What’s the story? When you click the link, it now says, you can visit “by invitation only.”
The plot thickens.
Update: His sitemeter’s still working. His daily hits have gone from 500 on average to 17,000 today alone. Maybe I should rethink the theme of my own blog….
By Ivan
That sitemeter graph would be far more realistically symbolic if someone could draw a hand wrapped around the final spike.
August 29, 2006 @ 2:53 am | Comment
By shulan
This guy, Zhang Jiehua, is crazy. Just browsed his blog and found an entry from June were he describes his awakening: He saw an old foreigner with a beautiful young Chinese lady. Since this time he is on a crusade to hinder foreigners to engage with Chinese women. He also started a research were he tries to find out how Chinese man are perceived by foreign women. The aim of this research is to help Chinese men more often get laid by foreign women.
Read the whole thing here:
and his research preparation:
August 29, 2006 @ 4:04 am | Comment
By shulan
This guy, Zhang Jiehua, is crazy. Just browsed his blog and found an entry from June were he describes his awakening: He saw an old foreigner with a beautiful young Chinese lady. Since this time he is on a crusade to hinder foreigners to engage with Chinese women. He also started a research were he tries to find out how Chinese man are perceived by foreign women. The aim of this research is to help Chinese men more often get laid by foreign women.
In his own words:
Read the whole thing here:
and hid research preparation:
August 29, 2006 @ 4:05 am | Comment
By shulan
OK, this didn’t work. Anyway. Go see his blog for yourself.
Oh, a typo, he is call Jiehai, not jiehua.
August 29, 2006 @ 4:10 am | Comment
By Ivan
I wonder what Zhang Jiehai would say about a white man who said he avoids all Chinese women like the plague?
August 29, 2006 @ 4:24 am | Comment
By Sonagi
This Zhang is even wackier than the nut he is hunting.
August 29, 2006 @ 5:07 am | Comment
By Meursault
The real nuts are the sociopaths who comment on Prof. Zhang’s site. Here’s one typical entry:
[note: I had to take out this Chinese text, it was screwing up the thread’s margins. Richard]
“I think Chinese people should unite together, and strive to complete the dreams of Alexander, Caeser, and Genghis Khan, and the ambitions of Hitler and Mussolini, by incorporating all the world into China’s borders. Haha, let all foreign races become the slaves of us Chinese people.”
Sick, sick, sick.
August 29, 2006 @ 6:56 am | Comment
By Matt
Most of the hits are coming from Metafilter, which linked to the story…
August 29, 2006 @ 7:09 am | Comment
Perhaps if Professor Zhang didn’t dedicate so much of his time to foreigner witch hunts, he might be able to get a girl himself.
What a sad little man.
August 29, 2006 @ 9:49 am | Comment
By Sonagi
Tonight after work, I’m going to amuse myself by reading Zhang’s wacky plan to turn white women into sex toys for Chinese men. If I write a translation, is anyone willing to check it?
August 29, 2006 @ 10:24 am | Comment
By Sonagi
Let me amend my request to read:
Is any non-trolling native speaker of Chinese willing to correct my translation?
August 29, 2006 @ 10:25 am | Comment
By OtherLisa
Jeez…why is it always women who end up as pawns in this kind of b.s.? First you have mr. foreign wanker and his fantasies (probably what they are) of dominating submissive Asian girls and then you have Prof. pathetic, who I guess is just bitter because he missed out on all those wild western women…and turns it into a nationalist wank-fest about “foreigners stealing our wimmin!” with all the little fengqing chiming in about how they’ll show those western ho’s what real men are…
Ugh. Sick of it. Bring back the matriarchy, please.
August 29, 2006 @ 3:40 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Um, Lisa, cultures with preponderantly matriarchal roots have a definite tendency toward ritual Human Sacrifice.
(No I won’t give a long dissertation about that with examples. There’s too much politically-charged bad history floating around for me to be able to defend the above comment from reams of PC bullshit and confusion.)
August 29, 2006 @ 5:21 pm | Comment
By Sonagi
In the pond, I’ve posted an English translation of the first part of Dr. Zhang’s research proposal. Feel free to correct any errors.
August 29, 2006 @ 5:35 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Ivan, that was partly tongue-in-cheek. But only partly.
I want to say “most” but will settle for “a large percentage” of today’s problems are because of the unequal power relationships between men and women and the twisted ways that dynamic plays out. Both men and women end up being victims.
