Sad article on the difficulties today’s college grads are having finding jobs in China.
This is a subject close to my heart. My best friend in China, Ben, is having a terrible time finding a job, and I keep telling him that the competition is more intense now than it’s ever been in his lifetime, and he should not blame himself for rejections. It’s just the way it is for nearly every Chinese job hunter at the moment.
I wonder if there is any place in Asia where jobs are easy to come by. HK and Singapore have been steeped in unemployment for a couple of years now. The difference with China is that at least in HK and Spore the students have known for a long time just how hard-to-impossible finding their dream job would be. In China, it is apparently coming as a shock, and a lot of young people are realizing sadly that they must rearrange their plans and dreams. At the moment, there’s no end in sight.
By vaara
August 20, 2003 @ 10:49 am | Comment
By Donny
Very interesting blog!
September 16, 2005 @ 6:54 am | Comment