No, I’m not asking that question. Rather, it’s my good friend Lau Guan kim in another over-the-top commentary in China Daily. (Lau, if you remember, is the one who refers to me as “the sloppy baker” and condemned my calling this site The Peking Duck.)
His argument is that Taiwan wants to precipitate a crisis by declaring its independence, which will cause China to attack and thus force the US to come to its (Taiwan’s) defense. Could it be that simple, and would they have the balls to roll the dice like that when the stakes are so enormous? Lau thinks so.
When will Taiwan attack China?
When it declares its independent. So the Taidu are smart. They want Taiwan to be the 51st state of the USA so China would not dare attack. For the hawks in the US, this is a bonanza, as Taiwan can be another US unsinkable aircraft carrier like Japan.
This time it is better, for it is much nearer to China.
For China, if Taiwan becomes an American state, its national security is threatened. I think the Americans never forget the Korean War (1950-1953).
The Americans will know the Taiwanese are trying to dupe them. American interest precludes intervention in the Strait. Posturing is their way of showing the American colours and keeping up with America’s image as a superpower. This is less costly, and Americans will never end up in body bags.
All indications are that China will attack if Taiwan attacks first or declares independence. Then the Taiwanese ploy is to cry foul, and America the “lao da ge,” will have to save face by fishing in the muddied Strait.
After that Taiwan hopes to sit behind and watch America do the dirty work for them.
The Americans will have to ask themselves are they sentimental suckers?
Well, in all honesty, sometimes we Americans are sentimental suckers. We were suckered into the Iraq war on the sentrimental notion that we could easily establish a beacon of democracy amid our enemies, and be welcomed with flowers as we approached.
But I can’t imagine we’d allow Taiwan to wag us around like that, which is why bush gave Chen his strongly worded admonition not long ago to stop rocking the boat. If we feel he is heading into a reckless confrontation with the express purpose of dragging us in to save his ass and fight the war for him, I want to think the State Department would realize what he was up to and tell him we can’t let Taiwan manioulate us into a war that will surely be devastating. Or am I wrong….?