Making frequent comparisons to Nazi Germany, Beijing University professor Jiao Guobiao continues to blast China’s propaganda machine for censorship he says has covered up government ineptitude and has been used to persecute the populace for more than 50 years.
Mr Jiao called for the abolition of the state’s propaganda machinery, which he said was guilty of shielding corrupt officials and whitewashing the country’s darkest moments.
“The character of its work is the complete opposite of that of a modern civilisation,” he wrote. “Where else can you find propaganda departments? Not in the US, the UK or Europe. But you did find them in Nazi Germany, where Goebbels said ‘a lie that is repeated 1000 times becomes the truth’.”
Ignoring the caution that usually typifies public criticism of state institutions in China, Mr Jiao dished out the sort of vitriol for which the propaganda department was once famous.
“Their censorship orders are totally groundless, absolutely arbitrary, at odds with the basic standards of civilisation, and as counter to scientific common sense as witches and wizardry,” he wrote. “They take money from the parties referred to in reports. They distort the media’s sense of right and wrong and justice. They are killing the constitution.”
He lays the blame primarily on Jiang Zemin’s henchmen who control the propaganda apparatus. But he also expresses deep dissatisfaction with Hu Jintao, who had raised people’s hopes last year with his self-styled “man of the people” reformist image.
One has to wonder how long Jiao will be permitted to speak so freely. Luckily, his story has now been told in newspapers (and web sites) all over the world, making him a celebrity. The eyes of the world are on him now, and China has already shown that it’s reluctant to take action against figure who have won world-wide sympathy. (Recall the release a few months ago of Liu Di, aka “Stainless Steel Mouse.”)
As the article says, such vocal critics are usually jailed. This could be an important test, but right now the outcome is anybody’s guess. Remember, Mr. Hu, the whole world is watching.
Related post here.
By kevin
hey guys,
i really wanna read the original article in chinese, but i am in shanghai and am having a bitch of a time trying to get this article. if anyone has any time, and if it is convenient, feel free to cut and paste the chinese of this article into an email and send it to me at
it would be greatly appreciated
May 10, 2004 @ 8:57 pm | Comment
By X
Here is the link to the article by Jiao Guobiao in chinese (traditional).
May 14, 2004 @ 3:11 am | Comment
By Ron Krate
Wish to invite Jiao Guobiao to join the International Professors Project, as a Fellow.
We have originated a new academic , the International Professor, and will turn it into a new convention in Academe…..
How can we reach Jiao?
Thank you for your excellent publication!
June 16, 2005 @ 1:55 pm | Comment
By richard
He teaches at Beijing University, or used to. Maybe you can contact Reporters without Borders and see if they can help you.
June 16, 2005 @ 3:33 pm | Comment
By A chiense student in US
well, I am pretty much astonished by this so-called prof. I applaud some of his work previously but now I could not be more ashamed for him. I wish to ask you guys: when you read what he has written, would you still consider him a rational person? Sure, he has his points, everyone does, idiots and mad people do too. Any reasonable people and organization shall denouce shameless behaviors like his and deny opportunity to shameless people like Jiao. People like him should have know better make a living/fame through a rational ways instead of this disgusting and ridiculous approach! we all should protest and denouce any organization who for some reasons want to open their doors to disgusting people like Jiao. I am sure China got really really much to improve and i personally disagree much with ccp as well. however, this shameless guy is just sick and a completely mad dog!
July 18, 2005 @ 8:16 pm | Comment
By a chinsese student in US
well, I am pretty much astonished by this so-called prof. I applaud some of his work previously but now I could not be more ashamed for him. I wish to ask you guys: when you read what he has written, would you still consider him a rational person? Sure, he has his points, everyone does, idiots and mad people do too. Any reasonable people and organization shall denouce shameless behaviors like his and deny opportunity to shameless people like Jiao. People like him should have know better make a living/fame through a rational ways instead of this disgusting and ridiculous approach! we all should protest and denouce any organization who for some reasons want to open their doors to disgusting people like Jiao. I am sure China got really really much to improve and i personally disagree much with ccp as well. however, this shameless guy is just sick and a completely mad dog!
July 18, 2005 @ 8:17 pm | Comment
By Chui
The fact that he has writen in such a ‘ridiculous’ and ‘irrational’ manner, i believe, is quite a unique approach. i personally enjoyed it. why? because rather than playing the oblique game, making allegations but at the same time not, he says it like it is. He does not try to fancify his writing style with big words only the the most intellectual of intellectuals would understand, he uses the voice of the common people..’civilisation’. Another purpose of such a writing style is to convey the insignificance of intelligence and well educated-ness in order see the maladies plaguing China. The fact that it can be reported and described in such a casual manner shows that the issues and injustices at hand are not above the common people with perhaps little education. I applaud for his flagrant, righteous and clearly explicit critical appraisal.
September 8, 2005 @ 7:12 pm | Comment
By Donny
Just to say hellow!
September 16, 2005 @ 3:50 am | Comment