Fellow blogger Professor Joseph Bosco and his journalism students at the Beijing Foreign Studies University have launched a new blog/magazine, We Observe the World (WOW). It is extremely interesting to see how these young people think and how they perceive the world (especially the US)
At his own blog, Joseph tells us his vision of WOW.
With great pride and joy I can tell you that next week a new weblog will join the Chinese Blogosphere. “WOW: We Observe the World,” will be a combination blog and online news magazine produced by the Journalism Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University. The site will not be a place for lyrical prose from wistful Chinese college students. It will be a real news entity written by young adults majoring in journalism. Many of them already have experience working in media.
From the perspective of young Chinese adults, WOW will cover international, national and local news. Real news. It will also feature sections on LifeStyle, Sports, Books, Movies, Music and the Fine Arts. While I am the faculty supervisor for the project, student journalists will produce the content.
Needless to say, WOW is somewhat of a first for Chinese universities and Chinese journalism. My hope is that it will be only the first of many.
Looking over the first few posts, it’s obvious they’re off to a great start. I was certainly encouraged to see they’ve got the Iraq war figured out correctly. It will be intriguing to watch this site grow. As the word spreads, I’m sure there will be some very hot comment discussions over there.
By tian
have you seen the new Chinese community blog?
October 25, 2004 @ 10:55 pm | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your wonderful words of support. I am so very proud of these students; it takes courage to write for a worldwide audience in a second language!
All the very best,
October 25, 2004 @ 11:59 pm | Comment
By Filthy Stinking No.9
Hate to be a cynic, but with Joseph Bosco as their guide, and the media sources readily available to them … I hardly think it’s a surprise which way they’re going to fall on many issues.
October 26, 2004 @ 12:13 am | Comment
By Filthy Stinking No.9
On another matter, check out the following article over at China Daily. I’ve posted a bit in the comments section about how I think it classifies as sedition against the Chinese government (under the laws of pretty much any country you care to name). What you think?
October 26, 2004 @ 12:42 am | Comment
By richard
Tian, I linked to that site last week.
Li En, I think it’ll still be interesting to see what these young people have to say. Joseph won’t stop them from expressing their views, whatever they may be.
October 26, 2004 @ 7:47 am | Comment
By Joseph Bosco
Filthy Stinking No. 9,
What the hell is your problem? I do not teach students to think as I do–far to the contrary. They have had enough ideology-by-rote to last six lifetimes. I am truly happiest when students challenge my thinking.
As far as resources available to them, they have the same world wide web at their fingertips as do you. You may not have noticed, but WOW is hosted on my domain name on Interland, the largest ISP in America; in other words old dirty one, their weblog is a WESTERN site.
You aren’t a cynic, you’re just full of toe jam and it’s smelling up the joint. And here I always thought you actually had a mind–my bad.
Have a nice day,
Joseph Bosco
October 27, 2004 @ 10:12 am | Comment
By David
Filthy Stinking No. 9,
The ‘sedition’ in the China Daily article is pretty obscure, at least for readers unfamiliar with Chinese history. What is much more striking, at least to me, is the insulting terms used to refer to Taiwanese people: ‘barefaced Taidus’, ‘Taidu pestilence’ and ‘Taidu clique’. Is this kind of language normal in the Chinese media?
October 27, 2004 @ 1:44 pm | Comment
By mike
and be careful not to post any criticism on the site as free speech bosco will get his knickers in a twist. and if that is not enough, his pal the geriatric zimmer-framed ‘admiral’ will swipe you down with mean words and bad grammar. I pity the students.
September 27, 2006 @ 11:30 am | Comment