One of the great voices of the China blogosphere, Joseph Bosco of The Longbow Papers has been quiet in recent months, but now he’s back to blogging with a vengeance (as his latest and greatest post illustrates). Welcome back, Joseph – you’ve been away way too long. If you aren’t familiar with Joseph’s blog, go there now. If you are familiar but had assumed he had stopped blogging, go there now.
The blog Joseph set up for his students to express themselves in English, We Observe the World, is kicking as well. I’ve frequently been amazed at the openness and intensity of the posts there, which often delve into controversial topics you’d think the students would want to avoid. When you look at what was going in in China’s universities a mere 30 years ago and see how the students are thinking today, you realize the transformation is nothing short of miraculous.
Joseph, please keep up the great worlk.
By Joseph Bosco
Dear Richard,
Thank you is never adequate in matters such as this. As rich as our language is, one would think there would be better words for the task. Or perhaps I am not up to the task.
But my so very dear friend, thank you, and thank you again, for your friendship, love and support. I hope to continue to produce at the level you so kindly, so generously, ascribe to our efforts.
With a lotta love,
June 25, 2006 @ 11:34 am | Comment
By mike
that’s funny: “one of the great voices of the chinese blogsphere’
very funny. the, ahem, “professor” must be so proud. did he ever tell you about the time he was at the OJ trial…..?
August 14, 2006 @ 9:53 pm | Comment