It was originally rumored to be Jerry Falwell. Turns out this lady, a Mormon pastor, is just as bad or worse, considering she’s compared gay marriage to Nazism. This causes Andrew Sullivan to wryly remark:
Look, she has every right to oppose same-sex marriage and every right to feel strongly about it. But comparing well-meaning advocates for including gay people in their own families as the equivalent of Nazis is just, well, sadly typical of what the GOP is fast becoming. Is Dick Cheney the equivalent of a Nazi?
By Forrest
I have lived in Utah for 15 years or so, and I know a bit more about Mormons than most of the US. It turns out that Dew is not exactly a Mormon pastor. Mormons don’t have pastors, they have bishops for each ward (the lowest division of the church hierarchy), and the bishops are NEVER women.
The first step to obtaining any leadership position in the LDS church is to be admitted to the priesthood of the church, which does not allow women (and only allowed blacks within the last 40 years or so).
This woman is really only the president of Deseret Book, a chain of bookstores that sells primarily Mormon literature.
On the Nazi note, the woman is an idiot. Does she not know that gays were imprisoned by the Nazis along with petty criminals and anyone else who was deemed to be a threat to morality or political power by the Third Reich? And then when the Nazis were removed from power, most of those imprisoned by the Nazis were allowed to go free, but the gays were not. But its no surprise she doesn’t know this, at least in my eyes, the Mormon church very strongly discourages freedom of thought, which is something similar to most cults… And also a good portion of the lay people of the religious right… I have no problem admitting this, I’m a Christian, and I have plenty of experience interacting with such people.
August 30, 2004 @ 7:15 pm | Comment
By Conrad
But Richard, I thought you were of the opinion that Dick Cheney actually is the equivalent of a Nazi?
August 31, 2004 @ 4:29 am | Comment
By richard
Conrad, please don’t put words in my mouth. I can’t stand the guy. Did I ever, ever call him a Nazi?
August 31, 2004 @ 8:20 am | Comment
By richard
Thanks for the explanation, Forrest. She has been referred to as a “Pastor,” not sure why.
August 31, 2004 @ 8:21 am | Comment
By Allen
When trying to show he understands the difference between nazis and homosexual marraige he stated he is a “christian”. Of course how can Sheri dew be considered a “chiristian” when she belongs to the “Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter Day Saints! How dare he claim Christ’s name only to his narrow views. But what do I know, I am only a sheltered and ignorant mormon. Sheri’s view is the same as mine. Like Hitler’s regime the fight for Homosexual marriage has evil intentions. Both (to supporters) were/are to help the progress of man. Remember the old song the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” “His Truth is marching on” Why do you (as a self proclaimed christian) fear it?
September 4, 2004 @ 12:07 pm | Comment
By richard
Congratulations Allen — you qualify as a true asshole. If you believe people in love who want to marry is equivalent to Nazism, with its racial hared, death camps and wanton murder, there’s no doubt about it. Definitely an asshole.
September 4, 2004 @ 2:13 pm | Comment
By Matt
As a biological parent of a 15 year old, I understand how difficult parenting can be for anyone! I think all parents question their skills though.
My partner and I of ten years have started to feel as though we have been doing the right things as parents. Our son is wonderful, charismatic, emotionally centered, socially capable, empathetic to those in need (esp. his friends), he doesn’t do drugs, smoke or drink alcohol, honors society in school and track athelete (discus and shotput). He thinks for himself and trys to consider all view points during disagreements… (unless your his parent 😉
Anyway, I feel that people like Ms. Dew don’t really know what they are talking about because they have never met or spent any REAL time with gay or lesbian families with children.
I find it unfortunate for them, because they are missing out on a really good thing! We REALLY are just like everyone else out there, its actually kind of wierd for me when I consider how average we are. House, bills, dog, big family get togethers during Holidays and Birthdays, etc…
I don’t think most people really understand that there is no Gay Agenda – except to be able to live openly and freely as everyone else does. To have the same rights and responsibilities allowed to everyone else.
Hopefully Ms. Dew’s (as well as Allen’s) faith will lead her (*and Allen) to deny the crippling vitriol and venomous judgement that have come to define many people here in the US and find true acceptance and love for her fellow man and for herself. I truly will pray for Both of them!
September 15, 2004 @ 11:03 pm | Comment
By Aminah
I am a female African- American Mormon living in Arizona. I would not have made any comments except that I must clarify some things for the people who have previously written something about Sheri Dew. Any statements made about why Sheri Dew would compare gay-marriage or “gay family” adoptions, to Hitler are irrelevant in light of the fact that she never did so. In the speech she made that began these debates, her comparison was not between the actions of homosexuals and Nazis, but between those who choose to ignore the “gay family” issue altogether and those people whom stood by and watched the Holocaust happen. She may personally not approve of gay-marriages but her point was that everyone has a personal responsibility to make a choice and stand up for his or her side of the issue. Family, for all of us, regardless of who we are, should be the first priority and the most important part of life. None of us can afford to be apathetic and watch others make choices about our families. Sheri Dew’s statement was about apathy and standing on the sidelines while important things are happening before our eyes. I believe that we can all appreciate her advice to form an opinion and take a stand no matter what the issue may be.
January 18, 2005 @ 12:32 pm | Comment
By richard
Amiah, either way you spin this, she’s being a scray bitch. To compare gay marriage to the Holocaust is off the wall. No oner has ever threatened your family by breing in favor of gay marriage. The only thing that cvan threaten your family and your marriage is divorce, which is between you and your husband. A man marrying another man is no threat to anyone. There are now thousands of gay married couples, and everyone’s marriage is just as safe today as it was before.
