Are Republicans Truly Wicked?
Joshua Marshall has done a remarkable job monitoring and documenting a brewing scandal involving Republican dirty tricks in New Hampshire. This is a must-read. Mark Kleiman is running with it as well, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it take on a life of its own in the days to come.
At the heart of the scandal is telemarketing firm GOP Marketplace, hired by Republicans to jam the phone banks at the offices of the New Hampshire Democratic Coordinated Campaign and the Manchester Firefighters’ Union Local on election day last November. That’s a no-no, a violation of state and federal law. The executive director of the NH Republican Party was caught lying about it to the Manchester Union Guardian and promptly resigned. As interesting as Marshall’s sleuthing is the deafening silence from all but the New Hampshire media. The shadowy GOP Marketplace seems to have been involved in other GOP campaigns, and its founder Allan Raymond appears to be connected to some of the top names in the party. Again, watch this one carefully.
By Rats32
The story finally hit the media today:
July 1, 2004 @ 1:00 pm | Comment