t “banned” from television, per se’, just from being filmed while I was in prison. You see, the California Department of Corrections has an obscene amount of power, and when you are in their custody, you belong to them solely. I could talk to the media all I wanted, however, the Department of Corrections refused to allow these same media to film me. These shows are solely based on doing filmed interviews. No film to play on television… no story to tell. And it had to come from me.
The CNN interview is in their archives. The BBC used it, superimposed my voice over top, and got their “film” that way.
I didn’t mean that I don’t believe OJ beat on her. I’m sure he did. What I meant was the prosecution relied solely on “spousal abuse” as their motive. To me, there were many other motives they chose not to pursue, because they had gone public, quickly I might add, with their primary theory, long before all the facts starting coming in.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 4:26 pm | Comment
By Helen
Thanks Bill, very interesting information, thanks again. I really hope the full truth does eventually come out.
November 22, 2004 @ 6:20 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi Tammy. Mario Nitrini here. I really am a pretty easy going person. I speak my mind, and if I have to, legally, I can defend ANYTHING what I feel is right like NO ONE you have ever seen.
Like Bill, I had Many, many media people after me before and ater my article came out in the L. A. Times. The Cowardly media people ALWAYS want it done there way..With me, It’s MY WAY and I SELLOUT to NO ONE.
Question for Bill Wasz. Bill, I never saw the BBC special on you on film. I did read the article BBC wrote on you. My question is: After they did the TV special on you, If you KNOW, WHY didn’t they follow up on your information? Seems BIZARRE that they would just let it go.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 6:35 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
TO ALL IN THE OJ SIMPSON CASE….especially Joe Bosco, Jasper Garrison, and Bill Wasz…..
I have Posted on IAGO a message to all 3 of you. Joe, Jasper, and Bill. I would bring it over here, but I don’t KNOW how. I am very Computer Stupid. Please read.
mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 7:20 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
I posted a message for you on IAGO. At least you had the GUTS to ask what happened to your message board Post about my Challenge to you and COURT TV.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 7:23 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
That BBC special never aired in the US. As far as I know. Europe and Asia.
The cops have no intentions of ever reopening that case. I have heard it straight from their mouths. They say it is “cursed” and shall forever stay away.
Bill Wasz
November 22, 2004 @ 7:35 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Bill, also you KNOW and I KNOW that another reason that they can’t reopen th OJ SIMPSON case is that there are SO, SO many people that have ILLEGALLY covered up so much. If different situations, and we’ll say things, come out,GOV’T employees and other people Go to Jail and LOSE everything they have.
Thanks for the answer Bill,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 7:55 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
For Susan Moore. Miss Moore, I forgot to put your name on the Post 3 above this one, again, at least you had the GUTS to ask why your Thread was taken off the Court TV message board about my Challenge to you and Court TV.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 9:22 pm | Comment
By Susan More
Yes and I am not easily intimidated either! You say you posted something to me on the IAGO board, what is that and where is it. I have never heard of it either. I have asked on the Court TV board and I still do not know where this IAGO board or site is. Can you respond and let me know, I would like to take a peek at it also.
November 22, 2004 @ 10:12 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Miss Moore, You can go to Smartfellows Press at Yahoo. it will take you to Jasper garrison’s Website and then go to the November Disussion board. You can take it form there and read the Posts.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 22, 2004 @ 10:24 pm | Comment
By Tammy
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your response. I misunderstood what you had said earlier. I thought you meant that you couldn’t be filmed now either. That is very interesting and I am very excited to be able to correspond with you now. So, they would be able to talk to you and film you now? Have you ever contacted anyone (hard copy, dateline etc..) since you have been released? I would LOVE to see this come out into the public eye. Especially right now since OJ is back in the spotlight.
Did RK, PB or OJ ever communicate to you why exactly they wanted Nicole dead? Did they ever say what the reason was for you to steal Paula’s vehicle? I find that a very odd request. I understand that you believe it was all part of setting you up. But, I was wondering what reason they gave you.
Thank you so much for your responses.
November 23, 2004 @ 5:55 am | Comment
By Tammy
Hi Mario,
I could not locate your article at LA Times. I would love to read it if you have a copy of it or know where I could find one. Is that the only place you have interviewed with? How long ago was that? Have you ever met OJ? Did someone tell you that OJ left the bag in the Limo? I was just wondering how you have the information that you have. You and Rocky were friends from what I have read. That is your connection to this, right? Are the police the ones who were trying to keep you quiet or someone else?
Sorry for so many questions. I was just curious and trying to understand the information you have.
November 23, 2004 @ 6:29 am | Comment
By mario nitrini
Tammy , the MORE questions, the BETTER. I know if you go to the L.A. times archieves you can get a copy, but you have to pay for it… I have about 20 copies wiht me that I xeroxed and so, so many people have copies of my article. Actually, Joe bosco has several. I don’t KNOW how I could get it to you…I am very, very, caustious with who I deal with. No Disrespect to you, but if you have been reading my Posts, you can understand WHY.
I also did a radio interview on David Breshnahan’s National Radio program back in Mid-March, 2001.
I have never met OJ.
My Incredible (meaning hard work) investigation got me to that point./ SO, SO, much information in-between.
Rocky at the time was an in-law. He and I RAN in the Early 90’s. and YES he was MY first connection to the OJ Simpson case.
The Police, the L. A District attorney’s office, other Gov.t Agencies, the Media, people on Both sides of the case and others, ECT, EXT, ECT., Have illegally tried to silence me in many differnt ways and other ways.
Thanks for the questions, Tammy, anytime.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 23, 2004 @ 9:06 am | Comment
By Susan Moore
Mario and to whom it may concern,
I finally found the IAGO site and went to the November 20 board. Mario I really appreciate the lovely things you had to say about me. Now you say you really like to investgate and find out the truth about people and what can really happen to them. I want you to copy this so called post that I was supposed to have posted on the IAGO site. Then go to the Court TV message boards to the simpson board. Then go to the thread Bill Wasz. This was where I posted my opinion on the Bill Wasz matter. If you can get beyond that, see if you can find my quote. You can’t it is gone. Then if you will look on page 3 on that same thread,and go down to the 9th post you will see at the top of that post is my orginal quote that I posted right there on that same thread,and at the bottom is the person that is posting back to me. I won’t say who cut my post off of there and then pasted it on a site that I have never heard of (IAGO), I will let you draw your own conclusions to who did that. But if you will look at it and it was word for word like the quote on the IAGO site. I would have never known it if a friend had not told me . That is when I came looking for you . I will say a day or two before this incident a person and I had words as we have in the past. I did get in touch with the moderator over there and she said that I could go to web crime about the quote being moved.
I will say this about myself, If someone makes me mad I stand and face it , I do not go behind their back and do sneaky things to start trouble. I also do not get other people to fight my battles. I am capable of doing that on my own. I suggest to the person that did this if you can’t stand the heat stay away from the fire. And if you cannot handle your own business without involving others then you need to go somewhere and grow up, before you get into something you can’t get yourself out of one day.
November 23, 2004 @ 1:39 pm | Comment
By Tammy
Thanks for your reply! I completely understand you being cautious. I thought maybe you had it online or something for me to see. I have been very interested in the OJ Simpson case since it was broadcast. I stayed at home and watched every minute of it. I have read and researched off and on since. I am in the process of reading previous posts on the mentioned sites so I can understand everyone’s role a little better. I will also try to find any other interviews you have done in the past.
So, you have been doing your own investigation? This is all stemming from the relationship with Rocky? How in the world did you get so much information and get everyone to talk? Persistence I am assuming.
I am also assuming that they want to silence you due to the information you have uncovered in this case and not because of your role in the case. And, that is by your own investigation? Rocky and OJ were friends or just acquaintances? Did he ever share any information regarding the case with Rocky?
Thanks again for your reply to my many questions. I’m sure I’ll have more along the way.
November 23, 2004 @ 1:53 pm | Comment
By goatgirl
you really dont get it do you ? I didnt want to have to address your comments YET AGAIN but incase you missed it… one here is interested in your comments or threats, so get over it. we are here to discuss the Simpson trial & you are here to stir the pot, you really should get a grip & get over it.
YOU said all that crap about Bill & Mario I may add …so whats the problem why are you crying to everyone, oops are the internet police going to get me now (HA HA HA). also incase you didnt know causing distress to others is grounds to have you dismissed from the court tv website, so i will bring that to coldwaters attention as well……
to everyone else reading this, I am sorry you have to hear this crap again, but this chick is out to lunch & I have tryed to be polite & ask her to stop, but well you all know the story.
now can we talk the simpson case…..PLEASE
love goatgirl
November 23, 2004 @ 3:15 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
To Susan Moore. Brian Murray Posted a post to me on IAGO. I hope you read it. Everything is OK for me concerning this situation. Why you bring up QUOTE “I really appreciate the nice things you said about me” I don’t understand. Yesterday I said, again, It’s OK for me. Drop it Miss Moore.
Goatgirl, EVERYTHING is OK. I read some of Susan Moore’s Posts. Just leave it at that.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
November 23, 2004 @ 5:30 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi Tammy. I started my OWN investigation on June 14,1994, and Yes I went on the starting of what Rocky had told me.
Tammy, when you can go into places where not very many people can go or have been, and you KNOW certain people, It really isn’t that hard. You have to keep at it (your Persistance statement) and you really have to use your Brain and we’ll just call them My developed TECHNIQUES. And you cannot be afraid.
Many people want to silence me and have tried 1. Yes, because of LOTS of information I have and 2. Should it come out, Many people will go to JAIL and Legally LOSE everything they Have. Tammy, I am NO secret. Just about EVERYONE of the BIG players KNOW where I live, have my PHONE # and so on. I FEAR NOTHING, But I am EXTREMLY cautious. There are people who STILL want to take me out and they keep trying.. I say to them, Legally, BRING IT ON. And it is due to MY INvestigation and so on and so on.
Rocky was an in-law of mine at the time and WE RAN together in the Early 90’s.
Rocky came over to my apt. on June 18, 1994,the day after the Bronco chase. He was ther talking to me about OJ for 7 full hours..This is for me and me alone.
Tammy, Thank you for the questions. Keep Asking.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
My article in the L.A. Times came out on June 23, 1995 and was written by Bill Boyarsky
November 23, 2004 @ 5:52 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
I had no intention of posting again for as far into the future as I could see for several reasons. Two of them were the assumptions you made about the Iago hypotheses that aren’t true. I still admire you but I have not had much luck in communicating with journalists on equal terms. Somehow my words always get morphed into someone else’s beliefs. The ease with which you morphed my position into Marcia Clark’s says it all.
Your previous comments showed me that you do not know what my position is or how I arrived at it. They showed me that you did not know I HAD TO KNOW there were conspiracies within conspiracies with people working at cross-purposes. Your comments showed me that you didn’t think Fuhrman had the foresight and candlepower to use these machinations to his advantage or that I had the hindsight and candlepower to figure it out.
Fuhrman’s “capacity for evil” is ancillary (yes, Joe, that word did piss me off) and Iago does not posit a “lone assassin-in-heat.” It says just the opposite. Mark Fuhrman’s level of intelligence is paramount. Iago says that if O.J. didn’t do it, there had to be AT LEAST five conspirators working together. Each of them had to have special and highly unlikely characteristics. The mastermind had to have an extremely high IQ.
You and I know that there are fools (like Vincent Bugliosi) with impressive IQ scores and people more intelligent than they are who don’t. IQ is only one, flawed and commonly misunderstood measure of intelligence. In practice it can be a hidden handicap unless high social status and ruthlessness go along with it. Iago says that the killer was test wise and that he laid out the evidence the way IQ tests are lied out – to deceive.
Iago says that a methodical killer familiar with military ambushes and a particular ambush technique staged the murders to look like rage killings. He also had to know what seasoned detectives and pathologists look for in a “rage” killing. It was much easier than in looked, with anomalous evidence appearing only where the killer and his accomplices had to improvise with Gigi, Kato and O.J.’s cut finger. O.J. still doesn’t know how HIS blood drops on his driveway can clear him. He hasn’t seen the Iago animations.
Iago says that the active killer had three motives – fame, fortune and influence. It says that he sprinkled red herrings all over the place the way master criminals do in the movies and stepped in to solve the crime the way great detective do in the movies. Look at the clusters of evidence linked directly to Mark Fuhrman. Where have you seen all of them before June 12, 1994? In the movies.
Nobody is going to take Iago seriously if the major themes get past you and you misstate them. O.J. doesn’t know about it. And nobody who could tell him has told him. None of them will if they go to a brilliant, knowledgeable journalist with absolute integrity who believes he understands it and relegates Mark Fuhrman’s role in the murders to a subordinate level. Nobody who counts is going to look at Fuhrman the way we have as a murder suspect and anyone who says he should be looked at that way will be summarily dismissed. Why consider the “small fry” when there are big fish to catch? –Jasper
November 23, 2004 @ 9:34 pm | Comment
By richard
To any commenters who have been trying to post comments that were blocked — my apologies! I have been having serious troubles with comment spam and was using a spam blocker. I have relaxed the rules, so it should be okay to post comments now. My sincere apologies!
November 26, 2004 @ 4:46 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Hi Richard. I have a gut feeling that joe Bosco and Bill Wasz are up to SOMETHING regarding the OJ SIMPSON case. I haven’t heard form Joe on his website lately and the same with Bill on his website. Just my gut feeeling. Anything to do With the OJ case helps me.
Thanks Richard,
November 27, 2004 @ 8:42 am | Comment
By mario mnitrini
Hi Richard. Do you if anything is going on with Bill Wasz and Joseph Bosco Concerning the OJ Simpson case. They are Both AWFULLY QUIET. They both haven’t answered my POSTS to them in quite while.
Thanks Richard.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 4, 2004 @ 5:46 pm | Comment
By richard
Mario, Joe is a very busy guy, teaching and writing and appearing on TV all the time. I don’t know why he and Bill W. have been so quiet lately, but it could just be that they have other priorities right now. If I hear anything, I’ll certainly let you know.
December 5, 2004 @ 6:48 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Thanks Richard. That’s INCREDIBLY interesting that Joe does TV in China. Does Joe speak in English or does HE have a chinese interpreter or maybe Joe IS fluent speaking in Chinese? That’s pretty neat. He ws on TV many times when HE was covering the OJ SIMPSON CASE here in Los Angeles.
Again, Thanks Richard,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 5, 2004 @ 8:06 pm | Comment
By richard
Mario, there’s an all-English TV station that plays throughout China, known as CCTV-9. Joe is a frequent guest on their programs.
December 5, 2004 @ 8:52 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Thanks Richard. again, that’s pretty NEAT.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 5, 2004 @ 9:13 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
This is for Brian Murray. Hi Brian. I just read your Post on Court TV, OJ the 10th Anniversery about Pat Valentino’s letter. Great Post. I read Pat Valentino’s letter to Catherine Crier’s producer about a week and a half ago on another Link and Posted about it on IAGO, about Phillip Van Atter the same day. Van Atter is just a Plain out and out LYING PIG. I’m really glad Pat posted it on Court TV.
I really like to get your insight on different situations in the OJ case. Thanks for posting those Links for me. Any information I can read and then apply it to MY information and Evidence is Incredibly appreciated. I can only tell you it helps me emensely.
Thanks again,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 7, 2004 @ 8:16 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
This is for Bian Murray. Hi Brian. I just read your response to Pat Valentino’s letter to Catherine Crier’s producer on the Court TV, OJ Simpson 10th Anniversery.
Great Post.
I read Pat’s letter on another Link about a week and a half ago and I Posted on IAGO the same day regarding Phillip Van Atter. Phillip Van Atter is just a plain ou LYING PIG.
Brian it’s always great to get your INSIGHT in the OJ Simpson case. Whether you KNOW it or not, you have helped me. Thanks for the LINKS. Any Information you can provide for me , I take it and Apply it to my Information and Evidence and I go from there.
Thanks again Brian,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 7, 2004 @ 8:23 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
This is for Brian Murray. Hi Brian. I just read your Post to Pat Valentino about his letter to Catherine Crier’s producer on OJ the 10th anniversery.
Great Post.
I read Pat’s letter about a week and a half ago on another Link and I Posted on IAGO the same day about Phillip Van Atter. Phillip Van Atter is just a Plain out LYING PIG.
It’s always great to get your Insight on the OJ Simpson case. Whether you KNOW it or not, you have helped me. Thanks for the LINKS. I take whatever information I can get, apply it to my information and Evidence and go from there.
Thanks again Brian,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 7, 2004 @ 8:35 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Richard, any word on Joseph Bosco? Nothing from him at all. Very little from Bill Wasz also. I hope there both O. K.
