A new thread for the coming weekend….
The ever-on-message Bush crony Karen Hughes was just sworn in as the nation’s undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, charged with polishing America’s tarnished image in the eyes of a skeptical world. I don’t envy her her task.
I won’t go on about Hughes and her ability to lie on cue. Suffice it to say I consider her the second most loathesome menace in the Bush coterie, surpassed only by the Prince of Darkness himself, Karl Rove. I actually think Bush himself and Cheney and Rumsfeld, for all their shortcomings and crimes, have at least a semblance of a conscience. Not so Ms. Hughes, who will go to whatever lengths necessary to protect little boy George, no matter how shameless she has to be.
This isn’t a reverberation of the liberal echo chamber. Conservative talking head Tucker Carlson backed up these claims in an interview in 2003. Everyone who is tempted to believe even a monosyllabe that escapes Hughes’ lips should read what Carlson said.
I’ve obviously been lied to a lot by campaign operatives, but the striking thing about the way she lied was she knew I knew she was lying, and she did it anyway. There is no word in English that captures that. It almost crosses over from bravado into mental illness.
Hughes is the kind of [media]whore who gives PR people a very bad name. She is not human, she is a talking-points robot, a string of sound bites laid end to end. Check out the WaPo article linked above and see how to Karen, everything can be solved by following her talking points. No matter how dire the crisis, if we say it’s okay and all stay on-message, the little people on the ground will swallow it. Prepare for a full-frontal assault on truth as the message queen gets ready to bombard the world with her carefully crafted memes and blatant (but so sincere-sounding!) lies. She is symptomatic of everything that is rotten with this administration.
Update: This blogger is even more outspoken about Hughes than I am, if such is possible.