I’m all for improving a Web site’s look and feel periodically, but I can’t say that I love the new look over at Living in China.
My main criticism is that, at least on my monitor, the aggregator is no longer visible, so a first-time visitor may not even know there is an aggregator. They would have to scroll down, but even then, it is now much less prominent, buried under the search feature and the quote-of-the-day without its own copy box as before, looking scrunched and dark. It was so cool when the the photo of the week was up high, followed right away by the aggregator, which is the lifeblood of the site.
Oh well, they didn’t ask me to design it (and visually I’m so helpless I had to pay somebody to design my own site). Hopefully they’re still experimenting.
By Michael Darragh
It’s difficult to satisfy every browser, operating system, individual monitor settings and personal taste. But we are trying our best and the facelift is not expected to be completed until the weekend.
If the Aggregator is your primary interest, then I recommend you bookmark the primary Aggregator page, which is:
As always we are happy to receive feedback at admin@livinginchina.com
January 15, 2004 @ 4:04 pm | Comment
By Richard
Hey, you can’t please everyone and I just like to complain. I didn’t see what advantage was gained by adding a google search up at top and pushing the aggregator down, but I’m sure there was a reason. It’s not that the aggregator is my primary interest, but it is the one thing that is almost guaranteed to bring visitors back again and again. If they don’t know it’s there….
January 15, 2004 @ 8:34 pm | Comment
By Chairman Meow
Thanks for the tip anyway. I have taken your suggestion and moved the aggregator back beneath the photo. Also the CSS should be making the headlines clearer to see. Rest assured we want to promote the aggregator. 🙂
January 16, 2004 @ 12:36 am | Comment