Would you want this painting hanging on your living room wall?
Michael Jackson looks freaky enough just as he is. And yet, the images from this creepy art gallery manage to make him even scarier. And this stuff is for sale. Hurry, while supplies last. [via boingboing]
By Emile
Uh, are those things supposed to be thorns, as the INRI suggests ?
At first look I thought they were stiches and that this was some kind of Frankenstein’s creature (which makes sense considering the singer’s plastic surgery history).
December 16, 2003 @ 3:41 pm | Comment
By vaara
Interesting thorn-scratch placement. I’ve always been led to believe that Jesus had a crown of thorns placed on top of his head, not on his shoulders, knees, or crotch — or his nose, though maybe that’s just from his latest “Extreme Makeover.”
December 16, 2003 @ 4:57 pm | Comment
By richard
Check out the gallery. The ones where Michael’s with the children are especially disconcerting.
December 16, 2003 @ 6:28 pm | Comment
By Ron
I would say this is bad Feng Shui.
December 16, 2003 @ 8:17 pm | Comment
By jeremy
Well, here’s a defence of her – she paints Jackson because she thinks he brought so much to the world. And, Michael is loved in Europe, especially Eastern Europe (the artist is from the Czech Republic).
If you take away the accusations of pedophilia, he really is a talented artist (forget that R. Kelly was allegedly filmed piddling a little girl, and his career is still going strong).
She does paint other things, and all-in-all she seems talented.
Just, damn, those Jackson paintings give me the willies!
December 17, 2003 @ 5:59 am | Comment
By richard
She does seem talented. I still don’t want her stuff in my living room.
December 17, 2003 @ 7:49 pm | Comment
By Brian Karr
The paintings are amazning and wondeful! Terrific job to the woman who painted them!
Michael Jackson is only creepy to those who are judgmental, and prejudice of other people on the way they look. I think Michael Jackson looks cool, and even perfect. Ignorance and primative ways will always seem too continue too go on, but so will Michael Jackon.
February 21, 2004 @ 5:45 am | Comment
By Anonymous
The paintings are amazning and wondeful! Terrific job to the woman who painted them!
Michael Jackson is only creepy to those who are judgmental, and prejudice of other people on the way they look. I think Michael Jackson looks cool, and even perfect. Ignorance and primative ways will always seem too continue too go on, but so will Michael Jackon.
February 21, 2004 @ 5:46 am | Comment
By kev
Mike looks coll actually don’t know what the hell u r chatting about!
May 21, 2004 @ 11:40 am | Comment
By Anonymous
Thats cool by the way
May 21, 2004 @ 11:40 am | Comment
By Mar
good job ; nice imagination and improvisation .
May 27, 2004 @ 1:24 am | Comment
By Amber
Hey! I think this painting is marvelous..its fantastic..I love Michael Jackson….and I like the way the painting is done….wonderful job…
May 31, 2005 @ 3:46 pm | Comment