Please see Stephen Frost’s horrifying post on what coal miners in China are subject to. You may not believe it. And you certainly won’t forget it.
China is a vast mosaic of a country with many, many different sides to it. This is one of its very ugliest sides.
By Stephen Frost
I’ll be keeping track of this story to see what happens to the 4 contractors arrested by police. You’re right, though, it defies belief.
The story was orginally carried by the Worker’s Daily, and then picked up by Xinhua – China’s official news agency – and also published on the combined website of the State Administration of Work Safety and the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, as well as many other Chinese sites (including at least one law site) and newspapers. So while the story is horrific, at least it’s getting wide circulation in China.
The real test, of course, is whether Chinese authorities can prevent this sort of thing happening again (or making mines safer in general). Currently, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
July 7, 2004 @ 5:46 pm | Comment
By richard
Stephen, you’re doing an incredible service, depressing though it might at times be. Keep up the great work.
July 7, 2004 @ 6:17 pm | Comment
By Dylan 13 years old
torture!!! tell me y does the chinese continue adn y do we continue weere almost just as responsible as them wearing the clothes have to make in prison and stoping it.
THIS NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 21, 2005 @ 11:25 am | Comment