According to the latest Japanese opinion poll, Prime Minister Koizumi is winning the war of words over the Yasukuni Shrine visits and gaining public support – at the expense of China and South Korea.
An opinion poll taken by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper immediately after the last Yasukuni visit showed that 42% of respondents supported the vists and 41% did not. A similar poll taken in June recorded 36% for and 52% against. According to The Japan Times, this remarkable reversal was due to several important differences during Prime Minister Koizumi’s last visit. Unlike the previous 4 visits when Koizumi dressed in traditional garb, prayed in the inner chamber, purchased flower offerings and and signed the guest book “Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi” the Japanese public felt that he made some major concessions by dressing in a buisiness suit, only paying his respects outside the shrine and generally trying to emphasise that the visit was carried out in a private capacity.
Perhaps emboldened by this change in public opinion, Foreign Minister Taro Aso, one of the more vocal and controversial members of Koizumi’s new post-election (and right-wing) cabinet, went onto the offensive over the weekend by saying that Japan should not worry about how it is viewed by other countries or whether it becomes isolated, “The only countries in the world that talk about Yasukuni are China and South Korea. We don’t have to worry about whether Japan is isolated or is not being liked.”
Also in the news, a new film will be released in Japan next month, Men of the Yamato, which will no doubt raise a few eyebrows in Beijing. Making movies in Japan concerning World War II was perhaps inconceivable in the past, but the film graphically portrays the sinking of the Japanese Imperial Navy vessel ‘Yamato’. At the time, it was the largest battleship ever built, but was attacked and sunk by the U.S. Navy near Okinawa in 1945. Already, (and inevitably) some media reports have accused the film of glossing over Japan’s wartime aggression and focusing instead on Japanese suffering because the story concentrates on the bravery and comradeship of the men who fought. However, the film and also the replica of the Yamato built by the studio are already proving to be a huge hit.
By HongXing
My son is only 5 years old, and does not have much ability to judge what is right and wrong. I tell him frequently that Japan is the most evil nation on earth. So now, whenever he hears anything about Japan or the Japanese, he often gets very very angry for no reason. And he even once cursed at a Japanese girl in his school, and the teacher called me in to criticize him. I of course apologized to the teacher and the girl, but I told my son when we got back that I am very proud of him.
November 28, 2005 @ 8:15 pm | Comment
By Thomas
I believe you are trying to provoke something, HongXing. That would be no departure from the past. And as such, regardless of my beliefs, I will stay silent. No response is needed.
November 28, 2005 @ 8:25 pm | Comment
By Kevin
Wow, maybe someday your kid will be just as dumb as you are. Go for it!
November 28, 2005 @ 8:47 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Holy shit! HongXing, is your REAL identity one of the writers for Monty Python?
The most ingenius satirists in the world couldn’t make that shit up, the kind of idiotic shit you have just written here.
As for your son cursing at a Japanese girl – when I was a child my father would have punished me severely if I had abused ANY girl.
Quite a parent you are, HongXing, raising another monstrous bully.
November 28, 2005 @ 11:44 pm | Comment
By Kevin
And what’s more… a SCARED monstrous bully.
The only thing worse than being a racist bully is being such a scared individual that you push your own kid to pick on other kids.
November 28, 2005 @ 11:58 pm | Comment
By Ivan
In HongXing’s case, the PRC should have enforced a “No-Child” policy.
Disgusting. You approve of upsetting little girls. People like you deserve to have their teeth smashed on a curb.
November 29, 2005 @ 12:04 am | Comment
By sun bin
would this be as worse as Lorelei?
November 29, 2005 @ 12:43 am | Comment
By sun bin
which begins with these 3 lines
“1) 1945 Summer, the world was full of pillage and discord;
2) it was the waning days of WWII;
3) people had lost all hope in life”
and then it plunges into the heoric japanese submarine crew who shot down the B-29 taking off from Tianan planning to nuke Japan.
who eventually won the war was left open. but the US Navy soldier talked about the japanese sub with admiration when he retired years later.
links and pictures there.
