Because terrorists are allegedly passing along information via blogs. Or at least that’s what some bloggers there are claiming/ If true, the ban is totally stupid, as one wry observer comments:
An Indian political blog is reporting that the ban was initiated by the Indian intelligence service to stop terrorism: Link. According to their source, the terrorists are using blogs to communicate. Not only is this useless (because the terrorists can simply use proxies), it’s akin to shutting off the country’s telephone service because terrorists talk to each other through phones.
All I can say to that commenter is, Shut up before you start giving Bush ideas.
By other lisa
Holy fricken’ moly. Some democracy.
July 18, 2006 @ 11:44 am | Comment
By Tom - Daai Tou Laam
All I can say to that commenter is, Shut up before you start giving Bush ideas.
Baked by Richard TPD at 04:18 AM
Hey… you’re friendly neighborhood NSA Agent heard that…
July 20, 2006 @ 2:48 am | Comment
By t_co
LoL. Why is there no CNN expose on this? Oh wait, CNN only focuses on censorship in China and Russia and Central Asia and other nations opposed to the American petrocracy, not gentle, dalit-cidal India…
July 21, 2006 @ 10:07 pm | Comment
By richard
t_co, be careful – you are only proving people’s conviction that you are an immature idiot.
July 21, 2006 @ 10:22 pm | Comment