I’ve received emails from people who think I sell and distribute Peking duck, and from people who want to know Peking duck recipes, but this was the oddest one yet:
This is not a joke…I am looking for advice on how to treat a PET PEKIN DUCK who has a cough for the past month….any ideas???????? I have been searching but it seems hard to find.
Any duck veterinarians out there with any ideas?
By boo
If it’s coughing it probably hasn’t been cooked properly. Check that the oven’s on.
Seriously though, check out this link that talks about Duck health problems.
January 29, 2005 @ 10:02 am | Comment
By boo
Sorry, my clipboard messed up the above link, , this one should work.
January 29, 2005 @ 10:05 am | Comment
By tuur
It is a well documented fact that most flu strains start in China because it has so many domestic ducks and the virus relatively easily jumps over from them rather than from chickens and such.
This may be the start of the next pandemic; if so, what a scoop for the Peking Duck 🙂 !
January 29, 2005 @ 10:53 am | Comment
By bellevue
Krrr krr krr krr … …
January 30, 2005 @ 1:06 am | Comment
I thought that most flu strains began in pigs not ducks, but it’s is the proximity etc that does it. Think SARS.
Pigs are have more genetic similarities to humans than ducks.
January 30, 2005 @ 10:50 pm | Comment
By Jesus Love
Chinese need to read this to understand the racism and political hostility they will face in the west. The hostility, hatred and discrimination are real. Luard article exposes how the cold-war indoctrination shaped the way westerners see ethnic Chinese with such racist exclusion and political suspicion.
BBC – China’s spies come out from the cold – Tim Luard
Quote: “China has sent 600,000 students overseas in the past 25 years as part of a conscious policy of developing its science, technology and business skills.
While some belong to well-off families who simply want their children to get a good education, *most* are funded by the government and are expected to return to help their country afterwards.
“It is very easy for Chinese companies or intelligence agencies to approach these students – who are often quite nationalistic – and get them to collect information that might be of either commercial or military interest,” said Christian le Miere, Asia Editor of Jane’s Country Risk. ”
These allegations follow the case of a 22-year-old Chinese woman who was detained in France after being accused of “illegal database intrusion” by the car-parts maker Valeo, which had employed her as an intern. She has since been released.
Police in Sweden also suspect Chinese guest researchers of stealing unpublished and unpatented research from an institute there, according to the Swedish radio Ekot’s website.
What a shame! The fear for a “evil giant China” has made the westerners behave like uncivilized animals.
July 23, 2005 @ 1:41 pm | Comment