November 29, 2005 @ 12:48 am | Comment
By Kevin
The sad thing is that the gov would probably love to have more blind idiots like this guy running around, so that rather than a “no-child policy,” they’d probably actually be a little less strict with how many kids he has.
November 29, 2005 @ 1:43 am | Comment
By Ivan
Actually when I said “no child policy” I was thinking more about enforcing on HongXing’s parents before he was born. Too bad there are no pre-natal tests which can identify evil scumbags in the first trimester.
Now I just can’t get it out of my head, the image of a little pig-tailed 5-year-old Japanese girl breaking into tears, and HongXing approving of it. What comes next? Taking Japanese babies’ toys away and making them cry?
THAT is what I call truly evil. Sorry, some of you know I’m bad tempered sometimes, but it’s generally when I see bullying or abuse of power, the strong pushing around the weak. And nothing, nothing is lower than enjoying of making infants suffer.
HongXing, do you torture Japanese dogs too? Do you poison Japanese goldfish? Guess what: A five year old Japanese girl is equally as innocent as a fish, and a billion times more sacred to anyone who respects Human life. (Let alone those of us who believe Man was made in the image of God.)
Go ahead, HongXing, argue your way out of this one. Go ahead and say what you really think – go ahead and say you believe Japanese are not Human. Then stick your head in a Chinese toilet and flush. No wait, don’t bother to flush…..
November 29, 2005 @ 2:26 am | Comment
By Ivan
Ah, what the heck. This Christmas I’m going to build a BIG creche (nativity scene) on my balcony in China, and I’m going to dress Mary and Joseph and all the shepherds up in Japanese costumes, all adoring Japanese Jesus.
And the Three Wise Men are going to have the faces of Deng XiaoPing, Liu ShaoQi, and Peng DeHuai.
But no chickens in the manger, of course.
November 29, 2005 @ 2:36 am | Comment
By Kevin
Oh, don’t worry Ivan. I’m sure that what Hongxing said is not true, because do you really think that any girl is gonna talk to him, much less, procreate with him?
November 29, 2005 @ 2:40 am | Comment
By Kevin
If he does have a kid, he probably stole it from somebody.
Little does he know that the kid’s half-japanese.
November 29, 2005 @ 2:40 am | Comment
“some media reports have accused the film of glossing over Japan’s wartime aggression and focusing instead on Japanese suffering because the story concentrates on the bravery and comradeship of the men who fought.”
Watch Das Boot, it is a landmark German film that shows what life was like for German submariners during WWII.
It is brutal, it is honest, and it portrays German submariners as brave men fighting in a terrible war.
Like Germany, Japan has the right to feel pride for its soldiers.
The cause may have been false, but the men were true.
November 29, 2005 @ 4:47 am | Comment
Hong Xi
In Japan, Japanese nationlists tell their children that Chinese are backwards and stupid, and that Chinese mothers teach their children to hate Japan out of snide envy.
Congratulations, you’ve just proven them right. I can cut and past your comment onto a nationalist buliten board if you like, you will act as a marvelous pin up for China and will help recruit many more Japanese nationalists with an attiude like that.
On the other hand, I’m so glad that you LOST FACE. It must have been utterly HUMILIATING for a teacher to contradict you and to make you appologies like that in front of your own son.
I bet you wet your pants in SHAME for being forced to appologies to a Japanese. I hope that that teacher HUMILIATED in front of your kid.
If my childrens’ teacher DRAGGED me into school and made me appologise to another parent for my child being a RASCIST, I’d DIE of SHAME and HUMILIATION.
I bet that your face was as red as your flag.
Maybe you should have sent your child to a Chinese school.
November 29, 2005 @ 5:03 am | Comment
By Ivan
I do not always agree with all of your comments here, but in this case, I agree with you 100 percent, as you say:
“The cause may have been false, but the men were true.”
As an American of generations of military heritage, I know exactly what that means. First of all, it is what my Father said, about his German enemies in the Second World War. My father was in combat in Europe in 1944-45, and he was almost killed there, and he saw many of his comrades dying in flames, BUT….
