I see stories like this and I feel sick. Some US television stations may drop the incredibly moving film 9/11, made by two French film makers who were following a rookie fiefighter around NYC on that fateful day, because some of the firemen use four-letter words. I’ll never forget watching that video as the too-low-flying plane roars overhead and the videographer tilts up his camera and catches it seconds before it crashes into the North Tower, bringing death into this world and all our woes. At that instant one of the firefighters screams, “Holy shit!” I think he said it several times. It was so raw and painful, these confused men watching as life as we know it disintegrates in front of their eyes., and they realize they may die on this day Damn straight, Holy Shit. And yet the fucking squeamish Bush fundamentalist FCC is meting out fines to television stations in response to complaints with viewers, fearful of having their genteel sensibilities offended by a naughty word. So some stations are refusing to air 9/11. I loved America, before we became so fucking obsessed with the petty, the stupid, the irrelevant. That we could deprive the people of great art (and the movie is a work of art) for this, for Holy Shit… It makes me sick for America, and it makes me long more than ever for change. How is it that we allowed the Bush regime to put a plastic bag over our head, resulting in the brain death of a great nation? Fuck it. I have no reason to go home anytime soon, certainly not to a country that is so caught up in moral nicities that it censors and bans beautiful things. Fuck it. Fuck it.
September 4, 2006
The Discussion: 43 Comments
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By Ivan
Well, here’s what one great American says about THAT! (just a nine second clip):
September 4, 2006 @ 4:21 am | Comment
By richard
Damn, do you have a youtube clip for everything??
September 4, 2006 @ 4:27 am | Comment
By Ivan
Richard, no but (seriously) I have a million clips stored in my own memory from over the years and it’s easy to look them up.
Like this (also relevant) classic from South Park – Cartman singing about Kyle’s overly puritanical, busybody mom:
As I’ve said before, in my other life I’ve been (inter alia) a cartoonist, thus half of my neocortex is cluttered with cartoons and animation. Which should explain a few things…. 😉
September 4, 2006 @ 4:51 am | Comment
By Hunxue'er
I feel your pain.
To go back to a place that put that useless cowfuck (even though he’s as much a cowboy as Heath Ledger) like “Dubya” (in reality he’s a pretty boy blue blood Ivy League draft dodger) back in office for another four years of torture makes me glad at least that when I go home, it’s to a staunchly non republican island AWAY from the idiocy of the mainland!!!!
Actually that sad sack excuse for a “president” gives the true Republican Party a bad name…the party that put Abraham Lincoln in office…
September 4, 2006 @ 5:22 am | Comment
By davesgonechina
Related topic at Salon:
September 4, 2006 @ 7:48 am | Comment
By Dennis
If you truly love America, comeback here and fight for the America that you love. Don’t go hiding in Taiwan and keep whining.
September 4, 2006 @ 11:32 am | Comment
Here’s a related link, Richard.
September 4, 2006 @ 12:02 pm | Comment
By J. from the Granite Studio
I’m actually watching that documentary at this moment in France.
It is uncensored but dubbed into French. Somehow “Oh Merde!” doesn’t quite capture the moment as effectively, for me anyway, as the firefighter’s original exclamation.
September 4, 2006 @ 2:09 pm | Comment
By OtherLisa
Dennis, after six years of Bush, a lot of us feel like exiles in our own country. Bush’s America is NOT my America!
I’m fortunate enough to live in California. We’ve got our problems, many of them, but at least I’m living in a state that’s going ahead and doing something about global warming, in spite of the Bush Administration’s refusal to do so. I use that as an example, because that’s the America I want to live in – a country that exhibits true, progressive leadership.
But I’ll tell you, if we don’t change the path we’re on, and soon, I don’t know how much longer I want to stay here myself. It’s too demoralizing and too painful.
September 4, 2006 @ 3:07 pm | Comment
By Alabama Man
why I’m not keen to go to America.
I’m happy right here in Australia. And why the hell do we have to sign a Patriot Act clause on out intelectual property in Universities in Australia?
September 4, 2006 @ 6:12 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Dennis, that puerile, imaginatively impoverished line: “come back here and fight for the America that you love” is so abstract and superficial as to be absolutely meaningless.
Get real (and imagine me shouting this, although I’ll spare everyone the caps): What the f— does that line mean, in the real world?
