Interesting piece on China’s efforts to control the Internet looks at how people are getting around the Great Firewall, what China’s doing to stop them and the dilemma China faces as the net becomes a part of daily life there.
With the help of overseas ‘hactivists’, however, Chinese are finding ways around China’s Great Fire Wall. New software, such as ‘Roaming without Borders’, can be easily downloaded in China, and allows users to surf freely. “Everyone is using it,” says a writer, who says Chinese are openly passing the programme around. “And the government can’t trace the IP address.” She says the software has been in existence for about two years and that it’s continuously getting better. “I can get any information I want,” a well-known political dissident told me recently, smiling broadly. A few months ago he was says he was unable to access sensitive sites, reliant on foreign friends to give him news about China.
If you live in China, chances are this is familiar stuff, but it’s nice to see the word spreading.
1 By 11
Please e-mail romaning without borders to me.
Thank you!
April 18, 2004 @ 10:27 pm | Comment
2 By jang wu
Please e-mail romaning without borders to me.
Thank you!
April 19, 2004 @ 9:40 pm | Comment
3 By flyingwuj
Please e-mail romaning without borders to me.
Thank you!
April 19, 2004 @ 9:40 pm | Comment
4 By richard
Sorry, I have no connections with them and don’t know their email address. Try googling for it.
April 19, 2004 @ 9:42 pm | Comment
5 By Henry
I cant find it either on kazaa or by googling, I cant read the chinese, godam firewall
April 23, 2004 @ 7:51 am | Comment