…BUT, he never said a bad word about the German youths who fought on the other side. The only Germans whom my Dad ever hated, were the Nazi bastard civilians who made the war happen.
But as far as the youths in the Luftwaffe were concerned – the 18, 20, 25 year old guys in the German Air Force who were shooting at my Dad (with great skill, he admired) – many of whom he shot down in flames – he never had a bad word to say about them. Until his dying days, he always respected them, as good men who were caught up in the stupidities of the REAL criminals, the civilians who made the war happen.
Also, in the 1970s and 80s, my Dad worked closely with a German immigrant – who became a US citizen – who was a veteran of the Germany Army, who had fought at Bastogne (Battle of the Bulge, in which my Dad provided air support in winter 1944-45.) BUT, that fine old German (a PhD by the way) had never been in the Nazi Party. (American law does NOT allow any former Nazis to become US citizens, but we DO allow German Army veterans to become US citizens. We know the difference between a German and a Nazi.)
And on EVERY VE-Day, May 9, my Dad and his German Army Vet colleague, would always get together for a few beers (well, a LOT of beers) to celebrate the end of the war.
The result of the war was good for Germany and Japan. And most Germans and Japanese agree with this now. However: An honourable warrior in a bad war, is still an honourable warrior. And so, the veterans of Germany and Japan of WW II, deserve to be honoured as warriors IF they never personally committed any war crimes….
…and the same thing goes for the American veterans of today’s war in Iraq. They are fighting in an immoral, illegal war – but they deserve all honour, as long as they obey the laws of war.
Also, more about ACB’s line “the cause may have been false, but the men were true”: ALL Americans OUGHT to understand this, because of our own American Civil War. The cause of the Robert E Lee was false, but most of the Confederate soldiers were true, honorable warriors.
So, ALL Americans OUGHT to understand, how an honorable warrior can fight for a bad cause and yet remain honorable. Just like Robert E Lee, and like many – not all, but many – of the warriors of Japan in the Second World War.
November 29, 2005 @ 5:09 am | Comment
If any of my brothers had cursed at a girl, my mom would have beaten them black and blue.
She would have done it regardless of their race. She would even have done it if the girl was Mao’s own daughter.
November 29, 2005 @ 5:16 am | Comment
By denk
“the only countries that complain about the shrine are china and koreas”
isnt obvious,? these two countries suffered the most, especially china, 20m dead.
which reminds me of this true episode,
a japanese navy man was hobnobbing with his korea counterpart, he tried to impress on his host the socalled rising china threat, “do u know the chinese intend to get their hands on a carrier, ? we have better keep an eye on this”
the korean was as blunt as they come, “look pal, i have no problem with a chinese carrier, but a jap carrier make me sit up in the middle of the night in cold sweat”, serve him right, i mean the jap.
November 29, 2005 @ 9:23 am | Comment
By HongXing
As I read all of your comments, I cannot help but feel amused. Suddenly all of you are outraged that a small girl was cursed at! You yell “Oh! You are evil! Oh that’s a humanitarian crime!”
Where are you when the Japanese Minister of Defense goes on camera and says “We need to re-examine events during the so-called Nanjing Massacre”. Where are you when Koizumi goes to the Shrine and bows in front of the picture of Tojo? Where are you when numerous Japanese court repeated strike down petitions for investigating the “Comfort Women” issue? Do you have any idea how hurtful that is to the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese people and people of all Asia???
Yes that girl who my son cursed at is probably a nice girl and very innocent. But this is too irrelevent for me to care! I feel psychologically good about any thing bad happening to Japan or Japanese.
Now you may say “You are irrational!” Well, you know what, sometimes we need some “irrational” people. It is those “irrational” people who started the American revolution, it is the irrational people who toppled dictatorial governments. On the other hand, it is those “rational” people that signed the Munich treaty to Germany, those “rational” people that says “Well, you know, Hitler is not such a bad man.” China needs hot-blood , not rationality!
