By Michelle Malkin · April 19, 2006 08:53 PMYou know who you all are.
And if you think I’m going to stop blogging/writing/making a living because you’ve plastered my family’s private home address, phone numbers, and photos and maps of my neighborhood all over the Internet to further your manufactured outrage and pathetic coddling of a bunch of lying, anti-troops punks at UC Santa Cruz…
…you better think again.
This is supposedly a political analyst (her title at Fox News) and a pundit. But she’s actually an enraged harpie who describes as “unhinged” anyone who takes issue with her immigrant-hating, flag-loving, Arab-kicking “philosophy.” If you oppose the Iraq fiasco and object to on-campus recruitment to fight in a dirty war, you’re a “punk.” In Malkin’s world, the Swift Boat Liars are valiant heroes, and reporters who uncovered Bush’s illegal wiretappings are traitors. This lady is alive with anger, her belly full of fire, and she’s just itching for a fight with unhinged liberal traitors.
Unfortunately, Ms. Maglalang, in case you haven’t noticed, the tide in America is turning. We are tired of being spoon-fed candy-coated lies from the likes of Donald Rumsfeld and the Codpiece in Chief. We are tired of the death by a million cuts that is our misadventure in Iraq. We are tired of being dismissed as “moonbats” and traitors simply for demanding that America do better. You can rage all you want, and your angry audience can lap it up, but you are increasingly on the fringe, not the mainstream, having made yourself the poster child for all that is most ugly about the present administration. Have you ever asked yourself why so many people hate you so much? I promise, it’s not easy to build up so many enemies. It takes, as our president likes to say, a lot of hard work. It was you who came out with both fists swinging, attacking liberals as though they were a form of bacteria needing to be excised and exterminated. Now that the tables are turning, and it’s you who are under attack, you’re singing a different tune, condemning on-line-organized mobs of angry protestors. How ironic, that it was you more than anyone else who cultivated the idea of the Internet lynch mob. So don’t you go-a-bitchin’ when the spotlight turns on you. Behind that haughty demeanor lurks a frightened little girl, and as the heat rises and she’s fed more of her own medicine, be prepared for a lot of pouting and self-pity.
Update: Nobody (and I mean nobody) has been chronicling the myriad sins of Michelle like Dave Neiwert of Orcinus, who is in super-fine form today, exposing the demagogue and the slick game she’s been playing for years, siccing her minions on those who irritate her and then making herself out to be the victim. Just a small sample from Dave’s must-read post:
We’re all too familiar with this routine. After all, it’s what the entirety of her book Unhinged was predicated upon. Malkin, as I said then, is like the lunatic who walks around the public square and pokes people in the eye with a sharp stick, and then is shocked, shocked, that anyone would respond with anger and outrage.
Of course, there’s more than ample reason to question Malkin’s professionalism. Indeed, this isn’t the first time Malkin has shown a predilection for abusing the power of her large readership.