Time to gang up on Nicholas Kristof.
June 30, 2006
The Discussion: 9 Comments
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Time to gang up on Nicholas Kristof.
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A peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Taipei and finally back to Beijing for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him…
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By pandahugger
More like Blazing Saddles – a lot of flatulence from a bunch of cowboys who hate chinks.
June 30, 2006 @ 5:26 am | Comment
By The Iron Buddha
Here’s where your dead wrong punk! The thread is actually a lot of flatulence from a bunch of cowboys who hate communists and brainless Chinese nationalists.
You’re either one of those brain dead communist shills who doesn’t understand that critisizm of the ugly gangsters who run China and the sick culture they helped create is different from constructive critisizm of one of the greatest nations humans have ever built (and I mean China, dumbass).
Either that or your an impotent Chinese nationalist who automatically assumes that anybody critisizing of China or Chinese culture is a racist (your use of the term “chinks”). For your information it is possible to critisize a country and love it and hope it does better at the same time. I’m an American, I do it with my country all the time. I do it with China as well.
And I resent you implying me and people who agree with me are racist. Basically fuck you. The Buddha will give your panda a little hug and sqeeze he’ll never forget!
June 30, 2006 @ 6:30 am | Comment
By richard
“Hate chinks”? How dare you? Most of us live in China or thereabouts. None of us call them chinks. Sick.
June 30, 2006 @ 6:38 am | Comment
By Ivan
I’m not a cowboy, but I fart in your general direction.
June 30, 2006 @ 7:01 am | Comment
By laowai_m
“All right, we’ll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we don’t want the Irish!” – Olson (Blazing Saddles)
June 30, 2006 @ 7:24 am | Comment
By the Admiral
I won’t dignify that idiot with a remark….
Oh, I did ….
June 30, 2006 @ 10:56 pm | Comment
By Fat Cat
You Panda idiot, I’m the one who made one of the longest comment in that thread. So excuse me, please read my comments again careful and let me know which sentence, phrase or clause you have a problem with. I also want to remind you that I have more Chinese blood in my body than you have cells in your brain. So how dare you say that I “hate chink”. How dare you call Chinese people “chink”!!??
July 1, 2006 @ 4:34 am | Comment
By Fubai
It was OK for Mel Brooks to use the word chink to mock rednecks 30 years ago, but times have moved on. We should not use the word on TPD. Words like dabizi, guilao and yang guizi are equally inappropriate. TPD, can you use the spam filter to block posts using racially derogatory terms?
July 1, 2006 @ 5:54 am | Comment
By richard
No, because someone could use such words in a non-derogatory manner (“I hate it when people used to call me a ‘chink'”).
July 1, 2006 @ 8:48 am | Comment