Finally, there’s a famous joke on China’s forum about Japan:
One day, I went to see God, and I asked God, “you consider Japanese humans?”
God, blushing and flustered, said “Well, um, well, yea, I guess so.”
I said “You are not speaking your mind.”
God sighed and said “Ok! Ok! Fine! It was a mistake! But if you had trampled across that island 2000 years ago, there won’t be all this trouble today!”
I remained silent, ashamed….
November 29, 2005 @ 10:55 am | Comment
By Other Lisa
I think HongXing is a parody. I don’t believe he’s who he says he is, and that whole story about his “daughter” reeks of utter b.s.
But that’s just my two cents.
November 29, 2005 @ 11:22 am | Comment
By nausicaa
I notice most posters choose to rain abuse on the remarks of one obvious, but harmless nut (HongXing), rather than address the remarks of another obvious, but much more influential nut (Japan’s foreign minister).
As for whether good soldiers serving a bad cause deserved to be honored by their own country – ideally, yes. But it rather depends on how “bad” the cause is, doesn’t it? And it’s oftentimes difficult to separate hating the hand holding the gun, and hating the gun.
November 29, 2005 @ 11:41 am | Comment
By Other Lisa
Well, Nausicaa, we’ve been posting a plenty about this topic, which I would hope indicates some concern to you.
HongXing’s comment above was SO wacky that I really thought it was a joke of some sort.
November 29, 2005 @ 2:46 pm | Comment
By Jeffery
In this post i won’t post my opinions about Japan. but i don’t like Japan too.
But i would like share with you something which related to your son’s educating.
what i am going to say to you is very simple. that’s :
November 29, 2005 @ 6:07 pm | Comment
By sun bin
ACB said “Like Germany, Japan has the right to feel pride for its soldiers.”
the point is not above the pride of the japanese soldiers. some of them probably are very respectful people.
the point is above glorifying mistakes in the past, and worse still, encouraging some to repeat the mistake. as long as this is clear, i have no problem about singing hymns to the kamikaze pilots — who were manipulated by the war criminals.
November 29, 2005 @ 6:37 pm | Comment
By sun bin
about, not ‘above’ — typo
November 29, 2005 @ 6:38 pm | Comment
By sun bin
On a related note, I would like to recommend this movie:
Devils on the Door Step (aka Guizi Lai Le), which won the Grand Jury Prize of Cannes in 2000.
It is the best anti-war movie I have ever seen. It was first banned by CCP for having portrayed Japanese soldiers as too humane.
Comparing movies in the past few years with those 2 decades ago in China, vs that in Japan, you will see how much things have changed and diverged.
November 29, 2005 @ 6:49 pm | Comment
By Kevin
“Where are you when… Do you have any idea how hurtful that is to the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese people and people of all Asia???”
Hongxing, were were you when 148 of your compatriots died in a mine blast?
You said you couldn’t even be bothered to read the news.
Are you really this self-contradictory and… just plain dumb? Or are you playing a joke on us?
November 29, 2005 @ 7:09 pm | Comment
By denk
The article points to a worring tend in japan, perfectly good folks are being led by the right wing fanatics towards a collision course with china and Koreas, just like japan in 1930s.
I pointed this out in a letter to the bbc, they dropped my letter, instead they accepted another one that accused the Chinese of being led by ccp to ultra nationism, “just like japan in the 1930s” !! lol
Folks here, especially Kevin and ivan ,don’t seem to see the grave implication of the article or perhaps they don’t care, instead they jump on hongxin, who is probably a troll, like sharks in a feeding frenzy ,spewing venom and insults, sheeesh
I know it long ago, u cant reason with bigots,
Once a bigot, always a bigot.
Hello, Sun bin
I will be out of the loop for a while, see u later
November 29, 2005 @ 10:10 pm | Comment
By Thomas
My guess is a joke. As I said above in response to his first comment, ignore him. He is not worth responding to.
November 29, 2005 @ 10:15 pm | Comment
By Kevin
The reason I am not showing concern at the “grave implications” of the article is that I don’t think there are “grave implications.”