Nothing. It’s the shallow so-called-liberal’s equivalent of the equally shallow Republican admonitions like “get a job” or “pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”
I mean, what the hell are you REALLY talking about when you say, “come back and fight.” Exactly what would Richard’s (or anyone’s) physical presence in America contribute to any “fight?” Taking up a pitchfork and assaulting the nearest McMansion development? Oh, or something more law-abiding like, like what, going door to door as a political canvasser? (Which by the way I used to do.) WHERE? How many real towns are left where such activities are even possible? And how many Americans even bother to open the doors to their McMansions to strangers?
Organise in person? Where? In those cancerous suburban developments where nobody knows anyone else, and where there is absolutely no public realm where anyone meets in person?
Dennis, you’re talking out your ass when you say “come back and fight.” Physical presence has come to mean almost nothing in today’s America, because all of your idiotic f—ing automobiles and your shopping malls and your suburban “developments” have destroyed whatever civil society America used to have.
September 4, 2006 @ 7:40 pm | Comment
By Fat Cat
Who is Alabama Man?
Which Australian University are you in? Explain to me how the Patriot Act is affecting your university? I’m interested to know.
Or is it the case that YOU can’t get admission to an Australian University as an international student? Are you sure that it’s got nothing to do with your poor spelling? Did you pass your IELTS exam anyway?
September 4, 2006 @ 7:42 pm | Comment
By Fat Cat
Ivan, about the South Park clip. Can feel your pain too.
September 4, 2006 @ 7:50 pm | Comment
By richard
Dennis’ comment was pretty ridiculous. Maybe he wants me to go out and shoot a Republican. That’ll do a lot of good.
September 4, 2006 @ 7:58 pm | Comment
By Hunxue'er
Not a bad idea…”Shoot a Gung Ho Pro-War Republican Day”…or better yet, give em a flack jacket and send em for a month in Fallujah to relieve the troops for a bit!
At least most of them will already have been driving around in Hummers…
September 4, 2006 @ 8:34 pm | Comment
By richard
I wouldn’t even say that in jest. Michelle Malkin-Belsen might see it and point to it as proof-positive that “unhinged liberals” are advocating the murder of Republicans. And I am serious – she does that sort of shit all the time.
September 4, 2006 @ 8:37 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Solzhenitsyn had more of an impact on Russia’s internal affairs during his years of exile (during which his book “Gulag Archipelago” was published OUTSIDE of Russia) than he ever had while he lived in Russia.
September 4, 2006 @ 8:49 pm | Comment
By Alabama Man
Fat Cat – calm the fuck down – what is your problem with me anyway? I am Alabama Man and Laurie from the other post. And I am an Honours student of RMIT University studying International Relations, specifically in regards to multilateral intervention (Responsibility to Protect). And yes, i am australian, english-irish. I have also studied Chinese, Russian, and French. and yes, i passed the HSK (advanced) with high marks, am fluent in french – but hell – i might still fail the IELTS because i dont double check my spelling on internet blogs.
As part of the new free trade agreement signed by our chimpanze of a prime minister, and your ape of a president, we now get plenty of new and exciting products from your country. There are still high tariffs on Australian wheat and agricultural products, to protect your markets – seems a bit unfair and one sided since agriculture is a dominant share of our markets.
Anyway, another aspect of this free-trade agreement was a security agreement, which possibly is the main reason for the free trade agreement – as australia gets more and more insecure about its borders and its locality. Fear of the ‘yellow peril’ has never gone away.
anyway, in australian universities (i have no idea about american), all research and papers submitted by students up to a masters (i think) standard are technically the property of the university. seems ok, as long as privacy laws remain intact. wrong! new anti-terror laws have required universities to report to the police the activities of ‘suspicious people’ – in other words, pakistanis’, lebanese, generally people of middle-eastern appearance.
The information can be requested by ASIO, the federal police, or even… the USA! So… say for instance, a subject which we have in the international studies faculty, such as ‘imperialism and society’, or ‘terrorism, religion and society’, requires a critical essay. These agencies can requisition this information – and they have – and use it as justification that this individual needs to be monitered. Completely out of context. Working part of the student union, students have approached me and collegues on the verge of breakdown, having recieved threat calls from the australian police, and in one case, interrogation (though probobly more).
I suppose the problem i have with the USAs involvement in this is that they can circumvent the normal channels, and directly interfere with our internal affairs.
