A fine post by Michael Turton on how China’s dreams of annexation become ever shakier as Taiwan’s democracy grows stronger. Short, succinct, spot-on.
December 28, 2005
The Discussion: 15 Comments
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By China_hand
I just read that Michael Turton’s article.
In one single post, he contradicted himself by impying how Beijing’s attitude toward HK SAR would be applied on Taiwan province but then acknowledges the existence of democracy and ‘One Country, Two System’ policy.
This thread is designed to induce dispute instead of promoting integration.
And when ordinary Chinese visit Taiwan and see how much different things are here than there…
Obviously, Mr. Turton did not visit both the mainland and the island.
December 29, 2005 @ 12:25 am | Comment
By China_hand
“If the island is annexed by Beijing, how can China exist half-free and half-slave?”
Taiwan people are Chinese. When Taiwan island is reunified, it is a happy family gathering, none of any f**** honkey business.
December 29, 2005 @ 12:33 am | Comment
By kevin
China hand, don’t get so angry just because people don’t wanna reunify! it makes you look like an angry kid.
December 29, 2005 @ 12:47 am | Comment
By Other Lisa
I love this “Honkey” appellation! It sounds so festive.
“China Hand” (and what’s up with that handle, dude? Are you not Chinese? Cause that’s usually used to refer to a foreigner who’s spent a lot of time in China. Sometimes it’s ironic or sarcastic, because a lot of people who think of themselves as “China Hands” are pretty much ignorant, pompous blowhards. Hey, you can look it up!) – anyway, here’s the thing. People in Taiwan are governing themselves, making their own decisions, and if they were forced to “reunify” with the PRC right now, it would be one of those “happy family gatherings” where the blowhard patriarch got shit-faced drunk and started abusing the the kids; someone would call the cops, and the whole thing would just turn ugly…
December 29, 2005 @ 12:56 am | Comment
By Ivan
(singing): “Play that funky music, White Boy! Lay down and boogie and play that funky music til you die!”
Oh, will somebody please call me a Honkey too?
December 29, 2005 @ 1:13 am | Comment
By One whole jujuflop situation
Taiwanese democracy and Chinese unification
Michael Turton says:
This raises a very interesting issue: if the island is annexed by Beijing, how can China exist half-free and half-slave? China will either be required to crush the island’s democracy — which might have grave internati…
December 29, 2005 @ 1:20 am | Comment
By Other Lisa
Ivan. I dub thee, “Sir Honkey.”
December 29, 2005 @ 1:30 am | Comment
By Michael Turton
“Honkey” — Of course! I am always on key. I don’t understand how that poster knew, though. He has never heard me sing. [frowns]
Thanks for the pointer, Richard!
December 29, 2005 @ 2:08 am | Comment
By Michael Turton
Obviously, Mr. Turton did not visit both the mainland and the island.
Have too! Worst vacation I ever had, from the plane that was scheduled to fly to Chungking from Kweilin that flew instead to Chengdu, to the pickpocket whom the crowd protected after my wife busted him trying to open my waist bag. No fun at all. I hear things are better nowadays, that was almost 15 years ago.
December 29, 2005 @ 2:17 am | Comment
By Caliboy
Wow. Great story Michael. I would though, highly recommend you take another venture into the mainland sometime soon. Shanghai is an obvious choice, but not entirely representative of the whole country.
I would say you might try visiting Chengdu or Chongqing again. You might be presently surprised.
December 29, 2005 @ 10:42 am | Comment
By Raj
A really great article. If there was unification, mainland Chinese would probably not be able to visit Taiwan easily or for long periods of time – like with HK. Otherwise they might start to get ideas and transport them back to the mainland…….
December 29, 2005 @ 3:51 pm | Comment
By dougie acturus
You are so very wrong. Overseas Chinese view China as a country, not as a so-called “family member”. The difference between Taiwan and China is so drastic that it can be perpetually be akin to comparing Taiwan to Europe. Please do not assume that just because we are chinese we would want reunification in any sense. Please come to Taiwan and have a decent conversation with any university student. You can see how vast the gulf is.
December 29, 2005 @ 6:16 pm | Comment
By Darin
China is definitely one country, I agree with the one China policy. China is one false “country”, and Taiwan is one real country. Makes perfect sense to me.
It’s like saying America is England because it shares culture (sorta) and language (sorta — all though more so then Taiwan/China). America used to be English, and Taiwan used to be China. But that was then and this is now.
When I compare Taiwan/China to America/England with my Chinese friends they always say, “America is free because it fought a war to win freedom, Taiwan hasn’t.” Just goes to show how much more civilized Taiwan is then America, Taiwan doesn’t need to fight a war for it’s independence, it’s already got it.
December 29, 2005 @ 9:37 pm | Comment
By jeffery
Taiwan, in fact, is already an independent country, although it could not get an official member seat in U.N.
but, china govt and common chinese people, including those pro-CCP and pro-democrats, would never allow taiwan’s FORMAL indepence. i believe that china govt will pay any price to stopping Taiwan’s declaration of independence. If Taiwan people misunderstand or belittle their determination, it’s only a matter of time to go to war.
December 29, 2005 @ 11:31 pm | Comment
By Michael
“Taiwan people are Chinese. When Taiwan island is reunified, it is a happy family gathering, none of any f**** honkey business.”
Talking about mistake and contraction. Taiwanese are NOT Chinese in political sense. Just cuz that we are ethnic Chinese does not mean Taiwan wants to be a part of China. Not all Taiwanese, or for that matter oversea Chinese, are eager to be part of the big happy family called China. Let’s not bring up this blood thicker than water stuff; the idea at work here is called self-determination.
“Obviously, Mr. Turton did not visit both the mainland and the island.”
The guy lives and works in Taiwan, married and raised kids in Taiwan. I consider him pretty Taiwanese. So let’s work with logic and reason here. OK?
December 30, 2005 @ 2:39 am | Comment