One of the big complaints I hear from readers is that I’m too opinionated on US domestic issues, too partisan. “You’re great when you write about China, but you’re totally partisan when you write about Bush.”
Well, the bad news is, I believe I’m mediocre when I write about China and at my best when I write about the US. That’s because my knowledge of China is sketchy and relatively recent. I’ve been studying US politics since I could read, and am much more informed about the intricacies of US law and history than I am of China’s.
In each case, I write what I see, through my own filters. If I am opinionated and partisan about bush, then I’m certainly just as opinionated about China. I think the real issue is that these readers want me to be partisan in the same way that they are. I’m afraid they’ll be disappointed; I’m not toning down my criticisms of bush — unless he gives me reason to.
Yes, I’m partisan as hell, but I also try to be open minded. I’ll praise China if I think it’s merited. I’ll endorse a war led by Bush if I think it’s justified. But this is a blog, not a public information service funded by tax dollars. It’s supposed to be opinionated. So I don’t understand the complaints that I’m opinionated. These same readers love Conrad, who’s certainly as partisan as I am. Would he be any fun to read if he weren’t opinionated? Of course not. In fact, it’s those opinions that make him so readable.
So please, just try to accept it: I am a liberal and I find bush a menace to this country and the world and I say so, like thousands of other liberal bloggers. Instapundit loves bush and hates Kerry and he believes the Swift Boat Liars and he says so, and that’s his right. It’s what blogs are supposed to be. I realize I will never, ever convince you to join my side, but I’m not trying to (though it would be nice). I have no illusions — some readers hate my politics and come here to fight, others relate to my politics and come here to agree. But to tell me to stop being partisan about bush — forget about it. I am watching my country go to hell in a proverbial handbasket, and the last thing I’m going to do is go mute.
Anyway, it’s a hard week and it’ll take me and nearly 50 percent of the country a while to fully recover from the shock. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t ready to pick up the fight and press forward. We have to organize now more than ever before, because come 2008 the country is going to be even more of a basket case than it is now. I hate to even think about it — our environment, our tax system, our jobless, our Supreme Court. So as far as shrub goes, this blog won’t be getting any kinder or gentler. Take it or leave it.