Zack and Archie are brothers and are totally devoted to each other. I’ve never seen anything like it; they sleep intertwined, do everything together and watch out for one another. I just got them two weeks ago; wish they could stay kittens forever.
And then they turn over.
1 By justrecently
Grey-tigered patterns look best when it comes to cats, in my view. Btw, it’s a myth that cats would usually be loners. Even if they can come and leave a place as they like, they’ll usually spend a lot of time together, and not just at the feeding ground. Cats may be pretty grumpy during the last few weeks of their gestation periods, though.
It’s always a good idea to have at least two cats.
September 16, 2012 @ 11:56 pm | Comment
2 By King Tubby
It’s always a good idea to have at least two cats.
This helps explain why the West is experiencing moments of doubt and decline.
September 17, 2012 @ 4:10 am | Comment
3 By t_co
Sigh. Looking at these cute little fellas is making my heart melt. I wish I didn’t need to be pumped full of Benadryl before I touched one of them though =(
September 17, 2012 @ 4:15 am | Comment
4 By justrecently
This helps explain why the West is experiencing moments of doubt and decline.
KT, dunno about Tubbyland, but there’s very little doubt and decline over here, at least not in a particularly Western sense. And we’ve got four cats already, with another batch in the pipeline.
If their mother-to-be isn’t going to kill them (she’s currently behaving as if she might do just that), we’ll have to give those newcomers away, though. The good news is that there’s a number of requests already.
September 17, 2012 @ 5:12 am | Comment
5 By Other Lisa
Okay, that is major cute!
Cats are great. And I agree, it’s better to have more than one. Two or three is perfect.
September 17, 2012 @ 3:30 pm | Comment