July first – the anniversary of the CCP; Canada Day; birthday of Princes Diana, and of me, too. I will celebrate by working all day in a cubicle in Haidian (which I love). Thanks for staying with me during a busy year of erratic blogging.
July 1, 2008
The Discussion: 35 Comments
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By JohnG
Glad to see acknowledgment of Canada Day here. Really enjoying the site.
July 1, 2008 @ 10:31 am | Comment
By stuart
I will celebrate by working all day in a cubicle
About time they gave you corner space.
Happy Birthday, Richard.
CCP – stick your b-day where the sun don’t shine (that’s for waking me up with an early morning parade)
July 1, 2008 @ 10:36 am | Comment
By Dirk
Happy Birthday!
“You got THE TOUCH!
You got THE POWER!”
July 1, 2008 @ 10:47 am | Comment
By Dirk
Happy Birthday!
July 1, 2008 @ 10:49 am | Comment
By mor
Happy birthday to you, Richard,
and to Diana wherever she is,
and to Canada, a great country,
and to the people who were founding members of the CCP (which does not include Mao Zedong and all those pigs who followed him).
Most of all, happy birthday to Richard (how old are you now, I guess I shouldn’t ask, but I still do, being an obnoxious European troll, you don’t have to answer).
Congratulations for creating one of the best blog-sites on China, if not the best one.
July 1, 2008 @ 11:27 am | Comment
Not today, should be July 23rd…
July 1, 2008 @ 11:53 am | Comment
By yan
Happy Birthday to Richard
July 1, 2008 @ 11:57 am | Comment
By ecodelta
Congratulations Richard!
Congratulations Canada!
Still remembering Diana.
And the best birthday present for CH people would be…. make your guess each one of you.
July 1, 2008 @ 1:26 pm | Comment
By ecodelta
For example.
Direct elections of all local and national People’s Congress members
Nomination of local officials through elected People’s congress or direct election for major posts
The judiciary should “independently exercise its rights to judge and supervise.”
Rule of law, independent judiciary, free lawyer for those who cannot afford it
Free Media, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion.
Scrap down the great Chinese firewall ( just keep the classic Great Wall for tourism) its a waste of money, intellectual resources and bandwidth.
Health care. Affordable and mandatory health insurance, either private or public.
Free and mandatory education till 18 years old. No feeds to be paid. State help for books and teaching materials.
Grants system for higher education to provide opportunity to gifted students from families without resources to afford higher education.
Ah yes, improve that football(soccer) league and national team of yours. How comes a country with +1.3B cannot put a decent performance in international arena. Hope to see CH in next World Championship. 😉
(Best wishes from current Europe Football Champion country 🙂
etc, etc.
July 1, 2008 @ 2:06 pm | Comment
By Raj
Happy Birthday, Richard!
July 1, 2008 @ 2:26 pm | Comment
By Raul
Happy birthday, neighbor,
since Facebook is blocked, the message goes here… where’s the party???
hugs, enjoy! Raul
July 1, 2008 @ 2:30 pm | Comment
By otherlisa
Richard, you devil! I had no idea it was your birthday today! Yet another reason to celebrate when I see you next in Beijing…
July 1, 2008 @ 3:29 pm | Comment
By Richard
Thanks to everyone for the comments.
LG, Brendan O. told me this was the CCP’s birthday, and he’s omniscient.
Raul, Facebook has been off and on today – on at the moment.
Can’t wait to see you Lisa.
July 1, 2008 @ 4:21 pm | Comment
By Peter
Grats Richard!
July 1, 2008 @ 4:37 pm | Comment
By Gag Halfrunt
Happy birthday, Richard!
Happy Canada Day! Bonne Fête du Canada!
July 1, 2008 @ 6:53 pm | Comment
By John
Happy birthday, Richard!
We must meet up one of these days…
July 1, 2008 @ 9:24 pm | Comment
By Sam_S
39 yet, old fart?
July 2, 2008 @ 3:46 am | Comment
By HongXing
Ecodelta, thank you for your present to China. Here’s my reply to your present.
Nomination of local officials through elected People’s congress or direct election for major posts
US does not have direct election. As for nomination for local officials, it is already the the case in China.
The judiciary should “independently exercise its rights to judge and supervise.”
