Apparently she’s taking the war on terror into her own hands and actively encouraging others to do the same. And along the way she just may be fucking up the efforts of the FBI and the CIA. This lady is a menace, and she heads my candidate list for internment. A beautiful, crazed birdbrain.
August 22, 2004
The Discussion: 3 Comments
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By Lashlar
Terrific. With people like that, you don’t need enemies. Any chance of an injunction ordering her to cease and desist? (Oh, wait. That’s not exactly going to help much. You need at least two working brain cells to comprehend an injunction.)
August 22, 2004 @ 4:19 pm | Comment
By richard
And I know a couple bloggers who swear by her.
One of her favorite topics is that surveillance by the FBI is a good thing, and we should be grateful, not appalled to have them knocking on our door and watching what we say and do. Well, after this she should definitely be getting a knock on the door herself. I wonder how much she’ll enjoy it when she’s the one being questioned.
I don’t mind opposing opinions; I do mind blatant idiocy. Malkin has really crossed the line.
August 22, 2004 @ 4:44 pm | Comment
By Michael
How amusing; “hacking a website” is the *perfect* outlet for the Fighting Keyboarder who wants to participate in the war… (without getting sand on their boots, of course).
August 22, 2004 @ 7:37 pm | Comment