Mario G Nitrini 111
December 26, 2004 @ 12:04 pm | Comment
By richard
I just know he’s working real hard, trying to keep pace with all the responsibilities he’s taken on. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s quiet for a few more months to come. Meanwhile, Merry Christmas!
December 26, 2004 @ 12:36 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Thanks Richard, Merry Christmas to you also.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 26, 2004 @ 12:40 pm | Comment
By mario nitrini
Joseph Bosco,
I have posted on your LongBow Papers website. I hope you read it. You must have fixed the resopnse time, because I got though Instantly. That is good.
I read the WOW editorials. I don’t comment because I don’t KNOW enough about CHINA to be Knowledgable.
Joe, I had a thought. Since you are teaching the Students in your college, Journalism, wouldn’t it be interesting to involve them in the OJ Simpson case and ask how they would interview an individual person involved in the case? I wouldn’t mind them interviewing me, but the ONLY PROBLEM is that YOU KNOW my feelings on “THE MEDIA.” I will just say to be nice on the media, NOT GOOD AT ALL. Just a thought Joe.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
December 26, 2004 @ 8:52 pm | Comment
By Yocheved
I know that O.J. Simpson killed his ex-wife and Ronald Goldman. You people seem to be ignoring the overwhelming evidence against him. There was no cover-up etc by the Police Dept. etc. Evidence was collected and there was enought evidence to convict 5 killers. No, this trial was smoke and mirrors. If you’ve got the money you get off because you have the resources to buy the finest legal minds in the country …..
January 8, 2005 @ 7:17 pm | Comment
By Mario Nitrini
Yocheved, do you really in your heart and mind believe that there was NO cover-up by the Police in the OJ Simpson case? If you want to discuss that with me we can. I am 50/50 on Oj Simpson’s guilt and 50/50 on OJ Simpson’s innocence.
Yocheved, If you will please go back on the Peking Duck and read some of my comments, you will get a better handle of who I am, what I was involved with, and who I was involved with in the OJ Simpson case.
I believe me and you should start from there. I am looking forward to having interesting debates with you. I don’t think you can miss my posts here on the Peking Duck.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
January 8, 2005 @ 8:36 pm | Comment
By Anonymous
who posted the nudity of Nicole Simpson and who filmed it and when?
January 13, 2005 @ 10:37 am | Comment
By NovatoBon
What a delightful surprise to discover this blog.
I’ve been an avid follower of this fascinating case since the beginning and have never lost interest. Finally, a discussion about the troubling facts surrounding the case, and not just a shout down of anyone who sees them differently that the media has led us to believe.
Bill Wasz, my heart goes out to you for what you have had to endure. The fact that Joe Bosco speaks so highly of you, speaks volumes for me. I hope you’ll continue to post and enlighten us as to what went on. I’ve read the series Breshnahan ran and have so many questions. I’m also wondering about the link to the video you posted —you mentioned political and financial pressures….Were you trying to portray the bleak reality of your existence in jail, or make a link to the current administration & their policies? Looking forward to hearing from all of you. Everyone sounds very knowledgable about the evidence, a refreshing change! [waving to Joe] ….keep in touch!
February 17, 2005 @ 9:52 am | Comment
By Anonymous
Bill ~ You’re probably the only one speaking who had real info about OJ and Ns drug use. Do you feel any of the drug scene played a role in this killing?
February 21, 2005 @ 7:41 pm | Comment
By Tucker Booth
I am doing a research paper on OJ simpson and i need a lot of information on what he did,if he did it when it happened and who his layer was
February 22, 2005 @ 8:09 am | Comment
By John Junot
Mr. Booth:
You need to check out
Scrol down to “iago Discussion in progrees” and click on it. It is a message board where four or five people post every day.
More imprantly, has links to the court transcripts, Dick Wagners voluminous research and my own web page.
BTW, OJ is innocent; kaelin is the true killer
February 25, 2005 @ 1:01 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
I apologize for not posting lately, but I have to pursue my own life now and try to leave all this behind me.
Some have taken it upon themselves to “challenge” me on different sites. And i want say that I still respect them, but that’s not the way to solicit a response from someone.
I was there.
Noboby posting was.
Who my friends WERE… doesn’t matter.
There is good in everyone.
I wish all of you the best.
Bill Wasz
February 26, 2005 @ 6:41 pm | Comment
By NovatoBon
Wha?? nooooo…. [cking my pitz] was it something we said? C’mon, I just GOT here!
Don’t throw in the towel yet. I was looking forward to hearing what you had to say. But if indeed you’d like to walk away from it, I can surely understand and wish you nothing but the best. Thanks for helping to shine the light, it’s not in vain!
February 26, 2005 @ 6:48 pm | Comment
By Jonny Smith
incase no one knows-YOCHEVED
is actually Susan Moore ….so dont waste your time with her- she is a $hit $tarter
February 27, 2005 @ 6:12 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
Dear Jasper Garrison,
I tried to post on Iago and I don’t think it went through.
My message to you is this:
There is no need for the disrespect. When I talk about your father it was out of respect.
Let’s have lunch and talk. In a very public place. I will even bring Donald Freed and a few other Hollywood notables. I will give your their names if you agree.
Let’s talk. This enough of the internet “bs’ing”.
I never said I do not like you or respect you. It’s quite the opposite.
Let’s talk.
My e-mail is
How about Spago’s?? I’ll pay.
Bill Wasz
Why are you talking crazy to me???
I respect your opinion… and you’re going to “burn” me because I’ve been busy???
Bill Wasz
March 3, 2005 @ 1:32 am | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
Mr. Wasz,
How can you like me and respect me? I obviously do not like you or respect you. For me to say otherwise would be disingenuous. There is a point when civil discourse becomes dishonest. I reached that point with you when I caught you in one lie after another and saw the covert aggressive pattern of your attack. I saw that pattern again very recently from an unexpected source. The amazing think about it, as my friend Rose pointed out to me, she stopped posting to Iago when you got unbusy enough to post here.
You can read about my father on the home page by clicking “About the Author” or hitting the hotspot over the black kid with the glasses on my logo in the upper right corner. If you want to go on pretending that you think I am the son of Jim Garrison you are free to do so. From this point on, however, anyone who sees you doing it will know why I don’t like you or respect you. They will know why I called you a con man and a liar.
This sort of thing is what I expected of you before you did it the first time and why I told Mario what I thought of you and your Kardashian/O.J. stories. I knew what you were going to do because I know that pattern – a con man pattern. I saw it in the political views you expressed that coincidentally dovetailed with Joe Bosco’s view. I posted on my site that you would express political views that meshed with Joe’s before I got the link to your site, which shows that they did. Mario still wasn’t convinced that you could not be trusted. In fact, he was convinced that you were on the up-and-up until he found out on his own that you weren’t.
Sorry I can’t make it to L.A. for free lunch with you and your Hollywood notables. But if you want a free lunch on me with or without your Hollywood notables I will be happy to accommodate you. All it will cost you is a plane ticket to Detroit. –Jasper
March 3, 2005 @ 7:29 pm | Comment
By nicole
March 4, 2005 @ 3:47 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
You just don’t get it, do you????
I offer an objective resolution to your issues…. and you still insult me.
Why all the hostility???
Y ou know, I will you up on that visit to Detroit.
When, where, e-mail me…….
Bill Wasz
March 4, 2005 @ 7:09 pm | Comment
By Jasper
Mr. Wasz,
Would next Friday be convenient for you? That will give me time to pick out a nice restaurant where we can talk face to face and I can then let you know where and when. Do you mind if I bring a tape recorder (you can bring one, too). If you are uncomfortable with that idea I will accept your wishes not to record anything and simply talk.
You should not take anything I say about you as an insult. I said I don’t like you because I don’t. I said I don’t respect you because I don’t. I said you are a con man because you said everything I expected a con man to say and did everything I anticipated a con man would do in specific circumstances. I said you were a liar because I know you lied tactically and consistently. I said you were a snake because you are not straightforward in your attacks on me. You disguise them to look like civilized discourse when you and I know better.
You are a highly intelligent man. You would not have made the “mistakes” you made about who I am and where I live without an intelligent reason. You don’t have to accept anything I say about you or let anything I say go unchallenged. You can tell everybody that I’m wrong and show everybody why I’m wrong. If you do, good. All of us will be closer to the truth.
If you e-mail me with the time most convenient for you to meet with me in Detroit we can get the ball rolling. Everything else that happens between us I would like to keep in the open. Any objections? –Jasper
March 4, 2005 @ 9:34 pm | Comment
By Bill Wasz
I can’t seem to connect with your e-mail, so I have to post.
As you probably know (or maybe you’re not aware), I am “supervised” for three years. I will have to get “permission”, of which I will try to obtain on Monday.
Since you would like to bring a tape recorder, which is fine with me, I would like to bring my producer, Olin Hyde, and my HD camera. Is this all right with you?? You can research Mr. Hyde on the internet; he is about as “square” as they come. He simply works for me as an assitant producer on a documentary I’m producing (nothing to do with O.J.).
If you forward me your e-mail address to my e-mail address (posted above), I will gladly let you know Monday if I get my “permission” on Monday.
If you’re willing to this, then I will post here on Monday.
By the way: How could you “not like” someone you don’t even know or have never met? Personally, I find that a bit odd.
Quid pro qou…..????
Bill Wasz
March 5, 2005 @ 6:27 pm | Comment
By Jasper Garrison
Mr. Wasz.
My e-mail has always been a mess. I don’t know why you can’t get through but you are not the only one. You can call me or fax me (my numbers are on my home page) when you find out whether or not you can make it. If it’s a go I’ll try to e-mail you just to see if it works and start making plans around your schedule. If that doesn’t work, can I call or fax you?
I’ve never met Adolph Hitler, Edi Amin or Pol Pot but I didn’t like them. Did you? When I meet you in person I’m sure you will make a favorable impression. I’ve never met a con man who didn’t. That’s why I don’t like you. I’ve known too many people who have won my trust the way you have won the trust of so many others only to learn the hard way that they were out to do me harm all along. From the way you answered questions and the way you sidestepped them I could see what was coming next just by asking myself what you would do if you were lying. I haven’t missed yet.
I’m still waiting for you to give me a pleasant surprise me. It has to happen sometime. But even with my counter proposal I knew how you would respond. Mario didn’t think you would accept my invitation. I told him that you would.
By all means bring your camera and your producer. I’m sure that our meeting will be interesting and very cordial. I can’t wait to see how the tape is edited.
Just to get one thing out of the way…Who was the first person you told your Kardashian story to (specifically naming Kardashian) and when? –Jasper
March 6, 2005 @ 12:17 am | Comment
By Bill Wasz
I will call.
The first person was Detective Robert Crostley, LAPD Robbery/Homicide, mid-June 1994.
If you believe that to be wrong… you know it’s not.
Bill Wasz
March 6, 2005 @ 9:51 pm | Comment
By no name ples
I heard today that Mr Bill Wasz has passed on sometime in the last week or so….
I am not sure if this is true or not, if anyone could shed some details on this very sad news that would be great…
thank you in advance
March 18, 2005 @ 10:41 am | Comment
By richard
I don’t think it’s true. I searched Google News and there’s no mention. Someone would have posted a link here if it were true.
March 18, 2005 @ 4:48 pm | Comment
By goatgirl
Everyone is hoping its not true….
but there is a posting thats on Bill Wasz’s website saying Bill has died …!!!!
there also has been conversation about it on Jaspers site as well…………
if anyone has any details please post them ..
Thanxs goatgirl…
March 18, 2005 @ 6:21 pm | Comment
By rovaan
It is true…. Go to for more details.
March 18, 2005 @ 8:16 pm | Comment
By richard
Thanks Rovaan — I am in shock. He was posting here just a few days ago. I just read Joseph Bosco’s post about it and feel just terrible.
March 18, 2005 @ 11:57 pm | Comment
By richard
I just put up a post on the death of Bill Wasz. I hope you can read it and then go over to Joseph Bosco’s post.
March 19, 2005 @ 12:12 am | Comment
By Bonnie
I just dropped by to see if there was any new discussion, and am sitting here in stunned disbelief that Bill Wasz has died. What a truly tragic story. I hope he is at peace and am grateful he found such a fiercly supportive friend and advocate in you (and Larry Longo) Joe. I’m sure it meant a lot to him. Please, continue to post whatever you can about the details of the case. We owe it to him to expose as much of the truth as possible.
R.I.P. Bill
April 24, 2005 @ 10:55 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Mr. Joseph Bosco. Since You will NOT Discuss with Me ANYTHING on “Smartfellows Press” ANY More, I am bringing the Discussion to You on a Neutral Website, here on “The Peking Duck.”
If You would be so kind, since You made the statement that people could ask you questions about The OJ Simpson Case, what can you tell Me what You Know of a Connection with Detective Ronald Y. Ito and Mark Fuhrman?????–and Anthony Pellcano and Bill Wasz?????
Why did you make the Statement on your LongBow Papers website, in a General statement, not naming Me by name, but saying that in general, referring to Me and others that, “amateur sleuths who were not involved in the case when it happened,”::::…So why did You DELIBERATELY LIE about Me Mr. Bosco?????????—You KNOW Darn good and Well I was Involved in The OJ Simpson Case from day 3 to the Present. Why Mr. Bosco, WHY the Deliberate Lie about me???????
What and WHY are You covering up in the MURDER of BILL WASZ?????????
Mr. Bosco, You said in Your book, “A Problem of Evidence,” that Dale St. John WAS OJ Simpson’s REGULAR LIMOUSINE Driver, yet on CNN, Rocky Bateman says he was OJ Simpson’s REGULAR LIMOUSINE Driver for over 3 YEARS. Can You Explain this Situation to the Best of Your Ability, Please, Mr. Bosco??????
Shall You and I Discuss Bill Pavelic and the Things we talked about back in 1997 and 1998 when we met Face-to-Face Involving Him???????????
I’ll Stop for Now….. Also, Mr. Bosco, You can ask me ANY Question You would Like to, ANY QUESTION
Mario G. Nitrini 111
May 20, 2005 @ 4:19 pm | Comment
By Marilyn
WOW! The OJ debate is as heated and convoluted as ever and that does not surprise me. Why? Because, I have to agree with
Jasper Garrison. There are so many false leads down the yellow brick road or winding path to the truth. Someone or group has certainly thrown out enough bread crumbs to keep us pecking at this for another ten or so
years. But I think Jasper lays out a plausible scenario which certainly makes more sense than the others I have read–so far. Finished Bosco’s first book, and found it comprehensive but somehow too loose in nailing down
a clean case, which led me to surmise he either does not want to indict the real perps or he is unsure. I like Garrison’s firm command of the facts and his laser beam logic. From the outset, watching the whole case unfold on TV,
my intuition fairly shouted: a set up! Then, of course, the motive was somewhere out there in the ether of perception. It was the way
the media handled coverage that stoked my curiosity. It made careers and solidified the
ratings of many cable channels, especially Court TV. Who or what entity gained from all this exposure? A play within a play within a
play…and the trial redefined forever the role of
television in American jurisprudence; truth, implied in a just rendering of the process, was twisted into a curving pretzel and that bothers me. It reflects a wider erosion of our society in general.
May 21, 2005 @ 9:38 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Marilyn, I don’t Know if you have READ The “Smartfellows Press” Discussion Boards. We have uncovered Knew Facts, Information, and Evidence NEVER before Known in The OJ Simpson Case and More.
Also, Bill Wasz’s Death is at the Forefront. You can read Jasper Garrison’s and Bill Wasz’s final Exchanges here on “The Peking Duck” starting on Febuary 26th, 2005, and ending on March the 6th 2005. There was ABSOLUTELY NO Mainstream Media coverage about His Death, and even Richard, the Creator of this website, found that ODD Also.
Bill Wasz also talks about Me on this website, and I have exchanges with Him early on here, and also, I have exchanges with Him on His own Website.
Marilyn, there IS movement in The OJ Simpson Case Now. There will BE BIG LEGAL Happenings with some of it’s Participants, and OJ Simpson Himself. Several People had better get, and be, LEGALLY READY.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
May 22, 2005 @ 9:38 am | Comment
By Marilyn
To all,
Mario, I am waiting for big things to come about. Why was Bill Wasz eliminated? Was he about to tell all? A book?
I have a question: if the case were reopened and it was proven that Mark Furhman did it, would the Goldmans and
Browns have to return OJ’s money and
property, including his Heisman trophy?
Wouldn’t that be just too delicious????
May 23, 2005 @ 5:29 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Marilyn, Bill Wasz was found Dead in His Apartment in the Middle of March of this Year, 2005. He Already had a Book Printed and Ready for Distibution Titled, “We Only Kill Our Friends.” I don’t Know what the Contents inside the Book were about, but in My opinion, Certain People DID NOT want the Book to be revealed for “Reasons.”