Though it wouldn’t be the first time the US has been guilty of this. Hello General Pinochet!
September 4, 2006 @ 11:02 pm | Comment
By Ivan
Alabama Man, I don’t know if Fat Cat has any “problem” with you, but now I do.
1. You have posted under (at least) two different names now. That’s a red flag which says: “troll.”
Warning: Next time you’re caught using more than one name here, you’ll be banned immediately. That’s a strict rule.
2. You sure as hell don’t write like any “honours student” of any Anglophone country. I have serious doubts that you’re “English-Irish”, although I’m not quite 100 percent certain yet.
But if you ARE an Anglo-Irish native of Australia, then you must have bribed someone to get into any “honours” program in any university.
Your writing style is just not like a native’s. And that goes beyond your sloppy disregard of spelling and style etc. What your writing style IS like, is like the typically incoherent, rambling and overly emotional style of a Chinese person who is trying too hard to appear Australian. But there’s a slight possibility that I could be wrong about that, and that you’re just a shitty writer with a confused, angry and incoherent mind.
3. As you’re new here, let me warn you to refrain from hurling the word “fuck” at Fat Cat, who is one of our most valued commenters. It’s not that foul language is banned here (I of all people am proof of that), but using it is a privilege which has to be earned, and done in carefully selected ways at the right time, and you sure as hell haven’t yet demonstrated that you deserve that privilege.
4. You’ve been warned. You’ll be banned if you continue to play games with your usernames, or with other manipulative deceptions, or if you start flaming real people like Fat Cat before you’ve demonstrated that you’re any kind of real personality yourself.
September 4, 2006 @ 11:35 pm | Comment
By kevin
I’d really recommend that everyone cool down a little bit. “Alabama Man”‘s writing doesn’t strike me as the least bit Chinese, and I’ve seen far too much Chinese English in my days.
It’s important to use a single name, but other than that, I think we could all chill out a little bit here and stop jumping on people’s backs (well, it’s not my blog, but just an opinion).
September 5, 2006 @ 12:09 am | Comment
By richard
Kevin, I am with you 100 percent. I have spent the past two days trying to cool people down on all sides. I know people like Bingfeng might drive us crazy, and Alabama Man might be a little out of line (and I don’t even know if he is, I’m too busy today to keep up) but they’re part of the community as well, and I’d love it if we could make this a kinder, gentler place.
September 5, 2006 @ 12:32 am | Comment
By OtherLisa
I second (third?) the chilling out motion. I think that Alabama Man and Fat Cat somehow got into a mutual misunderstanding, from what I read.
But yes. Please do stick to one handle.
September 5, 2006 @ 12:55 am | Comment
By Fat Cat
Alabama Man or whatever you want to call yourself, I do have a problem with you because I know that you are also posting under the name Laurie on another thread. That smells a troll to me.
As for your reply:
– That chimpanze of a prime minister is not just yours. I regretably have to admit that he’s my prime minister as well. And no, I’m not an American. I have never worked or lived there.
– The way that you blame the US for the Australian Liberal Government’s policy is immature and offensive. I don’t like John Howard and his policy another more than you do. But I made my opinion known at an appropriate forum. The Peking Duck is a forum mainly for discussing China and US issues. I, and a few others, are here only for the China part of it. So again, if you don’t like your government, you can follow my example and voice your opinion through an appropriate channel. Ultimately, you don’t have to vote for the Liberal Party if you don’t like them.
– I found the CNN clip that you linked childish and offensive. What are you trying to prove? Have you tried to put those questions, say to passer-by at Flinders Street Station. Do you think that you’ll be able to get more intelligent answers than what’s been shown on the clip? I consider many of the American commenters here at TPD as my friends. And I can tell you for a fact that many of them are intelligent, educated and qualified people in their own field. As an Honours student yourself, you have a long way to go to match them.
– I am very familiar with the university system in Australia. And no, I’m not revealing on the net my identity or where I’m working. But several commenters here know me well and they can testify to it. In any case, I don’t have to prove myself to you and I have no intention to do that.
