This post is a trial run by Dave
Or at least that’s what I’d like to see when the New York Times describes Dick Cheney’s visit to Topeka, Kansas as being “like a rock star coming to town”. And that’s just in the words of the mother of a 6 year old Cheneyphile. Yes, the New York Times’ Mark Leibovich has injected some humor into the Grey Old Lady. Can it possibly be inadvertant humor that he uses the term “Cheneyphiles” and describes 6 year olds looking at pictures of old men on the Internet, all while Foleygate is still burning? After all, Leibovich also writes:
There were no audible requests for Mr. Cheney to crowd-surf, shed his tie or perform ‘Free Bird.’
Yes, he’s definitely trying to be funny. I think when you’re discussing Topeka, all you really can do is laugh at them. Or cry. I’ll take laugh.
And then there was this quote:
‘It’s just such a big thrill to see and hear this man,’ says Marvin Smith, a farmer and former teacher.
Mr. Smith says most people he knows feel the same way, ‘except for a few of those peacemakers.’ He means protesters, a smattering of whom are picketing down the street.
Did that guy just use the word “peacemaker” as… a put-down? By “peacemaker”, does he mean people like David Lane, arrested in Denver, Colorado for telling the vice president to his face, on the street “I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible”? Or by “peacemaker”, does he mean Jesus-like? If so, shouldn’t he be outside?
By Ivan
Dave, you know as well as I do that Jesus didn’t say “peacemaker”. He said, “Blessed are the Cheesemakers.”
October 17, 2006 @ 5:03 pm | Comment
By Brendan
What a friend we have in cheeses…
October 17, 2006 @ 7:07 pm | Comment
By davesgonechina
Does that mean the Holy Eucharist is actually a wine and cheeses party? Like an art gallery reception?
October 17, 2006 @ 7:37 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Yes, and that’s why Christianity never took off in China, because there’s no cheese and Chinese wine is revolting.
October 17, 2006 @ 7:52 pm | Comment
By Ivan
If Dick Cheney and Ann Coulter were in a mud-wrestling match, which one would have a heart attack first?
October 17, 2006 @ 9:41 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Hey, Chinese wine is improving. I had a bottle of Changyu that wasn’t half-bad.
But the cheese…yes, there is no cheese.
October 18, 2006 @ 1:21 am | Comment
By nausicaa
But there *is* stinky tofu, which rivals the most odoriferous of cheeses.
October 18, 2006 @ 2:48 am | Comment
By OtherLisa
what a friend we have in stinky tofu…
October 18, 2006 @ 3:30 am | Comment
By juhuacha
Hmm… I dunno, I wanna hear Dick do a version of Freebird.
(shudders at the thought)
that nytimes article made me cry 🙁
October 18, 2006 @ 11:16 am | Comment
By Fat Cat
Lisa, you are not serious about drinking a bottle of Changyu? I admire your courage.
October 18, 2006 @ 12:00 pm | Comment
By Shanghai Slim
Brendan wrote:
“What a friend we have in cheeses…”
HA!!!! 😀
For that you deserve a place in The Garden of Edam.
October 18, 2006 @ 2:56 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Seriously, it’s not bad! I saved the bottle so I could translate the label. It’s out in my car trunk. I’m not saying it was fabulous wine, but it tasted pretty much like a European style red. My Oenophile friend said it was in the style of…erm…I’m spacing. Not Bordeaux. Rhone.
October 18, 2006 @ 3:01 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Changyu is almost drinkable if you mix it with around 9/10 vodka.
October 18, 2006 @ 3:01 pm | Comment
By Ivan
I mean one part Changyu to 9 parts vodka. Then I could almost force it down my throat.
October 18, 2006 @ 3:02 pm | Comment
By nausicaa
[quote]My Oenophile friend said it was in the style of…erm…I’m spacing. Not Bordeaux. Rhone.[/quote]
And somewhere out in the Rhone valley, a French winemaker just fainted. 😉
October 18, 2006 @ 8:36 pm | Comment
By nausicaa
Also, garden of Edam – clever, Shanghai Slim.
October 18, 2006 @ 8:38 pm | Comment
By richard
Garden of Edam… Hat’s off, gentlemen, a genius!
October 18, 2006 @ 10:33 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Well, this was a more expensive bottle of Changyu. I got it at the airport. The weird thing is, the REALLY pricey bottle (half-bottle) was awful. Like they literally aged it in sandlewood. I kid not.
This other bottle at least tasted like European-style red wine.
Of course, here in California, we are having another wine glut so we can get great California wines for cheap for the next two years, I gather. Yummy!
October 19, 2006 @ 1:29 am | Comment
By Brendan
Slim: I have to admit, that was pretty gouda.
October 19, 2006 @ 1:46 am | Comment
By Shanghai Slim
There’s no way I can go up against Brendan romano a mano, so I’m outta here.
October 21, 2006 @ 3:19 am | Comment