The once “King-of-the-Hill” Conrad of the Gweilo Diaries has been in touch with me lately, but I didn’t write about it because I wasn’t sure he wanted me to. But now I see that another blogger has broken the story so I have no need to stay silent. Conrad’s fine, and he says he may be popping up in the comments sometime soon. Sadly for all of us, he won’t be blogging anymore.
It really doesn’t feel the same without him. While he was consistently wrong about US politics, his manner of expresssing himself was inimitable and irreplaceble. Let’s all hope that he reconsiders, no matter how misguided his political stance may have been.
Thanks to the reader who sent me this link — I really appreciate it.
1 By bryan
Richard, I think you have a whole new flock of readers since Conrad went away, and most of them don’t even know who Conrad is. 🙁
February 1, 2005 @ 8:46 am | Comment
2 By richard
Everyone knows who Conrad is. He’s a legend.
February 1, 2005 @ 9:10 am | Comment
3 By Filthy Stinking No.9
Gweilo Diaries will be sorely missed … but good to know he’s alive. Wonder who the mysterious person was who was trying to uncover his identity, and the methods employed? I for one am still not willing to rule out the “vindictive woman/women” theory.
February 1, 2005 @ 8:20 pm | Comment
4 By richard
FS9, I don’t think we’ll ever know. Whoever it is, he/she’s a jerk, spoiling all our fun.
February 1, 2005 @ 8:29 pm | Comment
5 By ACB
Conrad isn’t the only person whose been targeted, how many other people have been forced to close their blogs or news services after their identies were publicly revealed. Its all part of the ‘if you can’t discredit somebody’s argument, discredit them, and if you can’t discredit them, indimidate them’ mentality.
Well, it looks like in trying to ‘out’ Conrad they’ve suceeded in knocking him off the internet. There goes another voice of reason.
February 3, 2005 @ 3:08 am | Comment
6 By Conrad
Thanks guys. The attempt to uncover my identity was only one factor in my decision to give up blogging. Also significant factors were the fact that I had increasingly less time to devote to it and was finding it increasingly difficult to come up with material I thought merited posting (even given my famously low standards).
Anyway, my thanks to everyone who made the blog a success over the past couple years. It was fun wile it lasted but I’m pretty sure I won’t be coming back.
February 3, 2005 @ 11:10 pm | Comment
7 By Sam_S
Glad to know you’re alive, at least. If you ever want to do a ghost post, I’ll be glad to supply the blog space.
February 4, 2005 @ 9:25 am | Comment
8 By Friskodude
I also have a blog about Southeast Asia, but I’m no expert on Hong Kong or snarking and could use some help, so do send a yell and I’d be more than happy to post whatever from you.
February 4, 2005 @ 10:20 am | Comment
9 By richard
I think everyone would love to have Conrad be their guest blogger. The bad news is, I strongly suspect he’s not going to blog anytime soon, on your sites or mine. It’s our loss.
Conrad, what can we do to get you to reconsider?
February 4, 2005 @ 10:22 am | Comment
10 By Mr. Bingley
Well, Conrad, my offer of drinks still stands the next time you’re in Manhattan.
April 18, 2005 @ 10:12 am | Comment
11 By Tales of the Unlawyer
ONE OF MY EARLIEST BLOG READS, dating back to when I was a newbie in this business, was the Gweilo Diaries (archival link courtesy of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine). Owned by Conrad, an American lawyer-by-profession living in Hong Kong, it was f…
June 15, 2005 @ 1:57 pm | Comment
12 By A-gent
Im sure the attempt to uncover Conrad´s identity was only one factor, however it was not just an attempt. The only reason i wanted to uncover him was that i was curious.
I had and have no intention to publisize his identity.
I know excatly who Conrad is. Im suprised he got so spooked that he closed shop…
I really couldent care less.
August 31, 2005 @ 7:06 am | Comment
13 By dave
Conrad is just another regurgitator of RNC talking points. He’s little more than a gibbering fascist.
Always remember that this is someone who liked liked his Filipina conquests* to crap all over him.
* even though he had to pay for sex.
December 10, 2005 @ 10:16 am | Comment