I don’t see Japan being a threat to anyone.
I see rabid, nasty nationalism every day here in China, combined with instability and a closed society, and that’s what worries me.
November 29, 2005 @ 10:37 pm | Comment
By Other Lisa
Denk, I saw “Guize Laile.” I liked it quite a bit (though thought it was a bit too long and that made it lose some of its effectiveness. but that’s just me the film critic). The film in no way diminishes the atrocities of Japan in China, but as Denk says, it does show the essential humanity of everyone…
I was also impressed that though banned in China, I saw it on display in Beijing’s DVD stores. Then I realized that most “banned” titles in China are pretty easy to buy.
November 29, 2005 @ 11:51 pm | Comment
By soudenjapan
Sea of change? Must be the case. But I don’t think the most important point we should focus on when you lood at this trend is not nationalism in Japan. It is merely the secondary importance in my view.
The sense of compassion and sympathy toward those poor Chinese and Koreans, and group of people as a whole, who suffered long time ago has been diminishing rather rapidly in Japan nowadays. The reason for that is obviously the substantial social progress achieved in both Korea and China as we all know.
For example, during the last decade, we have seen: Sumsung, Hyundai, and LG marketing their products worldwide, Korean descendants in Japan advancing themselves in many fields in Japanese society, Chinese astronuts successfully returning to the earth from the space, Skyscrapers in Shanghai, the volume of exports soaring, etc.
Consequently, many Japanese feel that the Koreans and Chinese are not weak and disadvataged people any longer who need special consideration and treatment. Interacting each other on an equal footing is more proper than interacting on a basis of extra sensitivity. Accordingly, we often hear nowadays bolder comments coming from some influential politicians or being expressed in some publications and blogs, reflecting the underlying sentiment in the Japanese society at large.
That is why we don’t hear nationalistic comments against the West or other Asian countries and people. In my view, natinalism is irrelevant at this point.
November 30, 2005 @ 2:12 am | Comment
By denk
Kevin said,
The reason I am not showing concern at the “grave implications” of the article is that I don’t think there are “grave implications.”
I don’t see Japan being a threat to anyone.
I see rabid, nasty nationalism every day here in China, combined with instability and a closed society, and that’s what worries me
My oh my, Chinese rabid nationalism, ?
In the context of the sino japan spat,
The Chinese are pissed that
Japan is making the occupation of diaoyu isle a fact acompli, when even a Japanese historian concludes should belong to china, , inspite of china’s conciliating offer to shelf the issue until an amiable resolution be worked out.
Japan claims that the us japan defence pact “authoris” it to patrol the Taiwan straits and Taiwan, which it robbed from china in 1899, is now under its protection.
(If u cant see (sic) the absurdity of this hubris, consider what would the Japanese react if china claim that under a certain sino russio pact, china is “empowered” to patrol in the sea lane between Okinawa and japan mainland, and if the okinawans decide to break away, they can count on china’s “protection”’)
japan is volunteering with relish to be us pit bull in east asia ,
japan ignore china and Koreas plea and insist on visiting the shrine which honours 14 class a war criminals, rewrite its history books to white wash such atrocities as unit 7312 comfort women , nanking massacre etc.,
if u can tell me all these Chinese reaction to koizumi’s calculated provocations shows the Chinese rabid, nasty nationism, I say, Kevin man, u are a godamned liar.
anybody who isn’t daft or bigoted can see clearly that koizumi is going out of his way to provoke not only china but korea and Russia, in simulianeously escalating its teriritores with these countries..
I don’t think you are daft, are u just as bigoted as curzon, your godamned prejudiced just wont allow u to accept the truth?
November 30, 2005 @ 3:55 am | Comment
By soudenjapan
About the territorial dispute over Diaoyu/Senkaku islands and East China Sea, the U.S. -Japan military alliance, the Taiwan issue, none of these issues between China and Japan are new. What about them now?
New negative developments are coming from China: China actually producing natural gas in East China Sea, Russia-China joint military exercise, missiles targeting Taiwan, military exercises near Taiwan Strait, skyrocketing military expenditure in Chinese natinal budget.