August 29, 2006 @ 5:39 pm | Comment
By FuckBriton
Evils should be damned.
The evil foreigner teacher should be punished.
The tough’s dick should be cut…
I do hate british, because They are pirates and robber. In the 19th century, they smuggled lots of opium and drug to China, India and many other countries to make them rich. Even now they are helping yankees killing iraqis for oil, SO the British are really evil.
GOD Will Damn british to hell one day….
August 29, 2006 @ 7:39 pm | Comment
By kevin
Dear “Fuck Briton,”
The first name that your parents gave you is quite an unusual one, and your last name seems to suggest that you have a bit of British in you.
August 29, 2006 @ 8:05 pm | Comment
By blah
I live in the United States, and I can attest to the phenomenon.
There are indeed white men who still have that inner barbarian in them: invade the other tribe, dominate/denigrate/make war on/beat up the foreign men, and take the women as prizes.
It especially applies these days to white men and their fantasies concerning east asians. If you examine their movies and TV concerning asians, it is easy to see. Why else are there so many asian female newscasters on western television, and almost no east asian men?
It is indeed quite infuriating. I think the professor has just made a cognitive leap to understand the mind of the average loutish, penile centered white man, and his epiphany made him hot headed. (That is not to say all white men are like that, but your average self-centered, war-monger-bot, Rush Limbaugh worshipping dolt certainly has those traits.)
August 29, 2006 @ 9:31 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Oy vey.
Like I said, it’s always ’bout men fighting over “their” women…and I don’t think the Western blogger or his Chinese critics come off particularly well here.
August 29, 2006 @ 9:53 pm | Comment
By blah
OtherLisa, well yes… it has degenerated into that.
On one side it is offense, and with the other side it is percieved as defense.
Of course, however, on average in Asia, white men are positively perceived, admired and regarded as teachers, and role models.
In the West, asian men are often looked down upon and the women are regarded with relish. The “asian fetish” regards the women as submissive objects who are convenient counterparts for domineering men, and the men are regarded as pathetic and easy sexual competitors for these men to bash in order feel a masculine superiority.
And historically, asians may feel a bit touchy when a white man confirms their worst imperialistic stereotypes because there is a REAL history that schoolkids in the west usually never learn in depth: forced opium trading, colonization, genocidal wars, racism, hypocritical moral arrogance, etc…
August 29, 2006 @ 10:12 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Good points all, Blah. But still, we’re basically talking about two different groups of men butting heads here. The women’s roles and desires don’t even come into consideration. We’re just objects to be competed over. Especially when you consider the Professor’s “program” for scoring with Western women – which I have to admit, gave me quite a giggle. Not only has this degenerated into rams butting heads, it’s become almost parody.
August 29, 2006 @ 10:17 pm | Comment
By Jing
Women have desires? Why was I not informed of this!?
All joking aside, women are objects to be competed over and objectified. It’s just nature’s way, women having incidentally having drawn the short end of the biological stick
August 30, 2006 @ 12:00 pm | Comment
By blah
Long ago in a far off land,
The tan rams, for whatever reasons, adopted confucianism which, along with its social heirarchies and arranging of marriages, decreased the amount of social head-butting for females and alpha status.
The white rams long practiced in social head-butting and competing for women, got devote alot of time to discretionary sex, and so with their great cleverness got their women to be open and public and go along with their first rate pornos, strip clubs, girls gone wild, and serial poly-monogamy.
So when the white rams travel to the land of Tan, they see these tan rams which have not developed their ramming skills, and derision ensues, and the female rams are ripe for the picking. The tan rams, being head butted, try to head-butte back, but it is feeble & unpracticed.
Of course, the female rams are amused, because males are stuck head-butting each other.
August 30, 2006 @ 12:45 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Jing, shouldn’t there be a little emoticon with a wink after that statement? Because I can’t believe you’re serious.
blah, until women have economic parity with men, we will in many cases “go along” with situations not of our choosing.
In the meantime, knock yourselves out, guys.
August 30, 2006 @ 12:48 pm | Comment
By nausicaa
[i]Aaaarrrgghhhhh[/i]. Women aren’t naturally fated to be just sexual objects, nor are they white/tan ewes to your white/tan rams (Othello reference there?)
I’ll bet good money neither one of you gets laid on a regular basis.
August 30, 2006 @ 1:16 pm | Comment
By blah
Well, for the Tan rams, it is defense. There is a big moral difference between defense and offense.
