Or so contends former Republican attack dog who’s seen the light Andrew Sullivan. Just scroll down and see all the reasons he says Cheney got pulverized. While Cheney’s performance no doubt delighted his base, it was, Sullivan maintains, a dramatic defeat in terms of reaching swing voters. Also, a commenter here has compiled a list of all the flash polls, which show either that Edwards blew Cheney out of the water or that the Dems were much better at getting their people to participate (probably a little of both). You’ll also find a good chronicle of Cheney’s lies here.
I feel under the weather and probably won’t post again tonight. But it’s wonderful to watch the tables as they continue to turn on our miserable little president. In the wake of all the good reviews Edwards was winning, it was hardly surprising to see shrub announce a “major policy address” today in Pennsylvania. Too bad it was just a regurgitation of his stump speech and tired attacks on kerry. This was a despicable trick, and unfortunately the media fell for it.
By Jing
I should point out that those internet flashpolls are completely unreliable. One of your links in the last post linked to the Democratic Underground where they were planning a large scale counter-“Freep”. Essentially, those internet polls have been hammered by repeat voters who are attempting to influence interpretations of the debate. The Free Republic pioneered such tactics, but the DU has picked them up as well and it appears they have outdone them this time. Though I’m sure the poll’s will balance out given time as the Freepers rally to respond. Even still though, the accuracy of these polls is completly destroyed, as ultimately the winner will be whichever faction gives up voting last.
October 6, 2004 @ 8:02 pm | Comment
By richard
As I said in my post, they could simply be the result of Democratic operatives stuffing the polls. For better or worse, they do play a role in measuring the post-debate buzz.
October 6, 2004 @ 8:15 pm | Comment
By Forrest
I monitored those polls last night over the space of a few hours.
They -all- began with very high marks for Senator Edwards, and very lacking for VP Cheney. However, the Newsday, Sun Sentinel, and Fox polls did reverse as the “freepers” responded.
Yet, check the results now. They are back up to near where they started. Not quite as high, but Edwards still leads most of them easily.
You’ve got two options as to why that is now: 1) the populace in general seems to favor Edwards more, or 2) the Democratic community is much more active and powerful than the Republican supporters. That seems to fit with the trends of voter registration in places like Ohio this season.
Either way, this spells trouble for Bush-Cheney.
October 6, 2004 @ 8:24 pm | Comment
By Matt
It appears that Forrest’s website with the results from all those flash polls is inaccessible. I don’t think there’s a problem with the link, but even when I try to go through something like anonymouse, I get a “document contains no data” error. Is this site being blocked in China? It might be because the domain contains the word “bodhisattva”? I’d be quite interested in seeing the source of all those polls and knowing whether, in fact, you can sit on a single computer and vote multiple times. I know that on the msn.com flash poll, you couldn’t- unless, perhaps you’re really adept with computers.
btw, thanks for adding me to your “Pearls of the Orient” list.
October 6, 2004 @ 9:21 pm | Comment
By richard
Matt, you’re welcome. Here are his poll results, but I’m too tired to put in all the hyperlinks — you can google them down if you want to check the numbers. From Bodhisattva:
UPDATE: This time, I captured some of these results VERY soon after the debates ended, so I have checked for polls that have changed greatly, and adjusted the numbers. I will mark the polls I changed with an asterisk*.
Edwards 70%, Cheney 30%
Edwards 99%, Cheney 1%
Orlando Sentinel
Edwards 77.5%, Cheney 22.2%
CNN (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 18%
NBC10.com (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
CBS News (Results)
Edwards 77.94%, Cheney 20.36%
Fox News (halfway down on the right) (Results)
Edwards 52%, Cheney 47%
Edwards 83.4%, Cheney 11.8%
Newsday* (changed in Cheney’s favor) (Results)
Better on the issues: Edwards 60.2%, Cheney 39.8%
More knowledgeable on fighting terrorism: Edwards 58.7%, Cheney 41.3%
More credible: Edwards 60.2%, Cheney 39.8%
Better performance overall: Edwards 60.1%, Cheney 39.9%
The Morning Call (Results)
Edwards 93.5 Cheney 5.5%
Asheville, NC Citizen Times (Half-way down on the right) (Results)
Edwards 92.11%, Cheney 7.89%
The Denver Channel (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
The Houston Chronicle
Edwards 90%, Cheney 9%
NBC6 South Florida (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
The Kansas City Channel (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
KIRO TV 7 Seattle (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
KDSK 5 St. Louis (Results)
Edwards: 2221 votes (94.8%), Cheney 121 votes (5.1%)
KYW 3 Philadelphia (Results)
Edwards 88.15%, Cheney 11.85%
San Antonio: Express News and KENS 5 (lower left the page) (Results)
Edwards 91.8%, Cheney 6.9%
NBC 4 Maryland DC Virginia (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
Tampa Bay’s 10
Edwards 93.9%, Cheney 5.9%
Channel Cincinnati (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
Sun Sentinel, South Florida* (changed in Cheney’s favor) (Results)
Better on the issues: Edwards 60.9%, Cheney 39.1%
More knowledgeable on fighting terrorism: Edwards 59.4%, Cheney 40.6%
More credible: Edwards 60.9%, Cheney 39.1%
Performed better in the debate: Edwards 60.8%, Cheney 39.8%
NBCi 5 Dallas-Ft Worth (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
Edwards 91%, Cheney 9%
The New Orleans Channel (Results)
Edwards 77%, Cheney 22%
WHO TV Des Moines (Results)
Edwards 92%, Cheney 8%
Delaware Online (Results)
Edwards 94.8%, Cheney 4.6%
October 6, 2004 @ 9:31 pm | Comment
By Matt
Wow, very interesting stuff. It doesn’t seem like there is much buzz around the debate reaction like after the presidential debate though.
October 7, 2004 @ 4:58 am | Comment