– Last but not least: you are either misinformed, misguided or lying about intellectual property regulations at major universities in Australia. In the Universities that I’m working and where I graduated, it is clearly stated in the HDR guidelines that all intellectual property created by a student in the course of his/her research belongs to that individual unless it arises from a university project or unless the project is funded in part or in whole by a third funding body. As for the informing of “suspicious people” or “suspicious activities” part, well, what can I say, it’s totally BS. Can you quote me a case at RMIT when such thing is done? I have a track record of supervising students from Arabic background, no one have requested me to submit any information with regard to my student’s activities. The likelihood is that projects of controversial nature have already been weeded out at candidacy proposal or ethics clearance stages. It’s called “RISK MANAGEMENT”. All Australian Universities have been practising this for more than half a century. It’s got nothing to do with whatever anti-terrorism legislations. GOT IT. If RMIT is doing anything different, then my advice is: get the hell out of there.
The fact that you are posting offensive and misleading information actually makes me think that you are a troll who’s here with one purpose in mind: to derail our discussions and to intimidate commenters. So I’ll be watching you.
September 5, 2006 @ 2:14 am | Comment
By Ivan
Ditto what Fat Cat said. And as far was what I said about “Alabama Man”, mind you, I DID say that I was not YET quite certain that he’s Chinese. And the question of whether he is “Chinese” is really not the most important one.
Something still stinks about him, regardless of his nationality. So I did state some reservations about whether he might be Chinese.
But I have far less reservation about sending out an alert about him showing major symptoms of being a troll and/or an agent of disinformation.
September 5, 2006 @ 2:37 am | Comment
By richard
It is a fact, Alabama Man and Laurie are either a married couple using the same computer in New Zealand, or they’re one person using poor judgement. As some readers know, we’ve had some, um, problems with people posting with multiple handles and it’s something I don’t permit. So I want to politely request that you clear things up and explain why you’ve been doing it, and we can hopefully forget about it and you’ll stick to one name. No matter what, my request to everyone to keep cool still stands. Thanks.
September 5, 2006 @ 2:56 am | Comment
By chris
alot of hostile people out lately. i think its something the government is putting in the water. i need to go find my tinfoil hat before i start losing my mind too.
i think as more and more people start to realize how little control we have over our own lives, this will become commonplace, and snowball until we are literally ripping out each others throats for no reason, while the neo-con overlords laugh all the way to the bank with our money, and our freedoms.
September 5, 2006 @ 4:29 am | Comment
By Ivan
chris, go back and think some more, and shove your nihilism down your own throat until you get this:
Some things – actually, many things – really are worth fighting about. It’s just a pity that so many Americans like you have lost the ability to see with any moral clarity, and that your sense of morality has been reduced to such a vapid and ultimately doomed, dead whimper like, “how little control we have over our own lives.”
Well, pardon me if I don’t join you in that death wish.
September 5, 2006 @ 4:57 am | Comment
By Laurie
Hey there – well, seems like a lot of you are angry at my bad spelling, tagnames ect.
OK – I’ll stick by Laurie this time
Or ‘Laurie and Alabama man in a cozy house in New Zealand’. Whatever floats your boat.
First of all – Fat Cat, if you’ll recall – you asked me to elaborate on what I knew of the issue of police monitering. So do not complain that I am responding.
I will admit – I was put on the spot, and i was not keen to spend too much time researching the issue, so i responded with what I knew, and made a lot of assumptions. Which I am happy to admit may well be wrong. I don’t work in academia, just the Union. And I am happy to keep it that way. All I can be certain of is that I have had a lot of harrassed petrified students coming to me and collegues of mine, and I believe that the issue has gone beyond ‘Risk Management’ to blatant descrimination. The Patriot Act ties in there somewhere – the mechinations of which, I am not entirely savvy.
So… I’m a troll? and I stink? I really don’t get that. Though i do like to hide under bridges and eat passing goats. And I have taken a liking the the Quacking Canards of the Peking Duck, and am part of a fiendish plot to derail conversation and intimidate commenters.
If my linguistic prowess does not show on this internet blog, perhaps you should remember that I am posting ad-hoc, and am not exactly taking hours to write.
As for the CNNNN clip? it was a joke! c’mon – ‘kyle’s mum is a bitch’ gets a standing ovation, yet the Chaser team get condemned to the dustbin? Is it cold up on there on your neo-con pedistal?
In closing, I want to say that I really do enjoy this forum, and have found the comments of Ivan, Richard and Other Lisa to be very informative and interesting. I think that everyone needs to chill – and possibly get back to the topic which i alledgedly derailed.