The biggest problem with China is that although you and other participants in discussion forums here and there express their ideas and opinions, those don’t really matter in the end, because you live under dictatorship without the right to vote and the ability to control the government in any means. The small group of people at the top of the Chinese government always controls you in the end, not the other way around, and those people stay at the top for very long time without being checked by the public through regular elections.
November 30, 2005 @ 6:11 pm | Comment
By Kevin
Denk, I wouldn’t describe myself as a prejudiced person… but then again no one would.
And I would describe myself as a “goddamned” prejudiced person, because that would just show that I lost my cool and threw a little tissy fit.
I don’t see Japan threatening any of its neighbors. I don’t see the Japanese people being blatantly rude or confrontational with anyone. I watch Japanese TV on a regular basis, and have never seen anything that disturbed me anywhere near as much as what I see on Chinese news and TV programs on a regular basis. I have spent time in Japan, and while my understanding of Japanese language is not as strong as my understanding of Chinese, I can get the drift of things, and I’m just not worried.
I see rabid Chinese nationalism in relation to Taiwan, Japan, its ethnic border areas, and of course “laowai” on a daily basis, and have been seeing this stuff for the past few years. I’ve been victim to a number of incidents that displayed outright bigotry. I watched while idiotic students manipulated by the Party media machine attacked innocent Japanese stores and individuals in Shanghai last April.
While nationalism may be becoming increasingly “mainstream” in Japan, it has long been, and probably always will be, the mainstream in Party-controlled China, egged on by the media to divert attention away from those whom the people should really be getting angry at.
As an open society, you will hear a much wider array of voices in Japan than you’ll have the chance to hear here.
So long as China continues to ban books and films depicting Japanese as at least slightly human (another example: Yu Jie’s Aimei de guodu), cultivating an irrational disgust towards the Japanese and other nationalities, all the while encouraging the invasion of Taiwan, and dragging their heels on Hong Kong, I will remained worried about the state of affairs here.
November 30, 2005 @ 6:36 pm | Comment
By Ming
Denk I agree with 100%
Regarding your letter to the BBC well I’m not surprised its a biased news reporting organisation. It will trash the Chinese at every chance it has.
Did you know the Jap foreign minister Aso’s family business used Korean slave labours? Also over 100 major Japanese corporations used Korean slave labours. I wondered how many Chinese slaves did they used and killed in the labs to develop bio/chem weapons.
November 30, 2005 @ 9:15 pm | Comment
By Kevin
Ming and Denk, thanks for really elevating the tone of the conversation, i.e. “jap,” “BBC is a biased news organization,”, “you are a goddamned liar.” Your reactions have really reaffirmed my previous beliefs.
December 1, 2005 @ 1:30 am | Comment
By denk
I saw “Guize Laile.” I liked it quite a bit (though thought it was a
bit too long and that made it lose some of its effectiveness. but that’s
just me the film critic). The film in no way diminishes the atrocities of
Japan in China, but as Denk says, it does show the essential humanity of
I do differentiate between decent japanese and a right wing nut jap, did u read my letter to bbc.?
Trouble with Kevin etc is that their loathing of china is so intense they don’t give a damn about the facts, anytime china quarrels with japan or others, to them it must be china’s fault, if this is not bigotry then I don’t know what is.
About the territorial dispute over Diaoyu/Senkaku islands and East China
Sea, the U.S. -Japan military alliance, the Taiwan issue, none of these
issues between China and Japan are new. What about them now?
we have this Taiwan and diaoyu “problem” now thanks to Japanese imperislism,
the decent thing for u to do now is to let china and Taiwan sort out their problem, but u have signed on as us deputy and promise to support us intervention in any flare up in the Taiwan straits. Recently japan showed intention to formalized the occupation of diaoyu as Japanese territory.
People say china has been harping on history, ? at this very moment Japanese warships are “guarding” the diaoyu isle, what is so historical about that?
