My Thai-made splint basically shattered yesterday, and I got fitted for a snazzy new one this morning. It will only cost me $500. (At this point I’ve given up worrying about how I’m going to pay for this fiasco, which is now topping $6,000, despite the low-cost Thai surgery.) This one has swivel controls and is all cloth and plastic and very chic. It still hurts like hell to wear the thing, but at least it’s fashionable. I call it my portable torture chamber.
I’ve been splinted for 10 days now. That leaves, oh, about 40 more days to go. One day I’ll look back at this and laugh. Right?
By Ron
Been there done that…
January 6, 2004 @ 9:24 pm | Comment
By Poor
At least you have a job & can AFFORD the surgery.
I have to have a HK26,000 dollar surgey or will die, but have been out of work since 1999 and have no money.
So I have to die within 6 months.
January 7, 2004 @ 9:46 am | Comment
By richard
Ron, did you ever have to wear a splint? If so, my deepest sympathies!
January 7, 2004 @ 12:34 pm | Comment