Back in December, danwei linked to a site called ShangHai Eye, but for some inexplicable reason I failed to head over there to check it out. That all changed today, and it’s now going to be one of my regular stops. Anyone interested in news in China, and the journalists there and abroad who report about it, will have a field day there. I blogrolled it 5 minutes after discovering it.
(I discovered it after ShangHai Eye left a brilliant comment to my new post over at Living in China.)
Another new addition today is the most excellent news/culture site EastSouthWestNorth, found via Brainysmurf. Blogrolled today as well. Unusual, to discover two superlative China-related sites in one day.
By Adam Morris
I linked to Shanghai Eye recently too — you missed it then too!
February 1, 2004 @ 4:35 pm | Comment