In My opinion Bill Wasz WAS Murdered. The events that lead up to People finding Him Dead in His apartment are remarkable to say the Least. Bill Wasz sent Me an E-mail, on March 6th, at 12:01 AM asking if I would have Lunch with him at “The Galleria” here in the San Fernando Valley, and wanting Me to “Ease up on Him,” and Also, He was making arrangements to meet Jasper Garrison in Detroit. That Exchange is right here on “The Peking Duck.” There are TOO MANY Wierd Circumstances that Point to Him being Murdered, BECAUSE??????????
If the Death’s (Murders) of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson can be proven that someone else, other than OJ Simpson Killed them, OJ Simpson Can, and I would Presume Would, bring so many Lawsuits against Certain People, it could be a Possibility He could OWN, Well, You can use Your Imaagination as far as it will go in terms of $$$$$$$$$$$$-MONEY that OJ Simpson would have in His Pocket, MAYBE???????????
Marilyn, Legal Events, regarding Certain Participants (People) in The OJ Simpson Case are taking place right Now.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
May 23, 2005 @ 7:08 pm | Comment
By Lollie
This is an excerpt from Bill Wasz’s book “We Only Kill Our Friends”.
May 23, 2005 @ 8:56 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Thanks Lollie,
Bill Wasz was in a MAXIMUM California state Prison for a Long Time it seems. I have been in that situation Myself, but not as long. It is Definately NOT a Cake walk.
The Post said that Donald Freed, among others, praised His work, and I have to tell you, reading this Short except of it, Bill Wasz WAS an Excellent writer. I wonder what Else is in the Book??? Hopefully we can find out in the Future.
Thanks again Lollie,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
May 23, 2005 @ 9:23 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
In the Post that I made to You (Right Above) about Bill Wasz’s Book, “We Only Kill Our Friends,” I didn’t (forgot to) make a refernce to The OJ Simpson Case. I am making it Now for REASONS>……..
On May 23, 2005 at o9:23 PM, it IS me Posting.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
May 23, 2005 @ 9:29 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case and More:
Jack Walraven on His website has been told to TAKE DOWN His OJ Simpson Case transcripts after 10 Years on The Internet. WHY???
David Bresnahan on His website, His Article that He Posted about The Death of Bill Wasz, dated March 18, 2005, has Dissappeared. WHY?????????
The Bill Wasz Forum, on Bill Wasz’s Website, Has Dissappeared. WHY????????????
Where I Post Normally on Smartfellows Press (IAGO) concerning The OJ Simpson Case and More, as of Right Now on the June Discussion Board, Posting is not Possible. WHY????????
I have Posted on some other Websites concerning some of My Personal Involvement in The OJ Simpson Case, and some have Dissappearred. WHY?????????
Richard, check it out for Yourself, Your Link to the David Bresnahan Article about Bill Wasz’s Death is Gone.
There are Critical Legal Happenings of a HUGE Magnitude going on with Certain People Connected to the OJ Simpson Case.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 4, 2005 @ 5:50 pm | Comment
By richard
Mario, this sounds quite ominous. Any theories??
June 4, 2005 @ 5:54 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Richard, with The OJ Simpson Case and Many of it’s Connected Participants, there is a Very Far-Reaching Scope. Here are a few:
Bill Wasz was a Major Player in The OJ Simpson Case. My belief was that he was Murdered for Reasons, Several Reasons. One (1). Bill wanted to Finally come clean. He actually E-mailed Me on March 6th, 2005, at 12:01 AM, and wanted to have lunch with Me in One of the Galleria’s here in The San Fernando Valley. He said He wanted Me to “Ease up on Him.”
He was Supposed to Meet with Jasper Garrison in Detroit on March 11th, 2005. The Exchange between the both of them is here on your website.
No Mainstream Media Coverage about His Death???? Come on Richard, you Know somethings not Right.
Richard, on IAGO, Smartfellows Press, We have uncovered NEW Information and Facts and Evidence regarding Items in The OJ Simpson Case and Beyond. There are Certain People out there who don’t want “Things” to come out about their Dealings in The OJ Simpson Case and??????. That’s a Fact.
My understanding from sources that I have, is that their are MAJOR Investigations with the Feds and DOJ regarding Certain People Connected to The OJ Simpson Case. Believe me Richard, there were SO MANY Laws broken by Both Sides in this Case, and still are, that it is a Very “Touchy” Situation. One thing leads to Another. It’s like a Snowball Effect. I CAN name names, but for Me right now, I want to Watch and see. I KNOW for a FACT, that I am Involved, Big Time, and so is Jasper Garrison.
OJ Simpson Legally, better have His Legal Team, whoever they are right now, ready for Legal Action.
Richard, with what’s happening now with Items that are happening in The OJ Simpson Case, the things that ARE Happening, like Walraven’s OJ Simpson Trial Transcripts Pulled Off the Internet after 10 Years, is “MANY LEVELS” above The OJ Simpson Case.
There is SO, MUCH, MUCH More, it would take Me probably 1 week, 24/7 to Explain it all, and then I Probably would have Missed some Situations.
Thanks Richard,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 4, 2005 @ 6:38 pm | Comment
By richard
Amazing — the trial was over ten years ago. Why the wait? (Don’t bother answering, Mario – I’ll go check the conversation over at Iago.)
June 4, 2005 @ 7:12 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Richard, there has Been SO MUCH Covered up in The OJ Simpson Case, “Situations” have NEVER ended, and they won’t, until????????????
Richard, if You have any questions for Me about what’s on IAGO, Please ask. If I can Answer them I will
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 4, 2005 @ 7:27 pm | Comment
By rovaan
When you go to the IAGO board be sure to check out the link to High Points. Then click on the Flow Chart.
Additional links to Denise Brown, Ron Shipp and Bill Pavelic are there if you click on their names. Jasper is working on getting links for all the names on the flow chart.
June 5, 2005 @ 12:30 am | Comment
By rovaan
Bill Wasz’s webstie appears to be working again. The posts I checked appear to all be there.
June 5, 2005 @ 12:38 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Rose, the Bill Wasz Forum IS up again, Your Right.
I will say this. In The OJ Simpson Case, Certain People are Trying to Disrupt what We on IAGO are trying to do. Get to the Bottom Line Truth in The OJ Simpson Case. No Doubt about it.
Thanks Rose,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 5, 2005 @ 1:14 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Richard, Your Website, “The Peking Duck,” has a Lot of Information about Politics. The OJ Simpson Case has “Players,” so to say, that Politics has a Lot to do with (People Connections).
If You punch up Bill Wasz on Yahoo or Google, or whatever Search Engine, you will find some Links like Alex Constantine (Virtual Government), “The Konformist,” L.A. Weekly, and other Sites. They talk about Bill Wasz and His Government Connections. How much of it is True???? I don’t Know. But there is enough talk of it, that it’s My belief that there is Truth Somewhere in there.
On World Net Daily, David Bresnahan did a 12 Part series on Bill Wasz. In part 8, Bresnahan talks about Kathy Ferguson and Bill Shelton. According to the Article, it says that Kathy Ferguson was a Witness in the Paula Jones Case. The article says She Died of a Gunshot Wound. It also says that Bill Shelton was an Arkansas State Trooper, and was Miss Fergusons’s Boyfriend. The Article says Shelton was found Dead at Her gravesite with a Gunshot in the Back of His Head, and ruled also a Suicide. Bill Wasz, according to the Article, was connected Somehow in there. I have found “Things” Wrong in Bresnahan’s Article’s on Bill Wasz, so, could this Article have Flaws in it????? Who Knows.
Richard, the BIG Item is that Jack Walraven’s OJ Simpson Case Transcripts, were Ordered (Instructed) OFF the Internet by a Los Angeles “Court Reporter” by the name of Christine M. Olson. After 10 Years?????—What Gives??????
On Bill Wasz’s Website, Wasz talks about Anthony Pellicano, and that Pellicano was Following Nicole Simpson also. Pellicano has been in Federal Prison for a while Now. For the last few months, there hasn’t been “Word” in the media about Him. I Wonder WHY???????
Richard, the Exchange between Jasper Garrison and Bill Wasz on this thread, in My opinion, IS HUGE. Time will tell.
Thanks Richard,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 5, 2005 @ 1:04 pm | Comment
By richard
I’ll be watching closely, Mario. It would be funny if my site gets mentioned in a book one day because of Bill’s comments here.
June 5, 2005 @ 5:45 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
With Everything that I Know about The OJ Simpson Case and Beyond, in My opinion, with ALL the Exchanges between Certain People, and Talk that has gone on in Your Thread about The OJ Simpson Case here on “The Peking Duck,” Your Thread here, is going to be “MORE” than just a Mention in a Book. No Doubt about it.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 5, 2005 @ 8:17 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case Thread here on “The Peking Duck,” IS a Source of Reference for Information and Topics Related to the Case. Since it’s My Belief because of what I “KNOW,” this OJ Simpson Thread will be a Legal Factor of Reference in some Up-coming Legal happenings in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
“Here’s a Few” but there are More:
Bill Wasz, in a Post dated October 21, 2004 at 10:38 AM, talks about Bill Pavelic, an Attorney, and Two “Mercenaries” that are under secret Grand Jury hearings. How did Bill Know this??? and If it is True, who is the Attroney, and who are the TWO Mercenaries????
Later on in another Post, Bill Wasz says it has something to do with Andrew Luster, “The Max Factor Kid.” On a Post of Jasper’s on Smartfellows Press, Bill, in a Telephone Conversation with Jasper Garrison, Jasper says, He (Wasz) was Andrew Luster’s “Bodygaurd” in Prison at some Point.
Joseph Bosco, on His LongBow Papers Website, answers a Question that I had for Him, saying Bill Pavelic approached Him (Bosco) at some Point and asked Bosco to do a “Tell-All-OJ-Did-It-Book.”
Bill Wasz in a Post to Me on October 21, 2004, at 9:39 PM, Shows His “Disdain” for Pavelic, saying, “Pavelic will be eating that crap I ate for many years, real soon, (Meaning Prison Food). To My Knowledge, Bill Pavelic is not in Prison, Bill Wasz is Dead, and I haven’t heard a WORD for a while in The Media about Bill Pavelic, Anthony Pellicano, or an Attorney Bill Wasz talks about, or Andrew Luster, or Two Mercenaries that Bill Wasz talks about. It is VERY, VERY, QUIET concerning this matter and these People. WHY?????. Throw in Suge Knight, Tupac, and Notorious B.I.G.????????
Detective Ronald Y. Ito, Mark Fuhrman, Faye Resnick, Detective Tom Lange, Denise Brown Gil Garcetti, Bill Hodgeman, Marcia Clark, Bill Pavelic, Rocky Bateman, Dale ST. John, Allan Park, and More People????? The People Connections are THERE, but how to get to the Bottom Lines???? What Bottom Lines????? MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 6, 2005 @ 10:22 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
For those of You that are Attacking My Computer and trying in EVERY Way Possible to Prevent Legal Justce from Happening because of My Involvement in The OJ Simpson Case, and, from Trying to stop the Information and Facts and Evidence from Going Public that I and Others have concerning Many People connected to it, You WILL NOT Stop Myself and Others from getting to the Real Bottom Line Truth in The OJ Simpson Case and MORE.
Richard, just in Case one day if Your OJ Simpson Case thread here on The Peking Duck “ACCIDENTLY DISAPPEARS”, I have made Copies as a Back-up.
This is for The Illegal and Criminal People who are Connected to The OJ Simpson Case:
You WILL NOT Illegally and Criminally STOP Me and others from Reaching The Honest Bottom Line Truth in The OJ Simpson Case, and from Me getting Legal Justice for Myself, and, I and Others are going to Find Out for REAL what was the TRUE Cause of Bill Wasz’s Death was!!!!!!!!PERIOD.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 14, 2005 @ 9:15 am | Comment
By Jade
What s going on with the site..I cant read any of the post??
July 20, 2005 @ 11:02 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Jade, The Only thing on IAGO that Doesn’t work for Me is My Reply Button. Richard is Kind Enough to Let us Post on “The Peking Duck” Regarding The OJ Simpson Case, more or less as “NEUTRAL Ground.”
Jade, Please let me Know how Your IAGO Posting is Going.
Richard, I Know that Joseph Bosco is a good friend of Yours. If You Get a Chance, Could You Please ask Him What Henry Lee said to Him about The Bill Wasz Autopsy. Mr. Bosco WILL Know what I Mean.
Thanks Richard, How is The Job Hunting going????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
July 21, 2005 @ 1:06 pm | Comment
By Anonymous
who caress……………….
August 17, 2005 @ 7:38 am | Comment
By Susan
its all smoke and mirrors. Simpson killed his wife so stop wasting your time with fantasy
it is all common sense which none of you retarded thrill seekers can see.
August 20, 2005 @ 3:59 pm | Comment
By Kenny
Furhman, anyone who fallowed the case knows this, quit being so blind to this and you will see.
October 5, 2005 @ 11:30 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I have Posted on Joseph Bosco’s Webiste, “The LongBow Papers,” and have suggested we BOTH put the Past behind us concerning Joe and Myself, and Work at the Future, and Legally Break The OJ Simpson Case.
“The Peking Duck” was/ and Still is VERY UNIQUE with It’s OJ Simpson Case Thread.
There are Legal Happenings with Certain People that had a Role in The OJ Simspon Case. Here is One Pertaining to Kim Goldman:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is Michael Hahn’s (Kim Goldman’s Husband) “FIRST E-MAIL” to Me. There was MORE in this “FIRST E-MAIL” that Michael Hahn Sent to me, but some of it I WILL NOT DIVULDGE, FOR REASONS:
Here is some of it,
Dated Monday, December 12th, 2005 at 9:20 AM.
in Michael Hahn’s OWN WORDS,
Sent To Me, Mario G. Nitrini 111: >>>>>>>>>
“Dear Sir,
I made the unfortunate mistake of marring Kim Goldman in 2001
and am
now involved in a brutal divorce case trying to salvage the right to
see my Son
and retain any money that is owed me.
New Paragraph:
I have seen your posts were you publicly state your
negative opinions
about Fred and Kim Goldman and am interested in
any information you can offer me.
New Paragraph:
I am trying to get my Son away from those awful people and
anything that would be helpful I would appreciate very much.
New Paragraph:
Fred Goldman, his daughter and their circle of
friends are despicable people, I will do everything in my power to destroy them.
Please contact me, I look forward to talking with you.
Michael Hahn”
Michael Hahn says he’s Involved in a “BRUTAL DIVORCE CASE.”
So, according to Michael Hahn, he wants to retain ANY “MONEY” $$$$$$$$$$$$ that is owed him. According to Michael Hahn, he is trying to “SALVAGE” the Right to see his son.
WHO??? is Michael Hahn Referring to in Being Fred Goldman and Kim Goldman’s “CIRCLE OF FRIENDS”??????
Michael Hahn says he is trying to get his son away from these AWFUL PEOPLE. WOW!!!!!!!!!
I broke this “FIRST” E-Mail up that Michael Hahn sent to me SO NO ONE CAN FORGE ANYTHING.
I have The ORIGINAL E-MAILS that Michael Hahn sent to me in 3 Safe Places where ONLY MYSELF and a Few People can get to them, FOR REASONS!!!!!!! They are ALSO Posted Securely.
Check me if I’m Wrong, but I have heard “NOTHING” in The Media about this, NOTHING. Is this ANOTHER COVER-UP with a Connection to The OJ Simpson Case?????? SURE LOOKS LIKE IT TO ME.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Here’s another one concerning Aphrodite Jones’s E-mail to me:>>>>>>>>>>>>>
“Mario —
I will look at your website and
would like to talk with you after the holidays.
Perhaps there’s some format of TV
we can bring this explosive information to.
I will check with FOX news and NBC news to
see if there’s interest.
Thanks for writing —
Sincerely —
Mario G. Nitrini 111
January 4, 2006 @ 4:11 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I have Posted on Joseph Bosco’s Webiste, “The LongBow Papers,” and have suggested we BOTH put the Past behind us concerning Joe and Myself, and Work at the Future, and Legally Break The OJ Simpson Case.
“The Peking Duck” was/ and Still is VERY UNIQUE with It’s OJ Simpson Case Thread.
There are Legal Happenings with Certain People that had a Role in The OJ Simspon Case. Here is One Pertaining to Kim Goldman:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is Michael Hahn’s (Kim Goldman’s Husband) “FIRST E-MAIL” to Me. There was MORE in this “FIRST E-MAIL” that Michael Hahn Sent to me, but some of it I WILL NOT DIVULDGE, FOR REASONS:
Here is some of it,
Dated Monday, December 12th, 2005 at 9:20 AM.
in Michael Hahn’s OWN WORDS,
Sent To Me, Mario G. Nitrini 111: >>>>>>>>>
“Dear Sir,
I made the unfortunate mistake of marring Kim Goldman in 2001
and am
now involved in a brutal divorce case trying to salvage the right to
see my Son
and retain any money that is owed me.