But perhaps that distinction is lost in this age of morally justified pre-emptive offense.
As for “getting laid,” I’m happily married… that is all I should say…
There is a big difference between a bragadoccio rogue with a racist sex blog and people trying to defend and respond against it.
Or perhaps trying to get across the distinction is a lost cause as well…
August 30, 2006 @ 3:28 pm | Comment
By otherlisa
blah, I am in no way defending the Shanghai Cad, who sounds like an extremely unpleasant fellow and the type of man I despise. I am pointing out that while men on both sides engage in a dick-wagging contest, the women’s wants and needs aren’t being considered at all. By either side. So you want my sympathy for the “defensive” Chinese men? While I’ll give them a little more than I would Shanghai Cad, and I can understand to some extent where this anger comes from, my sympanty only goes so far, which is to say, not very.
August 30, 2006 @ 5:43 pm | Comment
By blah
While the Chinese men deserve some sympathy it is difficult for them to get it, because they aren’t as well practiced in dick-wagging and head-butting, and persuading “girls to go wild.”
Yes, what women want is important as is mutually returned considerateness between both sexes, but cynically speaking, it seems that if women’s wants and needs were clear then whole volumes of books and guessing games would not be involved.
Anyway, the only woman’s wants and needs that I can reasonably understand well is that of my wife.
BTW, the racist sex blogger and those of his ilk insult and denigrate asian men in their racist quest for asian women, and in their neurotic, insecure need to be “Alpha male” dominant over the non-white male, therefore there should be some verbal/written response — so it is not just about what women want in this respect; it is about defending honor and psychological boundaries.
August 30, 2006 @ 10:39 pm | Comment
By kevin
I’m sorry blah, but the only people who seem truly neurotic and insecure are the ones trying to seek out the “laowai” and hiding behind terms like “racist” and “rape.”
I’d just like to tell everyone: if you can’t get laid in Shanghai, that’s your own problem. Don’t blame foreigners.
August 30, 2006 @ 10:51 pm | Comment
By kevin
I also love how people use the term “racist” to describe the Shanghai blog and then say things like “Chinese girls shouldn’t date foreign men” and “fuck/ kill/ cut off the dicks of foreigners.”
I know Michael Jackson was still popular here a few years back,…I recommend you listen to the song “Man in the Mirror,” if you know what I’m saying…
August 30, 2006 @ 11:01 pm | Comment
By blah
Wow, that’s a nicely spun response, but devoid of rebuttal.
“Chinamen” shouldn’t get upset at the racist sexblogger cad, cuz he’s hero & brethren to many. Yah. That’s it.
August 30, 2006 @ 11:06 pm | Comment
By blah
Well, comments espousing violence are indeed stupid and repellent — I don’t defend that.
It does fit in with the explaination that chinese men are not as well practiced in the art of propaganda in regards to the repellent male head-butting routine, and male self-aggrandizement.
And not all white men are bad, nor are all foreigners to be scapegoated. I do not however, excuse those arseh-les akin to the racist sexblogger.
White men who are indeed derisive and disrespectful towards asians and especially asian-men while pursuing exploitative or racially fetishistic/objectifying relationships with asian women are indeed a major irritant and a cause of righteous anger.
No need to throw “asexual/sexually desperate” stereotypes of asian men at those who are upset in response to individuals like the racist sexblogger.
August 30, 2006 @ 11:18 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Again, blah, though I agree with much of what you’re saying, putting it back on not being able to understand “what women want” is awfully lame. Women do not have economic parity with men. We as a class don’t have as much power as men. I would ask you to take the frame through which you are considering white/Asian male power dynamics and view women through it. You can look at cultures all around the world, and basically, oppressed men take it out on their women.
I don’t claim to be “oppressed” compared to the vast majority of women and men in this world. Materially I am in much better shape. I make more money, I have more freedom. Yet compared to American men in a situation similar to mine, I’ve had to overcome more and I haven’t necessarily done as well.
It’s all relative, of course. But women are not the dominant culture; we constantly view ourselves through a male lens, and though we may have come a long way, but until smart people like you can get what you’re leaving out of your own mental equations, well, we aren’t there yet.
August 31, 2006 @ 12:00 am | Comment
By blah
Equal rights are easy to understand, is commendable, supportable, and that is obvious.
As for “what women want” in regard to dating… there are as many answers as there are women, and those answers are subject to constant change.
