If I put up a threaded forum, would you use it? Others have tried it, sometimes without success. If we build it, will you come? (What a question.)
Point is moot, because my site designer already opened the forum; it’ll either sink or swim. New thread to be opened momentarily.
By dishuiguanyin
Um, I’m probably being a bit dense here, but could you be a bit more specific about exactly how things would change? Would there still be open threads on the main page? Would we have to go to a different site to sign into a separate forum? (I could see that cutting down on some of the traffic.)
Having threads does sound tempting – if all the China-Japan arguments could be siphoned off into one place it would be quite a relief not to have to go through the same issue day in and day out. But then, it would also be easier to avoid issues we didn’t like completely, and I don’t think that’s a perfect situation.
February 20, 2006 @ 10:57 am | Comment
By thetruth
This blog is full of self-righteous zealots who think anybody disagreeing with them is automatically \”brainwashed\”.
They have no tolerance for different points of view, but instead deride the entire Chinese population as brainwashed and irrational children.
February 20, 2006 @ 10:59 am | Comment
By Tian Li
I can’t think of a worse blog to read about the murderous dictatorship of China than an American Left wing -> Liberal -> “Progressive” -> Socialist -> Communist hack blog like Peking Duck.
[Feel free to use my comment as your home page introduction.]
February 20, 2006 @ 11:02 am | Comment
By richard
Dish, I’d have to experiment. I get a lot of email request, and requests in the open thread, for a forum that will keep the open discussions focused on specific topics to avoid drift and to keep hot topics going after the open thread is closed. I’d probably start with both. If the open thread then becomes unnecessary I’d do away with it.
Tiuan Li, what are you doing here? 🙂
Thetruth, everyone, is Hong Xing, as his IP address shows. What can we expect from ther man who prides himself on articles he wrote smearing Sun Zhigang and implying that he deserved his horrific death?
February 20, 2006 @ 4:10 pm | Comment
By Keir
Another reason why people who aren’t sincere enough to use their real email addresses shouldn’t be allowed to air their vacuous ideas.
February 20, 2006 @ 7:09 pm | Comment