New Paragraph:
I have seen your posts were you publicly state your
negative opinions
about Fred and Kim Goldman and am interested in
any information you can offer me.
New Paragraph:
I am trying to get my Son away from those awful people and
anything that would be helpful I would appreciate very much.
New Paragraph:
Fred Goldman, his daughter and their circle of
friends are despicable people, I will do everything in my power to destroy them.
Please contact me, I look forward to talking with you.
Michael Hahn”
Michael Hahn says he’s Involved in a “BRUTAL DIVORCE CASE.”
So, according to Michael Hahn, he wants to retain ANY “MONEY” $$$$$$$$$$$$ that is owed him. According to Michael Hahn, he is trying to “SALVAGE” the Right to see his son.
WHO??? is Michael Hahn Referring to in Being Fred Goldman and Kim Goldman’s “CIRCLE OF FRIENDS”??????
Michael Hahn says he is trying to get his son away from these AWFUL PEOPLE. WOW!!!!!!!!!
I broke this “FIRST” E-Mail up that Michael Hahn sent to me SO NO ONE CAN FORGE ANYTHING.
I have The ORIGINAL E-MAILS that Michael Hahn sent to me in 3 Safe Places where ONLY MYSELF and a Few People can get to them, FOR REASONS!!!!!!! They are ALSO Posted Securely.
Check me if I’m Wrong, but I have heard “NOTHING” in The Media about this, NOTHING. Is this ANOTHER COVER-UP with a Connection to The OJ Simpson Case?????? SURE LOOKS LIKE IT TO ME.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Here’s another one concerning Aphrodite Jones’s E-mail to me:>>>>>>>>>>>>>
“Mario —
I will look at your website and
would like to talk with you after the holidays.
Perhaps there’s some format of TV
we can bring this explosive information to.
I will check with FOX news and NBC news to
see if there’s interest.
Thanks for writing —
Sincerely —
Mario G. Nitrini 111
January 4, 2006 @ 4:14 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
For Joseph Bosco,
I’m with You FRIEND.
EVERYTHING will Turn out JUST FINE with the Surgery You’re Having.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 13, 2006 @ 10:28 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
The Talk about The OJ Simpson Case on Richard’s Webiste, “The Peking Duck” here on this Thread, was as “UNIQUE” and Special as ANYTHING that has to do with The OJ Simpson Case.
I have been in Correspondence with Joe, and He has A LOT of Information that he has NEVER Revealed concerning The OJ Simpson Case and MANY of It’s Participants.
JOSEPH BOSCO WILL BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!……….
The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment is GOING TO BE HUGE. Last night I was Listening to John Connolly in a Radio Interview, and the Impression I got from John, is that he Feels it could be THE BIGGEST CASE in American History, and I Agree.
I have been following The L.A. Times Article’s on The Anthony Pellicano Case. I saw that L.A. Times Staff Writer Chuck (The SCUMBAG DUCK) Philips had written about it when it hit, from what I saw, at the Beginning of Febuary 2006. He has NOT been writing about The Pellcano case here of late. WHY?????
An The L.A. Times NOW is Quoting Bill Pavelic as a Private Investigator Expert???? GOOD GRIEF.
Shall we NOT Forget:
The LongBow Papers
The Longbow Papers. Link to Main Blog Page. Sunday, November 14, 2004 Talking
About OJ (Redux). 8:01 PM. While I have been consumed by writing and editing … – Cached
Bill Pavelic Approached Joseph Bosco about doing a TELL ALL OJ-did-it-Book.
I am going to start Posting some NEW Information here on “The Peking Duck” about The OJ Simpson Case that I have NEVER Revealed Before.
Stay Tuned…………………..
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 13, 2006 @ 6:15 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Rocky Batman, on June 18th, 1994 was over my Apartment for Most of the Afternoon.
Rocky Talked and Talked and Talked and………………and was at times, I’ll say, was in a “Freaked out” MODE.
We took a walk around My apartment complex, and stopped at his Newly Re-Done Blue Pick-up Truck.
Inside the truck He showed off it’s interior. I askd him about “CERTAIN SHELVING SPACE” in it that he Pointed out to me. The Conversayion Turned to “THE LIMO,” Dale St. John’s LIMO.
As far as I know and saw, in “THE LIMO” there were TWO Secret Compartments. One in Passenger Section, and ONE IN THE……………………Maybe Rocky One day can tell EVERYONE ELSE……………..or maybe I will?????
Stay Tuned……………………
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 14, 2006 @ 6:58 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Rocky Bateman, on June 18th, 1994 was over my Apartment for Most of the Afternoon.
Rocky Talked and Talked and Talked and………………and was at times, I’ll say, was in a “Freaked out” MODE.
We took a walk around My apartment complex, and stopped at his Newly Re-Done Blue Pick-up Truck.
Inside the truck He showed off it’s interior. I askd him about “CERTAIN SHELVING SPACE” in it that he Pointed out to me. The Conversayion Turned to “THE LIMO,” Dale St. John’s LIMO.
As far as I know and saw, in “THE LIMO” there were TWO Secret Compartments. One in Passenger Section, and ONE IN THE……………………Maybe Rocky One day can tell EVERYONE ELSE……………..or maybe I will?????
Stay Tuned……………………
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 14, 2006 @ 6:59 am | Comment
By NovatoBon
Joe ~ I pray that you had a safe flight into that hellacious snow storm that hit NY and landed safely and your surgeries are a 1000% success! Speedy recovery and I hope there aren’t ANY complications to what already sounds like quite an ordeal. There are a small legion of us out here pulling for you!!
Be well, and hurry back. Hugs, Bon
Thanks for the update Mario, Darden’s appearance on Oprah last week piqued my interest in the case again…. Anyone else out there still interested in discussing it?
February 14, 2006 @ 5:13 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Hi NovatoBon,
Christopher Darden, from what I have read that he said on Oprah, is saying the same Old Blah, Blah, Blah that he has said in the past regarding The OJ Simpson Case.
Darden Knows LOT’S of what when on Behind the Scene’s in The OJ Simpson Case, and HE WON’T TELL for reasons that He and MANY Others on The Prosecution’s side in this Case Illegally and Criminally Broke the law, THEIR OWN.
Joseph Bosco will come through his Surgery with FLYING COLORS.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 14, 2006 @ 7:26 pm | Comment
By NovatoBon
Mario ~ One of the minor comments caught my attention. Oprah mentioned that there was probably a lot that the public didn’t know about the case (talk about an understatement!) …she was referring to Darden’s comment that Johnny had spoken to him and warned him ‘Brother, don’t put that white boy on the stand’ [referring of course to MF) and Darden responded that there were things about the case HE’s still finding out…’like what happened in the Grand Jury’ !
February 14, 2006 @ 10:49 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Darden says “that there were things about the case HE’s still finding out????? like what happened in the Grand Jury????
Well, I have a REAL Interest in The Covered-up Jennifer Peace Grand Jury Testimony. A.C. Cowlings/The Fishes/Ron Jeremy, Ect.
Now, I’ll tell you what REALLY makes the statement of Darden’s “that there were things about the case HE’s still finding out” so IMPORTANT. There are only a few Internet Website’s that Discuss The OJ Simpson Case. There’s little or no TV Coverage of it. OJ Simpson’s Denver radio Interview Tipped me off to a few things.
Christopher Darden has to be reading OJ Simpson Case Website’s to make a statement like that. WOW, what a statement by Darden. It’s good for me to Know this.
Thanks NovatoBon.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 14, 2006 @ 11:09 pm | Comment
By Noelle
Feel better, Mr. Bosco. My prayers are aimed your way.
February 15, 2006 @ 2:10 pm | Comment
By NovatoBon
Mario ~ I got the impression he was referring to the OJ Grand Jury, not the Cowling’s GJ., tho to be honest he didn’t specify which. Since he was in charge of the Cowling’s case, I would imagine he’d be aware of all the evidence brought in that case. I do wish Oprah had asked him a follow up question and probed a bit more on that, it was an intriguing comment.
February 15, 2006 @ 10:07 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
What Grand Jury?????? Good Question. Who Knows??????
But if Darden is Still finding things out about The OJ Simpson Case, He’s reading what we say and others say about the Case on The Internet, and MORE.
And didn’t I hear Geraldo Rivera say in June 2004, that someone at LAPD told him that The OJ Simpson Case is “STILL OPEN”??????????? I’m SURE I DID.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 16, 2006 @ 3:26 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Rocky Bateman, starting the week of June 13th, 1994, was a VERY BUSY Errand Boy, for OJ Simpson and a Few others.
Rocky “KNEW” Cathy Randa VERY WELL and vice-versa.
SO WHY did Cathy Randa send Allan Park to LAX to pick Paula Barbieri up????? AND, according to Lawrence Schiller’s Book, An American Tragedy, Kardashian “was amazed to hear that Park drove her in,” and that leads to, Since Rocky Bateman was OJ’s Regular Limousine Driver for over 3 years (According to Rocky and CNN) Wht not Rocky drive Paula in??????…………………………
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 17, 2006 @ 10:04 am | Comment
By Maro G. Nitrini 111
Mr. Jasper Garrison:
Since I will NOT post on IAGO due to the fact you made it Perfectly Clear last year, August, 2005 that you would “DELETE” any post I made there, and it seems to me you WON’T Post on Sabbath’s Website Dumb-ass……
In-Fact, you can bring ANY IAGO Poster over here with you that you want to Legally TALK/DEBATE/DISCUSS ANYTHING They want with me, ANYTHING.
Well Mr. Garrison, Do have ANY Courage left in you-at-ALL???????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 19, 2006 @ 12:12 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Last week, I had pointed out that Pulitzer-Prize winning L.A. Times Staff Writer Chuck Philips had not written about The Anthony Pellicano case of late.
Philips has NOT written an Article about Pellicano in The L.A. Times, that I have seen, since I pointed that out. Something or Someone’s seem to have stopped him from Writing in The L.A. Times about Pellicano. WHO(S) and WHY????????
Also, Philips, in his Writings about The Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. Murders, NEVER brought out the FACT, from I have read, that Detective Ronald Y. Ito Illegally Covered-up parts of these Investigations. WHY????? did Philips NOT talk about Detective Ronald Y. Ito, (The OJ Simpson Case Lead Chaser for The Prosecution during OJ’s Criminal Trial), Concerning the Tupac and Notorious B.I.G.’s Murders??????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 20, 2006 @ 10:03 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I was thinking this Morning.
There are Certain L.A. Times Staff Writers who Covered and Wrote about the Robert Blake Criminal and Civil Trials. Chuck Philips has been Writing about The Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. Murders, and there are Times Staff Writers who wrote about The OJ Simpson Case, and yet NONE of these Writers have said ANYTHING about HOW CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL Detective Ronald Y. Ito IS, WAS, AND HAS BEEN in these Cases, WHY???????
And is The L.A. Times telling ALL it Knows about The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment?????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 22, 2006 @ 9:11 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Chris Darden is Reading OJ Simpson Case Website’s
Mr Darden, how about you Post here on”The Peking Duck” and Tell what you Know about Rocky Bateman??????? or how about just the 3 MAJOR Items you Know about Rocky Bateman and his Role in The OJ Simpson Case??????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 23, 2006 @ 9:54 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
This is a Post that I made on Joseph Bosco’s Website a short time ago:>>>>>>>>>>
Hi Joe,
Since You’re a “PLAYER” in The OJ Simpson Case, No rest for the Weary (Just Kidding, Kind of).
On IAGO, Jasper Garrison and MOST of his IDIOT Group are Desperately trying to Discredit me and make the RIDICULOUS Connection of Rocky Bateman to Mark Fuhrman. IMPOSSIBLE ON BOTH COUNTS.
You told me a while back that most of Your Information about Rocky came from me.
Since it has been stated that Cathy Randa did the Limousine Booking for OJ Simpson, and you have stated that you talked to Miss Randa in the Past, I have 2 Questions:
1. Did Cathy Randa EVER Mention the name Rocky Bateman to you????
2. And if she DIDN’T, don’t you find that INCREDIBLY Odd since Rocky went on CNN in Mid-June, 1995, claiming that he was OJ Simpson’s Regular Limousine Driver for over 3 Years????
Thanks Joe,
Hope you’re Healing up.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
By mariognitrini111, at 11:48 PM
I wanted to bring this post here, from Joe’s Website, The LongBow Papers, one reason being in Hope’s that Chrisopher Darden will read it and Weigh-in on the Questions that I asked Joe.
How about it Mr. Darden, could you Please weigh-in (discuss) on the Question s that I have asked Joe here??????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 24, 2006 @ 9:23 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
This is a Post I Posted on Joseph Bosco’s Website, The LongBow Papers a short time ago:>>>>>>>>>>>>
I Need to Address this. This is a Post of Jasper Garrison’s Today:
February Discussion
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Re: Mario and Rocky
From: Jasper
Date: February 24, 2006
Time: 04:08 PM
Sweetpea, ?The bag that ?O.J. wouldn?t let anybody touch? is the only one that matters. ????The smallest bag that judge Ito allowed into evidence is the one I?ve been referring to here as a ?gym bag? because most people are familiar with the dimensions. In the trial it was variously called a tote bag, a duffle bag and a small duffle bag. I referred to it in other posts as a small duffle bag. I call the one I have with roughly the same dimness a ?carry-on bag.? I don?t think it has a standardized English Language name. ????.In any event, it?s the bag Marcia played up to imply that the prosecution KNEW where O.J. put the missing items from the murders. It?s the bag she used the LAX skycap James Williams to suggest how O.J. disposed of it. She hinted that O.J. slipped THAT BAG in the trash container near Williams? podium. It is the only one Marcia could have been referring to when she said the following in her 9-17-?95 summation: ??You may recall that there was testimony about a small dark bag that was on the edge of the driveway by the Bentley. And Kato, as they were loading up the bags, offered to go and get that bag for him. ?I’ll go get that for you.? The Defendant said, ?No, no, no, no, no. I’ll get it.? And the testimony was that all of the bags were loaded by either Kato or Allan Park except for that one. And after the Defendant walked towards it, after saying, ?No, I’ll get it,? after he walked towards it, no one ever saw that little black, dark bag again. Nor have we ever found the knife the Defendant used nor have we ever found the clothes that he wore during the murder nor have we ever found the shoes that he wore during the murder.? ???.Here?s the good part?O.J. said that he had a small bag that he put his golf ball bag inside of then put in his golf bag. Kato put the golf bag in the trunk with the garment bag. The small bag (not the small duffle bag big enough for Rocky?s ?papers?), is the one O.J. told Kato he would get. It wasn?t missing from the bags that went into the limo. It was missing only from the courtroom because Chris Darden and Marcia Clark succeed in having it excluded. That didn?t stop Darden from describing it and asking the jury rhetorically, ?Wouldn?t you like to know what happened to that little bag?? He asked the same rhetorical question about the Louie Vuitton garment bag that Park didn?t recognize, the golf bag cover that Park didn?t recognize and the golf bag inside of the cover bag that Park didn?t recognize. The only bags that looked familiar to Park were the duffle bag and the ?small duffle bag.? He loaded both of them in the passenger compartment with O.J. ???..This is what I mean by Marcia?s ?shell game.? The light blue bag that O.J. picked up was useless because it wasn?t big enough to fit the shoes and the ?sweat suit? so she kept it out of evidence and ?replaced it? in the public mind with the small duffle bag that Park misidentified as one of TWO full duffle bags. If you hold Park?s count as sacred, the ?missing bag? was ?the other? full duffle bag. The skycap saw O.J. take the small one with him to the plane. So what did Rocky and Mario mean by ?the bag?? They could only have meant the one everyone believes O.J. hand carried into the passenger compartment and the one he definitely carried out of it and with him to Chicago. ?Jasper
Last changed: 02/24/06
Joe, I am going to ask Brian Murray, Bob August, and Sweet Pea to Comment here on Your LongBow Papers Website Regarding this Statement by Jasper Garrison.
Now according to Mr. Garrison, in Jasper Garrison’s OWN WORDS:
“The only bags that looked familiar to Park were the duffle bag and the ?small duffle bag.? He loaded both of them in the passenger compartment with O.J.”
Now did EVERYONE Get what Jasper Garrison just said????
He (meaning Allan Park) and Both (meaning 2 bags).
OK. So Jasper Garrison says Allan park Loaded Both (2) bags in the passenger Compartment with OJ, and that’s on the way to LAX the Night of June 12th, 1994.
