Terrorism, schmerrorism

Flightsuit boy really cracks me up:

Did a quick term count in yesterday’s “major” speech on terrorism. The results, amazingly, are even more ridiculous than I expected:

• Frequency of John Kerry (with the terms “Senator”, “Senator Kerry”, or “my opponent”): 41
• Frequency of “Saddam Hussein”: 4
• Frequency of “Al Qaeda”: 1
• Frequency of “Osama bin-Laden” or “bin-Laden”: 0

Assuming this was, as stated, a speech on terrorism, it seems quite clear that George W. Bush believes the main terrorist threat facing our country is John Kerry.

It’s further clear that Osama bin-Laden has been totally neutralized, as he didn’t merit a single mention in a 4,500+ word address on terrorism. As for Al Qaeda, they barely figure, with a pathetic single appearance, and even then only in context of how many of their leaders George Bush has (presumably, personally) killed.

And bush’s big talking point is that Kerry doesn’t understand the threat of terror.


Site traffic spike?

Who knows why, but I won’t complain. Averaging about 70 hits an hour, which for a dinky site like this is respectable!

Update: Well, it was nice while it lasted. Traffic back down to the usual trickle.


If you’re following the Bill O’Reilly sex scandal….

go here right now. You will be laughing for the rest of the night!

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(Thanks for this, Duncan.)


CIA releases secret documents on China

Interesting. I’m impressed at how prescient the analysts were in assessing Mao’s influence, and how with this death the country would return to sanity.

“As long as Mao is capable of political command, China’s situation will probably be tense and inherently unstable,” it said; a “disorderly and contentious” struggle would follow, and eventually a move away from “discredited” policies to “secure modest economic growth.”

In an introduction to the collection of 71 documents, which are on the agency’s Web site at www.cia.gov and will be released by the Government Printing Office on compact disc, Robert L. Suettinger, a career intelligence analyst and China scholar, says that “unfortunately, the collection provides only a few examples of this kind of cogent analysis on China’s leadership situation.” But Mr. Suettinger described the record as “nonetheless an impressive one” in which “the fundamentals are consistently right.”

Among the most important judgments, Mr. Suettinger wrote, was a consistently accurate assessment that the Communist Party in China was never challenged from 1948 on in its predominance of power on the Chinese mainland.

For true Sinophiles this will be a must-read. For those interested only in US politics, pardon the digression, but China is always on my mind.


Will a secret Chinese dam project destroy Yunnan’s “Shangri-La”?

Jasper Becker, whom I trust, and Daniel Howden say it will.

In the shadow of the Jade Dragon Snow Peak, deep inside the Tiger Leaping Gorge, Chinese developers are operating in secret to push through a massive dam project that will wash away the section of the Yangtze river valley thought to have been the real location for the fictional Shangri-La.

Local tribesmen have revealed that work is already under way on a massive project that would flood a Unesco world heritage site, displace more than 100,000 people and destroy the way of life of the unique Naxi people, one of the world’s only surviving matriarchal societies. It would also bring an abrupt end to the nascent tourism industry in the remote southwestern Yunnan province.

The battle to save the gorge, one of the deepest in the world, has pitted a David-like alliance of green groups and local tribespeople against the Goliath of the Huaneng Group, China”s biggest independent power producer, working with the Yunnan provincial government. The company is run by Li Xiaopeng, son of the hardline former prime minister Li Peng, who oversaw the massacre at Tiananmen Square. Mr Li was at the forefront of the controversial Three Gorges Dam project that was pushed through in the teeth of strident opposition from environmentalists and residents.

“The stakes are extremely high. Chinese environmentalists have decided to make this their next major campaign,” says Ma Jun, a consultant who was the first to produce a study on the dam’s implications. “I’m optimistic they will succeed because this case is a touch-stone of all the big talks on balancing environmental preservation with development”.

Opponents say the reservoir will devastate local cultures, robbing people of their farms and livelihood, and leave tens of thousands of mostly Tibetans, Miao, Yi, Bai, Lisu and Naxi minorities homeless. It would also consign ancient villages with distinctive architectural styles. Concerns are mounting over the fate of the Naxi with their unusual matriarchal tradition, which has drawn an increasing number of visitors to the area.