Already the case.
Rule of law, independent judiciary, free lawyer for those who cannot afford it
Already the case.
Free Media, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion.
Already the case.
Scrap down the great Chinese firewall ( just keep the classic Great Wall for tourism) its a waste of money, intellectual resources and bandwidth.
This is internet regulation, to prevent terrorism, violence, pornography, piracy, etc. Normal in any country.
US internet providers such has comcast and timewarner regularly ban traffic and throttle bandwidth for Bittorrent and P2P downloads
Health care. Affordable and mandatory health insurance, either private or public.
Already there. US on the other hand, is not there yet.
Free and mandatory education till 18 years old. No feeds to be paid. State help for books and teaching materials.
9 year free mandatory education already there.
Grants system for higher education to provide opportunity to gifted students from families without resources to afford higher education.
Already there, all kinds of scholarships given to poor students and students from minority ethnicities.
And here’s my present to the US for the July 4th Day:
1) Immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq. And pay reparations for tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed
2) Public apology pay reparation to all descedents of blacks for slavery
3) Public apology and pay reparation to all descendents of Native Americans for their genocide.
4) Public apology and pay reparation to all descendents of Chinese for their mistreatment as coolies.
5) Close military bases in South Korea
6) Close military bases in Japan
7) Close military bases in Germany
8) Close military bases in Kuwait
9) Close military bases in Phillipines
10) Withdraw all aircraft carriers from Taiwan Strait
11) Stop policy of techonology export ban list to China
12) Stop policy of arms ban to China
Happy July 4th Day to USA!
July 2, 2008 @ 11:04 am | Comment
By Jeremiah
Hong Xing….
Just curious, was the Kool-Aid grape or was it the original fruit punch flavor?
As for China’s supposed freedom of speech, the bet I suggested last year still is on the table:
I’ll stand in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House, chanting “Free Hawaii” or “Free Iraq” or “Free New Hampshire”…whatever. You stand in Tiananmen Square chanting “Free Tibet.” Let’s see who lasts longer. You game?
BTW: I know you haven’t been to China in many years and it’s changed a lot; so if you get lost, feel free to ask a few of us laowai for directions on how to get to Tiananmen Square. We can show you.
July 2, 2008 @ 12:08 pm | Comment
By ecodelta
@hoang xi
You must be a little confused. I am not US-american
1) Immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq. And pay reparations for tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed
Our troops were withdrawn from Iraq more than 4 years ago. The country was very much against the war. After elections new government retired them.
2) Public apology pay reparation to all descendants of blacks for slavery
Slavery was not allowed here. Could not say the same about our American ex-territories, including about 1/3 of the current US.
3) Public apology and pay reparation to all descendants of Native Americans for their genocide.
I think we have done already. Lot of self critic here about what happened 500 year ago. Lot of criticism received too: black legend etc. But if it was a genocide we were very inefficient, you will find more indian-americans and mixed-blood in Center/South America than in US. Some local cultures are still much alive, including traditions and language. Some of artist and writers during that period were Aztecs and Incas. You should visit the “Archivo de Indias”
4) Public apology and pay reparation to all descendants of Chinese for their mistreatment as coolies.
Chinese descendants? We are receiving a “massive influx of Chinese just recently! Can count more than 10 small Chinese small business just 200 around my home here.
Collies? Do not know that word.
How we treat them? Like normal people with same rights as anyone here. They have even more than in CH I think. Can say anything, surf internet without restrictions, vote for any party they want, free health care, free education, an no one bother pregnant women about one kid too many.
Aren’t we polite! 😉
5) Close military bases in South Korea
Never have one there…
6) Close military bases in Japan
Nope. Neither. Maybe some shipwreck.
7) Close military bases in Germany
Since the last religious wars in EU, we have no military presence in Germany whatsoever. No “Tercios” has been sent to north EU for a long time ago.
8) Close military bases in Kuwait
Never been there.
11) Stop policy of techonology export ban list to China
Now. If you just (at least pretend) respect a little more our IP property….
12)Stop policy of arms ban to China
We must comply with EU directive. And is more on your side that us to lift the ban.A couple of times it was almost lifted, but something happened in CH to make us think twice.