BUT WAIT A MINUTE. OJ Simpson Testified that HE put 2 Bags in the Passenger section of the Limo right before his trip to LAX on the night of June 12th, 1994,
if Jasper Garrison is saying that Oj Simpson is telling the Truth in his Testimony, and Allan Park put 2 bags in the passenger Compartment, THAT MAKES a Minimum of 4 BAGS in the passenger Compartment with OJ Simpson on his way to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994,
Jasper Garrison says (He Hasn’t yet) that OJ Simpson LIED in his testimony, that would only make 2 or 3 Bags, and Possibly 4 Bags in the Passenger section of the Limo.
Now let me recap. If Jasper Garrison says that OJ Simpson is Telling the truth in his Testimony, there are 4 Bags and Possibly 5 or 6 Bags in the Passenger Section of the Limo that took O.J. Simpson to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994.
2 Bags were Loaded in the trunk of the Limo, according to Mr. Garrison, and OJ Simpson said their was a White Bag.
Let’s see >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2+2+2+ Maybe 1 + maybe 1 and Maybe = >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EIGHT (8) BAGS??????????? or MORE???????
But if OJ Simpson is LYING, Maybe 2, 3, or 4 Bags in the Passenger section of The Limo that took OJ Simpson to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994.
Joe, I know that you’re healing up, so if you can Comment, GREAT, if Not, NO PROBLEM.
Bob, Brian, Sweet Pea and/or ANYONE else for that Matter,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
By mariognitrini111, at 9:18 AM
Mr. Garrison???? What is it??? HOW MANY BAGS????
Did OJ Simpson LIE in His Testimony?????
Well Mr. Garrsion????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 24, 2006 @ 6:37 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Mr Garrison?????? WHAT IS IT???? Did OJ Simpson “LIE” in his Testimony about him Putting 2 Bags in the Passenger Compartment of the Limo that took him to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994????? or were their 4 Bags in the Passenger Compartment of the Limo that Took OJ Simpson to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994????????? According to you Mr. Garrison, IT HAS TO BE ONE OR THE OTHER. WHAT IS IT??????? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And Why are you SO AFRAID to Legally Talk/Discuss/Debate me “HERE” on “The Peking Duck”??????? I Know one reason. IT’S BECAUSE YOUR MARK FUHRMAN-DID-IT-SCENARIO-IS-BOGUS/UNTRUE/AN ALL-OUT-LIE.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 25, 2006 @ 9:47 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I posted this on Sabbath’s Website a little while ago.
I wanted to put it here on Richard’s Website.
Here it is:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Mario G. Nitrini The 3rd
Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 301
Location: Reseda, california
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:53 pm
Well I see Susan Moore, Jasper Garrison’s NEW Friend, has decided to get on the IAGO Band-Wagon, like some of IAGO’s Posters, and Trash me.
I PROVED Susan Moore and LIAR and A Racist PIG, and I have the Copies of what she said “SAVED.”
Anyway, here is THE LYING AND RACIST PIG’S (Susan Moore) New Post on IAGO Trashing me:
February Discussion
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Re: Article 342
From: Suzee10
Date: February 25, 2006
Time: 05:04 PM
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Miss Moore. Let’s take this Legally Further. Why don’t you have Your Buddy Densie Brown Post to me here, or on “The Peking Duck,” or on Joseph Bosco’s Website, The LongBow Papers????? and then I WILL LEGALLY PROVE DENISE BROWN LIED UNDER OATH IN THE OJ SIMPSON CASE, another Words, Denise Brown Committed Perjury in The OJ Simpson Case, and ILLEGALLY and CRIMINALLY GOT A FREE-RIDE.
Miss Moore, I will post this ALSO on “The Peking Duck.” You’ve Posted before on “The Peking Duck.” Let me see if You will Legally Debate/Talk/Discuss The OJ Simpson Case with me, or ANYTHING you want on “The Peking Duck.
I’M Legally Waiting.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 25, 2006 @ 4:20 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Miss Susan Moore.
Are You Going to Address me here on “The Peking Duck”??????
You’ve done it in the past here. Why NOT NOW????
Also, I am Wondering your Thought’s on Solitairea1 (Lisa)??????
Here is an IAGO Post from her last year Directed at and to You:
Re: How Bob August really feels about Iago
From: Solitairea1 to Susan Moore aka Suzee10
Date: 08 Sep 2005
Time: 05:20:32 PM
Susan, Shut Up and go back to CTV. Your comments and opinions are’nt wanted or needed here, and neither are you. Why do you want to keep hanging around where you are not wanted? Are you that desperate for attention? You’re an Ignorant Pest. Now since you have no reason here except to Disrupt, Stop Posting where you are Not Wanted and go back to ctv and afojs. …………………… …………………………………………. Solitairea1
Last changed: 10/01/05
February Discussion
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Re: Attention; Jasper/Re;342
From: Solitairea1
Date: February 26, 2006
Time: 12:51 AM
Susan, it caught me by surprise too. After reading your post, i too never saw you post in all caps. I also think that whoever did this is a coward, and there’s no excuse to post something intentionally like that under anyone else’s name. …Anyhow, glad you are ok, and i’m sure that now that you posted, people will know you didn’t post that. … Glad to hear from you. ……..Solitairea1
Last changed: 02/26/06
Well Miss Moore,
Last Year DUMMY PUPPET Solitairea1 (Lisa) tells you to SHUT-UP and go back to CTV that You’re NOT Wanted (On IAGO).
Today, Solitairea1 says She’s “Glad to hear from you.”
What do you think it is???????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 26, 2006 @ 10:34 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Well, so far
No answer from Susan Moore from My post to her right about this one.
No answer from Jasper Garrison about this:
Mr Garrison?????? WHAT IS IT???? Did OJ Simpson “LIE” in his Testimony about him Putting 2 Bags in the Passenger Compartment of the Limo that took him to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994????? or were their 4 Bags in the Passenger Compartment of the Limo that Took OJ Simpson to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994????????? According to you Mr. Garrison, IT HAS TO BE ONE OR THE OTHER. WHAT IS IT??????? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And Why are you SO AFRAID to Legally Talk/Discuss/Debate me “HERE” on “The Peking Duck”??????? I Know one reason. IT’S BECAUSE YOUR MARK FUHRMAN-DID-IT-SCENARIO-IS-BOGUS/UNTRUE/AN ALL-OUT-LIE.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 27, 2006 @ 9:27 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I just want to THANK Richard for Continuing this Thread about The OJ Simpson Case and MORE.
Thank You Richard.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 27, 2006 @ 7:37 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
If anyone has had the Opportunity to Discuss/Debate/Talk to Brian Murray about The OJ Simpson Case, you Know Brian KNOW’S WHAT He’s Talking About when it comes to this Case.
This is a Post from Sabbath’s Website Forum Index » The Simpson Conspiracy:
Brian Murray
Joined: 13 Feb 2006
Posts: 3
Location: Taichung/New York
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:55 pm
It is quite apparent from reading Jasper’s post (to Sweetpea) about the bags that he has not read the testimony in a while. I will make comments and point out some inaccuracies in his post below. There were five bags entered into evidence in court:
1) Garment bag, evidence number: 1062 – 20754 116, with the initials “LV” (Louis Vuitton), brown. Called a hanging bag by Williams, Gucci bag by Park. In court Park identified it and said it was the bag he called a Gucci bag and when folded looked like a duffle bag.
2) Black golf bag, evidence number: 1063 –20756 116, with red Swiss Army insignia, containing golf clubs.
3) Black leather Duffle bag, evidence number: 1064 – 20775 116, OJ calls it a “grip”.
4) Black garment bag, evidence number: 1065 –20777 116, with initials “O.J.S.” OJ calls it a suit bag. Park said he never saw this bag but did see another duffle bag. When shown this bag in court he said it could look like a duffle bag when it is folded.
5) Nylon bag (Missing bag), evidence number: 1066 – 20831 116, Briefcase size, blue in color with brown leather trim. The defense says this is the bag from behind the Bentley (even though it was obviously never used and still had the price tag and keys for the lock attached to it) but Kato and Parks said it was not the same bag. OJ said it may have been the bag from behind the Bentley but he wasn’t sure. Park said the bag behind the Bentley was smaller than a duffle bag, but was about 1.5’ wide X 1.5’ tall. Kato said it looked like a college book bag.
Re: Mario and Rocky
From: Jasper
Date: February 24, 2006
Time: 04:08 PM
The bag that O.J. wouldn’t let anybody touch is the only one that matters???? The smallest bag that judge Ito allowed into evidence is the one I’ve been referring to here as a gym bag because most people are familiar with the dimensions. In the trial it was variously called a tote bag, a duffle bag and a small duffle bag. I referred to it in other posts as a small duffle bag. I call the one I have with roughly the same dimness a “carry-on bag.” I don’t think it has a standardized English Language name. (BRIAN: I am not sure which bag Jasper is talking about here. The smallest bag Ito allowed in court was evidence number 1066 which the defense said was the “missing bag” from behind the Bentley. I think Jasper is trying to intimate that this is the “Grip” or black leather duffle bag. There was no bag ever described as a gym bag. In court they called the “Grip” a “Small duffle bag” at times.) In any event, it’s the bag Marcia played up to imply that the prosecution KNEW where O.J. put the missing items from the murders (BRIAN: Marcia always said the “Tote bag” or “book bag” from behind the Bentley was the one OJ had by the trash can. This came from Park’s testimony about seeing a bag on top of the can and the “grip” over OJ’s shoulder. Williams never saw a bag on the can but did see OJ near the can) It’s the bag she used the LAX skycap James Williams to suggest how O.J. disposed of it. She hinted that O.J. slipped THAT BAG in the trash container near Williams’ podium. It is the only one Marcia could have been referring to when she said the following in her 9-17-95 summation:
“You may recall that there was testimony about a small dark bag that was on the edge of the driveway by the Bentley. And Kato, as they were loading up the bags, offered to go and get that bag for him. “I’ll go get that for you.” The Defendant said, “No, no, no, no, no. I’ll get it.” And the testimony was that all of the bags were loaded by either Kato or Allan Park except for that one. And after the Defendant walked towards it, after saying, “No, I’ll get it,” after he walked towards it, no one ever saw that little black, dark bag again. Nor have we ever found the knife the Defendant used nor have we ever found the clothes that he wore during the murder nor have we ever found the shoes that he wore during the murder.”
Here’s the good part; O.J. said that he had a small bag that he put his golf ball bag inside of then put in his golf bag. Kato put the golf bag in the trunk with the garment bag.
(BRIAN: OJ said he picked up two bags from behind the Bentley. One small white bag with golf balls in it which he put inside the house. The other bag is the “missing bag” that he said he put golf balls and a wind breaker into which Park testified was 1.5’ X 1.5’. He never said he had a “small bag he put his golf ball bag into”. He then said he consolidated this “missing” bag into his golf bag at LAX, behind the limo, while signing autographs. The autograph seekers don’t recall seeing this though. Kato did not put the garment bag (evidence number 1065) in the trunk, only the golf bag which is the only bag Kato loaded. OJ said he told Park to put the garment bag in the trunk but Park said he never saw the garment bag.)
The small bag (not the small duffle bag big enough for Rocky’s “papers”), is the one O.J. told Kato he would get. (BRIAN: Not sure what the “small bag” is that Jasper mentions here) It wasn’t missing from the bags that went into the limo. It was missing only from the courtroom because Chris Darden and Marcia Clark succeed in having it excluded. (BRIAN: The defense brought in a bag that was obviously not the same one from behind the Bentley. It still had the price tag on it and keys for the lock attached to the handle. As far as I know from the testimony no bags were excluded) That didn’t stop Darden from describing it and asking the jury rhetorically, “Wouldn’t you like to know what happened to that little bag?” He asked the same rhetorical question about the Louie (sic) Vuitton garment bag that Park didn’t recognize, (BRIAN: he did recognize this bag in court and agreed that he misidentified it as a Gucci bag) the golf bag cover that Park didn’t recognize and the golf bag inside of the cover bag that Park didn’t recognize. The only bags that looked familiar to Park were the duffle bag and the “small duffle bag.” He loaded both of them in the passenger compartment with O.J. (BRIAN: the only bags Park said he put in the car was the Louis Vuitton bag in the trunk and the duffle bag, or grip (evidence number 1064), he said OJ told him to put in the car)
This is what I mean by Marcia’s “shell game.” The light blue bag that O.J. picked up was useless because it wasn’t big enough to fit the shoes and the “sweat suit” (BRIAN: the bag testified to in court that was behind the Bentley was big enough but was not the same bag that the defense brought to court and said was the bag from behind the Bentley) so she kept it out of evidence and “replaced it” in the public mind with the small duffle bag that Park misidentified as one of TWO full duffle bags. If you hold Park’s count as sacred, the “missing bag” was “the other” full duffle bag (BRIAN: if you read all of Park’s and Kato’s testimony from the different trials and grand jury it is quite clear that the bag from behind the Bentley was not the bag introduced in court and was “missing” and was definitely not the “Grip” OJ carried on the plane.) The skycap saw O.J. take the small one with him to the plane (BRIAN: Williams testified that OJ only had his “Grip” with him when he saw OJ walk into the terminal. Williams did not remember the “Suit bag/garment bag with OJS monogram, and said he only checked the golf bag and Louis Vuitton bag.) So what did Rocky and Mario mean by “the bag”? They could only have meant the one everyone believes O.J. hand carried into the passenger compartment and the one he definitely carried out of it and with him to Chicago.
BRIAN: Jasper did a good job of playing his own “shell game” with the testimony about the bags here. If you read every bit of testimony about the bags it is clear that the bag behind the Bentley, or “missing bag” is the one OJ said he consolidated into his golf bag at the airport. The “missing bag” was not the same bag introduced in court, which I assume is the bag Jasper says Marcia kept out of evidence.
The black leather duffle bag, or grip, which Jasper says that Mario is talking about, was positively identified in court by everyone, including Park, and was different than the “missing bag”. This is very clear in the testimony. The other duffle bag Park testified to was most likely the garment bag with OJ’s monogram because he said he did not see this bag that night but agreed, when shown the garment bag in court, that when it is folded it looks like a duffle bag.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
February 28, 2006 @ 7:21 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I Just had to Post this Post I made on Sabbath’s Website here on “The Peking Duck:”
Mario G. Nitrini The 3rd
Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 331
Location: Reseda, california
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:39 pm
Here again is Japer Garrison’s Post of Febuary 24th,2006 directed to Sweet Pea:
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Re: Mario and Rocky
From: Jasper
Date: February 24, 2006
Time: 04:08 PM
Sweetpea, ?The bag that ?O.J. wouldn?t let anybody touch? is the only one that matters. ????The smallest bag that judge Ito allowed into evidence is the one I?ve been referring to here as a ?gym bag? because most people are familiar with the dimensions. In the trial it was variously called a tote bag, a duffle bag and a small duffle bag. I referred to it in other posts as a small duffle bag. I call the one I have with roughly the same dimness a ?carry-on bag.? I don?t think it has a standardized English Language name. ????.In any event, it?s the bag Marcia played up to imply that the prosecution KNEW where O.J. put the missing items from the murders. It?s the bag she used the LAX skycap James Williams to suggest how O.J. disposed of it. She hinted that O.J. slipped THAT BAG in the trash container near Williams? podium. It is the only one Marcia could have been referring to when she said the following in her 9-17-?95 summation: ??You may recall that there was testimony about a small dark bag that was on the edge of the driveway by the Bentley. And Kato, as they were loading up the bags, offered to go and get that bag for him. ?I’ll go get that for you.? The Defendant said, ?No, no, no, no, no. I’ll get it.? And the testimony was that all of the bags were loaded by either Kato or Allan Park except for that one. And after the Defendant walked towards it, after saying, ?No, I’ll get it,? after he walked towards it, no one ever saw that little black, dark bag again. Nor have we ever found the knife the Defendant used nor have we ever found the clothes that he wore during the murder nor have we ever found the shoes that he wore during the murder.? ???.Here?s the good part?O.J. said that he had a small bag that he put his golf ball bag inside of then put in his golf bag. Kato put the golf bag in the trunk with the garment bag. The small bag (not the small duffle bag big enough for Rocky?s ?papers?), is the one O.J. told Kato he would get. It wasn?t missing from the bags that went into the limo. It was missing only from the courtroom because Chris Darden and Marcia Clark succeed in having it excluded. That didn?t stop Darden from describing it and asking the jury rhetorically, ?Wouldn?t you like to know what happened to that little bag?? He asked the same rhetorical question about the Louie Vuitton garment bag that Park didn?t recognize, the golf bag cover that Park didn?t recognize and the golf bag inside of the cover bag that Park didn?t recognize. The only bags that looked familiar to Park were the duffle bag and the ?small duffle bag.? He loaded both of them in the passenger compartment with O.J. ???..This is what I mean by Marcia?s ?shell game.? The light blue bag that O.J. picked up was useless because it wasn?t big enough to fit the shoes and the ?sweat suit? so she kept it out of evidence and ?replaced it? in the public mind with the small duffle bag that Park misidentified as one of TWO full duffle bags. If you hold Park?s count as sacred, the ?missing bag? was ?the other? full duffle bag. The skycap saw O.J. take the small one with him to the plane. So what did Rocky and Mario mean by ?the bag?? They could only have meant the one everyone believes O.J. hand carried into the passenger compartment and the one he definitely carried out of it and with him to Chicago. ?Jasper
Now here again are my words:
Now according to Mr. Garrison, in Jasper Garrison’s OWN WORDS:
“The only bags that looked familiar to Park were the duffle bag and the ?small duffle bag.? He loaded both of them in the passenger compartment with O.J.”