I’ll be huddling under my tin-foil hat…
September 5, 2006 @ 8:38 am | Comment
By Ivan
Your above comment has convinced me 100 percent, that you are NOT an Anglo-Irish native Australian as you lied about being.
I don’t give a shit what Kevin or any other half-baked Sinophones say here. You, “Laurie” are NOT a native Anglophone. You are NOT “Anglo-Irish” and you are NOT a native Australian. English is not your native language. I am 100 percent sure of that.
I’ll leave it to Kevin and to other experts in the Chinese language (half baked or otherwise) to decide whether or not you’re Chinese. But if there’s one thing that I am very expert in, it’s the English language and all of its many subtle permutations. (And I know more about how to analyse this than you, or others here, can imagine.)
And you, “Laurie”, you do not write English like ANY native Anglophone does.
You are not “Anglo-Irish” and you are not a native Anglophone. That much is VERY clear to me now.
And I don’t give a damn about what Kevin or any of our other Western experts in the Chinese language say. (And I’m trying very hard now, to restrain myself from saying …OK, OK, yes I DO have enough self-control to refrain from insulting all of those Sinophone wankers who have no idea how relatively worthless their Chinese language “skill” is, in the big picture – yes, yes I DO have enough self-control to restrain myself from telling them how relatively worthless they are, I WILL restrain myself, here, from talking about how bloody ALMOST worthless the Chinese language is to any people who really matter in the World, because if I did so, it would just distract from the main point of this comment….)
At any rate, what I am now 100 percent certain of, is that you, “Laurie/Alabama Man”, are NOT
an English-Irish Australian Anglophone.
Are you Chinese? I really don’t care. But what I DO know, is that you are NOT a native Anglophone. Are you Chinese? Well other “experts” in the Chinese language can analyse that. And I really don’t give a shit about the marginalised and insignifcant Chinese language, or about whether you’re Chinese. But I CAN see that English is NOT your native language. THAT much, I can see very clearly, in an expert and well-trained way.
You’re not an Anglo-Irish Australian. You’re something other than that, and you lied about it.
I am 100 percent certain about that.
I am not 100 percent certain that you are Chinese. But I AM 100 percent certain that you lied about being an “Anglo-Irish-Australian.” English is not your native language, and I am 100 percent certain of that. I am not expert in identifying Chinese people, but I AM expert in identifying people, like you, who are not native speakers of English.
You lied about being an Anglo-Irish Australian. I am 100 percent certain of that.
September 5, 2006 @ 10:00 am | Comment
By OtherLisa
Okay, can we go for “Take 2” on the “Cool Down” option?
Honestly, when I see masses of text like this, I just…skim down the page.
It’s a beautiful day in Venice, CA, and I’m going to enjoy it in spite of the fact that I have to go to work.
Deep, cleansing breaths, everyone.
September 5, 2006 @ 10:19 am | Comment
By Brendan
I can tell very clearly that Laurie and Alabama Man (acronym: A LAMBADA MALARIA EN NU — I can see the conspiracy clearly, in an expert and well-trained way) are monitoring my activity, possibly through tracking devices implanted in my molars. Are they Chinese? It’s unimportant; whatever nationality they may be, they’re serving the alien/CIA conspiracy. I am 100 percent certain of this.
(I am not a native speaker of English, but I am a native speaker of Crazy.)
September 5, 2006 @ 11:22 am | Comment
By OtherLisa
Brendan, I tip my tinfoil hat to you!
September 5, 2006 @ 11:49 am | Comment
By Dennis
Ivan and Richard,
You are just a bunch of liberal cowards. I assume you are democrats. Come back and campaign to get your man or woman (Hillary?) elected if you have the gut. Stop whining!
September 5, 2006 @ 11:57 am | Comment
By Laurie
hmm. we’ll – i’m now in somewhat of an identity crisis! aaargh! am i chinese or english-irish? who am i? who dat? who dare?
an angry, angry man on the internet is making me question those old old questions. who am i? where did i come from? am i the reencarnated foreign minister of the tang dynasty court, or am I the reincarnation of Howand Holt, back from the ocean to seek revenge.
Ivan, i dont really care if you think I am black or white, or even chinese. seriously, on a forum such as this where the main point is basically to discuss issues, i dont really see the relevance of ethnicity. Although i do recall from your previous posts that you do have a bias against chinese. ‘craven’ and ‘cowards’ you called them, right? so, because you don’t like my grammer or some bullshit like that, i am automatically grouped into that catagory that you dislike.
