Update: While I’m at it, here’s what Classical Values has to say:
Why is it that Microsoft isn’t too busy to censor Chinese bloggers, but still can’t find the time to fix Windows’ worst security horror yet, affecting all Windows operating systems? (The flaw allows computers to be infected by merely viewing a web site, and the only patch available had to be written by a Russian programmer.)
Is the company too busy compromising human rights abroad to take care of its own compromised operating systems?
The whole thing stinks, and even though I’ve been loyal to Microsoft for many years, I’m glad to see that Google may soon be offering an alternative operating system.
(Might be time to get back to basics, Bill.)
“Why is it that Microsoft isn’t too busy to censor Chinese bloggers, but still can’t find the time to fix Windows’ worst security horror yet, affecting all Windows operating systems?”
Simple reason, we’re all tied into Microsoft already (we’ve brought windows, and will do it again and again as we’re in too deep to get out), but China is an expandng market that isn’t in too deep yet, where Microsoft can make even more money.
January 4, 2006 @ 9:32 am | Comment
By Other Lisa
Switch to a Mac! That’s what I did.
January 4, 2006 @ 11:47 am | Comment
I’m a Linux fan myself. It’s just as good as Mac OS, and it will run on your existing PC. You just boot from a CD and tell it to delete windows.
Besides, Linux is free.
January 6, 2006 @ 8:04 am | Comment