Now did EVERYONE Get what Jasper Garrison just said????
He (meaning Allan Park) and Both (meaning 2 bags).
OK, Jasper Garrison has said, IN HIS OWN WORDS,
Now, Jasper Garrison has stated that there are “AT LEAST 2 Bags” that were in The Passenger section of The Limo that took OJ Simpson to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994.
Here is a Post of Jasper Garrison’s Today:
February Discussion
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Re: Blue Bag — New Ballgame,
From: Jasper
Date: February 28, 2006
Time: 03:37 PM
Jean, ……..That’s it! The key thing in all of the shell shifting Marcia did with the bags was her incriminating INTERPRETATION of what O.J. said and did with respect to the BLUE bag. Without it, none of the bags mean anything. Marcia had to transform the blue bag into the black one O.J. carried to the airport because that was the only bag he could have had in the passenger compartment when he got out of the limo. If you work through the possibilities of O.J. putting the blue bag in a secret compartment, you get a bag that could not have contained the missing shoes and “sweats” because a “secret” compartment would have been too thin. If it were outside of a hidden compartment (secret or not) Park would have seen it at LAX when he got the large duffle bag out of the limo. …………Park saw the blue bag only briefly from about 20 feet away when O.J. went to get it. If O.J. put it anywhere other than in the golf bag cover, Park would have seen it again. Kato was standing between him and O.J. when O.J. handed the bag cover with the golf bag inside of it to Kato. The cover had to have been open because Park saw part of the golf bag and the clubs inside of it. If O.J. stuffed the blue bag in the golf bag cover when Kato was blocking Park’s view and Park was fumbling with the garment bag in the trunk, Park would not have seen it but it could have been nowhere else. …………..The hidden compartment in St. John’s limo was big enough to contain the loaded black bag but only the word “secret” gives it a sinister meaning. Maria couldn’t go there because the blue bag was not the one O.J. took out of the limo and it contradicted her implication that it was the same bag O.J. “wouldn’t let anyone touch.” The blue bag is exculpatory – switch or no switch. Its very existence destroys Marcia’s word picture of O.J. picking up the black bag behind the Bentley in suspicious way and carrying it to the skycap stand by a trashcan. That’s why she didn’t want the jurors to see it. –Jasper
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Jean, ……..That’s it! The key thing in all of the shell shifting Marcia did with the bags was her incriminating INTERPRETATION of what O.J. said and did with respect to the BLUE bag. Without it, none of the bags mean anything. Marcia had to transform the blue bag into the black one O.J. carried to the airport because that was the only bag he could have had in the passenger compartment when he got out of the limo.
NOW, did EVERYONE just see what Jasper Garrison said??????? and I Quote Mr. Garrison:
” Marcia had to transform the blue bag into the black one O.J. carried to the airport BECAUSE THAT WAS THE “ONLY BAG” HE COULD HAVE HAD IN THE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT WHEN HE GOT OUT OF TE LIMO.”
Jasper Garrison has JUST SAID that OJ Simpson got out of The Limo “WITH ONLY ONE BAG.”
Now even Jasper Garrison can Figure this Equation out. What is 2 MINUS 1????????? 1 as in at LEAST 1 Bag, according to Jasper Garrison, was Left in The Limo by OJ Simpson when he (Simpson) got out of the Limo at LAX.
More of Jasper Garrsion:
“Maria couldn’t go there because the blue bag was not the one O.J. took out of the limo”
Jasper Garrison uses the WORD “ONE” as in “Bag.”
So, according to Jasper Garrison, OJ Simpson left a Minimum of 1 Bag in the Limo that took Him (Simpson) to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994.
And What Happened to at least 1 bag that OJ Simpson Left in the Limo that took him to LAX the night of June 12th, 1994???? Eventually, Rocky Bateman Unloaded it’s content’s and the bag in a lake.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
February 28, 2006 @ 6:42 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I’m Glad to see that Richard’s OJ Simpson Case Thread is Up and Running again.
I’m Sure that Joseph Bosco will “SHAKE” his head at this.
Don’t Laugh TOO HARD Joe:
Mario G. Nitrini The 3rd
Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 454
Location: Reseda, california
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:59 pm
Please read (and “DEFINITELY NOT” for Intellectual Reasons) this Post by The # 1 “DUMMY PUPPET” Solitairea1 (Lisa) that she Posted on IAGO a Few Hours ago dated March 16th, 2006 at 08:33 PM under the Title “Re: Lies and Liars/correction.”
Here are some Quote’s from this IAGO post by “DUMMY PUPPET” Solitairea1 (Lisa). If ANYONE thinks He or She is HALLUCINATING, YOU’RE NOT. Please read:
“Again, i must question just why Mario is so adamant about defending Mark Fuhrman.”
“Again i must ask, just why does Mario adamantly defend Mark Fuhrman, and try his hardest to prevent Mark Fuhrman from coming under the scrutiny that would expose him for exactly what he is, the murderer of Nicole Simpson and Ron “Goldman.”
“Mario does not want the truth to come out about the Bundy murders.”
“As i’ve said, i do believe that Mario followed Nicole, perhaps with Rocky did too.”
“Why is Mario so desperate to have the truth of the Bundy murders hidden, and to protect Fuhrman from the scrutiny he has long since deserved as the actual killer of Nicole and Ron, along with his prtner Brad Roberts, Faye Resnick, Denise Brown and ron Shipp!?!”
“HOW does he THINK he BENIFITS, and HOW is all of what Mario has done from 1993 to 2006 BENIFIT Mark Fuhrman???”
Now EVERYONE Understand This. These are words from a Person (Solitairea1—LISA) that:
Agrees with Prien that there was NO HOLOCAUST.
TRASHED The Federal Judge in The Notorious B.I.G. Civil Case when Judge Florence Marie-Cooper did THE RIGHT THING.
Says Sabbath Created Jebusville to TAKE-ME-OUT.
What can I say >>>> GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone can show me where I have “EVER” defended Mark Fuhrman, Please show me??????
Sweet Pea, Your Words:
sweet pea
Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:00 pm
Mario G. Nitrini The 3rd wrote:
The Next thing that “COULD” be Being Discussed on IAGO by Jasper Garrison and Some of his DUMMY PUPPET’S, is that I’m Connected in some way to Mark Fuhrman. I Wouldn’t put it past them.
Now, THAT’S FUNNY!!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh Mario!
sweet pea
********************************************************************** ***************
Jasper Garrison and “DUMMY PUPPET” # 1 Solitairea1 (Lisa) ARE trying to Connect me to Mark Fuhrman. WHAT CAN I SAY >>>>>> GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!
These are Words from Jasper Garrison from a Post of his on IAGO dated March 15th, 2006 at 05:07 PM titled “Re: Lies and Liars/correction. Here they are:
“Lollie, …When I combined those posts in chronological order with the quotes from Mario included, I saw something in Solitairea1’s use of the phrase “willing pawnâ€? that I hadn’t seen before. Now I believe she was right on the money with “willing pawnâ€? being the best way to describe ALL of Mario’s actions regarding the O.J. case from 1993 to 2006.”
I “DIDN’T Know that The OJ Simpson Case started in “1993”?????????????????
Would someone “PLEASE” Pinch me, or Kick Me, or Post to me, and Tell me that The OJ Simpson Case started, in Reality, on June 13th, 1994. Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were Killed on June 12th, 1994, but their Bodies were NOT discovered until June 13, 1994.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Joined: 11 Jan 2006
Posts: 454
Location: Reseda, california
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:22 pm
I Have gathered LOT’S of Evidence and Information in and About The OJ Simpson Case about/from Both Sides. That’s one of the reasons I am The Most Hated and Legally Feared Man in The OJ Simpson Case.
Jasper Garrison has Hinted at an Item in The OJ Simpson Case,
SO, What-the-Heck,
Here is a Legal “BOMBSHELL” In The OJ Simpson Case:
When Joseph Bosco and I first met in 1997, I Brought up Detective Ronald Y. Ito’s Name. Joe said he knew of Ito. Well, after he and I Brain-Stormed a Little , it came about that Joe had Written about Ito (didn’t mention Ito’s name in his book) in His Book “A Problem of Evidence.”
I am “NOT” going to give Details regarding this Situation in The OJ Simpson Case, NO WAY,
Is Everybody Ready????????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Mario G. Nitrini 111
March 17, 2006 @ 9:18 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
This is from Courthouse News Service:
March 17, 2006
About Us Columns Darkroom Almanac Entertainment Law
Lawsuit Spun Off
Of O.J. Simpson Case
Could Be A Movie
LOS ANGELES (CN) – In a Superior Court lawsuit that reads like a B
movie, Olin Hyde claims Andrew Bakalar defamed him and interfered with
his project to make a film from a book written by the man accused of
being hired to kill Nicole Simpson on behalf of O.J. Simpson. The
unpublished book, “We Only Kill Our Friends,” was written by
William Wasz, “a violent convicted felon” who wrote it in prison
before being released in August 2004, the complaint states. Wasz became
partners with Elizabeth Luster, who was to provide $250,000 for the
film. They hired Hyde to try to make a “documentary film” from the
book. In the course of seeking a producer, Bakalar allegedly horned in
and persuaded Luster to fire Hyde. Meanwhile, Wasz, who had “an
unfortunate history with illegal narcotics,” died of an overdose
after embezzling $150,000 from Luster, the complaint states. Hyde
claims Bakalar used the embezzlement as the final straw to induce
Luster to break her contract with him. Represented by Ray Gallo, Hyde
seeks punitive damages.
Tell EVRYONE Jasper Garrison, Who Sent You Bill Wasz’s Book “we Only
Kill Our Friends”????????
The Way Jasper Garrison Explained “Things” to me, IS NOT the WAY THIS
Does EVERYONE KNOW WHY????? Remember, I investigated This Bill Wasz
MURDER Situation Myself, and What I’ve
And this about Bill Wasz Embezzling $150,000 Dollars from Elizabeth
There’s A LOT Going on Behind the Scene’s with this one.
Now this is from The Peking Duck:
Dear Jasper Garrison,
I tried to post on Iago and I don’t think it went through.
My message to you is this:
There is no need for the disrespect. When I talk about your father it
was out of respect.
Let’s have lunch and talk. In a very public place. I will even bring
Donald Freed and a few other Hollywood notables. I will give your their
names if you agree.
Let’s talk. This enough of the internet “bs’ing”.
I never said I do not like you or respect you. It’s quite the opposite.
Let’s talk.
My e-mail is bwa…
How about Spago’s?? I’ll pay.
Bill Wasz
Why are you talking crazy to me???
I respect your opinion… and you’re going to “burn” me because I’ve
been busy???
Bill Wasz
Posted by: Bill Wasz at March 3, 2005 01:32 AM
I can’t seem to connect with your e-mail, so I have to post.
As you probably know (or maybe you’re not aware), I am “supervised” for
three years. I will have to get “permission”, of which I will try to
obtain on Monday.
Since you would like to bring a tape recorder, which is fine with me, I
would like to bring my producer, Olin Hyde, and my HD camera. Is this
all right with you?? You can research Mr. Hyde on the internet; he is
about as “square” as they come. He simply works for me as an assitant
producer on a documentary I’m producing (nothing to do with O.J.).
If you forward me your e-mail address to my e-mail address (posted
above), I will gladly let you know Monday if I get my “permission” on
If you’re willing to this, then I will post here on Monday.
By the way: How could you “not like” someone you don’t even know or
have never met? Personally, I find that a bit odd.
Quid pro qou…..????
Bill Wasz
Posted by: Bill Wasz at March 5, 2005 06:27 PM
I will call.
The first person was Detective Robert Crostley, LAPD Robbery/Homicide,
mid-June 1994.
If you believe that to be wrong… you know it’s not.
Bill Wasz
Posted by: Bill Wasz at March 6, 2005 09:51 PM
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
March 18, 2006 @ 6:59 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Rocky Bateman and OJ Simpson, as a Duo, committed Several Illegal and Criminal Crimes in The OJ Simpson Case.
Just so Everyone Knows:
I have Rocky Bateman Back-Tracked. I have Telephone Numbers that he called while he was in Oklahoma being hidden by OJ Simpson and Simpson’s Defense team.
Rocky went on CNN because I Smoked him out (LONG STORY).
The Prosecution in The OJ Simpson Case Criminal Trial were going to Subpeona Rocky.
According to Joe Rico of KNBC News, Rocky was at Rockingham on June 14.
Rocky Bateman, when he was over at my Apartment on June 18th, 1994, told me he was camping with his daughters ALL WEEK LONG. THAT WAS A LIE.
When I went into the KNBC News Building in Burbank in 1995 and talked with Joe Rico about Rocky and some of The OJ Simpson Case, Rico told me that “they” (He used the word “WE”) thought Rocky was Allan Park and went up to try and talk, to who they thought was Allan Park, and Rocky was, Rico’s Words, “VERY UN-CO-OPERATIVE and RUDE.” and, Joe told me that Rocky had 2 “Items in his hand.”
NOW, I have “NEVER” Told “ANYONE” where this Happening that Rico told me Occurred.>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>> R-O-C-K-I-N-G-H-A-M
360 North Rockingham, Brentwood, California
And Rico says this is ALL on Video Tape.
WHAT???????? was Rocky Bateman doing at OJ Simpson’s Residence on June 14th 1994???????
And you KNOW how KNBC Knew Rocky Bateman, According to Joe Rico????? Rocky had worked for a Temporary Personell Service that KNBC Used. SMALL WORLD.”
I met a Media person (Book Author) last week, I gave this Person A LOT of my OJ Simpson Case Paperwork. This Person “Knows” from what I showed this person, Rocky “WORKED” for OJ Simpson, BIG-TIME.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
March 29, 2006 @ 9:32 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini
So You had to Re-visit some OJ Simpson Case moments this week that you were Personally Involved in, Like Me????? (TAPES)???? Rocky Bateman perhaps?????.
OH, you Couldn’t Remember??????? Detective Ronald Y. Ito??????????
I DON’T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THERE Are LOT’S of People on Both sides of The OJ Simpson Case that DO NOT Want Rocky Bateman to be Exposed with what happened in Rocky’s Role in this Case.
Very recently, Someone told me that The LAPD Closed The OJ Simpson Case, but yet on Geraldo Rivera’s TV Show in June of 2004, Rivera said that LAPD told him that the Case was still open. Now that doesn’t mean that a NEW Case can’t be Opened with Other Indictment’s.
Has ANYONE Noticed since OJ Simpson gave that Radio Interview on “KHOW” in Denver the last week of December, 2005, that there hasn’t been a Word in The Media from Denise Brown, Fred Goldman, Kim Goldman Hahn, or even OJ Simpson Himself since then???????? We’re talking more than 3 Months. AND in a little over 2 months, The 12 Year Anniversery of The Murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman will be here.
Also, NOTHING about The Goldman’s Pursuit of OJ Simpson’s Money and Valuable’s that he has Hidden in Various Places.
VERY QUIET………………………………
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 12, 2006 @ 7:15 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Also< check out this court tv message board. I tried to log on but failed. Some of those people are really trashing me. That's alright, I guess. Too bad they dion't do that ten years six months for me, maybe then they would understand reality. --------------------
From: beverly hills | IP: Logged
Here’s My reply:
mario g. nitrini
Member # 4
posted November 23, 2004 04:10 PM
Well Bill, I just went over to the Court TV message board, OJ Simpson 10th anniversery, Brian Murray asked if I would look at what was being said about me with regards to Susan Moore. And NOW I see that the thread that someone put up “BILL WASZ” has been taken off. First the thread of Susan Moore’s trash talking of me and MY challenge to her and COURT TV, and NOW the thread of people trash talking you has been taken off. Somebody or Many Bodies do not want to deal with the reality we have in the OJ Simpson case and want nothing to do with me or you connected with anything to do with COURT TV. What a bunch of COWARDS.
