The citizens of Tibet must be soooo grateful for this. “Just what we need!”
Late Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong is set to cast a huge shadow over Tibet once again with a giant stone statue of the Great Helmsman on its way to the Himalayan region, a newspaper said on Wednesday.
China’s biggest statue of Mao rising 7.1 metres from a 5.16-metre pedestal is due to arrive by truck in Gongga county under police escort in just over a week, the Beijing News said.
Changsha, capital of the southern province of Hunan, Mao’s birthplace, donated the statue to Gongga as part of aid for Tibet, the newspaper said. The statue will be a landmark in the county’s Changsha Square.
God knows, there aren’t enough statues of Mao in the motherland. The Tibetans must be feeling all warm and fuzzy, knowing that China is taking such good care of them.
By Angry Chinese Blogger
Maybe I sould erect a statue of Tojo in every province of China he conquered.
I’m sure that it’d go down swimmingly with all of the people whose families he murdered and enslaved.
March 30, 2006 @ 6:05 am | Comment