January 18, 2005 @ 1:32 pm | Comment
So if people don’t agree with your lifestyle, or your thinking Richard, than you call them the ugliest word you can think of and rip them apart despite the fact that you don’t even know anything about them? Turn the mirror on yourself Richard. The one preaching hate is you.
And Forrest, the only one who can control a person’s thoughts is that same person. I choose what church I attend & you have the right to make your own choices also. I find it interesting that on one hand the argument is that gays are being discriminated against, while on the other hand prejudice is being rendered towards an exceptionally awesome individual because of her religion.
June 14, 2005 @ 12:55 am | Comment
By richard
She compared gay people to Nazis, you moron. Enough said.
June 14, 2005 @ 7:29 am | Comment
By Brittany
Ok, I have many things to say about this. Too bad I wasn’t on a year ago while this was still going on and heated.
First, as for what Forrest said almost 2 years ago, good job for noticing that the LDS faith doesn’t have pastors. But, please don’t think that women can’t be leaders. That’s the #1 missconception that non-LDS people have about us. They think we are a sexist, woman depressing church. The truth is this, men and women have equal, but different roles in life. Men are here to preside over families, and they bear the Preisthood to allow them to fully do that. Women, have the sacred calling to nurture and care for their families and are entitled to every blessing that comes through the Preisthood. That’s the cool thing about the church, men and women can’t get the whole preisthood blessings unless they are together, united in ETERNAL MARRIAGE. Again, women can’t be Bishops because they don’t have the priesthood, but men can’t be involved in the Relif Society because the gifts and talents you need in that aren’t in their nature.
OK now for Sheri….
Sheri Dew is amazing! However, I don’t 100% agree with what she said. She wasn’t comparing gay people to Hitler, she was comparing the power and influence they have on society. She doesn’t agree with the gay lifestyle becasue in her mind it’s not natural and not the way God set it up to be. Think about it… It doesn’t make sense, it just doesn’t work. The two sexes compliment each other. There are so many factors into why it’s not a healthy lifestyle, and it should be a concern for our society.
However, I have gay friends and I love them just as much as my straight friends. I have much love and respect for them but am saddened when they choose to give into those desires. No matter what anyone says, it isn’t natural. There is no scientific evidence that says it’s genetically built in you. It is a choice, I agree that there are some cases where abuse and such horrific things like that have greatly affected the decision without you even realizing it, but it still is your choice.
April 30, 2006 @ 2:47 pm | Comment
By Brittany
Ok, I have many things to say about this. Too bad I wasn’t on a year ago while this was still going on and heated.
First, as for what Forrest said almost 2 years ago, good job for noticing that the LDS faith doesn’t have pastors. But, please don’t think that women can’t be leaders. That’s the #1 missconception that non-LDS people have about us. They think we are a sexist, woman depressing church. The truth is this, men and women have equal, but different roles in life. Men are here to preside over families, and they bear the Preisthood to allow them to fully do that. Women, have the sacred calling to nurture and care for their families and are entitled to every blessing that comes through the Preisthood. That’s the cool thing about the church, men and women can’t get the whole preisthood blessings unless they are together, united in ETERNAL MARRIAGE. Again, women can’t be Bishops because they don’t have the priesthood, but men can’t be involved in the Relif Society because the gifts and talents you need in that aren’t in their nature.
OK now for Sheri….
Sheri Dew is amazing! However, I don’t 100% agree with what she said. She wasn’t comparing gay people to Hitler, she was comparing the power and influence they have on society. She doesn’t agree with the gay lifestyle becasue in her mind it’s not natural and not the way God set it up to be. Think about it… It doesn’t make sense, it just doesn’t work. The two sexes compliment each other. There are so many factors into why it’s not a healthy lifestyle, and it should be a concern for our society.
However, I have gay friends and I love them just as much as my straight friends. I have much love and respect for them but am saddened when they choose to give into those desires. No matter what anyone says, it isn’t natural. There is no scientific evidence that says it’s genetically built in you. It is a choice, I agree that there are some cases where abuse and such horrific things like that have greatly affected the decision without you even realizing it, but it still is your choice.
April 30, 2006 @ 2:51 pm | Comment
By Brittany
Ok, I have many things to say about this. Too bad I wasn’t on a year ago while this was still going on and heated.
First, as for what Forrest said almost 2 years ago, good job for noticing that the LDS faith doesn’t have pastors. But, please don’t think that women can’t be leaders. That’s the #1 missconception that non-LDS people have about us. They think we are a sexist, woman depressing church. The truth is this, men and women have equal, but different roles in life. Men are here to preside over families, and they bear the Preisthood to allow them to fully do that. Women, have the sacred calling to nurture and care for their families and are entitled to every blessing that comes through the Preisthood. That’s the cool thing about the church, men and women can’t get the whole preisthood blessings unless they are together, united in ETERNAL MARRIAGE. Again, women can’t be Bishops because they don’t have the priesthood, but men can’t be involved in the Relif Society because the gifts and talents you need in that aren’t in their nature.
OK now for Sheri….
Sheri Dew is amazing! However, I don’t 100% agree with what she said. She wasn’t comparing gay people to Hitler, she was comparing the power and influence they have on society. She doesn’t agree with the gay lifestyle becasue in her mind it’s not natural and not the way God set it up to be. Think about it… It doesn’t make sense, it just doesn’t work. The two sexes compliment each other. There are so many factors into why it’s not a healthy lifestyle, and it should be a concern for our society.
However, I have gay friends and I love them just as much as my straight friends. I have much love and respect for them but am saddened when they choose to give into those desires. No matter what anyone says, it isn’t natural. There is no scientific evidence that says it’s genetically built in you. It is a choice, I agree that there are some cases where abuse and such horrific things like that have greatly affected the decision without you even realizing it, but it still is your choice.
April 30, 2006 @ 2:54 pm | Comment