Bill, If you can answer, was there a reason that Anthony Pelicano was following Nicole? and on Who’s request?
Thanks Bill,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
And Here is Bill’s Reply back to me:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 23, 2004 10:49 PM
who knows what those people at court tv are up to. they are nothing but media hypes anyway. if they won’t let me log on, then they are nobodies who mean nothing. Who cares???
Tony Pellicano is a good man, He was/is my friend. Yes, he is in federal prison right now for grenades and cash, but I am sure he had a damn good reason for having them,.
He went after people who did people wrong, and I love him for that.
No, I am not happy for what he said about me in 94. But…. I forgive him…. I probably would have done the same thing.
He sits in prison. Write him. Help him. He will be a very valuable friend one day.
From: beverly hills | IP: Logged
It took me a few Months to Figure out WHY Bill said this:
“He sits in prison. Write him. Help him. He will be a very valuable friend one day.”
I WENT BALLISTIC. Bill Wasz tried to “SUCKER” Me into contacting Anthony Pellicano. Being in Prison, Pellicano would have had to Make a Collect call to my Phone, and then there’s Documentation of that, AND I’M HISTORY. I was in Prison on Drug Charges (Federal and State) from 1982 to 1985. Bill Boyarsky says this in The L.A. Times Article.
ANYWAY, here is a Post I made After I figured Out The Pellicano/Wasz/Nitrini “Thing:”
Iago (January) Discussion
[ Contents | Search | Post | Reply | Next | Previous | Up ]
BILL WASZ-Mario G. Nitrini 111’s LEGAL CHALLENGE to BILL WASZ about Anthony Pellicano
From: Mario G. Nitrini 111
Date: 27 Jan 2005
Time: 13:17:29
Mr. Bill Wasz: After extensively reviewing Mine and Your exchanges on your Website, reading the exchanges between you and me on The Peking Duck, Thank Goodness I read Luke Ford’s article on his website pertaining to Anthony Pellicano and other people, before His (Luke’s) Website was taken down, and other materials that I have read about You (Mr. Wasz) and Anthony Pellicano and other people, some people that I have spoken to directly, at this Exact Point in Time, I have come to the Conclusion that you Mr. Wasz were Cowardly and Illegally under direct Orders from Anthony Pellicano and other people, to Illegally DO something or things Criminal and Illegal to ME. If you Mr. Wasz, Anthony Pellicano, and other people thought you all were going to Illegally Sucker me into anything, I DON’T THINK SO, your all not SMART ENOUGH. Mr. Wasz, if you go back on our exchanges on your Website, on Page # One, You are the First one who brings up the name, Anthony Pellicano, and you say “turns out Pellicano had been following her as well,” meaning Nicole Simpson. How did you KNOW that, Pellicano following Nicole? Later on, on a Post of yours, dated November 23, 2004 at 10:49 PM, you tell me Tony Pellicano is a good man. You tell me He (Pellicano) is in Federal Prison, and you tell me He went after people who did people wrong and You (Bill Wasz) LOVE him for that. You direct a Suggestion to me to WRITE Him. HELP HIM. And that He will be a very valuable friend one day. I gave you my response later in another Post. Anthony Pellicano sit’s side by side on TV with Mark Fuhrman, appears to me at the time they were friends, and You Mr. Wasz say that Anthony Pellicano is a GOOD MAN representing a Scum Pig like Mark Fuhrman. Please Explain? Then Mr. Wasz, after my response to you about my feelings on Anthony Pellicano, you disappear for about two weeks. On December Seventh, 2004, you make a small appearence. I leave you Posts and you WON’T respond WHY?. I have asked questions directed to you and about Detective Ronald Y. Ito. Why will you NOT RESPOND about Detective Ronald Y. Ito…….On The Peking Duck, I bring up Bill Pavelic’s name, and then you respond about Pavelic being involved with Andrew Luster. On Luke Ford’s Website, Luke has Bill Pavelic, Anthony Pellicano, and Andrew Luster TIED together, but Again, on the Peking Duck, you only bring up the names Andrew Luster and Bill Pavelic and make a reference to a few other people. Some thing or Things Illegally and Criminally Stink in your (Bill Wasz) trying to get me to WRITE Anthony Pellicno and HELP Anthony Pellicano. Mr. Pellicano, My (Mario G. Nitrini 111’s) opinion of you is that you (Anthony Pellicano), in REALITY, are a YELLOW BELLY, ILLEGAL, DECEPTIVE, CRIMINAL COWARD………………Mr. Bill Wasz: I, Mario G. Nitrini 111, Legally Challenge you to a Legal Discussion here on IAGO about Anthony Pellicano, other people, and other situations. Let’s see how much Guts you really have Mr Wasz. And if anyone thinks they can ILLEGALLY and CRIMINALLY SCARE ME OFF. I DON’T THINK SO. I FEAR NOTHING……………………..Mario G. Nitrini 111
Last changed: August 25, 2005
There was A LOT that went on in-between with this Situation.
I will say this, in the End, Bill Wasz was a Hero. I will talk more about this later.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
April 15, 2006 @ 11:08 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
AlsoI wanted to have this E-mail Wording here so I can tell Everyone what lead up to Bill Wasz E-mailing me, And it was about 1 week before his Death(Murder).
It Has to do with ANTHONY PELLICANO.
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Sent Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Be nice
No reason to be mean or disrespectful…
You live in the Valley.
I will buy you lunch in the Galleria…
We will talk…and maybe you will ease up on me.
Bill Wasz
Bill Wasz – Official Website
Forum Topics Posts Last Post Bill – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Bill Wasz – The Modern Legend All That You Wanted To Know About Bill, But…
When Bill and I were conversing on his website back in November of 2004, Bill Brought up to me that Anthony Pellicano was also Following Nicole Simpson:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 21, 2004 03:48 PM
No he never mentioned anyhtin like that. Turns out Pellicano had been following her as well, so we should have saved on gas money and all rode in one vehicle. Could have saved a few buck, huh???
Also< check out this court tv message board. I tried to log on but failed. Some of those people are really trashing me. That's alright, I guess. Too bad they dion't do that ten years six months for me, maybe then they would understand reality. --------------------
From: beverly hills | IP: Logged
Here’s My reply:
mario g. nitrini
Member # 4
posted November 23, 2004 04:10 PM
Well Bill, I just went over to the Court TV message board, OJ Simpson 10th anniversery, Brian Murray asked if I would look at what was being said about me with regards to Susan Moore. And NOW I see that the thread that someone put up “BILL WASZ” has been taken off. First the thread of Susan Moore’s trash talking of me and MY challenge to her and COURT TV, and NOW the thread of people trash talking you has been taken off. Somebody or Many Bodies do not want to deal with the reality we have in the OJ Simpson case and want nothing to do with me or you connected with anything to do with COURT TV. What a bunch of COWARDS.
Bill, If you can answer, was there a reason that Anthony Pelicano was following Nicole? and on Who’s request?
Thanks Bill,
Mario G. Nitrini 111
And Here is Bill’s Reply back to me:
Bill Wasz
Member # 2
posted November 23, 2004 10:49 PM
who knows what those people at court tv are up to. they are nothing but media hypes anyway. if they won’t let me log on, then they are nobodies who mean nothing. Who cares???
Tony Pellicano is a good man, He was/is my friend. Yes, he is in federal prison right now for grenades and cash, but I am sure he had a damn good reason for having them,.
He went after people who did people wrong, and I love him for that.
No, I am not happy for what he said about me in 94. But…. I forgive him…. I probably would have done the same thing.
He sits in prison. Write him. Help him. He will be a very valuable friend one day.
From: beverly hills | IP: Logged
It took me a few Months to Figure out WHY Bill said this:
“He sits in prison. Write him. Help him. He will be a very valuable friend one day.”
I WENT BALLISTIC. Bill Wasz tried to “SUCKER” Me into contacting Anthony Pellicano. Being in Prison, Pellicano would have had to Make a Collect call to my Phone, and then there’s Documentation of that, AND I’M HISTORY. I was in Prison on Drug Charges (Federal and State) from 1982 to 1985. Bill Boyarsky says this in The L.A. Times Article.
ANYWAY, here is a Post I made After I figured Out The Pellicano/Wasz/Nitrini “Thing:”
Iago (January) Discussion
[ Contents | Search | Post | Reply | Next | Previous | Up ]
BILL WASZ-Mario G. Nitrini 111’s LEGAL CHALLENGE to BILL WASZ about Anthony Pellicano
From: Mario G. Nitrini 111
Date: 27 Jan 2005
Time: 13:17:29
Mr. Bill Wasz: After extensively reviewing Mine and Your exchanges on your Website, reading the exchanges between you and me on The Peking Duck, Thank Goodness I read Luke Ford’s article on his website pertaining to Anthony Pellicano and other people, before His (Luke’s) Website was taken down, and other materials that I have read about You (Mr. Wasz) and Anthony Pellicano and other people, some people that I have spoken to directly, at this Exact Point in Time, I have come to the Conclusion that you Mr. Wasz were Cowardly and Illegally under direct Orders from Anthony Pellicano and other people, to Illegally DO something or things Criminal and Illegal to ME. If you Mr. Wasz, Anthony Pellicano, and other people thought you all were going to Illegally Sucker me into anything, I DON’T THINK SO, your all not SMART ENOUGH. Mr. Wasz, if you go back on our exchanges on your Website, on Page # One, You are the First one who brings up the name, Anthony Pellicano, and you say “turns out Pellicano had been following her as well,” meaning Nicole Simpson. How did you KNOW that, Pellicano following Nicole? Later on, on a Post of yours, dated November 23, 2004 at 10:49 PM, you tell me Tony Pellicano is a good man. You tell me He (Pellicano) is in Federal Prison, and you tell me He went after people who did people wrong and You (Bill Wasz) LOVE him for that. You direct a Suggestion to me to WRITE Him. HELP HIM. And that He will be a very valuable friend one day. I gave you my response later in another Post. Anthony Pellicano sit’s side by side on TV with Mark Fuhrman, appears to me at the time they were friends, and You Mr. Wasz say that Anthony Pellicano is a GOOD MAN representing a Scum Pig like Mark Fuhrman. Please Explain? Then Mr. Wasz, after my response to you about my feelings on Anthony Pellicano, you disappear for about two weeks. On December Seventh, 2004, you make a small appearence. I leave you Posts and you WON’T respond WHY?. I have asked questions directed to you and about Detective Ronald Y. Ito. Why will you NOT RESPOND about Detective Ronald Y. Ito…….On The Peking Duck, I bring up Bill Pavelic’s name, and then you respond about Pavelic being involved with Andrew Luster. On Luke Ford’s Website, Luke has Bill Pavelic, Anthony Pellicano, and Andrew Luster TIED together, but Again, on the Peking Duck, you only bring up the names Andrew Luster and Bill Pavelic and make a reference to a few other people. Some thing or Things Illegally and Criminally Stink in your (Bill Wasz) trying to get me to WRITE Anthony Pellicno and HELP Anthony Pellicano. Mr. Pellicano, My (Mario G. Nitrini 111’s) opinion of you is that you (Anthony Pellicano), in REALITY, are a YELLOW BELLY, ILLEGAL, DECEPTIVE, CRIMINAL COWARD………………Mr. Bill Wasz: I, Mario G. Nitrini 111, Legally Challenge you to a Legal Discussion here on IAGO about Anthony Pellicano, other people, and other situations. Let’s see how much Guts you really have Mr Wasz. And if anyone thinks they can ILLEGALLY and CRIMINALLY SCARE ME OFF. I DON’T THINK SO. I FEAR NOTHING……………………..Mario G. Nitrini 111
Last changed: August 25, 2005
There was A LOT that went on in-between with this Situation.
I will say this, in the End, Bill Wasz was a Hero. I will talk more about this later.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
April 15, 2006 @ 11:09 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Check it Out,
A Message I sent to Kato Kaelin on My Space: Here’s his Link:
And here is Mine
And My Message to him:
Date: Apr 22, 2006 8:24 AM
Subject: The OJ Simpson Case–Rocky Bateman, More
Body: Mr Kato Kaelin,
Do You know Rocky Bateman???? Of Course You do. Have you Heard of Me???? Of Course You Have.
Please check it out Mr. Kaelin:
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The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment 7 Mario G. Nitrini 111 58 20th April 2006 – 02:16 PM
Under The “General” Thread
Miami News
The OJ Simpson Case, Bill wasz, More, Mario G Nitrini t… 17 hr. Critics see a
conflict in commiss… Brooke, 21 hr ……t/city/miami-fl – Cached
The Peking Duck: Did OJ Simpson kill Nicole Brown Simpson?
The OJ Simpson Case Thread here on “The Peking Duck,” IS a Source of …
“The Peking Duck” was/ and Still is VERY UNIQUE with It’s OJ Simpson Case Thread. … – Cached
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Forum Led by: Forum Mod. Team, SaRuMaN 68 977 Today, 07:46 AM
In: The OJ Simpson Case and MORE
By: Mario G. Nitrini 111
Please Google me Mr. Kaelin.
Did Detective Ronald Y. ito ever talk to You about The OJ Simpson CAse and/or More?????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
Well, does Anyone think Kato Kaelin will respond to Me?????????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 22, 2006 @ 1:53 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Well, on Kato Kaelin’s “MY Space” Website, he says this:
Kato’s Blurbs
About me:
Yesterday, I asked to be his Friend. I Haven’t heard about that yet from him or a response from him about the Message I sent Him.
If Kato Kaelin says I can be his friend, I Got LOT’S of Questions for Him, and he Says, “Please don’t be shy and ask me anything…………”
Does ANYONE really think that Kato Kaelin wants me to start asking him questions about The OJ Simpson Case?????? Could get interesting.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 23, 2006 @ 10:11 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Kato Kaelin has Accepted me as a Friend. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll tell everyone this, there are not too many people who were/are directly involved in The OJ Simpson Case who will talk with me. I give Kato Kaelin Credit. I haven’t been too kind talking about him in the past.
I will post a message on “MySpace” to him a little later tonight.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 24, 2006 @ 6:10 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Kato Kaelin has Accepted me as a Friend. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll tell everyone this, there are not too many people who were/are directly involved in The OJ Simpson Case who will talk with me. I give Kato Kaelin Credit. I haven’t been too kind talking about him in the past.
I will post a message on “MySpace” to him a little later tonight.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 24, 2006 @ 6:13 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I have posted a Message to Kato Kaelin on his “My Space” Friends Comments.
Please read it here:
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
April 24, 2006 @ 8:30 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Check this Out, Nomi Fredrick is making reference to me in her Latest Blog Entry.
Anthony Pellicano Web Links Blog
Anthony Pellicano Web Links Blog. A place to share information about the ?Sin-Eater
for the Stars?. 03.29.06. What Makes Anthony Pellicano Tick? … – Cached
“There was a professional musician who was involved in a certain famous murder, who endlessly has gone on Internet discussions since 1995, searching for someone, anyone, to believe his story.”
I wished she would have said my name.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
April 25, 2006 @ 9:36 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111…r=1&oref=slogin
A Quote from Paul Barresi in this Article:
“He had a lot of extraordinary trade secrets, and for Pellicano to share with his long-term clients — Mr. Fields was a long-term client — would be like a magician telling the audience how he did his tricks,” said Paul Barresi, a former legman for Mr. Pellicano. Mr. Barresi has been aiding the defense team for Mr. Fields in hopes of a later payday.
Something is “Terribly” wrong here. Later in this Article, Paul Barresi make’s More Claims. You can read the whole article here:
by schrolling down to April 6th, 2006.
I have talked to 2 different Media People in the last month about Paul Barresi, The Anthony Pellicano Case, The OJ Simpson Case, and More, and I can tell everyone from what was told me, what Paul Barresi says, 2+2+2 is “NOT” and I repeat “NOT,” adding up to 6 Pertaining to Bert Fields and More, from what I’ve gathered.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 26, 2006 @ 11:24 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111…r=1&oref=slogin
A Quote from Paul Barresi in this Article:
“He had a lot of extraordinary trade secrets, and for Pellicano to share with his long-term clients — Mr. Fields was a long-term client — would be like a magician telling the audience how he did his tricks,” said Paul Barresi, a former legman for Mr. Pellicano. Mr. Barresi has been aiding the defense team for Mr. Fields in hopes of a later payday.
Something is “Terribly” wrong here. Later in this Article, Paul Barresi make’s More Claims. You can read the whole article here:
by schrolling down to April 6th, 2006.
