Last night wasn’t the best for once-invincible CEO of Enron, Jefferey Skilling.
Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling was taken to a hospital early Friday after several people called police saying he was pulling on their clothes and accusing them of being FBI agents, a police source told The Associated Press.
Police found Skilling at 4 a.m. at the corner of Park Avenue and East 73rd Street and determined he might be an “emotionally disturbed person,” said the source, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity.
Police did not charge Skilling with a crime. They took him to New York Presbyterian Hospital for observation. Hospital officials did not immediately return calls for comment….
Skilling was at two bars in Manhattan — American Trash and The Voodoo Lounge — where he allegedly ran up to patrons and pulled open their clothes, the source said.
“He was shouting at them ‘You’re an FBI agent and you’re following me,'” the source said.
Sad, and it certainly warrants a place in news of the weird. And just four years ago he was flying corporate jets, hanging out with presidents and living a life of such palatial royalty I probably couldn’t imagine it. Fate plays some very strange tricks.
By Anonymous
4 years ago I had a job too..
April 9, 2004 @ 6:51 pm | Comment
By boy
four years ago, his rich cronies probaby thought he was such a card.
“Oh, Skilling, sit down. Have another bourbon.”
April 9, 2004 @ 8:11 pm | Comment
By vaara
That’s probably exactly what they said when Skilling called a prominent hedge-fund manager an “a—–e” in front of a whole bunch of senior analysts…
April 11, 2004 @ 10:31 am | Comment