This is utterly classic. Gordon has stumbled on a priceless Xinhua reader survey that literally parodies China’s information industry. When you see a poll with such hilariously loaded questions, you have to wonder whether you can believe anything the Chinese media tell you in regard to public opinion. Go there now!!
When I was living in Beijing in 2003 I wrote about this very topic, amazed that anyone with an IQ above room temperature could believe such drivel.
This poll is strangely reminisant of a village election isn’t it.
If Japan realy was doing B or C, China would know about it very quickly.
Japan is the ost peaceful military power in the modern world.
June 1, 2005 @ 8:17 pm | Comment
By shulan
“IQ above room temerature” is nicely said 🙂
June 2, 2005 @ 4:38 am | Comment