From the same source, don’t miss these astonishing real-life photos of Chinese people.
June 3, 2005
The Discussion: 22 Comments
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From the same source, don’t miss these astonishing real-life photos of Chinese people.
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A peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Taipei and finally back to Beijing for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him…
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By Gordon
Darn it Richard,
That was a misleading headline. It’s not nice to play with ones emotions. 😛
June 3, 2005 @ 6:26 pm | Comment
By Gordon
All joking aside, I’m surprised I haven’t heard anything about this in the Chinese media. You know they would milk this for all it’s worth. (and then some)
June 3, 2005 @ 6:34 pm | Comment
By Laowai 19790204
Does anyone actually like Zhang Ziyi? Every Chinese person I know thinks she’s a… um, well, something not very nice.
June 3, 2005 @ 6:39 pm | Comment
By richard
She’s pretty, no questrion about that. I had the privilege of meeting her once and couldn’t believe how diminutive she is. Much smaller than she looks on-screen.
June 3, 2005 @ 6:57 pm | Comment
By richard
Gordon, the headline says in, not on.
June 3, 2005 @ 6:58 pm | Comment
By Laowai 19790204
Oh, that’s funny. One of my friends met her at Cannes or something like that (he took a loan out – he likes movies a lot) and said she has 5 moles and is really plain in person.
Anyway, she annoys me. Especially in Rush Hour 2
June 3, 2005 @ 7:37 pm | Comment
By Gordon
LMAO!! Richard,
I guess I was thinking in Chinglish. They never say restroom or bathroom – they refer to it as the “toilet”. So, when I read the title for this post naturally I was entertaining visions of her in the shower 😛
Laowai, as I’m sure you know by now, the Chinese also have different opinions of western beauties, too.
So, they may think our preferences of Chinese women are strange, but theirs seems to be quite skewed when it comes to judging western girls as well.
June 3, 2005 @ 8:11 pm | Comment
By bingfeng
talking about chinese movie stars, one of them is widely admried, Chen Daoming
he works hard, is so busy that only eats egg fired rices, in the spare time, don’t dine out with pretty girls, and of course, unlike many other male movie stars, he go t married, play piano and practice chinese calligraphy
all in all, he is a quite and low key person
zhang ziyi make s a lot of noise in front of the public and media, very aggresive, open, self-centered, sexy, and makes a lot of money when still very young
now you understand why she is a favorite cover page person in the west while is “hated” in china
June 4, 2005 @ 12:06 am | Comment
By John
From my years in China, the Chinese have a habit of denegrating any other Chinese person who achieves somekind of success lik eZhang Ziyi.
I still remeber how the recent Miss China from Shanghai was showered with abuse from the rest of the country.
You met Zhang Ziyi Richard?!
Do tell, do tell…….
June 4, 2005 @ 2:05 am | Comment
By Martyn
I now post with much trepidation for fear of the inevitable backlash!
Yes, the point about Chinese language newspapers in the US being offended by pictures of Zhang Ziyi in the toilet despite the fact that she just “happened” to be on the front cover when the ‘Koran down the toilet’ article featured is typical of general Chinese sensitivity and sometimes seeing racial slurs where there are none.
(I am not going to DARE mention superiority/inferiority complexes here).
To say that if someone else was on the cover the New York Post wouldn’t have featured a picture of the magazine down the toilet is insane to me and I’m disappointed (though not surprised) that Chinese people would think otherwise…but there you go.
Now I’ll go and hide with lots of hot tea and warm blankets and sit out the inevitable storm!
June 4, 2005 @ 2:13 am | Comment
By Zoe
Poor martyn. I enjoyed your debate on the marathon thread by the way.
I thought bing was obsessed with details and failed to grasp the main points. I also thought Ke Li Se viewed your posts with far too much sucspicion and didn’t completely shake off the fear that you were being anti China.
But that’s only my modest opinion! I don’t have the historical knowledge to debate like that. I learnt a lot from all the posts there.
I think this Peking Duck site is unique to have such a broad range of opinions from right across the globe and right across all sorts of different peoples. Great work Richard.
Keep up the good work martyn and bing and lisa and kevin and shanghai slim and all the others (not jr)!
Thanks for deleting jr as he was putting me off from posting.
June 4, 2005 @ 4:19 am | Comment
By Zoe
…oh…and Filthy Stinking No 9, I always enjoy his posts!
June 4, 2005 @ 4:21 am | Comment
By Martyn
June 4, 2005 @ 4:30 am | Comment
By Hui Mao
…is typical of general Chinese sensitivity…
I’m disappointed (though not surprised) that Chinese people would think otherwise…but there you go.
You’re taking this way too seriously. Chinese language newpapers in the US tends to print lots of exaggerated sensationalist stories to attract eyeballs and they’re not really that far removed from being supermarket tabloids. No one takes them seriously, especially on a story that’s as blatantly sensationalist as this.
June 4, 2005 @ 5:38 am | Comment
By richard
John, when I was in Beijing I handled the Tag Heuer watch account. Zhang Ziyi was the TH spokesperson and we held two events where I got to meet her. One event, at the relatively new TH shop in Wangfujing, generated such huge crowds we had to end it earlyu and whisk her away — the crowds were getting beyond control, everyone wanting to see her. To the commenter who thinks the Chinese don’t love her, you’d be surprised to see all the fans waiting to get a glimpse of her. Everyone in my office (all Chinese) looked on her as a goddess.
Martyn, I think we’ve exhausted the inferiority complex discussion and hope we don’t go there again.
Zoe, thanks for the kind words. JR is still free to post here and I won’t delete his comments unless he forces me to. I never delete because I disagree with someone, only if they prove they’re here not to discuss but to needle and insult. And even in that case, they have to try mighty hard to get me to delete.
June 4, 2005 @ 11:28 am | Comment
By Ron
Richard, I think Martyn’s above post was very tongue-in-cheek. He’ll be the last person here to kick off inferiority complex discussions again so the verbal warning wasn’t necessary.
June 4, 2005 @ 12:50 pm | Comment
By richard
Ron, I was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek too. It’s not Martyn who ranted about this topic, but another of our commenters, and I was just saying I hope he doesn’t start again.
June 4, 2005 @ 3:04 pm | Comment
By Other Lisa
And you know, I think JR sometimes just lets his passions run ahead of his ability to express himself. Hopefully he’ll take a moment to consider the content of his posts next time…
June 4, 2005 @ 9:37 pm | Comment
By Filthy Stinking No.9
Zoe … thanks … I was feeling left out. 🙂
Can I ask a point of clarification? Do we know for certain that JR is male? Or are people using “he” just to avoid the uncomfortable use of he/she all the time?
June 5, 2005 @ 3:19 am | Comment
By Filthy Stinking No.9
And I have to say I got all excited by the headline too. Bad Richard.
June 5, 2005 @ 3:37 am | Comment
By richard
Sorry; I didn’t mean to lead anyone on… 🙂
June 5, 2005 @ 1:24 pm | Comment
By jack chen
er I think zhang is a good looking girl but she is just pretty ….and she has a poor performance in screen,I don’t like an actress like her
July 24, 2005 @ 8:15 pm | Comment