Above is a photo of me and my new friend, The Splint at my office today. It’s now Day 12, leaving about 40 to go, and the only time I can take this sucker off is during physical therapy. At least with this new model I can tilt my right hand down to the keyboard and type with only minimal pain.
It’s an amazing experience. I hate it, but I know that if the day ever comes when I get rid of this albatross, I will appreciate my freedom and health more than I ever have before. 40 more days; it seems like a lifetime.
By Emile
It’s good to see the bright side of things 🙂 You’ll be sooo happy to be rid of that, I almost envy you 🙂 (and it doesn’t *look* that terrible – at least not as terrible as the one the little girl with the fake smile had.
January 8, 2004 @ 10:11 pm | Comment
By Internet Ronin
That looks like the “formal attire” model to me. Quite distinguished. I’m sorry to hear that the pain continues to be so bad. Will your recovery be complete when it comes off, or is there more to come in the way of physical therapy?
January 8, 2004 @ 10:42 pm | Comment
By richard
Emile, do not envy me! This truly, truly sucks.
Ronin, it’s 6 to 8 weeks in the sling followed by 6 months of therapy. This operation was the real thing, like nothing I’ve gone through before. So I am going to stick with the therapy plan no matter what the misery — if this fails, there’s nothing to do next, and my right shoulder will be essentially useless for the rest of my life. All due to that fall in my Beijing apartment last spring (I wrote a post about it called “Falling Down” if you want to search it.).
January 9, 2004 @ 8:11 am | Comment