A reader travelled froim China to HK to participate, and I just want to share his observations.
i traveled with some local friends, and we were all greatly moved by the ceremony and the kindheartedness of those in attendance. it started with a film against a song “history stained with blood”, that covered the developments from the CR to the “incident.” my friends and i are not the type of people who cry very often, but seeing the idealism contrasted with images of the stiff and crueld demeanor of a certain official (LP), set against the music, managed to bring tears to everyone’s eyes. the song ended with a broadcast of a certain leader on his visit to India talking about Japan stating that only a country that faces history can play a greater role on the international stage.from that point on, the entire theme of the night was the importance of facing history honestly, including all history.
this was followed by a few speeches, most prominently a speech by DZL, a leader of a group of mothers that i am sure you know about. after that, it started raining off and on as we sang a few songs.sitting there, holding candles, i felt a real sense of brotherhood, and had a warm feeling in my heart that i have not had in my many years here in shanghai. people can be so rude and abrasive and uncaring, it is really depressing. i think that if such activities were allowed here, people would be much kinder and more caring towards their fellow man.
that was our feeling that night. so i hope that you would encourage all chinese speakers to visit this activity in the coming years. it is a truly eye-opening experience for all.
Thanks for that.
By pete
What a heart-warming post.
I met several parents of “lost children of Ti@n@nmen ” a few years back. Their pain was obvious and wrenching for me.
All Chinese should demand the CCP/government come clean with its/their histories of thuggery, killing and human rights violations of Chinese citizens before the “masses” stand behind any demand of truth and honesty from Japan.
June 7, 2005 @ 7:31 pm | Comment
By Laowai 19790204
Thanks for the post, Richard! Maybe I’ll try to go next year…
June 7, 2005 @ 8:14 pm | Comment
By pete
Richard. Your site is getting hit big-time by the Nanny I think. While the site is not generally blocked, some of the comments sections seemed to be blocked. I can’t tell for sure as what shows up is in Chinese characters, but I think it means the requested address is not accessible.
June 7, 2005 @ 8:21 pm | Comment
By richard
Shit. If anyone can’t comment, please email the comments to me and I’ll post them.
June 7, 2005 @ 8:50 pm | Comment
By Gordon
Great post!
Coming through loud and (visually) clear in Chengdu.
June 7, 2005 @ 10:01 pm | Comment
By Daai Tou Laam Diary
Saturday’s Other Event In Hong Kong
Richard at The Peking Duck has a new post up on the 6/4 Tiananmen Square memorial in Victoria Park here in Hong Kong. Very interesting perspective from a mainlander who travelled to Hong Kong for the event.
For another perspective check Glutter’s persona
June 8, 2005 @ 4:59 am | Comment
By Bing
Have you heard about the news that Wuer Kaixi called hos at the night of 6.4.
They died to make those “leaders”
June 10, 2005 @ 7:02 am | Comment