I have talked to 2 different Media People in the last month about Paul Barresi, The Anthony Pellicano Case, The OJ Simpson Case, and More, and I can tell everyone from what was told me, what Paul Barresi says, 2+2+2 is “NOT” and I repeat “NOT,” adding up to 6 Pertaining to Bert Fields and More, from what I’ve gathered.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 26, 2006 @ 11:46 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111…r=1&oref=slogin
A Quote from Paul Barresi in this Article:
“He had a lot of extraordinary trade secrets, and for Pellicano to share with his long-term clients — Mr. Fields was a long-term client — would be like a magician telling the audience how he did his tricks,” said Paul Barresi, a former legman for Mr. Pellicano. Mr. Barresi has been aiding the defense team for Mr. Fields in hopes of a later payday.
Something is “Terribly” wrong here. Later in this Article, Paul Barresi make’s More Claims. You can read the whole article here:
by schrolling down to April 6th, 2006.
I have talked to 2 different Media People in the last month about Paul Barresi, The Anthony Pellicano Case, The OJ Simpson Case, and More, and I can tell everyone from what was told me, what Paul Barresi says, 2+2+2 is “NOT” and I repeat “NOT,” adding up to 6 Pertaining to Bert Fields and More, from what I’ve gathered.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
April 26, 2006 @ 12:47 pm | Comment
By Stealth
You will be vindicated soon.
A formal criminal investigation has started with regards to Detective Ron Ito.
May 13, 2006 @ 3:03 pm | Comment
By Lollie
Anyone interested in purchasing Bill Wasz’s book it can be ordered from:
Rocco Ingala, Jr.
Angel City Books
218 Pier Avenue
Santa Monica, CA
90405 USA
(310) 399-8767(check or money order)
Please Visit our Secure Web Site
& View All our Unique Catalogues!
To order online:Type in Wasz then search
May 13, 2006 @ 10:02 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Stealth, An investigation into ITO?
Hey thanks so MUCH. I didn’t know this.
Do have a link. This is “BIG, BIG, BIG, TIME” for me.
Please let me know.
Thank you SO MUCH.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
May 14, 2006 @ 5:15 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I forgot to let you know. This is my new Website:
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
May 14, 2006 @ 7:38 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I forgot to let you know. This is my new Website:
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
May 14, 2006 @ 7:40 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Please go here to see what LAPD Cops Sgt. Gutierrez and J.H. Hart did to me in the early morning hours (Appoximately 1:00 AM) on October 4th, 1995:
If it wasn’t for some People who came out of the Bourbon Square Bar and into the Bourbon Square parking lot, I WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED.
This Murder-for-Hire attempt on my life was due to my personal involvement in The OJ Simpson Case.
And who was The Criminal and Illegal Ringleader of the assassination attempt on my life?
LAPD RHD Detective Ronald Y. Ito:
Legal Justice is coming down on Detective Ronald Y. Ito.
Please check out my new comment on my blog.
Not too many people have cared what happened to me in the early morning hours of October 4th, 1995, except for my family and a few loyal friends over these last many years.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
May 27, 2006 @ 7:11 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
This is Reality about some of The Anthony Pellicano Case and MORE:
Does it seem that Los Angeles Times Staff Writer and Pulitzer Prize winning? Scumbag Chuck “The Duck’ Philips have “SOMETHING” going on with Daniel Nicherie, J.J, Jan Tucker and others?
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
May 30, 2006 @ 3:05 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 12, 1994. Almost 12 years since the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.
On June 14th, 1994, I started my own investigation into The OJ Simpson Case. What has happened to me because of it in the years that followed, and even right now, I could “NEVER” have “EVER” imagined.
Lot’s of happenings in other cases going on with certain people that were involved in The OJ Simpson Case:
The Olin Hyde/Andrew Bakalar Lawsuit. That’s scheduled to be heard on June 26th, 2006 in Santa Monica. As far as I know, there has been nothing in the media about this. The Case revolve’s around Bill Wasz’s Book “We Only Kill Our Friends.”
The Wallace Families (Biggie Smalls) Federal lawsuit is running into complications. According to Judge Cooper, Attorney Perry Sanders and his group knew about a certain situation that he/they said he/they didn’t know about in this case, to the tune of $1.1 Million Dollars. For me, I have followed this case extremely close because of Detective Ronald Y. Ito and Ex-LAPD Chief-of-Police Bernard Parks being a part of it. Another hearing next week is scheduled as far as I know.
The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment. My Main interest in this Case has to do with Bill Wasz and Pellicano himself.
Please go here:
Anthony Pellicano Web Links
A comprehensive database on incarcerated celebrity P.I., Anthony Pellicano, the ongoing FBI probe of his use of wiretap and likely Mafia connections…
Anthony Pellicano Web Links Home
A comprehensive database on incarcerated celebrity P.I., Anthony Pellicano, the ongoing FBI probe of his use of wiretap and likely Mafia connections…
and read about certain happenings in this Case.
The Robert Blake Case. Again, my interest in Blake’s Case has to do with Detective Ronald Y. Ito. I have to wonder if Blake will himself file Criminal Charges on Ito. Ito broke he law in Blake’s cases on more than one occasion.
Nothing in The Media about the Divorce Proceedings regarding Michael Hahn and Kim Goldman Hahn. Something Will Surface.
The OJ Simpson Case and Saga. Will “ANYONE” in The Mainstream Media “EVER” report about Rocky Bateman and his involvement in Simpson’s Cases and Saga? It’s not like Many of them don’t know who Bateman is. And how about The Feds, or The LAPD, or other Government Agencies arresting Rocky Bateman, Marcia Clark, Detective Ronald Y. Ito, Dale St. John, Allan Park, OJ Simpson, Gil Garcetti, Detective Tom Lange, and Many others for Ciminally and Illeglly breaking the law in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga…………….?
I’m Watching, I’m Waiting……..and I have my Legal “DUCK’S IN A ROW”…………….
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 2, 2006 @ 12:19 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 12, 1994. Almost 12 years since the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.
On June 14th, 1994, I started my own investigation into The OJ Simpson Case. What has happened to me because of it in the years that followed, and even right now, I could “NEVER” have “EVER” imagined.
Lot’s of happenings in other cases going on with certain people that were involved in The OJ Simpson Case:
The Olin Hyde/Andrew Bakalar Lawsuit. That’s scheduled to be heard on June 26th, 2006 in Santa Monica. As far as I know, there has been nothing in the media about this. The Case revolve’s around Bill Wasz’s Book “We Only Kill Our Friends.”
The Wallace Families (Biggie Smalls) Federal lawsuit is running into complications. According to Judge Cooper, Attorney Perry Sanders and his group knew about a certain situation that he/they said he/they didn’t know about in this case, to the tune of $1.1 Million Dollars. For me, I have followed this case extremely close because of Detective Ronald Y. Ito and Ex-LAPD Chief-of-Police Bernard Parks being a part of it. Another hearing next week is scheduled as far as I know.
The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment. My Main interest in this Case has to do with Bill Wasz and Pellicano himself.
Please go here:
Anthony Pellicano Web Links
A comprehensive database on incarcerated celebrity P.I., Anthony Pellicano, the ongoing FBI probe of his use of wiretap and likely Mafia connections…
Anthony Pellicano Web Links Home
A comprehensive database on incarcerated celebrity P.I., Anthony Pellicano, the ongoing FBI probe of his use of wiretap and likely Mafia connections…
and read about certain happenings in this Case.
The Robert Blake Case. Again, my interest in Blake’s Case has to do with Detective Ronald Y. Ito. I have to wonder if Blake will himself file Criminal Charges on Ito. Ito broke he law in Blake’s cases on more than one occasion.
Nothing in The Media about the Divorce Proceedings regarding Michael Hahn and Kim Goldman Hahn. Something Will Surface.
The OJ Simpson Case and Saga. Will “ANYONE” in The Mainstream Media “EVER” report about Rocky Bateman and his involvement in Simpson’s Cases and Saga? It’s not like Many of them don’t know who Bateman is. And how about The Feds, or The LAPD, or other Government Agencies arresting Rocky Bateman, Marcia Clark, Detective Ronald Y. Ito, Dale St. John, Allan Park, OJ Simpson, Gil Garcetti, Detective Tom Lange, and Many others for Ciminally and Illeglly breaking the law in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga…………….?
I’m Watching, I’m Waiting……..and I have my Legal “DUCK’S IN A ROW”…………….
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 2, 2006 @ 12:27 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer Chuck Philips
had an UNMONITORED telephone interview with Anthony Pellicano?
Pellicano Won’t ‘Rat Out’ Clients
By Chuck Philips | 4:00 p.m.
From his cell, the defiant private eye to the stars says the federal wiretapping case is `bogus.’
How can that be?
Now wait a minute,
I was in Federal and State Prison in the early 1980’s, and even asked Bill Boyarsky to put it in the article he wrote about me about some of my involvement in The OJ Simpson Case. Please go here:
Then here:
My Legal Documents
Please Schroll down to the last 4 pages:
Something is Horribly wrong here. Anthony Pellicano is in Pre-trial Federal Lock-up, with a NO Bail Status from the Feds and a State Case (Anita Busch…….) pending.
Could this man, Steven Gruel
Steve Gruel is one man’s San Francisco. This site is for everyone who loves San
Francisco and wants to support neighborhood businesses in the City by the ……. – Cached
have “DECEPTIVELY” set-up this whole Chuck Philips/Anthony Pellicano interview?
Think about it? IT’S THE ONLY WAY.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 12, 2006 @ 10:20 am | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
I want to apolgize to everyone. The Link that I paste and copy, IS NOT the link that is showing up. Seems that Steven Gruel and Mistersf have monkeyed with something?????
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
June 12, 2006 @ 9:18 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Now this, is Steven Gruel:
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
June 12, 2006 @ 9:35 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
Pellicano: Feds Have Only One Recording (But What a Recording It Is)3 hours ago by Peter Lattman
When the Law Blog read Anthony Pellicano’s interview with the Los Angeles Times
over the weekend, we were struck by his articulateness. Here was Pellicano on
the government’s case against him: The federal government has purposely tried … Law Blog –
[ More results from Law Blog ]
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Secretly taped audio taped coversations between Anthony Pellicano and Nationa Enquirer reporter, Jim Mitteager. Passages below take from cashe of tapes subpoened by US Attorney.
MITTEAGER: Well, you know…You could have moved. See, if we coordinate, Anthony. We need to coordinate better . At the point that she (Mary Anne Norbaum, Globe reporter) calls up your (secretary) trying to set up the lunch, is the point where you could have moved.
PELLICANO: We got her (Globe reporter, Mary Anne Norbaum) on tape. We got her on tape when she called her apartment that night, you understand? We got her on tape.
MITTEAGER: Are you going to sue the Globe?
PELLICANO: I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but Mary Anne Norbaum’s life is going to be made miserable, I can tell you that.
PELLICANO: I’ll tell you why, in person, but I know for a fact all about him. I’m investigating certain people who are in the tabloids, right?
PELLICANO: Figure it out for yourself.
MITTEGER: Okay, well there is more to that…
PELLICANO: There is lots of conversation at that time. I didn’t know who the f— it was…It (the phone number) was under the name of A.E. Butterfield who turns out to be his father. Okay?
Comment by Paul Barresi – June 13, 2006 at 10:21 am
Maybe Paul Barresi can also tell everyone about his “DEALINGS� with Bert Fields and others and His Agreement with news Media Commentator Aphrodite Jones concerning The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment, and other “THINGS�? I’d like to hear, AGAIN.
Mario G. Nitrini 111
The OJ Simpson Case
Comment by Mario G. Nitrini 111 – June 13, 2006 at 11:38 am
Does Anyone think that Paul Barresi will Respond to me?
Mario G. Nitrini 111
June 13, 2006 @ 11:28 am | Comment
By mariogeorgenitrini111
Anthony Pellicano
“USES” Chuck Philips for P.R. purposes at The Los Angeles Times.
Scumbag Chuck
“The Duck” Philips,
Los Angeles Times Pulitzer Prize ?????? Winning Staff Writer Chuck Philips got/get’s many scoops about Pellicano’s clients, That’s for sure. Coincidence? No Way. Philips tells the truth? NO WAY. Chuck Philips is an Illegal LIAR and MORE? FOR SURE.
Now Paul Barresi goes around, Blah, Blah, Blah in lot’s of places.
Here’s an example on The Wall Street Journal law blog:
Secretly taped audio taped coversations between Anthony Pellicano and Nationa Enquirer reporter, Jim Mitteager. Passages below take from cashe of tapes subpoened by US Attorney.
MITTEAGER: Well, you know…You could have moved. See, if we coordinate, Anthony. We need to coordinate better . At the point that she (Mary Anne Norbaum, Globe reporter) calls up your (secretary) trying to set up the lunch, is the point where you could have moved.
PELLICANO: We got her (Globe reporter, Mary Anne Norbaum) on tape. We got her on tape when she called her apartment that night, you understand? We got her on tape.
MITTEAGER: Are you going to sue the Globe?
PELLICANO: I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but Mary Anne Norbaum’s life is going to be made miserable, I can tell you that.
PELLICANO: I’ll tell you why, in person, but I know for a fact all about him. I’m investigating certain people who are in the tabloids, right?
PELLICANO: Figure it out for yourself.
MITTEGER: Okay, well there is more to that
PELLICANO: There is lots of conversation at that time. I didn’t know who the fâ€â€? it was…It (the phone number) was under the name of A.E. Butterfield who turns out to be his father. Okay?
Comment by Paul Barresi – June 13, 2006 at 10:21 am
Maybe Paul Barresi can also tell everyone about his Illegal deals with Bert Fields and others and His Agreement with news Media Commentator Aphrodite Jones concerning The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment, and other Illegal things? I’d like to hear, AGAIN.
Comment by Mario G. Nitrini 111 – June 13, 2006 at 11:38 am
Now, Paul Barresi Bad-Talks quite a few people. Why didn’t Paul Barresi address me? I sense a yellow stripe down Paul Barrresi’s back. “CLUCK.”
I sense that Paul Barresi is scared to Legally address me. “CLUCK-CLUCK.”
He can’t be “THIS” much of a “COWARD,” CAN HE? “CLUCK-CLUCK-CLUCK.”
I have heard that LAPD Lieutenant Jeri Weinstien is heading up The Christopher Wallace (Biggie Smalls) Murder Investigation for The LAPD Internal Affairs Department. You Got To Be Kidding Me!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me just remind EVERYONE that Lieutenant, Now Captain Jeri Weinstein, was involved in Criminally and Illegally COVERING-ME-UP in The OJ Simpson Case and Other “CASES, and MORE:”
It can be read in some of my Legal Documents on my website:
I sure hope that Ms. Weinstien doesn’t “Forget” that she talked to me on the telephone and left a message on my phone answering machine.
Such an Innocent looking face,
It is the mission of the LAPD to safeguard the lives and property of the people we
… Captain Jeri Weinstein was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and … – Cached
and Such an “EVIL CORRUPT CRIMINAL MIND,” AND MORE, OHHHHHHHHHHH, A LOT, LOT MORE. OH, and it’s coming out, SOON. OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 18, 2006 @ 6:05 pm | Comment
By Mario G. Nitrini 111
for these people who have illegally and criminally hurt me and have tried to destroy my life any way they could, and the Illegal and Criminal Attack on me………….. has NEVER STOPPED……………………..Due to LOT’S of Situations and some Cases:
Ronald Y. Ito–LAPD RHD Detective who was involved in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Kim Goldman Hahn–Daughter of Fred Goldman and Sister of Ron Goldman.
Tom Lange–Retired LAPD RHD Detective who was involved in The OJ Simpson Case.
SGT. Guiterrez–LAPD Cop who tried to kill me in the early morning hours of October 4th, 1995.
J.H. Hart–LAPD Cop who tried to kill me in the early morning hours of October 4th, 1995.
Gil Garcetti–Ex-Los Angeles District Attorney who was involved in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Marcia Clark–Co-Lead Prosecutor in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Bob Parsons–LAPD Detective who Conspired to Illegally cover-up………………
Stephanie Medina–Former KCAL Channel 9 Employee.
Diane Dimond–Former TV Tabloid Show “Hard Copy” Employee.
Eric Garcetti–Councilman in Los Angeles, son of Gil Garcetti.
Dana Garcetti–Daughter of Gil Garcetti.
Harvey Levin–Former KCBS Employee.
Joe Salvino–LADA Investigator in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Lisa Bloom–Court TV Anchor.
Gloria Allred–Brown Family Attorney in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Craig Fawcett–Paralegal.
Richard C. Wemmer–LAPD Captain Commanding Officer West Los Angeles Community Police Station.
And that’s Not all of the people that
June 25, 2006 @ 11:05 am | Comment
By ddd
love you
August 4, 2006 @ 12:20 am | Comment
By Renee Garden
October 3, 2006 @ 2:50 am | Comment