U are meddling in the Taiwan straits and refusing to negotiate a settlement about diaoyu as suggested by china, is this your way of showing remorse to china?
U ask me whats the big fuss now, that’s rich,
U should have asked your government why its saying sorry but at the same time doing its best to upset china and korea. ?
New negative developments are coming from China: China actually producing
natural gas in East China Sea, Russia-China joint military exercise,
missiles targeting Taiwan, military exercises near Taiwan Strait,
skyrocketing military expenditure in Chinese natinal budget
in 1962, the us was prepared to fight ww3 when it blocked soviet ships carrying missiles to cuba. Quite right too.
But today the us come 2000 miles away from home to play war games with India, japan, philipines targeting china, us spy plane take off from japan to harass china and killed a Chinese pilot in 2001, I heard us is going to station a nuclear carrier in japan soon.
U have taken on the role of us pit bull to confront china, is this your way of showing remorse ?
U have the cheek to lambast china for holding exercise with Russia in its own backyard?
Wow, china’s “skyrocketing” military budget, tsk tsk, u sound just like your rummy pal,
lemme tell u something pal,
“watching the us go missiles crazy and being surround from all side by us bases now, china’s leaders would be derelict of their duty not to boost up their defence.”
The biggest problem with China is that although you and other participants
in discussion forums here and there express their ideas and opinions,
those don’t really matter in the end, because you live under dictatorship
without the right to vote and the ability to control the government in any
means. The small group of people at the top of the Chinese government
always controls you in the end, not the other way around, and those people
stay at the top for very long time without being checked by the public
through regular elections.
how do u know I am a Chinese citizen, I have seen it all, anyone who dare to speak up for china must be a ccp stooge.
What has china’s dismal political system got to do with this discussion, aren’t u trying to interfere in china’s affair again,
does your wonderful democracy includes the hapless okinawans too,
I heard many okinawans hate your guts,
what say u if china tell u to lay off the okinawans, coz under some sino russio pact (sic) it has assume the protector of Okinawa,
Like what u have told china about Taiwan,how do u like that?
Like I said in my bbc letter, this is not a fair comparison , Taiwan is a property robbed from china by japan, while Okinawa is another imperial booty hold by japan today.
Did u read my previous posts in the first place?
I am getting sick of people like u and Kevin who keep whining about the same old bs about Chinese nationalism without answering my questions.
May be this is a tactic to wear me down hey 😉
you live under dictatorship
without the right to vote and the ability to control the government in any
means. The small group of people at the top of the Chinese government
always controls you in the end, not the other way around
about 80% of Japanese opposed sending troops to iraq, yet koizuma rode rightshod over
his people and sent the troops anyway, in deference to his master in Washington,
are u controlling your government or the other way round mister?
its not only bbc,
for your info, my letters to iht, feer, awsj, didn’t see the light either,
whats more I have been banned by the atimes and for years now,
have u noticed the atimes has turned into a hotbed for china baiters these days
go figure….
They have everthing “under control” now
I don’t see Japan threatening any of its neighbors.
the Koreans are weary about japan too, did u read my aircraft carrier story?
U mean they are also wipping up nationalism for their own end?
Mind u, china so far never says that japan threatens it, even though the fact speaks for itself, it’s the Japan which say it feel threatened by china’s “skyrocketing” buildup,
Don’t u find it a bit rich?
I don’t see Japan threatening any of its neighbors. I don’t see the
Japanese people being blatantly rude or confrontational with anyone. I
watch Japanese TV on a regular basis, and have never seen anything that
disturbed me anywhere near as much as what I see on Chinese news and TV
programs on a regular basis. I have spent time in Japan, and while my
understanding of Japanese language is not as strong as my understanding of
Chinese, I can get the drift of things, and I’m just not worried.
I see rabid Chinese nationalism in relation to Taiwan, Japan
yeah yeah, the Japanese are refined people, the Chinese are uncouthed brutes, even if I concede this point, what the hell has it got to do with this thread,
I have been telling u in this current row, japan is the provocater, the Chinese are just reacting to this provocations
U ignore this fact and keep whining about Chinese rabid nationlism.
