This is great news. I’ve been looking for a good Marxist Academy, and now I know just where to go.
China opens Marxism academy
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), or China’s top think tank, founded a Marxism academy here Monday.
Liu Yunshan, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said at the inaugural of the academy that new advances should be made in Marxist theories in tandem with economic and social development at the modern times.
The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to ideological building and earnestly pushes forward researches on important theories and practical issues, said Liu, who is also the head of the CPC Central Committee Publicity Department.
The scholars need to deeply study the Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaoping’s works, Liu said.
Yes, that’s exactly what scholars need to do, deeply study the works of the three men who brought the world unparalleled peace, prosperity and joy: Marx, Lenin and Mao.
Via CDT.
By Ivan
Well, since the only real purpose of the Communist Party is to steal from the poor, they certainly do need some “new advances.”
December 26, 2005 @ 11:15 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Marx = Larry
Lenin = Moe
Mao = Curly
Kim Jong Il = Shemp
December 26, 2005 @ 11:50 pm | Comment
By Patrick
It’d be fascinating to have a discussion about Marxist theory with those scholars at the academy, who are probably case studies in double-think.
To advance research on important theory about their idealogy, their biggest research question might engage the impossibility of centralizing knowledge in (tandem with) an economic/social system like China’s. They know it’s easy to centralize power. But they can’t centralize knowledge, which is probably required for their form of government to make good decisions about economic and social development, esp. outside the larger cities. Free press, at bottom, is important for that. Knowledge=power (esp. at the modern times). I am concerned about China’s future, personally. In my opinion, the hype is silly.
Why doesn’t the government acknowledge openly on CCTV a Marxist system is not compatible with personal liberty and such liberty is important for a social system to evolve? Ha! That’d be incredible. Learn from the past, draft something based on the Marxist foundations, yet novel and distinctly Chinese – much of Marx’s ideas were based on learning from past cycles of history anyway. Maybe they could do it right before the olympics. (A colleague of mine believes the bubble is going to burst after the olympics.)
For all the wisdom and beauty of Chinese culture (I am not an expert, but a traveler), I believe that culture has a hard time with novel innovations. Imitations don’t count – novel imitations are inimitable, with lots of failures to be learnt from – new means of production, etc., never before seen and possibly never to be seen again. If it is true that they have a hard time with such things – why is it?…because innovations are destructive and disrupt harmony? There should be many such innovations all the time. It’s a problem if they want to be a superpower.
I saw someone say as much on that show “Dialogue” but CCTV totally edited it (badly). Kind of funny to watch.
December 27, 2005 @ 12:06 am | Comment
By chester
CASS is the new strategic sales and advertisement committee for the Party/gov’t and not your typical NGO or educational reseach institution.
December 27, 2005 @ 1:19 am | Comment
By Ivan
Chester is absolutely right about this.
CASS is a Communist Whorehouse. They’re not scholars, they’re Communist Whores.
December 27, 2005 @ 1:22 am | Comment
By chris
everyone likes whores, right? are they hot?
December 27, 2005 @ 1:30 am | Comment
By Ivan
CASS exists for one, and only one purpose: To put lipstick and other makeup on the dead, rotting pig’s carcass of the Communist Party, kind of like trying to turn a dead pig into a beautiful woman.
The mission of CASS is to invent new excuses for the Communist Party to claim absolute power. And they have a LOT of work to do, trying to explain why Communism died all over Europe in the 1980s, and trying to explain why this does not discredit Communism. It’s impossible for them to do with any credibility. HOWEVER, in the PRC, the Communist Party doesn’t NEED any credibility, because they respond to any challenges with guns.
So CASS isn’t even necessary to uphold the Communist Party. They’ll keep power the same way they always did – by shooting or imprisoning anyone who disagrees with them. CASS is just the fig leaf the Communists use to cover up their own shame.
December 27, 2005 @ 1:31 am | Comment
By Ivan
No, these whores are not hot. They’re rotting pigs’ carcasses; see my above comment.
December 27, 2005 @ 1:32 am | Comment
By Ivan
(as you see, when I’m dead sober – like I am now – then I can REALLY get ugly…)
December 27, 2005 @ 1:34 am | Comment
By jeffery
it’s only waste my tax.
December 27, 2005 @ 1:42 am | Comment
By chester
Commie pimps, Ivan. Pimps. heehee.
December 27, 2005 @ 2:29 am | Comment
By Ivan
Chester, you’re right again. The Communist pimps are at CASS. The Communist Super-Whores are all at CCTV. And the Communist streetwalker-whores wander around the internet making comments on sites like this one, saying things like,
“We still do not know all the details of (the latest Communist massacre…)”
December 27, 2005 @ 1:21 pm | Comment