Mainlander tourists are flooding into HK in record numbers and helping the SAR’s economy stay afloat. The problem, according to this article, is that with the new guests comes counterfeit money, illegal workers and countless prostitutes eager to take advantage of HK’s higher hourly rates.
The Immigration Department has had to step up the number of raids it conducts on construction sites and red-light districts to stem a steady flow of illegal workers and women who come to Hong Kong to ply the flesh trade.
In the first seven months of this year, officials mounted 3,149 raids and nabbed 8,580 illegals. In the same period last year, there were 2,374 raids and 6,354 arrests.
Mainland moral guardians are concerned that travellers are picking up vices not readily available on the mainland. These include patronising Jockey Club betting booths, watching X-rated movies and buying pornographic magazines or politically sensitive books.
Interesting situation. China is very keen on censorship, so they must be going ballistic. But they really don’t have a choice. Either they join the world and pay the costs freedom brings with it, or isolate themselves and hide under a rock, like their friends in Pyongyang.
By Kit
Politically sensitive materias is a vice?
You draw the same conclusions I draw.
August 27, 2003 @ 9:33 am | Comment
By richard
Kit, I think you know that few vices are as frowned upon by the CCP as politically sensitive material. It scares them to death, which is why the only books you can find in the English-language section of the Xinhua bookstores are 19th century romance classics and computer programming manuals.
August 27, 2003 @ 10:48 am | Comment
By mfc
I was in Shanghai earlier this year browsing a bookshop when I came across a book entitled ‘Tolerance’. A book that discussed ideas of tolerance throughout the world, thoughout history. The introduction says it all ‘The final end of the State consists not in dominating over other men, restraining them by fear, subjecting them to the will of others. Rather it has for its end so to act that its citizens shall in security develop soul and body and make free use of their reason. For the true end of the State is Liberty’
And as I queued to pay for the book, along with a couple of local chinese who also bought copies. We were not pounced on by secret policemen.
September 24, 2003 @ 1:57 pm | Comment
By richard
I’m confused; whoever said anything about secret police? Shanghai is, as you know, the most tolerant and “liberal” of China’s cities. Still, even there books are censored. Even there people have been arrested for posting controversial opinions on the government. Even there….well, never mind, I think you know already.
September 24, 2003 @ 3:45 pm | Comment