For a long time, I’ve felt that of the most visible right-wing bloggers, Rick Moran of the ill-named blog Right Wing Nut House speaks with the most sincere, even admirable voice. (Everything’s relative.) I almost always disagree with him, but there’s no mistaking the man’s integrity. Now, he has written a blistering attack on the toxic toothpick Ann Coulter that will surely ruffle some right-wing feathers.
First, the history. Coulter hit a sickening new low earlier this week when she proved just how bad she is (yes, again). From the interview with Matt Lauer that should (but probably won’t) seal Coulter’s fate:
LAUER: On the 9-11 widows, an in particular a group that had been critical of the administration:
COULTER: These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing bush was part of the closure process.
These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much.
(That’s just scratching the surface – you really need to see the video or read the transcript to believe it. The rabid chihuahua is ready to be put to sleep.)
Anyway, I have to applaud Moran for taking off the kid gloves, and for pointing out the obvious – that Coulter is the worst thing going for the right, someone who will say absolutely anything for attention and book sales, and someone who has thrown even the pretence of human decency to the winds. Please read and savor every one of Rick’s eloquent words.
She has descended into a black hole of necessity from which there is no escape; where she is forced to please her rabid base of red meat conservatives usually by going beyond the bounds of decency and proper public discourse in order to make a point that could have been made without resorting to the kind of hurtful, hateful, personal attacks that have become a hallmark of her war with liberals.
Make no mistake. Ann Coulter is a brutish lout, a conservative ogre who should be denied a public platform to spout what any conservative with an ounce of integrity and intellectual honesty should be able to see as unacceptable. To descend to the level of your opponents in order to criticize them is not an excuse. And for such a gifted wordsmith, Coulter does not have the excuse of ignorance….
There are ways to criticize the widows without saying something so wrong, so hurtful. And what do you think their children would think if they heard Coulter’s remarks? Are they to be in the line of Coulter’s wildly off target fire as well?
This rhetoric is not designed to advance debate or even make any kind of a salient point about the political activism of grief stricken parents like Cindy Sheehan and the anti-Bush September 11 widows. The remarks were designed to hurt other people’s feelings in a deeply personal and entirely inappropriate way. Can you imagine some liberal commentator making similar remarks about Debra Burlingame, sister of Charles F. “Chic� Burlingame, III, captain of American Airlines flight 77, which was crashed at the Pentagon and who is fighting to keep the 9/11 Memorial from being hijacked by the anti-American left? We would be all over that worthy and deservedly so.
The anti-Bush 9/11 widows are not immune from criticism for their political positions nor even for the tactics they use to advance those positions. But to say that they are “enjoying� their status as widows is so far beyond the pale that anyone who makes such a statement deserves the most severe censure possible. And the networks who use Coulter as some kind of “Spokesman� for the right should be told in no uncertain terms by as many of us as possible that she doesn’t speak for any conservatives that we want to be associated with.
Coulter owes those women an apology. Failure to give it only reveals her to be a shallow, bitter, bitch of a woman whose hate filled mouthings will eventually lead to her destruction.
Bravo, Mr. Moran. I still think you’re wrong about most things, but I have respect for you. Thank you for being honest to your readers and to yourself. It’s obvious that in your heart there is at least a streak of the liberal spirit that made America great, and that one day will make us great again.
Ann, I have no words for you, other than to say you should bow your head in shame, apologize, and then disappear forever. You are a disgrace to true conservative ideals.