This would be a tragedy beyond description. It’s all thanks to the tireless and enterprising Li Peng, architect of the June 4, 1989 massacre at and around Tiananmen Square and a mastermind of the Three Gorges Dam project, which thus far has wreaked unimaginable havoc on China’s environment. Ah, progress.


Army War College told bush US would probably lose in Iraq

Shrub completely ignored the warnings in 2003 that we were heading into disaster. This is certainly a bombshell.

“The possibility of the United States winning the war and losing the peace in Iraq is real and serious,” warned an Army War College report that was completed in February 2003, a month before the invasion.

Without an “overwhelming” effort to prepare for the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the report warned: “The United States may find itself in a radically different world over the next few years, a world in which the threat of Saddam Hussein seems like a pale shadow of new problems of America’s own making.”

A half-dozen intelligence reports also warned that American troops could face significant postwar resistance. This foot-high stack of material was distributed at White House meetings of Bush’s top foreign policy advisers, but there’s no evidence that anyone ever acted on it.

“It was disseminated. And ignored,” said a former senior intelligence official.

Did you get that? Foot-high stacks of intelligence reports saying we had a serious chance of losing the war were given out at the White House – while we were being told it would be a piece of cake. And the reports were simply dismissed. That amounts to gross negligence.

This administration wins the gold star when it comes to ignoring dire warnings. Remember, for example, Richard Clarke’s security brief, “Osama Bin Laden Intends to Attack America”? The one Condi called a mere “historical document”? And yet bush can’t think of a single mistake — not even one — aside from appointing a few officials who weren’t loyal enough to him. Oh, the hubris, the vanity, the stupidity; but then, why should he listen to intelligence reports when God speaks through him?

Via Andrew Sullivan, who sees this as proof of “the appalling amateurism” with which our leaders conducted their dirty little war.


I sure wouldn’t want to own Sinclair Broadcasting stock

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Down 7.81 percent today alone.

UPDATE: You can make yourself heard at this hilarious Sinclair message board! Via Atrios, who says “I haven’t had this much fun reading a stock message board since Enron was in free fall…”


A reality-based community

Here’s why.


O’Reilly Sexpade blunder

Anyone following this lurid sex scandal (and who isn’t?) will enjoy this funny analysis of how Bill has only made his messy situation worse by firing the producer making the charges against him.

I am not a lawyer, but I can read. Even my non-legal mind knows you don’t fire someone who sues you. Because now she has unfair termination as an additional cause.

Let me explain this slowly, so even the simple among us can understand it:

Bill, the word is deposition. It is what Benedict Morelli will conduct this winter. It will involve every senior person at Fox, every staff member and every bed partner you had there. Your wife will read the details of your extramarital affairs and may well decide to file for divorce.

He will not only ask, but will find every woman you hit on, not only on Fox, but at every other job you had. Boston, ABC, whatever the fuck that other show was, all of them. We’re talking a long witness list. In fact, he may well try to establish that a culture of concubinage existed at Fox. What does that mean? It means that senior Fox execuitives pick sexual partners from the people they supervise. (See the Texas Prison Rape story for grim details). This is like letting the FBI into your cocaine filled warehouse.

Being the dumb Irish bully that you are, you’re going to provide me with days of copy and amusement.

But because seeing evident stupidity makes me ill, here’s a suggestion: SETTLE THIS FUCKING THING MONDAY. Because, you just made Fox compound your stupidity with their stupidity and this will go before a Fox-hating, Post-hating Manhattan jury. Ms. Mackris will enjoy her summers on the Cote D’Azure, her winter vacation in Gstaad, and a Palm Beach condo because of your uncontrolled anger and rage. She will be RICH, as in seven figure plus rich.

If it were anyone but Bill O’Reilly I would probably feel a touch of sympathy, as it’s part of my bleeding-heart nature to feel bad for people in trouble. But since it’s Bill, I can scarcely conceal the schadenfreude — in fact, there’s a lot more freude than schaden. After all, this is the self-anointed pope of morality, the paternalistic critic of all things improper. He is wiser than we mortals, and he knows what’s good and bad, right and wrong.

Of course, anyone with minimal grey matter has known all along it’s a sham. It’s nice that the rest of the world now knows, too.


Baghdad Burning

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More great pics and articles from Iraq, from the best of the China bloggers.
