That should be interesting. It’s a Kung Fu movie. I guess Gibson’s The Passion proved that blockbusters don’t need to be in English to make big money. Still, it’s definitely strange.
November 2, 2004
The Discussion: 3 Comments
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By Jing
Whats strange is that it’s in mandarin and not cantonese. All of the classic genre defining kung-fu films of yesteryear were made in Hong Kong by such noteables as the Shaw brothers. Cantonese + Technicolour + 70’s soundtrack = Retro ass-kicking goodness.
November 2, 2004 @ 8:43 pm | Comment
By Brendan
Well. Tarantino is a douche anyway – I don’t particularly care what racist shit he does, so long as he votes on the right side.
November 3, 2004 @ 1:10 am | Comment
By jacky
Actually Shaw Brothers started the ‘new style’ KF flics in the 1960’s in Mandarin, but later, realizing Catonese would be more popular with the HK, SE Asian and other overseas markets, switched to Cantonese.
I remember films starring the trio – Wang Yu (One armed swordsman fame), Ching Ping and the Indonesian-born actor Lo lieh, the various duos of David Chang-Ti Lung, the late Fu Sheng and that tall sidekick, etc, and thos sweet ladies, the incredibly Hsu Fung and the adorable Cheng Pei-Pei (the latter of the ‘Come Drink With Me’ fame, and aeons later as the villainess in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) were all in Mandarin.
I enjoyed Kill Bill 2, especially the part where Tarantino cheekily ‘time-transported’ Pak Mei, the white browed Toaist priest, into his modern story, laced with a bit of film-making licence by associating said priest with the 5-fingers of death.
Now, martial art purists/historians may pull their hair out in pedantic despair, but I say that’s creativity at its most outrageous and entertaining. More power to Tarantino.
November 6, 2004 @ 7:42 pm | Comment