Shocking. Hidden away in the Saturday edition of the WSJ.
July 15, 2006
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Shocking. Hidden away in the Saturday edition of the WSJ.
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By Bukko in Australia
How do people come up with ideas like that; figuring out ways to profit whilst the rest of the country is reeling from shock? What kinds of minds work like that? Further evidence of why I think the U.S. is becoming fascist. In a just country, death profiteers would be punished, but these people are probably sitting fat and happy.
Thanks for another good link. You sift through the avalanche of info to unearth the good nuggets. A wonder that the WSJ devoted the effort to uncovering this at all, but I guesss it’s the editorial page that’s far-right, not the news side. Any way of bringing us non_WSJ subscribers the whole story?
July 15, 2006 @ 5:28 pm | Comment
By richard
Sorry, I don’t subscribe — way too expensive, but miost of the article is on the blog I linked to. Yes, the story is a real eye-opener. Pure, unashamed, unabashed greed.
July 15, 2006 @ 8:02 pm | Comment