9) Close military bases in Philippines
Let me remember…. Ah yes, we left the Philippines after a conflict with the US in 1898.
10) Withdraw all aircraft carriers from Taiwan Strait
Aircraft carries? We have only one! Has never been dispatched there.
Maybe you are confusing us with the Portuguese, I think they had more to do with Fermosa(Taiwan) as we.
Our national day is 12 October. Still way to go
July 2, 2008 @ 2:29 pm | Comment
By ecodelta
@hong xi
“Scrap down the great Chinese firewall ( just keep the classic Great Wall for tourism) its a waste of money, intellectual resources and bandwidth.”
This is internet regulation, to prevent terrorism, violence, pornography, piracy, etc. Normal in any country.”
Ha ha ha. That was a good one, Hong!
July 2, 2008 @ 2:44 pm | Comment
By bigdog
What China are you imagining? Probably best to back off on the baijiu next time before you post.
July 2, 2008 @ 3:34 pm | Comment
By Michael Turton
Ecodelta! You guys have a proud history in Taiwan. The Portuguese only touched land briefly here, in 1592, I think, but the Spanish had forts in the north, in Keelung and in Tanshui. The current historical site, the Hong Mau Cheng in Tamshui, was built as a Spanish fort in 1619, as I recall. The Dutch eventually evicted the Spanish from their position in 1642. Regrettably, the Spanish fort site is under port facilities on Hoping Island in Keelung harbor.
July 2, 2008 @ 4:17 pm | Comment
By Michael Turton
Happy Birthday, Richard! Hope the recovery this morning wasn’t too bad.
And thanks for the reminder — all three of my sisters have July 1 as their birthday.
July 2, 2008 @ 4:25 pm | Comment
By bigdog
Wow, what are the chances of that.
July 2, 2008 @ 6:23 pm | Comment
By Dirk
Happy Birthday!
Have you thought about changing your name? Richard (Dick) is rather common. You need a name that “cuts glass”.
July 2, 2008 @ 6:26 pm | Comment
By ecodelta
@michael Turton
“You guys have a proud history in Taiwan.”
Damm! I missed that email! 😉
Hope Hong Xing do not get angry with us about it…. 😉
And no, no apologies given. 😉
July 2, 2008 @ 6:51 pm | Comment
By Lao Lu
In line with my custom practice, a happy belated birthday.
Still an interesting crowd you have here. Red Star would do well in the stand-up comedy circuit.
@ Jeremiah
If you need freedomfighters to go and liberate Hawaii, I’m your man !
July 2, 2008 @ 7:11 pm | Comment
By Michael Turton
Wow, what are the chances of that.
Well, two are twins. 🙂 Then the third born the next year, same day.
July 2, 2008 @ 7:19 pm | Comment
By Raj
This is internet regulation, to prevent terrorism, violence, pornography, piracy, etc.
If the Great Firewall of China is designed to stop all of those things, why is it that porno, piracy and violence is still so common on the internet accessible in China? Most Chinese go online to download free music despite the fact it’s copyrighted, and there’s plenty of porno for young Chinese men to oggle. The Great Firewall does nothing to restrict access to such websites.
July 2, 2008 @ 8:06 pm | Comment
By Richard
Hong Xing destroys another thread…
I have to lay low until the weekend. Thanks to everyone – or nearly everyone – for the kind words.
July 3, 2008 @ 12:08 am | Comment
By mor
“BTW: I know you haven’t been to China in many years and it’s changed a lot; so if you get lost, feel free to ask a few of us laowai for directions on how to get to Tiananmen Square. We can show you”
My bet is Hongxin never has been to China. He doesn’t even know what Tiananmen Square is, not to talk about where it is.
July 4, 2008 @ 6:56 am | Comment
By Dirk
July 4th—Happy Birthday U.S.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 4, 2008 @ 10:18 am | Comment
By bigdog
still, pretty amazing. Must be a bitch for you buying b-day presents tho.
July 4, 2008 @ 1:19 pm | Comment
By Andy Raynor
Happy belated b-day Richard. And HAPPY B-Day U.S.A and Canada!!!! Drinking a Bud for the U.S. Too bad I couldn’t find any Labatt’s or Molson for Canada (would’ve preferred them honestly).
July 4, 2008 @ 9:29 pm | Comment