So it is beyond the initial scope of the disrespect, insult, and racist attitude of individuals like the sexblogger, and beyond my concern, since what my wife wants is enough.
August 31, 2006 @ 12:09 am | Comment
By OtherLisa
Boy, we are not communicating here.
I kind of throw up my hands at this point. But I will reiterate, one final time, that with all this talk about “rascist” sexbloggers and “defensive” Asian men fighting over access to women, the women’s needs, wants and motivations don’t seem to be important to the discussion at all. Why aren’t you asking the question, honestly, about what motivates these women, instead of ducking it by saying that understanding what your wife wants is enough? If you feel capable of assigning motives and rationales to the male actors here, why not the women?
I’m really asking, honestly, because there’s something insulting about this whole discussion – not what you’re saying, blah, but between the Shanghai sexblogger and Professor Zhang, I’m not finding a helluva lot of honest concern about women’s needs. It’s all about women as objects to be fought over and “won” or “lost.” The exploitation on both sides is distasteful, IMO.
August 31, 2006 @ 1:03 am | Comment
By richard
This is exactly why I disliked the Shanghai sex blogger’s site – the girls were nothing, they were two-dimensional, little more than toys for his bemusement. I didn’t find his blog racist, blah, but I did find it heartless and twisted when it comes to women.
August 31, 2006 @ 1:24 am | Comment
By richard
What timing. Lisa, I just stumbled onto this post – I think you will like it.
August 31, 2006 @ 1:59 am | Comment
By Ivan
Generic Far-Eastern martial arts teacher: “Conan, what is best in life?”
Conan the Barbarian: “Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women!”
Generic martial-arts teacher: “Yes! That is good!”
August 31, 2006 @ 5:07 am | Comment
By Jing
In my case, you’d be right and my money would be yours. But you know, you could change all that baby 😀
My mother has always wanted me to hook up with a Chinese girl, but most of the Chinese girls I knew growing up were total bitches. Maybe you can help change me and my mysoginistic ways. (is that mothering instinct kicking in yet?)
August 31, 2006 @ 12:28 pm | Comment
By edmundk
Sorry for those of you who cannot handle the ugly truth.
Ask ten Asians, blacks about how they feel about a playboy centerfold, you will most likely get ten yes.
Ask ten white men who they feel about the same, six will say yes, two will say they prefer men instead, one will say he prefers a young boy and the last one will say he prefer a beautiful Asian women like Yoko Ono.
There is a big market for everything just as long as you dig white men.
What does a kidnapper do in Asia when they kidnap a young boy, the kidnapper is aftering money.
What does a kidnapper do in the US when they do the same, they are after having sex with the young boy.
When an Asian goes to a brothel in Thailand, he will be asked which girl he prefers.
When a white men goes to a brothel in Thailand he will be asked what gender he perfers. Next he will be asked if he prefers a straight boy or a transvesite.
Has anyone been to Thailand? Next to a boy prostitute there is alway a white male – 99.9%.
Don’t let anyone tell you that a white men is predictable in his sexual orientation or his judegement.
This English teacher in Sex in Shanghai said all western women are fat and ugly and the Chinese ladies are sexy.
He went on to say that Chinese women have small breasts but that was just the way he likes it.
Go figure!
September 8, 2006 @ 1:02 am | Comment
By edmundk
Sorry for those of you who cannot handle the ugly truth.
Ask ten Asians, blacks about how they feel about a playboy centerfold, you will most likely get ten yes.
Ask ten white men who they feel about the same, six will say yes, two will say they prefer men instead, one will say he prefers a young boy and the last one will say he prefer a beautiful Asian women like Yoko Ono.
There is a big market for everything just as long as you dig white men.
What does a kidnapper do in Asia when they kidnap a young boy, the kidnapper is aftering money.
What does a kidnapper do in the US when they do the same, they are after having sex with the young boy.
When an Asian goes to a brothel in Thailand, he will be asked which girl he prefers.
When a white men goes to a brothel in Thailand he will be asked what gender he perfers. Next he will be asked if he prefers a straight boy or a transvesite.
Has anyone been to Thailand? Next to a boy prostitute there is alway a white male – 99.9%.
Don’t let anyone tell you that a white men is predictable in his sexual orientation or his judegement.
This English teacher in Sex in Shanghai said all western women are fat and ugly and the Chinese ladies are sexy.
He went on to say that Chinese women have small breasts but that was just the way he likes it.
Go figure!
September 8, 2006 @ 1:05 am | Comment