Or captured, at least. It seems pretty official — Tony Blair has apparently confirmed that Saddam has indeed been captured in Tikrit, and the US will hold a press conference in 45 minutes.
I hope they make the trial a very public affair, and the punishment a painful one.
Let’s face it, everyone: George W. Bush is going to win the 2004 election, and there’s little we can do about it.
By dda
The timing looks so perfect, too…
December 14, 2003 @ 7:23 pm | Comment
By Factory
Hmm it’s the economy, stupid.
Or at least it is in Australia, where unemployment has been an excellent predictor of a change of government.
December 14, 2003 @ 7:43 pm | Comment
By Richard
Yeah, but somehow he’s even making the economy look good right now — markets rising, a sense of prosperity. Let’s see if people wise up to just how serious our unemployment problem is. Where we must give the Bushies full credit is their ability to lie and get their message out, truth be damned. If only the Democrats could play the game so shrewdly (not to lie, but at least to get across a coherent, strong and unified message).
December 14, 2003 @ 7:48 pm | Comment
By Adam
Don’t count Dean/Trippi out just yet. They’re certainly not as weak-willed as Gore’s campaign was in 2000. I do find it interesting that capturing the leader of a country we invdaded illegally somehow justifies the invasion itself in the eyes of many Americans. Time will tell, I supose.
December 15, 2003 @ 2:03 pm | Comment
By richard
There’s no denying that Saddam’s capture is very important. As long as he was free, there was always the possibility (at least in the minds of the Iraqis) that he could come back and brutalize them again, especially those who cooperated with the US. He was the world’s ultimate Piece of Shit, and we should all be thrilled that he will never, ever butcher, slaughter and maim again.
I am too far away to be able to judge Dean. He unfortunately seems to be angry, sour, too focused on the negative — at least he seems that way from across the world. Why can’t the Dems learn that to win you need to inspire, to create delight and hope, not only anger and indignation? That’s part of it, but Ronald Reagan captured America with that twinkle-in-the-eye smile and aura of upbeat, confident leadership (whether it was real is another conversation). Clinton had it, too. He inspired people. Until the current crop of Democrats learns that bickering and whining is the worst way to win America’s hearts and votes, I’d have to say they have no hope at all. I was momentarily inspired by Clark, but he seems to have vanished into the night.
December 15, 2003 @ 2:17 pm | Comment
By vaara
I think what people find so startling about Dean is that he’s not afraid to return fire when the GOP indulges in its trademark vicious and mendacious ad-hominem attacks. Democrats are supposed to be meek, complacent, and civil — everything the Republicans aren’t, so that’s why they’re so frightened of Dean.
WRT Saddam, the interesting thing now is whether his trial will include events that occurred before 1990 — back when the current President’s father, and his predecessor, were backing Saddam. And what about the Iranians? Will their amply justified claims against Saddam be aired, or simply ignored?
Anyway, the trial and subsequent execution will be a very interesting PR exercise. And an incredible opportunity to learn the truth behind what happened in Iraq between 1967 and 2003. But something tells me the whole truth will never come to light — just the ‘truth’ the Bushies want the world to hear.
December 15, 2003 @ 5:29 pm | Comment
By Richard
Of course, Vaara. No other administration controls the news like Bush’s. As I keep asking, why can’t the Dems learn from them??? The Saddam trial will probably a field day for Bush. He and his campaign staff are having multiple, sky-high orgasms.
James Taranto (whom I despise) always refers to Dean as “the angry doctor” — a very powerful meme. As long as these guys dominate communications, it’s uphill all the way for the opposition.
December 15, 2003 @ 10:38 pm | Comment
By undertree
you guys are killing me; as if a party label really matters anymore. both parties are going to manipulate whatever they can to make themselves appear to be the better group/leaders of America.
this will, as you point out, Richard, help Bush politically, but i noticed a few months ago everyone claiming this would happen just a couple months before Nov. 04. It certainly doesn’t seem as contrived as many expected it to be, to be a politically booster for Bush. in that, at least, i’m thankful.
December 16, 2003 @ 7:28 am | Comment