I was making a concilatory move before – admitting where i had gone wrong, and trying to redirect the conversation away from schoolyard taunts, and riduculous trains of conversation. I mean, honestly, I respect what the majority of you have had to say in the past, and you’re all intelligent people. I am merely asking you to show a little maturity.
I am English-Irish, 1st generation anglophone australian. That is irrefutible fact, whether you choose to believe it or not, even with your expert and well-trained ways. What – do you want me to give you a complicated geniology? Where the Shelleys and the Benson geniology ties? I mean honestly – are you Russian, Ivan? Scottish? American? or just plain pissed off.
Ivan – are you an expert on Australian vernacular? maybe if i threw in a few ‘crikey’s like the recently deceased steve irwin, or ‘fosters’ (which noone drinks) or even ‘flat out like a lizard drinking’ like the steriotypical aussie says. Tell me why you refuse to believe i am English-Irish. Im interested…
September 5, 2006 @ 7:17 pm | Comment
By Laurie
hmm. we’ll – i’m now in somewhat of an identity crisis! aaargh! am i chinese or english-irish? who am i? who dat? who dare?
an angry, angry man on the internet is making me question those old old questions. who am i? where did i come from? am i the reencarnated foreign minister of the tang dynasty court, or am I the reincarnation of Howand Holt, back from the ocean to seek revenge.
Ivan, i dont really care if you think I am black or white, or even chinese. seriously, on a forum such as this where the main point is basically to discuss issues, i dont really see the relevance of ethnicity. Although i do recall from your previous posts that you do have a bias against chinese. ‘craven’ and ‘cowards’ you called them, right? so, because you don’t like my grammer or some bullshit like that, i am automatically grouped into that catagory that you dislike.
I was making a concilatory move before – admitting where i had gone wrong, and trying to redirect the conversation away from schoolyard taunts, and riduculous trains of conversation. I mean, honestly, I respect what the majority of you have had to say in the past, and you’re all intelligent people. I am merely asking you to show a little maturity.
I am English-Irish, 1st generation anglophone australian. That is irrefutible fact, whether you choose to believe it or not, even with your expert and well-trained ways. What – do you want me to give you a complicated geniology? Where the Shelleys and the Benson geniology ties? I mean honestly – are you Russian, Ivan? Scottish? American? or just plain pissed off.
Ivan – are you an expert on Australian vernacular? maybe if i threw in a few ‘crikey’s like the recently deceased steve irwin, or ‘fosters’ (which noone drinks) or even ‘flat out like a lizard drinking’ and other steriotypical aussie slang. Tell me why you refuse to believe i am English-Irish. Im interested…
September 5, 2006 @ 7:18 pm | Comment
By Chinese man
Ivan: Did we Chinese people in general offend you someway? Why you say sth. such rudeness to show your low-class and prejudice?
Richard: I think you must say sth. to your friend Ivan who have an issue with Chinese in general and was firing his anger at everyone against him.
September 5, 2006 @ 7:46 pm | Comment
By kevin
Ivan: half-baked sinophone?
You’re really making this site less and less fun by the day, to be honest.
September 5, 2006 @ 7:51 pm | Comment
By Brendan
Kevin – I actually had no problem with the whole “Chinese language ability is worthless” thing. Shit, I make $600 a month; I know it’s worthless.
September 5, 2006 @ 9:50 pm | Comment
By richard
I want all this back and forth between Ivan and Laurie to simply stop, okay? I’m feeling sick today, I have no time to write any diatribes or put up new posts, and I want to think this place can function without a babysitter. Don’t prove me wrong.
September 5, 2006 @ 10:05 pm | Comment
By Laurie
Thankyou Richard!
September 6, 2006 @ 2:55 am | Comment
By nausicaa
Hope you’re feeling better, Richard.
I need an aspirin after reading this thread.
September 6, 2006 @ 1:14 pm | Comment
By chris
hey ivan, im not an american, as you so easily assumed. i’m a canadian.
not that it makes much difference.
i still think there has a been a real escalation in peoples general hostility. maybe you have a better explanation.
September 6, 2006 @ 7:20 pm | Comment
By richard
Chris, you are absolutely correct, which is why I am closing this thread. Later today, if I have the time and energy, I plan to put up a post about etiquette in here.
September 6, 2006 @ 7:50 pm | Comment