What a strange world. The famous and successful writer-journalist was only 36 years old, and today she shot herself in the head. I read Rape of Nanking when it came out and was impressed with its thoroughness. Her latest book, The Chinese in America: A Narrative History, wasn’t well received, at least not in the reviews I read.
These stories keep reminding me that we all have problems, even the rich and the famous. It’s easy to forget.
By Andrea
I’m shocked by the news too. She’s so young and so talented…
November 11, 2004 @ 3:25 pm | Comment
By Conrad
I met Iris a few times after The Rape of Nanking was published. I cannot imagine what her family must be feeling.
It’s very sad.
November 11, 2004 @ 9:58 pm | Comment
By eswn
It is unfortunate that The Chinese In America did not get a big reception. The subject is important, but it is a very broad one that would not resonate with people outside of that community. In fact, it does not even resonate with many of the people inside that community because there are really many distinct sub-communities (e.g. by place of origin, dialect, wealth, etc).
November 12, 2004 @ 12:15 am | Comment
By jacky
Harimau mati meninggal belang
Manusia pergi meninggal nama
The tiger dies, leaving behind its stripes
The human dies , leaving behind his (her) name
Her work “The Rape of Nanking” lives after her for all to remember, that there was a time when men forgot civilized behaviour and respect of humanity, and which we must strive never to revisit.
Vale Iris Chang, requiescat in pace.
November 12, 2004 @ 4:30 am | Comment
By cryystal
There is a well written Iris Chang hommage/orbituary in this week’s paper edition of the Economist (Nov 27th-Dec 3rd), with a little bit of background on the Nanjing Massacre. It seems to not be posted (yet?) on the online edition, though.
November 29, 2004 @ 5:54 am | Comment