If u are not a godamned liar, would u settle for just a liar?
, are u a yank by the way, many I have seen have this hubris that the Chinese are subhuman without any rights, if someone kick their butts they had better roll over and play dead or else that prove they are anti yanks, anti Japanese etc etc.
“How long can one country be subjected to murderous attacks
from the United States before it begins to complain? But if China
does complain, the United States decries this as ‘nationalism.”
Sounds familiar eh?
Your loathing towards the Chinese have robbed u of any objectivity.
Let me show u what my idea of a fair man look likes,
U will see that brian cloughley doesn’t have a very high regard for china either, yet he is object enough to see thru rummy’s bullshit, this is what I would call a fair man,
btw I wrote to brian and told him his assessment on rumsfeld bs was spot on, his view of china’s brutal treatment of minorities seems to me another hearsay from the wonderful us free press, well he didn’t reply me..
if u keep evading the issue – whos is provoking who — and carrying on venting your angst about the Chinese,
then I would still call u a liar, and I wouldn’t call u a fair man either.
I see rabid Chinese nationalism in relation to Taiwan, Japan, its ethnic
border areas, and of course
since u insist on calling the Chinese justified reaction to Japanese provocation as rabid nationalsm,
I will insist calling u a liar, there is no two way about. U ask for it.
What about Taiwan now, u agree japan and us has the god damned right to interfere in the Taiwan affair?
What about this “ethnic border” thingy, are u bring in the Tibet issue too?
Can u elaborate?
December 1, 2005 @ 9:31 pm | Comment
By Kevin
Maybe you got banned from BBC, Asia Times, and other media outlets for simply not making any sense?
December 1, 2005 @ 11:05 pm | Comment
By Kevin
Denk, did you forget to take your medicine today?
“What about this “ethnic border” thingy, are u bring in the Tibet issue too?” Sure, why not?
“What about Taiwan now, u agree japan and us has the god damned right to interfere in the Taiwan affair?”
First of all, I believe that Taiwan is an ind. country, and that Japan and any other country should defend its dem-elected gov. from threats from China.
Second, if you believe they shouldn’t interfere… then I guess you shouldn’t interfere in Japanese affairs, should you? Or is China now the sole maker (and breaker) of all internal affairs related rule?
“Chinese justified reaction to Japanese provocation” What we saw in April was not in any sense a justified reaction, as I pointed out above. Is attacking compatriots driving Japanese cars justified?
“are u a yank by the way…if someone kick their butts they had better roll over and play dead or else that prove they are anti yanks, anti Japanese etc etc.?”
Um, huh? Sorry, not quite following you here. But your racism and hatred is really shining thru.
” the Japanese are refined people, the Chinese are uncouthed brutes.” Never said that. What I was saying is that China’s closed media is a breeding ground for xenophobia. So I guess you are the liar now, hmmm?
Thanks for pointing out my “loathing of China.” Here I was thinking that my view of China that is a lot less insular and xenophobic, and a lot more dem-cr-tic would be a good thing. I thought that perhaps facing one’s own problems and treating all deaths equally might seem reasonable? Little did I know that by thinking such things, I was “loathing China” and the Chinese people. Be sure not to tell my girlfriend. Seems she has not yet noticed.
December 1, 2005 @ 11:28 pm | Comment
By soudenjapan
>and killed a Chinese pilot in 2001
The guy nicknamed as China’s top gun? I remember this incident. He killed himself, denk. A reconnaissance aircraft does not shoot down a fighter.
December 4, 2005 @ 4:47 pm | Comment
By Aladdin
Hongxing,you are right, Japan and Japanese should be removed form the earth,I support you. China will destroy Japan in the future day.I am sure.
December 4, 2005 @ 10:27 pm | Comment
By Terry
In the near future, Jap will try to occupy the whole world. So, you are right, your daughter is correct as well.
Jap is insects and subhuman, barbarian.
October 10, 2006 @ 1:43 am | Comment