If you’re concerned about getting the September 11th blues next month, not to worry. The government that brought you freedom fries and the freedom tower will cheer you up with the “America Supports You Freedom Walk”! There’ll be country music and hoe downs and line dancing. Nothing like remembering our dead with a stroll and a little Willie Nelson.
I thought “The Three Represents” was the most awkward phrase in history. But then someone dreamed up the self-parodying and supremely clumsy “America Supports You Freedom Walk.” Catchy, isn’t it?
No, I’m really not making this up.
The Pentagon would hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing today.
“This year the Department of Defence will initiate an America Supports Your Freedom Walk,” Rumsfeld said, adding that the march would remind people of “the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation”.
The march will start at the Pentagon, where nearly 200 people died on September 11, 2001, and end at the National Mall with a show by country star Clint Black.
Word of the event startled some observers.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing,” said John Pike, who has been a defence analyst in Washington for 25 years and runs GlobalSecurity.org.
The news also reignited debate and anger over linking September 11 with the war in Iraq.
“That piece of it is disturbing since we all know now there was no connection,” said Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq veteran who heads Operation Truth, an anti-administration military booster.
AdvertisementAdvertisementRieckhoff suggested the event was an ill-conceived publicity stunt.
“I think it’s clear that their public opinion polls are in the toilet,” he said.
Rumsfeld’s march had some relatives of September 11 victims fuming.
“How about telling Mr Rumsfeld to leave the memories of September 11 victims to the families?” said Monica Gabrielle, who lost her husband in the attacks.
Administration supporters insisted Rumsfeld was right to link Iraq and September 11, and hold the rally.
“We are at war,” said Representative Pete King, (Republican, New York). “It’s essential that we support our troops.”
He also said attacking Iraq was necessary after September 11.
“You do not defeat al-Qaeda until you stabilise the Middle East, and that’s not possible as long as Saddam Hussein is in power.”
Repeat it often enough and people will believe it. We did not go to war to oust Saddam or make anyone free, but to protect us from the mushroom cloud of WMDs. But we all know that. And we all feel so much safer now that the tired old dictator is in jail; it was worth 2,000 American lives and 40,000 civilians.
Ever-sardonic James Wolcott offers his take on the Freedom Walk, and as always, he doesn’t disappoint.
Rumsfeld was disappointed that famed documentarian Leni Riefensthahl will be unable to film the event for posterity because, well, she’s dead. But he’s pleased as punch (“you bet!”) that he’ll be able to duet with Clint Black as they perform Rumsfeld’s original honkytonk composition “It Takes Big Feet to Fill Big Boots (and I’m in the High Teens, Baby).”
…Also, Rumsfeld says this year’s event will “initiate” the America Supports You Mill Around on the Mall commemorative.
Does that mean this madman intends it to be an annual travesty of the tragedy of 9/11? Whose crackpot idea was this, his, Karen Hughes’? Will Bush himself be in attendance, pumped after his five weeks of brush-clearing in Crawford, Texas?
Get your cowboy boots ready. It’s gonna be a different kind of September 11 this year, a day for kickin’ and struttin’ and plain old relaxin’. I can hardly wait.
By Other Lisa
I just read about this on Salon’s War Room. I’d like to say that I can’t believe it. But I can…
August 10, 2005 @ 11:42 am | Comment
By Al Wheeler
For some reason I thought of Sean Hannity when I read this. He’s put on C&W-style concerts in the tri-state area, called “Freedom Alliance”. Funds go to a scholarship fund to benefit children of fallen soldiers. Probably some Hannity fan in the Pentagon figured he’d do one better and came up with this monster.
August 10, 2005 @ 12:27 pm | Comment
By Jason
What am I gonna do? I don’t even have a date for the Sister Kissing contest!
(Note to self: Make sure you get the hell out of town that weekend….)
August 10, 2005 @ 1:27 pm | Comment
By vaara
Will Cindy Sheehan be invited?
August 10, 2005 @ 1:34 pm | Comment
By pete
Now the chickens are coming home to roost. I think Americans by in large won’t be suckered again by BushCo. Has Humpty-Dumpty now fallen off the wall?
August 10, 2005 @ 9:41 pm | Comment
By richard
Damn, I hope so, Pete. My prediction: They will have to cancel this grotesquely ill-conceived insult to the victims of 911. It is simply over the top, and it is a gift to administration critics like Maureen Dowd and Molly Ivins, not to mention bloggers like Kos and Atrios. What was in their “minds”? Do they have a death wish?
August 10, 2005 @ 9:44 pm | Comment
By Will
Two words: “Recruiting” and “Tool”. With the emphasis on the “Tool”.
I really don’t think the DOD needs to be in the business of entertainment. But this seems to be a trend:
Call your agent.
August 10, 2005 @ 10:08 pm | Comment
By Keir
With respect Richard, that rave-holocaust video is the “epitome of bad taste”.
Oh yeah, and that guy who spends his free time under the pit beneath a non-flush, ‘long drop’ public toilet….
Thanks for bringing that up. Geddit? Bringing up?
August 10, 2005 @ 10:28 pm | Comment
By Keir
BOB HERBERT in today’s NYTimes has another great expose on Bush’s contempt for all the sacrifice in Iraq carried out on his intitiative. Adds another damning indictment next to Dowd’s.http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/10/opinion/11herbert.done.html
August 11, 2005 @ 12:49 am | Comment
By richard
August 11, 2005 @ 8:40 am | Comment
By Al Wheeler
Very interesting. I just went there and they require your address, and you have to register before 10 am September 9. No “walk-in” walkers allowed, receipt required or you’re not allowed in. I bet they require government-issued ID at the site as well.
I guess they basically want a full business day to check out your name/address against an SS/IRS/whatever database, and you get the airport treatment if you’re address doesn’t match. Hell, you probably get the airport treatment even if the address *does* match.
August 11, 2005 @ 11:08 am | Comment
By JDTreat
The American Friends Service Committee has launched a campaign calling for the Washington Post to withdraw its sponsorship of the Freedom Walk.
More info at http://afsc.org/iraq/washpost.htm
August 15, 2005 @ 5:50 am | Comment