Tomorrow I go to Bumrungrad Hospital, supposedly Bangkok’s best, for an MRI to see the status of my shoulder since the failed operation of last July. The next day I meet with a doctor to analyze the results, and hopefully they’ll be able to operate right away. If so, I’ll be here for at least another 8 or 9 days afterward, in bed. Luckily, it’s the slowest time of the year for work and the best possible time to take care of this nightmare.
The weather in Bangkok is spectacular, sunny and breezy and warm, not hot. The Thai people never cease to amaze me, with their irrepressible enthusiasm and friendliness. Still, I’m not in the mood to be by myself. So I’m going to make practical use of this holiday week when my office is closed. If it goes to plan, I’ll check into the hospital in 48 hours or so, have the operation done and get back to Singapore in the first week of January.
The misery of this is that I have to pay for it out of my own pocket. My company’s pitiful health insurance won’t help me, so it’ll be just one more financial setback. What can you do?
By vaara
That really sucks. But I suppose it’s just as well to get it over with… besides, I’m sure you’re better off having it done in Bangkok than if you had to pay cash for it in the U.S.
Furthermore, since Christmas isn’t a holiday in Thailand (is it?) you can rationalize spending it in a hospital bed by telling yourself it’s just another workday you’re missing. 🙂
December 23, 2003 @ 5:04 pm | Comment
By dodo
it shouldn’t be too expensive, should it? i wish you best of luck!
December 24, 2003 @ 7:18 am | Comment