I’m not making this up — and it’s fully supported by the WTO. No, not that WTO; I mean the World Toilet Organization:
Pop the lid on the cleanser, get out the scrub brush and be sure to leave the seat down — it’s time to get ready for World Toilet Day.
The Singapore-based World Toilet Organisation has begun collecting tips to improve bathroom etiquette to mark the day, held annually on November 16.
The suggestions will be used to create the agenda for next year’s World Toilet Summit in Beijing, the group said in a statement Friday.“If everyone joins in, there (will be) better public toilets and happier people,” said Jack Sim, a founding member of the World Toilet Organisation and president of the Restroom Association of Singapore.
What are you doing to contribute to World Toilet Day?
By Josh69
My contribution is about 6 inches long and about half a pound.
Oh and also perhaps they should extend the ‘star ratings’ common for toilets in most Chinese tourist attractions over to Singapore.
November 15, 2003 @ 2:02 pm | Comment
By matt
I’m going to go to a public toilet and actually pee in the hole and not on the floor (there are no public toilets in my town that actually have what we would call a ‘toilet’ in them.)
November 16, 2003 @ 10:26 am | Comment
By kimma
I think it should be taking serious, no one will wanna visit those lousy toilets.
November 16, 2003 @ 9:56 pm | Comment
By Idle
Josh69, they have star ratings for Singapore toilets already.
November 17, 2003 @ 12:49 pm | Comment
By Josh69
Is that so about the Singapore star rated toilets?… I wonder if it is anything like a Joint Venture hotel. You have to subtract one star for China hotels if it is not a JV hotel. I’d like to see a quantative comparison between JV and non-JV toilets.
November 17, 2003 @ 5:19 pm | Comment