An innovative idea for marketing a newspaper. See the latest headlines – and more! Wy didn’t anyone think of this a long time ago?
March 30, 2006
The Discussion: 2 Comments
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By shulan
The story has a funny side, if you know a little more about the chief editor, Kai Diekmann, of this tabloid “Bild”. After some stories in the paper which speculated about the size of the penises of some celibrities, a Berlin satirist did the same and asked the question if the cause of the articles was just envy from Mr. Diekmanns side, in a satiricle way. Diekmann who’s paper is well known for invetigatiing even the most private things of people sued the guy, and lost. A good laugh for all Bild-haters.
March 31, 2006 @ 1:03 am | Comment
By Angry Chinese Blogger
“more or less forcing men to contemplate their masculinity while taking a leak”
Try and find a man who doesn’t think about his ‘masculinity’ at least once every three second, that would a be more of a challange.
April 3, 2006 @ 4:47 am | Comment